The Bastard Preacher

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The Bastard Preacher Page 3

by Dee Dawning

She grabbed the offending hand and held it. "And I know you could make me feel good too, but alas, it's not going to happen…tonight."

  Jamie Lee's head tilted to the side and he looked at her expectantly. "Tomorrow?"

  She lifted his hand to her lips and kissed it. "As much as I'd like to, I'm afraid not."

  He frowned. "When?"

  She sighed. "Hon, I want you too. Really I do. I can almost feel your hardness inside me, but first I need a commitment and then I have the boyfriend to dispose of. He's not someone to take lightly."

  A pinch of anger assaulted him. "Who is he?"

  "Sweetie, you don't need to know that. Now, let's get those clothes off so I can save you."

  Jamie Lee's brows furrowed as he imparted a sideways gaze. "Take my clothes off? What're you talking about?"

  She giggled. "I'm going to wash away your sins in holy water. Just like a baptism. And I might add, I'm looking forward to it."

  "But all the others just stuck their hands in a pail of water."

  "That's because we're on the road. Back home in Dallas we would have immersed them all in water. Course, unlike you, they'd have the option of wearing a bathing suit." She stood and with two hands pulled him to his feet. "Let's get you started." She led him to the good-sized bedroom in the back of the bus. "Take all your clothes off." She opened the door to the bathroom. "Then get in that tub. I'm going to make arrangements for some holy water to be brought here."

  Standing legs apart, she bent her elbows and rested her fists akimbo on her hips. "Well."

  "Well, what?"

  She hitched her pretty chin at him. "Get started, baby."

  After flashing what was supposed to be a look of disgust, a smile replaced it. He unbuttoned and removed his shirt. "Always figured I'd make a good stripper."

  "Mmm. You'd make a good stripper. Love those ripples in your tummy."

  "You gonna stay for the whole show?"

  "No, Babe." She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. "I'll see the whole show when I get back."

  * * * *

  Missy left the motor home and headed for the water truck, which contained two thousand gallons of holy water. She ran into Bill and asked him to come with her. When they reached the water truck, referring to the five-gallon bottles, she asked him, "Can you carry two bottles if I carry one?"

  "I think I can carry three."

  "Good fill them up. Hand the first one to me and bring the rest to my motor home."

  "Yes ma'am."

  With the first bottle in hand, she entered the bathroom. He stood there naked except for a towel around his waist. "Don't you knock?"

  "You're a big boy." Looking him up and down, she couldn't see a flaw on him. He looked magnificent. She shook off the idea that maybe she should make love to him and stared at the makeshift loincloth. "What's with the towel? You shy or something?"

  He turned a little red and the right side of his lips turned upward into the sideways smile she'd seen before. "It doesn't seem right for me to be totally naked lessen' we're going to do something."

  She walked past him and poured the water into the tub. "I have three more bottles comin'. Since you want to screw me so bad, you shouldn't mind me seein' your weezer. Unless it's laughable."

  "Missy, I guarantee it ain't."

  "Good. Then lose the towel and get in." She was afraid the improper urges she had might overwhelm her and cloud her judgment, so she turned and left before she had a chance to do either.

  While she headed to the kitchen, Bill brought the other three bottles of holy water in. "Where do you want these, Missy?"

  "Just leave them there. I can handle them from there one at a time. Thanks."

  He raised his hand to his forehead in a mock salute. "Anytime."

  She continued into the kitchen and scrounged for a large ladle. You'd think with her connection with God, she'd be able to find things easier, but as usual, she found what she looked for in the last possible spot.

  She shoved the ladle in her dress' belt, picked up one of the bottles and headed into the bathroom. She set the bottle down, pulled the cap off, and lifted the bottle to the edge of the tub where it slowly poured into the reservoir. His cock looked stiff as a board and aimed toward the heavens. "Have you been playin' with yourself?"

  He raised his hands in mock surrender. "No, ma'am, I was just thinking about you. You reckon God is trying to tell us something."

  Lord help me. His oversized manhood drew her gaze like a magnet. "I doubt it. You're either a horny toad or you were whacking off. Now, I have two more bottles to pour in here so keep your hands off your equipment."

