The Billionaire Dragon’s Mate (BBW Paranormal Romance)

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The Billionaire Dragon’s Mate (BBW Paranormal Romance) Page 12

by T. S. Ryder

  The howled that ensued were elated and transformed into claps as the pack shifted into human form to congratulate us.

  “Union,” I said, looking at Siobhan.

  “I told your father before I came here,” she said. “That’s why he sent me here.”

  “You have known all along and you didn’t tell me? Who else knew?”

  “I couldn’t wait to tell you, but I wanted to do it after the fight. I only told your father, but I think Misha knew too.”

  “And the union?”

  “Your father asked me if I wanted it, and I said yes. He said he’ll take care of the rest. I can say I changed my mind if you don’t want it.”

  “Fuck, no,” I said, sweeping her off her feet and kissing her again. I got on my knees and planted a kiss on her belly. “This one’s for my pup.”

  The crowd reached us, surrounded us and lifted us up. Pats on the back, handshakes and blessings were showered on us.

  Mishayev came and snatched Siobhan from me. “Now she must see our doctor,” she said protectively. “You should go see one too.”

  “I’ll come with you,” I said.

  “You can’t be with Siobhan until the ceremony. You have already imprinted on her, but you have to do it properly. Once you form the bond, you’ll be considered married according to our customs. Until then, you can only meet her under my supervision.”

  “I don’t mind,” Siobhan said. “He can see me whenever he wants.”

  “I have already disregarded too many rules by sending you here, young lady,” said my dad’s raucous voice from behind. “I can’t break anymore rules. We will hold the ceremony tomorrow and you will join in union. Until then, you must wait.”

  “Lay down the Mountain Ash,” Grandfather chimed in.

  “What’s that?” Siobhan and I asked simultaneously.

  “It is something that is very toxic to werewolves,” Mishayev explained. “But humans help us with it when we need.”

  “What for?” Siobhan asked.

  “It forms a protective boundary when laid down in a perfect circle. No wolf can cross it. It is customary for us to lay it around during periods of mourning or celebration, so we are not attacked by rivals when we least expect it.”

  Mishayev took Siobhan and headed to the infirmary, but not before I stole her for a fiery make-out session. I could see in her eyes how much she hated being separated from me, and if the tent in my pants was any indication, I wouldn’t be having an easy night either. In just a week, I had grown too used to her presence to spend a night without her. But the new sun was filled with glad tidings, and I couldn’t wait!



  Bonus Book 2: Claimed by the Dragon Shifter


  A curvy young witch with a large responsibility PLUS a hot Dragon Shifter assigned to protect her PLUS someone trying to kill her!

  Avalon Grey has always known she was born to a noble heritage and with a heavy responsibility. As a direct descendant of the famed Morgan le Fay, it will soon be her duty to protect the gates of Albian until the time King Arthur returns to this world.

  However, before she can protect the gates, she first must gain control of her magic.

  To achieve this goal, her parents send her to the prestigious University of Magic Vancouver. There she meets Vaughn Albanesi, the hunky Red Dragon assigned to be her protector while she is at the school.

  With his intoxicating presence everywhere she goes, Avalon finds it increasingly difficult to focus on her studies. She only has ten months until Samhain Eve to bring her magic under control and that may not be enough time.

  With Samhain Eve drawing ever nearer, Avalon must prove herself worthy and able of claiming her birthright and protecting Albian's gates, both to herself and to the world at large. If she can't, then it will be letting down generations of her ancestors, as well as putting the world at risk of war.

  To make matters worse, somebody at the University might be trying to kill her...

  Chapter One

  The University of Magic Vancouver, or Ma-Vic as it was affectionately known by its students and alumni, was the premier magical university in the world. It only accepted the most talented, the most prestigious, the most promising students to be taught by its masters.

  At least that was what Avalon's mother kept telling her. In truth, it had cost a tidy donation, enough to build a whole new wing onto the university library, to get her admitted. Avalon had seen the letter the board of trustees had sent her parents, though she hadn't told them that.

