The Paramedic's Angel

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The Paramedic's Angel Page 20

by Jamie Davis

“Cereal is fine,” She said. “I just need that coffee to get started. Luckily I brought a spare set of scrubs to change into, so I don’t have to stop by my apartment on the way to the hospital.”

  “I got a text from Celeste,” He said. “She is James’ assistant. She said that all was ready to go downtown. She said the apartments are fully furnished, and she will make sure there are some basics in the kitchen for us after work. I’ll forward the address to you. She said to park beneath the building in the underground garage. The attendant already has our names, car descriptions and license plate numbers.”

  “Good,” Ashley said. “The sooner we get you squared away there, the sooner we can both get back to focusing on what we need to do to solve this mystery.”

  Dean got out the box of cereal and filled two bowls while Ashley got her coffee squared away the way she liked it. She poured some milk from the carton into her coffee and then some more on the cereal in the bowls. She put the milk away in the fridge and then took her coffee and cereal over to the small round table nearby. She looked out the window.

  “I see our police escort is still there,” Ashley said.

  “Yeah, I saw that, too,” Dean said as he joined her at the table. “I will be glad when all this excitement is over with, and I can live my life without police calls, and attackers in the night. Life was so much easier when I was just a simple paramedic with regular patients, even if those patients were far from normal.”

  Ashley chuckled. “Remember the ancient curse. ‘May you live in interesting times.’ That holds true now more than ever. And yet, if you hadn’t had that excitement, we never would have met. I’m thankful for that, at least.”

  “Me too,” Dean said. He thought about that as the two of them finished their breakfast in silence. He cleaned up the dishes when they were finished while Ashley went back to the bedroom to get changed. She was slipping on her scrubs when he came in and started to change into his uniform shirt and navy cargo pants. He grabbed some clothes and additional uniforms and threw them in a large gym bag he had and carried it over by the door. He glanced at his watch. The last twenty-four hours had been hectic, and the next twenty-four held even more change as he moved to a new home, even it it was a temporary arrangement.

  Ashley came over to join him at the door. She had her bag and purse over one shoulder, and her car keys in her other hand. “Shall we?” She asked.

  Dean opened the door and held it open for her while she proceeded him out and down the stairs to start the rest of their day. He locked up and followed her. He kissed her goodbye briefly at her car and then he went to his pickup and threw his bag into the front passenger seat before climbing in himself. He waived at the police officer who returned the gesture as he drove by. It was off to another day at Station U then on to the new apartment and the next step in their work to stop the Cause.


  After a day of routine calls at the station, Dean got the directions to James’ downtown building from Brynne and texted them to Ashley. He had thought he would be able to follow Brynne over to the apartment building after work since she lived with the vampire in his penthouse apartment in that same building, but she had some other errands to run and said she would catch up with him later, after he had settled in.

  Ashley sent him a message that she was being held late in the ER due to an overflow of patients, so he was going to have to move in on his own. He said goodbye to Brook and Tammy, his relief crew at the Station, and headed out to his pickup. He dialed the directions into his phone’s GPS, started the directions and headed downtown to his new place. He hoped it was only a short term move, but he also knew that he had no control over that.

  As he arrived in the downtown area of Elk City about ten minutes later, he saw the building he was looking for ahead and on the right. It was a rather nondescript concrete building of modern design with lots of windows. It appeared to be about 15 stories tall and dominated the block on which it was situated. Because of one-way streets, he had to circle the block until he came in from the correct direction to access the underground garage. There was an enclosed attendant station with a uniformed security guard on the ramp leading down into the garage. As Dean pulled up to the gate, the guard stepped out of the enclosure with a clipboard in hand.

  “Can I help you, sir?” The guard asked. He seemed bored and given the small workstation he came from, Dean couldn’t blame him.

  “I’m Dean Flynn,” the paramedic said. “I’m supposed to move into an apartment today?”

