
Home > Romance > Uncharted > Page 23
Uncharted Page 23

by Evangeline Anderson

  He’s going to do it! He’s really going to do it! gasped the little voice in her head. Lust surged in her and she parted her thighs wider, pressing back against him, trying to get his massive cock inside her.

  “Please,” she heard herself begging. “Master, please—please fuck me! Please fill me with yourself!”

  “Is this what you want?” the big Kindred demanded hoarsely. Elaina felt him opening her, one big hand grasping her buttocks to spread her wide and then the broad, plum-shaped head of his cock slid against the hot folds of her unprotected pussy.

  “Ah!” Elaina gasped as he slipped over the sensitive bud of her clit. “Yes, Master, please!”

  “Is this what you need?” Terex asked her as the wide head of his cock began slowly slipping inside her.

  Elaina moaned and bit her lip at his girth. As the head breached her entrance, she didn’t know how she could take more—and yet she was desperate to try.

  “Please,” she begged, pressing her hips and ass back to meet the thick invader. “Please, Master, yes! You are what I need. This is what I need!”

  “Well, you can’t have it.”

  To Elaina’s surprise and profound disappointment, he withdrew from her suddenly and pulled her bathing garment back down, leaving her feeling empty and deprived.

  “What? Why?” She straightened up, turning to face him. “Please, Master—why did you stop?”

  “Because I didn’t want to take advantage of you.” Terex took her by the shoulders and leaned down to speak softly, his eyes blazing into hers. “Because if I fuck you now, I’ll bond you to me permanently. I won’t be able to help it, Elaina.”

  “I…” She didn’t know what to say to that. She knew the Kindred had a special kind of sex that led to a permanent bond—she just hadn’t known that Terex felt that way about her. But the needy desire inside her was still there—still making her feel crazy with lust. “Well we have to do something,” she said at last. “He’ll be here soon—we have to, uh, put on a show.”

  “We will,” Terex growled. “We’re going to do something no one else is doing.”

  “What?” Elaina asked him. It occurred to her that they were speaking freely now but no one seemed to care—either because they were too involved in their own business, or because she was talking exclusively to her Master.

  Without warning, he lifted her by the waist and sat her on the edge of the hot tub. Then he crouched in front of her, kneeling on the steps and spread her legs.

  “This,” he said and leaned down to bury his face between her thighs.

  “Terex!” she gasped, caught off guard by the unexpected gesture. “You…you can’t! I mean, I thought the uh, guard last night said it was forbidden!”

  He looked up. “Which is exactly why it will make the best show.”

  “But…” Despite the lust inside her which was spiraling out of control, Elaina still felt shy about this. “I just…I don’t know,” she murmured, trying to close her thighs. “I don’t…what if you don’t , uh, like it?”

  His eyes flashed. “You think I won’t like eating your sweet little pussy? Won’t like spreading your soft, silky folds with my tongue and tasting your honey right from the source?”

  “Well…” She bit her lip.

  “Don’t you know I’ve been dreaming of doing this to you from the first moment I saw you?” he demanded hoarsely. “Gods, I can’t wait to bury my face between your thighs and fuck you with my tongue.”

  “You…you can’t?” she whispered. Her heart felt like it was going to pound its way out of the prison of her ribs. “Really?”

  “Let me show you,” Terex growled softly. “Let me show you how much I want to eat your pussy…how fucking badly I want to lap your sweet little slit until you come for me.”

  “Oh…” Elaina felt another surge of lust at his dirty language. Her pussy felt wet and ready and her nipples were tight little buds of desire at the ends of her breasts. But somehow she was still just a little hesitant…

  Terex seemed to see the uncertainty in her face. Standing from his crouching position, he loomed over her and looked her directly in the eyes.

  “Elaina,” he said in a low, stern voice. “Your Master wants to taste your pussy. Spread your thighs for me now.”

  That deep voice and the serious look he was giving her completely melted whatever reservations had been holding her back. With a little moan, Elaina gave in to lust. Lying back against the cool tiled floor she let him part her thighs as wide as he wanted, opening herself in submission.