  Sitting in the backseat of a rented Mercedes-Benz sedan, Avalon stared glumly out at Vancouver. She had expected more from the city, somehow. The tall buildings with their glinting windows in the downtown area were nothing really unique. Crowds of people moved along the streets, moving with a sense of purpose and haste that usually thrilled Avalon.

  Vancouver wasn't as energetic as New York, nor was it filled with a historic air like London. Given the amount of bohemian scarves, vintage clothing and distressed designer jeans, it was also far more hipster than Avalon cared for. She had spent most of her life in luxury hotel rooms and at diplomatic parties, shaking hands with people from all over the world. She had acquired more refined tastes.

  Still, she would only be here for a few months. Ma-Vic prided itself on turning out top notch witches with incredible skills within a single semester of their intensive programs.

  Avalon tugged at her seatbelt, wincing as she heard the child lock engage. She tried to find a position for the belt that was neither squashing her breasts nor cutting into her neck. She succeeded only in losing what little space the belt had given her.

  Her mother, Elaine, smiled in the rearview mirror at her, noticing the signs of Avalon's restlessness. "We'll be there soon."

  Avalon tried to smile back at her, but her stomach twisted in knots. If the best tutors available were not able to help her get a good handle on her magic, how was this school supposed to?

  It was desperation, bribing her a place among other students who were no doubt going to be talented, prestigious and promising.

  I'll just have to try harder, she told herself. What does Dad always say? Failure to quit is the only acceptable form of failure?

  Thinking of her dad made her smile, but it didn't last long. It was going to be her birthday soon. Once she turned twenty, it was time for her to take the keys to the Gate of Albian from her mother, and protect King Arthur while he slept.

  Of course, her mother wouldn't actually transfer the keys to her until a special ceremony on Samhain Eve at the end of October. But it still didn't give Avalon much time to prepare for the responsibility.

  Daughters inherited the keys from their mothers when they were twenty years old. It was the way that Morgan le Fay, Avalon's distant ancestress, had decreed when she locked the gates, sealing Arthur in his sleep for his mortal wounds to heal. If her mother did not give her the keys this year, both would be driven mad by Avalon's twenty-first birthday.

  "Don't look so glum," Stane, Elaine's bonded dragon, her lifelong protector, twisted in the passenger's seat to look at Avalon. If continuously scanning the other cars past Avalon's head was actually looking “at” her.

  "Be bold and confident. You are a Lady Grey, born of the Fey, wielder of magic. Put your shoulders back, hold your head high—"

  "I'm fine," Avalon interrupted, smiling slightly. "I'm suffering some self-doubt, but I'm fine. After all, how can I not be confident when I have all this?"

  She gestured down her body, indicating the tight corset top and knee-length pencil skirt she wore. The clothes hugged every curve of her bounteous figure. Not so comfortable to travel in, but it looked good on her. She snapped her fingers, creating a small spark and let it steam to emphasize her hotness.

  "All I have to worry about is how to handle all my dates," she quipped.

  Stane chortled and turned back to the front. He never drove if he could help it. It was easier to fight
off villains or use a semi-automatic weapon. Like the one he had resting against his leg if he didn't have to concentrate on not crashing as well.

  Avalon would be getting her own bonded dragon soon, though she hadn't met him yet. She wondered what he would be like. Hopefully, he wouldn't be like Stane and insist she eat fewer sweets. Life without sweets was no life at all.


  Ma-Vic was located away from the hustle and bustle of downtown, close to the Pacific Ocean, making the weather mild and wet all year round. It was drizzling when the car stopped. Avalon stepped out, glad to escape the seatbelt and get a first look at her new home.

  It was a smaller campus than she expected with the buildings closer together. There were half a dozen of them, each of them three stories high, scattered in a circle around a large grassy field that sported several stone picnic tables and a fountain right in the middle. Despite the rain, students were lounging about. Some had swirls of cloud hovering over their heads, keeping them dry.