  The guard looked at his clipboard, using his finger to trace down the list he had there. “Here it is, Mr. Flynn,” the guard said. “You will be parking in marked parking space number twenty-three. You’ll get a card from Ms. Teal you can swipe after hours to get in and out of the garage. Welcome to the Nightwing Building, Mr. Flynn.” The guard stepped back to his enclosure and pressed a button there. Dean waited for the gate arm to raise completely and then went on down to the parking area. There were two levels, but he saw the clearly marked numbers on the floor and his slot was on the first level, about one hundred fifty feet from the elevator. Dean pulled into slot twenty-three and slid the gear shift into park. He didn’t want to live here this close to James and Brynne. It only reminded him of what was going on there in that relationship. He had told Brynne that he was okay with James occasionally feeding on her, but that wasn’t true. It still bothered him. It bothered him a lot.

  He got out of his pickup truck and grabbed the gym bag from the front passenger seat. He walked over to the elevator and once inside, Dean saw that he had been right. There were fifteen floors in the building. The elevator buttons read from P1 and P2 then one through fourteen with a level PH above that. Unless James had parking on the roof, that final PH stood for the penthouse. He punched the first-floor button marked L for lobby as Brynne had instructed, and the elevator door slid shut.

  Once on the first floor, Dean walked to a security desk situated facing the street level front doors. The guard looked up and smiled as he approached.

  “You must be Mr. Flynn,” The guard said as Dean walked up to the counter. There was a bank of video surveillance monitors behind the large counter and desk as well as a computer screen. “Let me call up to Ms. Teal and let her know you have arrived.” The guard picked up the phone handset, dialed a number and murmured a few words Dean couldn’t make out before hanging up. “Ms. Teal, Mr. Lee’s assistant, will be right down. If you’d like to sit down and wait, she should be here shortly.” The guard gestured to a seating area nearby in the lobby with leather and chrome chairs, and a couch, all situated around a glass coffee table.

  “That’s alright,” Dean said. “I’ll stand.” He walked around the small lobby watching the darkening street outside as the sun set on Elk City. He was still looking at the traffic and pedestrians passing by outside when he heard a voice call behind him.

  “You must be Dean,” A friendly woman’s voice with a deep southern drawl sounded from the direction of the elevators. Dean turned to see an attractive, pale woman with red hair in her late twenties and dressed in a conservative pants suit with a blazer. She extended her hand as she approached.

  “Yes,” Dean said as he shook the woman’s hand. It was cool to the touch and confirmed Dean’s suspicions that she was a vampire like her boss. “You are Celeste?”

  “I am,” She said. “I’m so glad you took James up on the offer to stay here for a while, at least until the current troubles blow over. It’s much safer for you that way.” She looked around. “Is Ashley with you?”

  “Uh, no,” Dean explained. “She had to work late at the hospital. She’ll be over in a few hours. Will that be a problem?”

  “Absolutely not,” Celeste said, smiling as she continued. “I’m sure you have already guessed, I am up all night anyway. We are on a nocturnal schedule here for the most part at Nightwing Industries. We tell our local suppliers and clients that it is due to our overseas investments and affiliates. I’ll make su
re the guards keep an eye out for her, and I’ll have them call you, as well as myself, when she arrives. If you’re comfortable doing so, you can come down and bring her up after I get you situated. I’m quite excited, actually. I’ve never met an Eldara before.”

  Celeste gestured to the hallway to the elevators. “Shall we go up and get you settled? I picked out two adjacent apartments for the two of you. You’re on the fourteenth floor, just below the Penthouse where James and Brynne reside. I have a place on the same level. The view is quite lovely.” She pushed the up button, and the doors slid open immediately. Once they were inside, she pressed the fourteen button which flashed on and off. Celeste took a small keycard from her hand and waved it over the button, and the light turned solid and the elevator started upwards. She handed him two of the key cards in her hand.

  “These are the keys to your room,” She said. “As you can see, they also operate the elevators to the private floors. You can also use them to access the garage for entry and egress. I had two made in case you wished to share one with Ashley.”

