The Bastard Preacher

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The Bastard Preacher Page 7

by Dee Dawning

  "I'm leaving. You can come or stay, but I'm leaving this home wrecker of a place."


  She turned and snarled, "No buts. If you would have pulled this shit before I said 'I do,' I doubt I would have married you."

  Suddenly, his demeanor changed as if he had an epiphany. His eyes cleared and he straightened. "Forgive me. Right now, I hate myself. Please don't hate me, too."

  She studied him. He was tall and handsome. Yes, she still loved him, but she had no illusions. Though he possessed numerous positive qualities, he was also immature and weak. Maybe strength and maturity would come. She hoped so. But for now, and forever if he didn't change, she was going to be the head of this family.

  Chapter Eight – Jamie Lee's Start

  I have nothing to hide. I am a servant of the living God. He is the only one I answer to. Rev. Benny Hinn

  Trying not to stare too much at her cleavage, Jamie Lee winked and said hi to the sexy receptionist, "Hello doll face, the Boss wants to see me, again."

  Thrusting out her chest, she rose. "Well, if it isn't Mr. Hottie." She ran her tongue across her upper lip. "I'll ring him."

  Jamie Lee smiled, studying her as she made her call. She wore a terra cotta colored blouse with the top two buttons unbuttoned, revealing a lacy black bra beneath and a short, tight, black skirt.

  "Reverend Riverton, Mr. Vincent is here to see you."

  "Yes sir, I'll tell him."

  Hanging up, she smiled seductively and raised an eyebrow. "Well, today's my lucky day. He wants me to take you down to the studio and show you around."

  Jamie Lee smiled and waggled his eyebrows. "Must be my lucky day, too."

  Nodding, she turned around and stooped on her black four inched, spiked heels to pick up her purse. She smiled coyly at Jamie Lee when she rose. "Are you ready?"

  She wrapped her long nailed fingers around his forearm, when he held out his arm.

  In the elevator lobby, she asked. "I need to visit the ladies room for a minute. Will you be all right?"

  "Sure, take your time."

  He watched her sashay and vanish into the ladies room. The rev's got great taste. Too bad I'm engaged.

  He sensed his phone vibrating and pulled it from his slacks. "Hello?"

  "Hey, buddy. It's Tommy. I just got back from Vegas and guess what."

  * * * *

  Gwen stood at the vanity, touching up her lipstick when she saw Jamie Lee enter in the mirror. She turned around, her hands and derriere resting against the vanity. She joked. "What's the matter, did I take too long?"

  But he didn't laugh.

  Instead, his eyes devoured her as if she was a steak and he hadn't eaten in a week. He reached out, placing his hands on her breasts. She gasped, but pushed into his hands. He eased right up to her. Sliding his hands down from her breasts and behind her, he groped her fine round ass and pulled her into him—into his hardness as he pushed into her. As his lips kissed her neck just below her ear, he whispered. "This is your lucky day."

  She was going to ask coyly what he meant by that, when he crushed his lips to hers in a bruising kiss. As he slid his tongue past her teeth, she responded in kind, edging up onto the vanity and wrapping her legs around him, while her fingernails raked his dark brown locks. When his lips parted from hers to work their way down her chest, she whispered in his ear. "I dreamed about this since I first saw you in Sonny's motor home."

  * * * *

  When Tommy and Cheryl got back, they found a reasonably priced one bedroom furnished apartment in south Dallas. They still had to go back to Tyler to get the rest of their belongings, but they spent that night in their new love nest.

  Making love like newlyweds do until the wee hours of the morning, they didn't wake until ten-thirty. When Cheryl came out of the bathroom, she eased up to Tommy and put an arm around him. "Who were you talking to?"

  "Jamie Lee. I told him about us."

  Cheryl frowned. "I don't know if that was a good idea."

  "Why? He'd find out sooner or later and then he be pissed because I didn't tell him."

  Cheryl shook her head and sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right. With Jamie Lee, you can never win."

  * * * *

  Gwen's red tipped fingers tunneled through his mane. "Oh baby, that was spectacular—even better than I dreamed."

  "I know. It was fantastic. I'm sorry. Suddenly, I just had to have you. You won't get in trouble will you?"

  "For what? I'm a single adult?"

  Jamie Lee looked confused. "The reverend said you were taken."

  "Yeah, I slept with him. It's how I got this job and these clothes, but we had no agreement. I never considered myself taken. She snickered. "But you could get in big trouble. You're engaged."

  "I know. I shouldn't have, but something came over me and I had to fuck you."

  Her head flew back and she chortled. "And I loved it. Don't worry. No one is the wiser and I'll never tell as long as you throw your cock my way every so often. By the way, who's Cheryl?"

  He frowned. "Why do you ask?"

  "Don't you remember?"

  He shook his head. "That's why I'm asking."

  "Hmm. Well, when you came you yelled 'cunt,' then you started to snivel, saying 'why'd you do it, Cheryl' over and over. I thought you were going to cry. Who is Cheryl, anyway?"

  "Just someone I know."

  * * * *

  They got back to the executive office about an hour and a half after they left. Gwen called the boss. "We're back sir." She nodded to Jamie Lee. He pecked her on the lips and walked in.