  Well, that was an easy enough spell to do. Avalon twirled her fingers in the air, summoning her own cloud umbrella.

  Stane embraced a young man. She arched a brow, interested in this display of affection. In all the years she had known Stane, which was her whole life, she had only ever seen him hug one person besides his husband, and that was her mother.

  "Avalon, Elaine, I would like you to meet my nephew, Vaughn," Stane said.

  Avalon nodded in greeting, eyeing Vaughn. He could not be much older than she was. Like Stane he was well-muscled, his tight V-necked sweater emphasizing that fact. Both had dark, impossibly red hair. Stane wore his long and tied back, but Vaughn had his in short curls that clung to his scalp. They both had the same dark blue eyes, too. But while Stane's skin was a dark russet, the younger man was pale, with a scattering of freckles over his face. His cheeks and nose were both red, as though he was sunburned.

  "Pleased to meet you." Vaughn nodded first to Elaine and then to Avalon.

  "And you, Mr. Vaughn…?"

  A smirk spread over his face, looking rather smug. What did he have to be smug about? "Albanesi."

  "Vaughn is going to be watching after you," Elaine said, stepping to Avalon's side and putting an arm around her shoulder.

  "Watching after me?" Avalon frowned. "What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

  "Like my uncle, I am a Red Dragon. I have been trained as a protector and guard from before you started learning magic. I'm here to make sure you don't get yourself killed or kidnapped."

  Avalon's face got hot. She was used to having bodyguards around her, but they were usually Stane or people of similar age.

  Why would she need a bodyguard here, anyway? In all her life there had never been an attempt on her or her parents. Stane mostly protected them from annoying diplomats that had a little too much to drink at parties. Certainly the school would have its own security?

  "I don't have a habit of getting killed or kidnapped, but thank you," she said coolly. He must be more of a guide, to help her acclimatize to the school's culture. "Would you be so kind as to show me to my dorm?"

  Vaughn inclined his head.

  "Call your father," Elaine told Avalon as they embraced. "He'll want to tell you how much he's sorry for not being able to be here. Again."

  Avalon's nerves twisted again, though she kept a smile plastered on her face. "I will. You have a safe flight home."

  "Oh, I'm not going home. Some business in London has popped up and the queen is desperate for a little bit of magic to help smooth things over." Elaine's eyes twinkled. "Just think, by this time next year it will be you instead of me that everybody is trying to get a piece of."

  "I'm never going to be as strong in magic as you are," Avalon whispered, letting herself voice her fears for the first time.

  Elaine's face became serious. "Of course you are, Avi. You have far more potential than I ever had. That might actually be your problem. It's hard to focus and contain that much raw energy. But don't worry. With the intensive programs here and nothing to distract you, you'll be moving mountains before you know it."

  Out of the corner of her eye, Avalon saw Vaughn loading all her suitcases into his arms. His muscles strained at the load, but he laughed and chatted with Stane as though it was no effort. His tight shirt showed off his well-formed back, making Avalon's cheeks warm.

  "Yeah. No distractions."

  "Just don't look at his butt and you'll be fine," Elaine whispered.

  Avalon's face went red. "Mom!"

  Elaine laughed but sobered quickly. "I'm serious, though. You only have until Samhain Eve until I pass the keys to you. It's a lot harder to concentrate on your magic when that happens, believe me."

  Samhain Eve. It was still ten months away. Avalon shook her head. Stressing about something that far away was not going to help her.

  Yes, she had a lot of work to do, but even though she hadn't seen the progress she wanted with her tutors, she had to admit that her magic blossomed over the last two years. She was even able to levitate multiple small items these days, something even her mother had trouble with.

  As Elaine hugged her mother one last time, Stane told Vaughn not to let anything happen to her, and then they drove away.

  Avalon turned to Vaughn. "Want some help with those suitcases?"

  "I'm good."

  "Are you sure? They're heavy."

