Hell Hath No Fury

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Hell Hath No Fury Page 1

by Tamela Miles

  Table of Contents


  Hell Hath No Fury



  Los Angeles, 1925

  A word about the author…

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  Elle was too numb to cry

  as she lifted her baby girl’s sleeping blanket to her face, deeply inhaling the sweet scent of baby powder. Her voice hitched brokenly. “My little Mads is gone.” She was lost in grief, her back to Patrick standing behind her. “We’re horrible parents. Any decent set of parents would have sought some kind of angelic protection from this very thing until she was grown.”

  He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, and she quickly shrugged it off, whipping around to face him. “I trusted you. I believed you when you said we were safe from Pyro and Cascadia. You were wrong—they didn’t forget about us at all. They were just waiting for us to make the mistake of thinking that.” She landed a hard blow to his chest. “You were wrong!”

  Her fear and anger exploded, and she struck his chest with a clenched fist again and again, until he wrapped his arms around her tightly, resting his chin on her head. She couldn’t concentrate on the soft words he whispered, trying to pull away. He held her tighter, and the dam broke, sobs coming forth from deep inside of her. She stopped fighting him, leaning into his embrace.

  Patrick finally spoke, his voice hoarse with emotion. “Tagas will know what to do. I’ll get him over here as quickly as possible, and he’ll help us. All of the Heavens will help us get her back, baby. Please believe that. This was purely my mistake, and I’ll find Mads, even it if means that I die in the fight.” He rocked Elle in his arms.

  Hell Hath No Fury


  Tamela Miles

  Hell On Heels Series

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Hell Hath No Fury

  COPYRIGHT © 2017 by Tamela Dawn Miles

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information: [email protected]

  Cover Art by Debbie Taylor

  The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  PO Box 708

  Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

  Visit us at www.thewildrosepress.com

  Publishing History

  First Black Rose Edition, 2017

  Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-1213-2

  Hell On Heels Series

  Published in the United States of America


  Writing has been a journey for me, from scribbled down short stories in my teen years to the ultimate dream fulfillment of being published. I guess the next step is to keep it pushing creatively in an effort to share my dream world, with all these wonderfully vivid characters clamoring to be heard!

  I haven’t traveled this road alone. Thanks to Mom and Dad and my step-parents for helping me find my way in life and supporting my every wildest dream.

  Thanks to all of my siblings: Tene’, Reghina, Sean, Shana, and Margis. Each of you has played a crucial part in my life adventures and you’re all just fun to have around!

  Thanks to two of my besties, Giselle and Starlyn, for your decades of love and support, even at 2 a.m. Every one of our stories is etched on my heart, along with the midnight streets of Hollywood. Let’s get together and watch the old ’80s movie, Waxwork again?

  Special thanks to my night owl mentors, authors, and friends, Lelani B., Candace B., and the Nightbeasts, who all helped me shape my writing (and public relations skills!) by encouraging me to see life’s bigger picture with a clearer vision and write it all down.

  A loving thank you to my Aunt Margaret, who has sadly passed, for lighting my path just as she lit up a room. To every reader: listen to your soul and don’t be afraid to scribble it all down. Be well, beauties!

  Los Angeles, 1925

  Tagas took one last look around the front room of his small, sparsely furnished apartment. He wouldn’t be back for many weeks, having been assigned to handle responsibilities in many different places around the world. Moonlight cut through the shadows of the place, and he wished, for a moment, that he could be at peace to enjoy the night. He slid a small object, carefully wrapped in a linen handkerchief, into his pants pocket. There would be time to rest later. His first duty had to be handled before he left the area.

  He contemplated walking the few blocks to his destination, so he could enjoy the beauty of the night sky but quickly dismissed the idea. This was a matter of supreme importance and best tended to quickly. He raised a hand, focusing his energy. White light exploded as a portal opened in the center of the room, and he stepped through. After a brief moment, he emerged on the other side.

  He now stood in a lavishly decorated living room, with small lamps casting a dim glow. He heard movement from another room and moved in that direction. As he approached the door and raised a hand to knock, a feminine voice called out from inside.

  “Your timing stinks, Tagas. I’m on my way out for the evening with a new man, and I haven’t the time to deal with any wayward demons. Come back tomorrow.”

  He rapped on the door. “Ruby, are you decent?”

  Footsteps thudded before the door opened abruptly, revealing a young blonde with bobbed hair and blue eyes. She wore a small, impish smile as she tied the sash of her crème silk robe.

  Tagas’s lips lifted in good humor. Ruby Gilmore was more than a good-time girl, though she constantly sought attention and money from rich, married men. She was seen by many as a tiny, fragile doll, harmless and in need of protection. Unfortunate demons who crossed her path knew better. Her supernatural strength and cunning made her one of his finest hunters. He inclined his head, stepping into the bedroom.

  “Ruby, I don’t need you to hunt demons tonight. I have a different purpose for this visit.” He reached into his pants pocket, pulling out the object and unwrapping it. It was simply designed, small and round and about the size of a half dollar coin, with a black leather thong attached. The most striking feature was an aquamarine stone set in the middle of its face. He dangled it before her, and she stepped closer, reaching for it.