  "There you are. I was beginning to think you and Gwen went to lunch or something."

  Jamie Lee was trying to think of an answer when the reverend continued. "What did you think of the studio?"

  "Very impressive. First class."

  "Thanks." The reverend, obviously pleased, leaned back and placed his hands behind his head. "Have you been studying the reruns of our shows, like I asked you?"

  Jamie Lee sat down. "Yes sir, every day. I'm learning a lot."

  "That's what I like to hear." He set three video tape cases on the desk close to Jamie Lee. Here're three more videos with four shows each."

  Jamie Lee sat up and grabbed the cassettes. "Thanks, I'll take 'em home and watch them."

  "Good. The reason I ask is now that we have your problem worked out, I want to bring you on board as a new cast member of Soldiers."

  Jamie Lee's eyes narrowed with interest. "Really. He smiled. Who's my daddy now?"

  "His name is Lawrence Miller. He was known as Rance when he impregnated your Mama."

  Jamie Lee felt his jaw tense. "Is he still living?"

  "Yes. He's an appliance salesman in Racine, Wisconsin."

  "I'm glad that's settled. When are you going to have your next taping?"

  "In three days. Friday at one, but for the next two days, I've retained a diction instructor to try to minimize your Texas drawl. Gwen will give you the details."

  "Is that necessary?"

  He nodded. "If you're going to be on TV speaking to people across the country, even the world, it is."

  "You're the boss. When do you want me here on Friday?"

  "Come in at ten-thirty so we can get you prepared."

  "What do you mean?"

  The reverend chuckled. "We have to fix your hair, get you made-up, and fit you for a suit."

  "I'll be there."

  * * * *

  Two minutes after Jamie Lee left, the reverend's phone rang. "Hello."

  "Sonny, this is Connie."

  "Hi sweetheart. What can I do for you?"

  "I received a mysterious, unsolicited offer through a Dallas real estate agent. In exchange for my business and house, which has a value, including inventory of no more than three quarters of a million, I'm to receive a six hundred thousand dollar, twelfth floor, high rise condominium and a successful Dallas antique store that does four million a year in business."

  "Sounds like a good deal
to me."

  "It's too good of a deal. You're behind this aren't you?"

  He smiled. "I can't comment on that, but I will tell you my penthouse is eight floors above the condominium and the view is magnificent."

  He heard her laugh. "Are you trying to escalate our relationship?"

  He chuckled. "I'm trying to avoid driving a hundred miles every time I want to fuck you."

  She laughed. "Hmmm, the fringe benefits sound interesting."

  "Are you going to accept it?"

  "I'd be a fool not to, wouldn't I?"

  * * * *

  Jamie Lee came in the garage door and heard Missy working out in the exercise room. He walked up to her and kissed her cheek as she walked rapidly on the treadmill.

  "Hi Babe, guess what?"

  "No telling with you."

  Jamie Lee stared at her.

  When he didn't continue, she frowned and said, "What?"

  He laughed. "God, you're hot. Even your sweat smells good."

  She scrunched her face, but followed that with a giggle. "And you sir, are full of it and the polite word would have been perspiration."

  "Even your perspiration smells good, but not as good as your pussy."

  Her mouth dropped open as she rolled her eyes. "You're insufferable. Are you trying to get me horny?"

  He shrugged. "You're my little nympho. You're always horny, aren't you?"

  "Around you I am. So what's your big news?

  "I'm going to be on the show with you Friday."

  "That's fabulous." She turned off the tread mill and hugged him. "I love you." She snickered. At least this version of you. I'll tell you what. I'm going to jump rope for two minutes, after which I'll need to take a shower. If you happen to be there when I get in, who knows what'll happen."

  "I think I'll get the shower nice and toasty for you."

  Chapter Nine – A Star is Born

  What we saw on Tuesday (9/11), as terrible as it is, could be minuscule if, in fact, if in fact God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve. Rev. Jerry Falwell

  Jamie Lee was nervous as a cat locked in a dog kennel as he waited offstage for the reverend to get around to introducing him. When he and Missy had arrived, she and the director briefed him on what he was supposed to do, act and say. Next, he underwent one-hour hairstyle and make-up sessions, after which he changed into a wardrobe someone had provided for him.

  He studied as much of the live audience as he could see from where he stood. They seemed friendly enough.

  Of course they're friendly, they're the flock. A truer term couldn't have been written in the bible. They were like a gathering of sheep, believing everything they were told and one day he'd be doing the telling.

  "Dear Christians, we have a brand new reborn sinner with us today. I'm proud to say my daughter, Missy, personally saved this young man, so I'm going to let her tell you about it."

  He stepped to the side and the spotlight shifted to her. "Ooh, this is so exciting." She paused while the audience clapped. "First, I'll tell you about it and then I'll introduce him. I was with Michael, Bobbie Sue and her husband Grant on a tent revival in Tyler, Texas when I met Jamie Lee. From the minute I saw him, I knew he was a sinner. He was smug and arrogant, but he had a presence about him, a magnetism that couldn't be ignored and I thought, wouldn't it be wonderful if someone with his charisma could be brought to the side of God.