  After she'd finished pouring the holy water she pulled the ladle from her belt, got on her knees, and whispered, "What's your full name?"

  "Jamie Lee Vincent."

  "Dear Lord Jesus." She scooped the ladle full of water and poured it over his head. "We have with us Jamie Lee Vincent." She poured more water over him. "Please accept this repentant sinner for your humble servant," She poured more water. "And forgive his numerous trespasses, before thee."

  "Are you done?"

  She shook her head. "Not yet, I have to dunk you." She placed her left hand at the back of his head, while her right put pressure on his chest to lay back. He lay back as she pushed, submerging his face.

  He rose up shaking the water from his face and hair. "Am I saved now?"

  She nodded. "Ah-huh."

  Then before she knew what happened, he grabbed her arms and jerked her into the tub, dress, shoes and all.

  She rose up on her hands. "What'd you do that for? You ruined my dress," she cried.

  The fire of desire inhabited his eyes as he stared at her. With water running down his slender frame Jamie Lee stood, naked yet unashamed. Hauling her to her feet, his bare maleness unrestrained, pressed against her abdomen. His lips crushed hers in a bruising kiss, while his hands removed her sopping wet dress. While her clothes came off, his intuitive fingers courted her breasts and vulva, knowing exactly what to do for maximum effect. A sensual cloud passed over her and she reacted, not indignantly, like she should've, but instinctively, kissing him back in a frenzied display of passion and stroking his silky hardness. Falling into a vortex of lust, she lost control. To her shame, they made love…until the wee hours.

  * * * *

  Searching for her car in the parking lot after the revival broke up she heard her name called. "Hi, Cheryl."

  She turned. It was Tommy Parkson, that asshole Jamie Lee's friend. Unlike Jamie Lee, he was nice—good-looking, too. Why he hung with Jamie Lee, she'd never know. She smiled and paused to let him catch up. "Hi, Tommy. It looks like we have something in common, now."

  His eyes grew wide. "We do?"

  To his surprise, she took his arm as they started walking again. "Yep. We both belong to the Lord now."

  He smiled broadly. "We do, don't we, en to celebrate, I'd like to take ya to Baskin en Robbins for a treat. Would ya like dat?"

  "I'd love it." She kissed his cheek and peeled away toward her car. "See you there."

  When Cheryl arrived, Tommy, waited for service, number in hand. It looked like half the people at the revival had the same idea. There must have been fifty people there. She sidled up to Tommy and wrapped her arm around his upper arm. "Hi."

  He smiled, pulled his arm away from her hand, and looped it around her. She liked the way it felt.

  "What would ya like?"

  She placed her forefinger to her lips while she thought. "Ahhh…can I get a double?"

  "You can have anythin' your little heart desires. After all, it's like a birthday. You were born again."

  She always liked Tommy and knew he had eyes for her, but he never did anything. "Well, since it's like my birthday, I'll have a hot fudge sundae."

  "You got it. Why don't ya see if you can scrounge a table while I wait for number G77?"

  She laughed and kissed him on the cheek again. When she turned to look for a table, a couple and their two young children go
t up. She rushed over, staking her claim. "Are you leaving?"

  The woman said, "Yes. It's all yours."

  "Thank you." She sat at the back of the table so she could watch Tommy. When he saw her, he flashed a thumb up. She batted her eyelashes and he chuckled. Today is turning out to be a pretty good day.

  Finally, after a twenty minute wait her sundae and makeshift date sat in front of her. When she dug in with her plastic spoon, she felt a pang of longing as Tommy licked what looked like a chocolate chip ice cream cone. She crossed one leg over the other. "So what did you think?"

  "'Bout the revival? I thought da put on a pretty good show. You know, entertainin'. I'm just not so sure of some of the tings dat happened. You know what I mean?"

  "Sure, I know what you mean, but if you felt like that, why'd you get saved?"

  He fidgeted in his seat. "Well, I kind of got stuck, up there on the stage with Jamie Lee."

  Her head shook. "Yeah, I saw that. Talk about the fox in the chicken coop."

  Tommy's brows furrowed. "What'd ya mean by that?"

  She shrugged. "Nothing. How come Jaime Lee didn't get saved?"