  “Thank you,” Dean said as he took the proffered cards. He didn’t see a magnetic stripe so they must have chips embedded in them.

  The doors slid open on a small vestibule with a table that had a colorful flower arrangement centered on it. He stepped out of the elevator and followed Celeste down the hallway to a door numbered fourteen-twenty-three. She waited while he waved one of the cards over the door plate and the small LED light on the door handle turned green. He turned the handle and stepped inside as he opened the door. It led to a furnished suite of rooms. To the right was a small kitchen area with a tall table and two padded barstools set next to it. There was a living area next to that with a sofa and two matching chairs around a wooden coffee table. Across from the couch was a credenza with a large flatscreen TV on top. Next to the large, curtained window was a desk, swivel desk chair, and on the desk, a computer monitor. He saw the computer tower situated to the right of the desk on the floor, partially hidden by the long window drapes. He turned to the right again and saw a doorway that led to a bedroom with a king-sized bed, dresser, two end tables, and two lamps. Another door off of the bedroom led to a master bath and large walking shower area. There was also a large walk-in closet against one wall.

  “I hope this is to your liking,” Celeste said. “James said to set you and Ashley up with the best we had to offer.”

  “It will be fine,” Dean understated.

  “The computer is hooked up to the internet if you need it, and I’ll email you the wi-fi password for your phone or your own laptop as well,” Celeste offered. “I took the liberty of having your kitchen stocked with a few things to get you started. Just the basics. If you need anything else, there is a small corner grocery two blocks away. The guard downstairs can give you directions if you need them.”

  “This is good,” Dean said. “Thank you, Celeste. Please thank James for his generosity.”

  “I will be sure to do so,” She responded. “He asked you and Ashley to come up later after you get settled. Your key card is set to access most of the building including the penthouse level. There is also a small fitness center on the second floor if you’d like to use it.”

  “I will talk with Ashley when she arrives, but I’m sure that we will be able to come up later,” Dean said.

  “Well, then,” Celeste said, clapping her hands together and giving a nod. “If you are all set, I’ll leave you to get settled. Here is my card. Call me if you need anything.” She handed him a business card then turned and left the apartment, pulling the door shut behind her with a click.

  Dean looked around and then took his bag into the bedroom. He lifted it up on the king-sized bed and opened it, unpacking the contents into the dresser. He hung up his uniform shirts and noticed an iron and ironing board in the closet, as well as a small upright vacuum cleaner. He put the empty gym bag in the closet on the floor next to the vacuum. He turned and pulled his phone out of his pocket, snapping a quick pick of the bed and sending it to Ashely with a winking emoji.

  She texted back that she would be leaving soon. Things had calmed down at the hospital. Dean sent a message describing the garage entrance and telling her that he’d come down to bring her upstairs once she arrived. She said she’d let him know when she was on the way. He put his phone down on the dresser along with his wallet and keys and then changed out of his uniform into jeans and a T-shirt. He grabbed his phone then he went to check the kitchen. You never knew what you might get if someone else did the shopping for you, but Brynne must have briefed them. The pantry shelves had the cereal and toaster pastries he liked, and the refrigerator had his and Ashley’s soda, beer and wine favorites. There were also the staples like milk, cheese, and butter. There was a loaf of bread on the counter and coffee pods next to the one-cup coffee maker.

  He made himself a peanut butter sandwich, grabbed a soda and sat down to watch the TV, selecting the local news station. He wondered what the local and national news would do if they learned about the Unusuals living among the humans. Perhaps they did know and were part of the conspiracy to cover it up. He watched the sports and then a syndicated sitcom came on that had him chuckling to himself when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He checked the screen and saw that Ashley was in the garage. He told her to come up to the lobby level and he’d meet her there. He slid on his sneakers and headed downstairs.

  He showed up in the lobby and saw Ashley talking with the guard standing next to two large suitcases. Clearly he had under-packed, he thought. Ashley turned and looked over at him as he approached. She said goodbye to the guard and pulled her suitcases over to him. She leaned in and gave him a kiss as he approached.