  “Yes, Master,” she moaned, looking up at him. “Taste me…taste my pussy if you want. Do whatever you want with me—I’m yours.”

  A hungry light blazed in the big Kindred’s eyes and he groaned softly.

  “Gods, lavana, you don’t know what it does to me to hear you talk like that. To hear you surrender to me.”

  “I’m yours,” Elaina whispered. “Take me, Master—any way you want.”

  “Gods!” Crouching before her again, he spread her outer pussy lips with his thumbs and gave her a long, slow lick starting at the bottom of her well and going all the way to the top of her slit.

  “Ahh!” Elaina bucked in surprise thrusting her hips up to meet his mouth as the sudden wave of pleasure rushed over her. The big Kindred’s mouth on her pussy was hot and wet and perfect—like nothing she had ever felt before.

  Terex licked her again and then knelt and wrapped his muscular arms around her thighs, splitting her wide, holding her open as he lapped her pussy again and again. He swirled his tongue around the tender bud of her clit, then sucked it into his mouth and lashed it mercilessly, torturing her with pleasure until she thought she was going to explode.

  “Master! Master!” Somehow Elaina found that her hands were buried in his thick, dark hair and her hips were bucking up to meet his mouth, grinding against his face shamelessly. “Oh God, Master, yes! Take me!”

  “Good girl,” he growled, looking up briefly. His mouth and chin were shiny with her juices and his eyes were half-lidded with lust. “Gods, Elaina—such a good girl to spread your pussy for your Master. Such a good girl to open your thighs and let me lap your sweet little cunt.”

  His hot words of praise and approval seemed to do something to her—to raise her core temperature to the point of melt-down.

  “Master,” she moaned, breathing hard. “I…I’m so close. So close.”

  “I know you are—I can feel you trembling.” He put a hand on her lower belly, as though to still her quivering. “But now I need you to submit to me in another way.”

  Elaina felt her entire body clench with desire. He changed his mind—he wants to take me after all! Wants to fill me with himself—to bond me to him!

  She wasn’t quite sure about that last part but in the state she was in now, she didn’t care.

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered. “Just tell me how you want me. Tell me what you need to do.”

  “I need to do this.” Terex opened his mouth and bared his fangs.

  “Oh my God!” Elaina knew she should have been terrified of the inch-long, needle sharp tips she saw in his mouth. But despite the undercurrent of fear she felt, her desire for him was still stronger. “Yes,” she whispered, nodding her head. “Yes, Master—do it. Bite me.”

  Her acquiesces seemed to be all the big Kindred needed. With a low growl, he knelt between her legs again and sank his fangs deep into the tender flesh of her inner thigh. At the same time, he pushed two long, thick fingers deep in her pussy, just as he had the night before.

  “Ahh!” Elaina gave an inarticulate moan as his essence hit her system like a sledgehammer made of pure pleasure. There was nothing subtle about the effects of his body on hers. An orgasm so fierce it made her gasp rushed over her in a drowning wave, making her back arch and her pussy spasm helplessly around his invading fingers.

  “Ah! Ah—Master! Master!” she cried, her voice nearly breaking on the name. Dimly she was aware that the other Master/slave coup
les had stopped what they were doing to watch but she didn’t care. All she wanted was for the pleasure to never end, all she wanted was to give herself to her Master forever.

  Terex’s other big hand was all over her as he bit, stroking her breasts, twisting her nipples, trying to hold her steady as her hips rocked and bucked and she shook and gasped from the pure, unadulterated pleasure.

  “Master,” she moaned, nearly crying with the intense pleasure. “Master!”

  “Well, well—isn’t this quite the spectacle.”

  The thin, familiar voice brought Elaina back down to earth with a thud. Looking up, she saw none other than Krumf the Fourth, along with his usual entourage of guards, slave girls, and attendants standing over her.

  “Oh!” A frightened squeak escaped her and she did her best to close her legs and cover her breasts with her arms.