  She stroked the surface of it, looking up curiously. “What is it? Is it worth a lot of money?”

  Her guardian shook his head. “No, it’s a holy amulet, hundreds of years old.” He gave her a stern look. “You have a good heart, dear Ruby, but money is and always will be your bottom line. Don’t try to sell it.”

  “It’s beautiful, Tagas. Is it a gift for me? May I wear it?”

  He took the amulet and pressed it between their joined palms. Ruby stared in wide-eyed amazement as a brilliant light exploded from the stone and a gentle wind stirred up. He removed his hand, and the light and breeze began to fade after a few moments. “It’s not for you to wear or even carry on you. This amulet is the key to Pyro’s destruction.”

  “Thank God for it, then.” Ruby’s lips twisted in a bitter smile. “If this thing will send him back to Hell, please tell me how to use it.”

  Tagas spoke softly. “Your mistake of a dalliance with Pyro was due to your youthful pride and arrogance. You fell in love, thinking you could change a demon, even after I gave you every warning possible. You were created as a demon hunter by God to aid in the Heavens’ war against evil. You have gone on to fulfill your purpose time and again over
the years. Your loyalty is now unquestionable. You have grown into a fine hunter, and your past experience with that demon is behind you. Let go of your pain and anger, Ruby. Use it to focus on the fight that still lies ahead. “

  She put her back to him and snapped, “If you won’t show me how to destroy him with that amulet, then it’s worthless to me.”

  The guardian placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, and she faced him. “No, it’s of great worth. And it will put Pyro back in Hell, at least for several decades. It’s just not meant for you.” He grabbed her hand, placing it in her palm. “I don’t have all the answers about this amulet. All I know of it is, many years from now, you will give it to someone and it will make all the difference in their fight with Pyro. When you press it into the right hand, it will glow. Only then will you know you have given it to the right person and your task will be complete. Keep it hidden safely until then.”

  She lifted the amulet up for a closer inspection, tracing the small, raised symbol on the back with a finger. She smirked, closing her hand around it. “Are you sure I can’t destroy Pyro with this thing on my own?”

  Tagas’ voice was flat. “Positive. I wouldn’t attempt it, Ruby. You’ll only get yourself killed.” He smiled, embracing her for a moment. “I’ll be gone for quite some time to handle my duties. Take good care of yourself while I’m away.” A portal opened behind him, and he left her with his parting words as he stepped through. “Always keep the faith, Ruby.”


  Los Angeles, Present Day

  Elle groaned as she surveyed the contents of the refrigerator. Not a single block of cheese to be found in any of the bottom drawers meant a trip to the very busy grocery store on a Saturday morning. No cheese meant no omelettes. She looked down at her comfortable pajamas and made a face. So much for kicking back all morning with Patrick and their baby daughter.

  She shut the refrigerator door with a sigh, shuffling over to the coffee maker for a much needed dose of caffeine. Madison, their firstborn after five happy years of marriage, had made her arrival six months ago, and since then, they hadn’t had a full night’s rest. Sleeping for an hour here and there to meet the baby’s demands left her groggy every morning. Luckily, she was still on a generous maternity leave from the hospital where she worked as an early childhood therapist. Earning two university degrees had been a solid investment in her future, and she didn’t regret a single moment of the often arduous experience.

  As she sipped from her favorite cup, she took a good look around her quietly tasteful kitchen, decorated in black and granite. Remodeling much of Patrick’s condominium in the first year of their marriage had required an exorbitant amount of time and patience. She smiled, remembering Patrick’s frequent swearing at the effort they both had to put in to complete each home project. He wore far more smiles when she was pregnant and the time came to prepare the nursery for their little Madison.

  As she set her cup down, Patrick padded down the hallway, he murmured enthusiastically to the baby and her lips lifted in a smile. She called out to him, “No rest for the weary, right, Daddy?”

  Patrick rounded the corner with Madison in his arms. He grinned and shifted the baby to his other arm. Elle came to his side and he planted a kiss on his wife’s lips. “We can rest when she’s thirty and married to the only guy I don’t chase off.” He nuzzled the baby’s cheek, and she gurgled happily. He lovingly caressed her head of brown curls. “Isn’t that right, Mads? You’ll always be Daddy’s girl. I can already tell that you have Mommy’s smarts and Daddy’s gift of writing. Soon, we’ll get you started on your first New York Times bestseller and music CD.”

  Elle gave him a playful look. “Many would say that it’s far too early to tell all of that, but I think you may be right. She does come from us.” She leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Madison’s forehead. “Are you going to write stories and songs, my little one?” She smiled as the baby cooed loudly, sticking her fingers in her mouth. “You won’t be hunting demons, for sure.”

  Patrick shook his head, looking down into his daughter’s aquamarine eyes, identical to his own. “No, she won’t. Ever. That’s a burden strictly reserved occasionally for Mommy and Daddy.”

  Elle kissed them both before she headed down the hallway to their bedroom She called out over her shoulder. “I’m going to shower and head to the grocery store. We don’t have cheese for breakfast. You’re officially on baby duty.”