  “Hi, Sweetie,” She cooed. “This is exciting. Kind of like a holiday away.”

  “If you say so,” Dean said. “I am just glad for the increased level of security here.”

  The elevator opened behind him and he turned his head to see Celeste emerge. She quickly crossed over to them and gave Ashley a slight bow.

  “Eldara, I’m glad to have you staying under our roof,” Celeste said in a formal tone. “I’m Celeste Teal and anything thing you need that is in my power to provide, I’ll bring you.”

  Dean saw again that there was a hierarchy within the Unusual community. Ashley, and the Eldara in general, figured pretty high in that pecking order, based on the deference that Celeste showed her. The assistant held out two key cards to Ashley.

  “Celeste, it is a pleasure to meet you. Please call me Ashley.” She said. “Some of my brethren like all the pomp and circumstance, but I’m of a simpler mindset.”

  “I’m sure that Dean will want to show you around, Eldara, uh- Ashley. You’re in unit twenty-four on the fourteenth floor right next to his place.” Celeste said. “James and Brynne hoped the two of you would come up later after you are situated. They’ll contact you with the details when you’re ready. I have to attend to another matter, but here is my card. Don’t hesitate to call or text me if you need anything.”

  The vampire assistant nodded another small bow, then turned and headed over to the guard station while Dean took the two suitcases from Ashley and towed them back to the elevators. They were soon upstairs, and he was pulling the heavy bags into the apartment next to his, number twenty-four.

  “What did you pack in here?” He asked. “We aren’t going to be here that long.”

  “Oh, just a little bit of this and that,” Ashley replied. “We might be here longer than you think, and I didn’t want to have to go back to the other place every other day just to pick up some clothes and other things I needed.” She walked around the apartment. “Ooo, this is nice. I could get used to living in a place like this for a while.” Dean watched as she checked the fridge and saw yogurt, fruit inside, as well as the milk, butter, and cheese he found in his earlier. Clearly, Celeste knew something of what Ashley liked as well.

  He went back into the bedroom and hoisted the two suitcases up on the bed so she
could unpack them. He turned to see her stripping out of her scrubs down to her bra and panties in the doorway.

  “Sorry, Sweetie,” she said as she passed him. “I have to get a shower after the day at work I had today. Let me get cleaned up and then we can check and see if Brynne and James are ready for us to come upstairs.”

  “Can I watch?” He asked following her. “The shower door is made of glass.”

  “Watch is all,” She said with a laugh. “I feel positively grimy. If you’re nice, I’ll let you scrub my back for me.” He gave a growl he hoped sounded seductive and she giggled and rolled her eyes. “Men!”


  About an hour later, Brynne sent Dean a message to see if he and Ashley wanted to come up to the penthouse and meet with her and James. He returned a text saying yes, and he and Ashely headed up via the elevators. Using their key cards, the elevator took them up one floor to the penthouse level, and they exited to a hallway that led to a set of double doors with a doorbell button to the left.

  Ashley reached out to push the doorbell button, but stopped as the doors opened, and Brynne smiled at them from the other side. This was the first time Dean had seen her out of her uniform work clothes and characteristic turtleneck. She was wearing a vintage black Led Zeppelin T-shirt and blue jeans. He noticed the two pin prick bite marks on her neck right away, but averted his eyes immediately. He wasn’t really surprised by this, and drawing attention would only make things more tense and awkward.

  “Come on in, guys,” Brynne said. “I’m happy you guys took us up on the offer to move in here for the time being.”

  Dean let Ashley enter first, then followed her. The penthouse apartment was impressive. The entry way led into a large open room with windows all around. He saw a kitchen off to the left as he walked in, and another hallway to the right that led off to the rest of the apartment, but the bulk of the space was one large room. James was seated in a large entertainment area with an enormous flat screen television mounted on the wall. He rose as they walked in.


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