  “No, no, my dear—it’s all right.” The old dictator gave her a lustful leer. “You look quite lovely all spread out for your Master’s pleasure. In fact, I’d like to invite both of you to the Private Baths with me.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Well, you got admittance to the Private Baths. But at what cost? Terex asked himself angrily. Look what you had to do to get it. Never should have bitten her. Never should have given in to the impulse to try and bond her to me, even a little bit.

  But in the end, he hadn’t been able to fight his urge to claim Elaina. And now, as he relaxed against the elaborately decorated gold and rose and peacock blue mosaic tiles of the Private Baths, he was already feeling the consequences.

  Mine, whispered a voice inside him as he looked at Elaina, who was seated at his feet, between his thighs—as all the slave girls were seated by their Masters. Because he’d injected her with his essence without claiming her sexually, he had the urgent feeling that he’d left a vital job only halfway done. The urge to pick her up, carrying her away to some private spot, and finish bonding her to him was almost insurmountable—to the point where he could barely think straight.

  “…so I told the Magistrate not to worry. If the prisoner escapes, we’ll simply use the Sphere of Location to track him down and he’ll be back for his sentencing within a day.” Krumf’s nasally voice was what finally got Terex’s attention and made his head jerk up.

  “The Sphere of Location?” he asked, as casually as he could. “Could you elaborate?”

  “Oh yes—I believe this technology came about after you left on your voyage.” Krumf chuckled amiably. “Basically it’s a tracking device—the best, some say, ever designed. You simply put a little snippet of the DNA of the person or thing you wish to track and the Silver Sphere will pinpoint its location in the universe.”

  Terex let out an admiring whistle. “That’s amazing, your Majesty! It can truly track anyone?”

  “Or anything.” There was a note of pride in Krumf’s voice now, as though he’d invented the damn thing—which Terex highly doubted. “Plant, animal, or any kind of sentient being—it doesn’t matter. All you need is a tiny sample of their DNA to track them to the ends of the universe and beyond.”

  “Incredible,” Terex said, making his voice low and reverent. Inside, he could feel excitement bubbling. This must be the Silver Sphere he was looking for—it was exactly the tool he needed to track Two’s scion! There was plenty of the huge creature’s DNA left, gathered from the growth vats of the Scourge Father Ship. All he needed to do was acquire the sphere, put a bit of Two’s DNA in it, and follow where it led. “So much has changed since my time here,” he murmured.

  “Indeed, my good Master Valdor, but all for the better, I think you’ll find.”

  “I don’t know.” Terex frowned thoughtfully. “The sweeping prevalence of The Need among the female population is new. I don’t consider that a change for the better.”

  “Don’t you?” Krumf raised his eyebrows as though he could scarcely believe it. “Look at us—our female population is finally under control—subdued to the will of males as they should be.” He nodded at the two slave girls who were sitting at his feet and the one sitting behind him, massaging his flabby shoulders.

  “Must they be subdued, though?” Terex argued. “Don’t you ever miss having a female who can hold her own in the conversation? Who can speak her mind?”

  Krumf frowned and a shocked murmur ran through the five or six other Council members he had invited into the Private Baths with him.

  “Is that what you think, Master Valdor? You’d rather have a woman mouthing off to you than using her mouth the way it was meant to be used?” He looked down at one of the slave girls between his legs—a tiny girl with light brown hair and frightened eyes. “Chenie, my dear,” he said, casually running his hand through her light curls. “My shaft is aching—it’s been at least fifteen minutes since I last felt your sweet lips wrapped around it.”

  “I’m so sorry, your Supreme Excellence,” the girl gasped, bowing so low the ends of her hair brushed the gorgeous mosaic floor tiles. “I swear I never meant to leave you unattended.”

  “Less groveling, more sucking,” Krumf snapped.

  At once, the little slave girl unfastened his golden bathing trousers (did the male own anything that was not edged with, dipped in, made of, or encased in gold? Terex didn’t think so) and began sucking his tiny, withered-looking shaft.

  As though this was a signal, the slaves of the other Council Members, all of whom were seated in a semi-circular alcove around Krumf, opened their Masters’ trousers and also began to fondle and suck their shafts too.