  A wicked gleam lit in Vaughn's eye, as if what Avalon had just said was a challenge. "I've dealt with heavier. Come on. I'll take you to your dorm."

  Chapter Two

  Early the next morning Avalon stood at her window, leaning sleepily against the frame. Everything was green, a welcome change from the white snow that had greeted her every morning at home. It was beautiful.

  Avalon always liked seeing how different places looked from one location to another. It awed her, to see how diverse and huge the world actually was.

  Fully awake now, she ran her fingers through her short, dark bob, washing and combing it with magic. Bubble baths were perfect for relaxing, but showers were a waste of time in Avalon's opinion. This witch preferred a couple of spells to exfoliate, shave and cleanse her skin.

  Within two minutes, she was done with her daily grooming routine and stood in front of the mirror, deciding what to wear. Eventually, she chose a faux wrap shirt in deep purple and paired it with a black skirt and a pair of comfortable wedges. As she surveyed herself, she nodded, pleased with how she looked.

  Some people might think that she got the short end of the genetic stick. She had inherited her mother's curves, which was fine on Elaine–she was tall, and with her proportions, she could be a model. Avalon, on the other hand, had inherited her father's shorter statue. As a result, she appeared twice as wide as her mother, although if they hemmed Elaine's clothes, they fit Avalon perfectly.

  Avalon didn't much care what other people thought about her. She loved her body and knew she was sexy.

  There was a knock on the door. Avalon answered it to find Vaughn. He wore more formal clothing than he had when they met the previous day, though he looked just as casual. A blue dress shirt was tucked into gray pinstriped pants, the top button unbuttoned and the sleeves rolled up to this elbows. The pants were well-fitted, not too tight but not baggy, either. All in all, he cut quite the impressive figure.

  Avalon didn't realize that Vaughn was ogling her as much as she was ogling him until both their eyes flickered up at the same time. For some insane reason, a blush rose up Avalon's neck, but Vaughn only grinned at her, as though he had expected this.

  "I thought I'd give you a tour of campus before your first class. And I want you to wear this." He thrust a golden bracelet with a deep green emerald in it at her.

  Avalon rose a brow. Jewelry? "It's pretty, thanks, but it doesn't really match my outfit."

  "It's a GPS tracker. Magically enhanced so that jammers won't work on it and water won't short it out."

  Avalon frowned. "That's a little extreme, don't you think?"<
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  Vaughn shook his head, leaning against the doorframe casually as two students walked by, chatting in Farsi. Avalon understood something about the ocean, but her Farsi wasn't as developed as it ought to be.

  She added that to her mental list of things to work on. With her family's position, she needed to be fluent in as many world languages as possible.

  "I can't be with you all the time," Vaughn said, his voice low. "If I'm going to protect you, I need to know where you are at all times."

  Stane was similarly paranoid about her mother's safety, so Avalon shrugged and slipped on the bracelet. It fit her wrist perfectly. She tapped the emerald, muttered a quick spell and the green changed to a more appropriate amethyst.

  "I hope it doesn't have a camera in it. I'd hate for you to be a witness to when I get lucky."

  Vaughn scowled, his blue eyes flashing. "It doesn't have a camera in it."

  "I was joking."

  The dragon grunted and gestured for Avalon to follow him. She ducked back into her room for her key, then followed him outside. The air was crisp and fresh, with that cold, briny scent that only came from the ocean. Avalon drank it in.

  They stopped at the cafeteria for a couple of bagels, then Vaughn showed her around campus, though all the buildings were labeled: Science for potions and water-based magic, Art for the creative and air-based magic, Defense for earth magic and finally there was Offense for the attack of fire magic.

  A fifth building was for administration and the library. And finally, the sixth building was the dorms for students.

  It was the fiery offense that Avalon had the most trouble with and where most of her classes were going to be held. She scowled at the building, hating it already.

  "So will you take classes, too?" she asked, eyeing a group of dark-skinned students as they entered the science building. Why couldn't she be enrolled in more water magic courses? It was fun and practical.


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