  "Oh, he was Missy Riverton's guest. She's gonna save him herself."

  She felt her eyes widen. "That bubbly, cute, little girl—the reverend's daughter?"


  Her gaze shifted to the ceiling, while she absorbed that. "I hope she knows what she's doing."

  His brow dipped. "Why?"

  "Let's just say he's not the nicest person on the planet."

  He took her left hand and smiled. "Well, the good thing is wit' him seeing Missy, I can see you."

  She smiled. "That is good, but Tommy, I didn't belong to Jamie Lee. You coulda asked me out anytime you wanted."

  He looked conflicted. His nostrils flared and his pretty blue-eyed gaze bored into her. "You know how it is wit friends. Once someone says they're interested in someone, ya back off en give dem a chance. If it don't work out, ya get your chance, den."

  She swallowed her last spoonful of fudge sundae and put her other hand over their two. "Believe me, Jamie Lee never had a chance, but you do, so what're you going to do about it?"

  He wiggled and fidgeted again. Averting his gaze, he asked, "Would you like ta go to dinner en a movie this weekend?"

  Chapter Four – Tommy and Cheryl

  I respect the agnostic who has serious questions -- but the atheist is an emotional deviate. That's caused to a great degree by getting out of our natural habitat.

  Rev. Robert H. Schuller

  After a frenzied night of lovemaking, Missy should have woken in a state of beatitude. Instead, she felt bitterly disappointed in herself. After capturing her imagination, this man, whom she barely knew, seized her heart and she'd succumbed to his wiles. Inexorably, her gaze went to him. He was so handsome, and charming, and mesmerizing that he beguiled her into having sex with him less than twenty-four hours after meeting him.

  She'd cheated on her fiancé of two years with a virtual stranger. She hated herself. She hated the weakness of her flesh. This man seemed to be everything she wanted, but intrinsically, she knew he wasn't good for her.

  Dear Lord God, It is I, your devoted servant, Missy Riverton. I need your help. Share your powerful strength and wisdom with me. Help me fight off Jamie Lee Vincent's charms. Give me the vision to see into his heart, which I suspect is deceptive. Bestow wisdom upon me so I can make proper judgments. And most of all forgive me for my lapse of Christian morals and fornicating with this man. Thank you, Jesus. I know you won't let me dow—.

  * * * *

  Opening his eyes, Jamie Lee beheld Missy's gorgeous naked body and beautiful profile. So it wasn't a dream. It seemed almost too good to be true. With her long blonde hair and baby blues, she looked like a real life Barbie Doll and he fucked the hell out of her. She is, without a doubt, my greatest conquest.

  With closed eyes, she mumbled something. Could it be a prayer? Does she really buy that Jesus crap her daddy spouts? Immaculate conception, resurrection, burn in hell. Only the gullible, brainwashed and feeble-minded could truly believe. How many so-called believers pretended to believe, for economical or social reasons? Millions and millions he'd bet. Hypocrites!

  He wondered what she prayed for. He snickered mentally. Probably praying for him to wake up and fuck her some more. He certainly felt hard enough.

  I'm hard and I want me some Missy pussy. He reached over and ran his finger along her clit. She jumped as if she'd received an electric shock. She jumped out of bed and, standing there, naked as a newborn, frowned and wagged a finger at him.

  "Don't touch me. Last night didn't happen. Understand?"

  He frowned. "Well, if last night didn't happen, how come I'm in your bed, harder than a rock, and you're buck naked?"

  She set her legs about thirty inches apart and rested her hands on her hips. God, she looks good. "You're not listening. Last night should not have happened, therefore, it didn't happen. It was your imagination. Now, I think you should leave."

  This shocked him. He had this girl locked up and now she ordered him to leave. Don't lose your temper. Use the charm. He chuckled, "You know, I'm not proud of it, but I've had a few one night stands, however, I swear to God, I never thought I would be a one night stand."

  Her harsh façade softened a little. "You're not a one night stand."

  "No, what am I, a stud on loan? How many climaxes did you have last night? Five?"

  "I had six, but since last night didn't happen, I had no climaxes and by extension you couldn't be a one night stand. Beside, you have my phone number and can call me."