  To Terex’s dismay, Elaina followed suit. He felt her soft, little fingers against his inner thighs as she unfastened his trousers and then she was pulling him out and her sweet, warm mouth was enclosing the head of his shaft.

  “Elaina, no,” he murmured hoarsely, looking down at her. She raised her eyes to him and stopped sucking for an instant.

  “Master…it is my pleasure to service you, to pleasure you in every way.”

  Terex started to answer her but he was stopped by what he saw—shocked by the blatant lust in her eyes.

  She’s not just doing this because everyone else is, he thought, looking at her. She’s actually enjoying it. She wants to pleasure me with her mouth.

  Could he be imagining it? Was it wish-fulfillment on his part? But no…her scent drifting up to him was every bit as hot as it had been when he’d been tasting her pussy earlier. It was as though she was actually deriving pleasure from her subservient position and from pleasuring him. What was going on?

  “Look at that,” Krumf remarked, breaking his train of thought—which was, admittedly, already somewhat jumbled because of the intense pleasure of having Elaina’s sweet lips wrapped around his aching shaft.

  “Hmm?” Terex had to force himself to tear his eyes away from the erotic sight of his “slave” on her knees before him, lapping and swirling her tongue around the broad head of his shaft. “Yes, your Majesty?” he somehow managed to ask.

  “Look at the way she’s sucking my cock.” Krumf nodded down at the little slave girl who was working him as hard as she could. “She actually wants to do it, you know,” he remarked. “Not just because I am her Lord and Master, although that’s part of her eagerness. It’s because of the Need—it makes her so desperate for sexual sensation—any kind of sexual sensation—she’ll do anything I tell her to. Anything. She will accept pain or pleasure from my hand with equal gratitude and eagerness.” He looked at the other slave girls surrounding him. “Isn’t’ that right, girls?”

  “Yes, your Supreme Excellency,” they chorused dutifully.

  “You see?” Krumf laughed. “That’s all due to the Need, Master Valdor. It keeps females docile—makes them crave subjugation. As they should.” He stroked the hair of the girl who was fellating him almost absently, like someone petting a dog. “Not only that, it shortens the lifespan of most females to the late thirties or early forties—that way just as they’re losing their sexual appeal, they die. How perfect is that?”

nbsp; “It kills them?” Terex demanded through gritted teeth. He didn’t have the experience the old dictator did in carrying on a casual conversation while being orally pleasured. Plus, the fact that he actually cared for the female who was pleasuring him made the sensation of Elaina’s mouth on his shaft almost too intense.

  “Indeed. The Need is a terminal disease. It keeps females young and hot for sensation up until the end of their short lifetimes and then it does away with them, making way for new younger and more desirable ones. It’s perfect.”

  “I…see,” Terex said, frowning. What kind of evil bastard was Krumf, anyway? How could he call a disease which killed females off before they reached the maturity of their years “perfect?”

  “No, I don’t think you do.” Krumf gave him a sharp look. “Do you think the Need epidemic currently infecting a large portion of our female population was an accident? A natural occurrence?”

  Suddenly Terex felt cold, despite Elaina’s hot mouth on him.

  “Isn’t it?” he asked quietly.

  Krumf threw back his head and laughed, causing all the sycophants seated around him to roar with laughter as well, though he hadn’t even explained what he was laughing about yet.

  “By Janos!” he bellowed, still chuckling. “Of course it’s not, Master Valdor! The Need virus was developed just after you left, over a hundred cycles ago, during the reign of Krumf the First to help subdue the females and bring them to our side.”

  “During the war on the Kindred—the systematic eradication of their entire race from your population,” Terex said coldly. Between his legs, Elaina had stopped her ministrations. He was glad—it helped him think more clearly when she wasn’t pleasuring him.

  “Exactly.” Krumf gave him a coolly speculative look. “I’m terribly sorry if that’s hard for you to hear, Master Valdor, but the Kindred were threatening to take over our society—to tear it apart from within. They wanted us to change the way we treated our females—and they’d actually gotten the foolish females to agree with them!”


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