  Elle gave the store clerk a friendly smile. She grabbed up the small plastic bag and headed out the sliding exit door. She searched the parking lot for her black SUV, spying it at the back. Late shoppers always got the absolute worst parking spots. Shopping anywhere in L.A. on a weekday was awful, but Saturdays were a special kind of hell.

  She was halfway to her vehicle when she caught a flash of long, red hair in her peripheral vision. Her heart jumped and she turned, keeping her eyes on the petite woman heading into the grocery store. She glimpsed her profile, breathing easier. The shopper was far smaller than Cascadia, and the face was completely different. She could have another guise…

  She sat in her SUV for long moments, fighting an uneasy feeling. Redheads were everywhere these days, and it was a safe bet the shopper was just another one of many. Despite the occasional demon hunt, their lives had been fairly quiet in the past five years with no apparent danger from Pyro or Cascadia. Things can change in a heartbeat…She started the SUV. Something urged her to get back home.


  Cascadia exited the grocery store, standing next to the soda-vending machine with her eyes trained on the black SUV leaving the parking lot. She smirked, reaching into her jeans pocket for her cell phone. She touched the screen, impatiently pushing her hair away from her face as it rang several times.

  Pyro’s voice was smooth and controlled on the other end. “Cascadia. I expected an update from you hours ago. This had better be good news.”

  “It’s done. The goal was to catch her off guard…plant a seed of worry in her mind. I’ve accomplished just that.” Cascadia kept her voice flat and level, though hatred of her dark lord of centuries nearly choked her. Every dark deed raised her a little higher in the eyes of Hell’s powerful agents, and one day soon, she would be freed from Pyro’s tyranny, sexual and otherwise. She would have her own empire, and she would personally consign him back to Hell with a sharp blade across the throat.

  He laughed, as if he knew her thoughts. “Don’t linger there. I have another task for you, my sweet. Come to me now.”


  Elle lay stretched out and comfortable in their big bed in Patrick’s embrace, his face cradled in the nook of her neck. Her eyes were heavy, but her breasts tingled as she felt him hardening. He nibbled an ear, trapping her body with a muscular leg, and she gave him a throaty laugh.

  “We haven’t had the time to do this in a week,” she murmured, grinding her bottom against him playfully.

  “That all changes tonight, honey. My new album is close to dropping, and the new songs I’ve written for that up and coming alt-rock artist are pretty much done. I can’t take being away from you for this long.” He maneuvered her body beneath him, parting her lips with his own to play with her tongue. “The question is will Miss Mads give us a break from her midnight demands?”

  Ellie snorted. “I highly doubt it, but I suggest we fit in a quickie before she starts crying.” She stroked his bristled chin as he trailed his mouth along her neck, suddenly breathless. “Don’t think I don’t know this ploy, Patrick. You flat out don’t want to discuss the whole Cascadia thing.”

  Patrick heaved a deep sigh, looking at her face in the shadows. “You’re damn right I don’t. Come on, Elle. We’ve had five years of peace, and I expect at least five more. Pyro and Cascadia—I think they grew bored with us. We have a new life together that now includes a baby. Most demons run from that kind of domesticity. I think he has found someone else to torment. Tapping back into my power as a hybrid angel means I’m te
n times as strong as when you and I first met. A battle with me is not one he would easily win. We are basically helpers of the guardian angels, of which there are millions. There are far less of us. We’ll never have their sheer strength but we can still be lethal to demons.”

  She held his face in her hands, kissing him softly. “I pray you’re right. I can’t imagine battling with those two again and losing. Mads would have no one besides my parents, and that, honestly, scares me.”

  “Our baby will always have us.” Patrick spoke gently, his smile gleaming in the moonlight coming through the window. “Enough of this, woman.” He nuzzled her neck, and she giggled. “Let’s get back to right where we were.”


  Patrick awoke to a thrumming in his chest, struggling to open his eyes. He was groggy but had an inescapable feeling that something was very wrong. He forced himself to wake up fully, his ears catching a steady thumping coming from down the hallway. It took him a moment to realize that he had been caught in a demonic thrall, and he swore loudly. Instantly, he was out of bed and heading swiftly down the hallway, the bad feeling now overwhelming.

  His feet padded heavily on the carpet, and he saw the bright crimson rays coming from Madison’s nursery. He shouted as he reached the room. The hell-bitch, Cascadia, was lifting the sleeping baby from her colorful crib, her black robe fluttering in the breeze from the open portal. She cradled the infant to her, sneering at Patrick.

  He moved toward them, stopping only when the demon made a threatening gesture, her sharp nails inches away from the baby’s face. His jaw set tensely, his heart pounding in terror. “Give me my daughter, you sick bitch.”

  Cascadia made crooning sounds as Madison stirred slightly. “Come closer, and I’ll slice this little brat to pieces. I struck when you least expected it. You and the hunter have grown so complacent in your cute little life together. I’m only following orders, you bastard hybrid. Pyro wants this child, and he shall have her.”


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