  "Do you want me to call?"

  She nodded vigorously. "Yes, I just need time to think and commune with the Lord about what happened."

  He chuckled. "Or what didn't happen."

  She snickered. "Good point."

  He rose from the bed and his hard cock drew her gaze. He caught her tongue sliding surreptitiously over her upper lip.

  "Will I get to see you before you leave on Wednesday?"


  She walked up to him. They were both naked and his lust seemed unending. His dick poked her abdomen, but she shoved it aside. "I'm sorry, but I can't trust myself with you, yet. I'll be back in Dallas in a little over a week. It isn't that far. I promise I'll see you then, either here or there. Now, get dressed and outta here before someone sees you.

  * * * *


  "Hey Missy, it's Jamie Lee. Did you leave yet?"

  "Hi, sweetheart. Yeah, I'm afraid we're almost to Kilgore. Why?"

  "I miss you. You left quite an impression on me. I'd hoped to say goodbye before you left."

  She didn't respond for about fifteen seconds. "You left an impression on me, too."

  "How many revivals are you gonna have there?"

  "Two, tomorrow night, and Friday night. Why?"

  "Well, hell, I could drive the twenty-five miles up there in no time. I thought I'd come to tomorrow's show and take you out afterward for coffee."

  Another pause. "I don't drink coffee."

  "Well, iced tea then or a malt. Whatever you want."

  "Friday would be better. I've gotta go."

  * * * *

  "Where are we going?"

  Tommy shifted his glance from the road for a second and smiled. "I thought we'd start at El Chicos or da Olive Garden. Are ya in a Mexican or Italian mood?"

  "I haven't had Italian in a while. Let's go there."

  Ten minutes later, they walked into a very packed Olive Garden. "Twenty minute wait," he told her, "Do ya want ta wait?"

  "Sure, by the time we go somewhere else, it'd be twenty minutes. Let's wait outside though."

  Tommy added his name to the list and met her outside. He walked up to her. She wrapped her arms around him and laid her cheek on his chest. The strong beat of his heart on his chest wall curled the corners of her lips. He wrapped his arms around her. "I got invited ta a party, tonight, but I figured ya
wouldn't want to go."

  "Why, is your friend Jamie Lee going to be there?"

  "No, because there's going to be drinking. Why, do ya want to see him?"

  She rolled her eyes. "Hah! That'll be the day."

  "Then why did ya go out wit him?"

  She pulled away and looked Tommy in the eye. "Because I didn't know he was such an asshole until I went out with him."

  "Well if ya think he's such an asshole, why did'ya…"

  "Why did I what?"

  "Look, I want ya to know what you did with Jamie Lee doesn't matter to me. I know he has a way with women and if ya have him out of your system, I don't care what ya did with him."

  She couldn't believe it. Her head shook in earnest. "No, no, no! You don't get out of it that easy. Did he say he fucked me?"

  Now it became Tommy's turn to shake his head. "No, he didn't."

  "What then? Suck his cock?"

  His mouth fell open and mimicked the size and shape of silver dollars. "Um, er…"

  She handed him her phone. "Get that son-of-a-bitch on the phone."

  He took it and punched in the number. "Jamie Lee, Cheryl wants to talk with ya."

  "I'm on a date with her."

  "Yes, you did." I asked you at the Rodeo, en you said it was okay."

  "Why not?"

  "You're in Kilgore?"

  "What're ya doing there?"

  "She did? You lucky devil."

  "All right. Have fun." He pushed end and handed the phone back to her.

  "He wouldn't talk to me huh?"

  "No. he said he's busy at another tent revival in Kilgore. He's there to see Missy Riverton again—lucky guy."

  "Oh, that poor girl."

  "Parkson, party of two."

  He took her hand. "That's us."

  "Good, I'm starved and after we eat, I think I'd like to go to that party."

  He smiled. "All right. I think ya have Jamie Lee wrong. I'm sure he really likes the Riverton daughter."

  "He should. She's sweet and beautiful, but I'm afraid the only person Jamie Lee likes is Jamie Lee."

  * * * *


  "Missy. It's Jamie Lee. I'm in the audience."

  "Go to the side entrance of the tent." He hung up.


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