  "He'd never been to a revival, so I invited him and he came. Well folks, he must have felt the spirit of the Lord, for when it came time to be saved, he stood up. Well I'll tell you, for everyday sinners, our tent revival baptism works fine, but our boy was a serious sinner and I suspected the Lord wanted me to give him the V.B.S. treatment." She winked and went on, "That's Very Big Sinner treatment," She laughter and clapping interrupted her. When it calmed she proceeded, "so I had him sit down until the revival was over and then with the help of Bill, our muscle bound Sergeant at Arms, I filled a bathtub full of holy water and gave him the full Soldiers of the Lord treatment.

  laughter and applause interrupted her again. "Well, I have to tell you folks, the concentrated spirit of God's loving grace was so strong, we both felt ecstasy."

  Jamie Lee couldn't help but snicker on the ecstasy part.

  "Anyway, Jamie Lee became so overwrought with emotion, he couldn't thank me enough, and he went on to say he wanted to dedicate his life to Christ. And so I present to you, God's newest convert. Folks, how about a nice round of applause to make Jamie Lee Vincent feel welcome."

  Jamie Lee ran out on the stage waving and smiling as if he was already a star. The standing ovation was deafening, prolonged, and seemed to increase as he kissed Missy on the cheek. He grabbed a mic from the stand and said, "Thank you, thank you." The clapping diminished, but didn't stop. He shouted over it, "Thank you. I feel great! How about you?" More loud applause died a little when he gave the quiet down sign by holding his right hand out and lowering it. "Like Missy told you, my name is Jamie Lee Vincent, and ladies and gentlemen, I have been saved! It's a great feeling knowing you walk in God's grace and I owe it all to our little honey, Missy Riverton." Standing sustained applause followed his pronouncement.

  When the audience quieted, he continued, "My hero," Jamie Lee hitched his head toward the reverend, who was still on stage to his left, "Reverend Sonny Riverton, has given me the opportunity to bear witness to all of you. To testify about God's acceptance and forgiveness. Folks, I was lost. I always got into trouble, couldn't find a decent job, I was obsessed with the pleasures of the flesh, and I even toked a little hash." Laughter filtered from the crowd. "Then again things could have been worse considering I started out life in the hole. Folks, if I stick around as I hope to, y'all will find out anyway, so I'm going to get it out in the open—I'm a bastard. Folks, I was born to a teenage mother out of wedlock, the product of rape."

  It seemed as if there was one huge gasp and then someone hit the mute button on the audience. Jamie Lee worried that he'd blown it. After ten seconds of silence, one brave soul started clapping. Immediately, another joined in, followed by ten more, and soon everyone clapped, then everyone stood. Someone yelled, "Jamie Le-e-e, Jamie Le-e-e." Soon everyone joined in the chant. At that moment, he knew he owned the audience and he was amazed at how easy it was.

  After five long minutes of wooing the flock, Jamie Lee bade goodbye and the reverend took center stage. "Well folks, how did you like Jamie Lee?" Again the throng rose, clapped and when he asked if they would like Jamie Lee to come back, the affirmation was seismic. A star had been born.

  After the show ended, the reverend brought out the bubbly and a mini celebration ensued. "Son you knocked 'em dead today. I wouldn't be surprised if they ran me out of town in favor of you, after today."

  Jamie Lee took the offered flute of Dom Perignon from his boss. "Never happen, sir. You're the man.'"

  Sonny tossed his head back and chortled. Missy strolled up. "What are you laughing about daddy?" Both men slung an arm around her.

  "Oh, I joked about how our congregation found a new hero today and won't want me around anymore."

  "And I told him it would never happen. That he's irreplaceable, not to mention Michael would be the next in line."

  Jamie Lee couldn't help, but notice how strangely Missy and Sonny looked at each other and how the reverend shook his head ever so slightly and mouthed, "No."

  He turned to Jamie Lee. "I don't know, son. We'll have to see if they'll let me stay after we announce your engagement in two months. What a powerful Christian team you two make."

  Later, as everyone started to leave the improvised celebration, Sonny came up to Jamie Lee. "Son, I asked Missy to take you somewhere tomorrow. With you being a member of the show now and soon to be a family member, there are things you need to know."

  * * * *

  The next day was Saturday. With Jamie Lee in the passenger seat, Missy drove her BMW convertible, top up, through Dallas and s
outh along Interstate 35E.

  As Jamie Lee watched the central Texas countryside wiz by he asked Missy. "Where are we going, baby?"

  She shifted her gaze to Jamie Lee for an instant. "To Waxahachie. Ever been there?"

  He laughed. "Been there? I never even heard of it. Is it far?"

  Just then, they passed a mile marker that read, 'Waxahachie, 15 miles.'

  "Nah, we're almost there."

  "What's there?"

  "Oh, it's a pretty little town with some very nice Victorian architecture. You'll see."

  "I meant why are we going there?"

  "I know baby. It won't be long."

  Twenty minutes later, Missy pulled into a small parking lot adjacent to a large Victorian residence, which appeared to be converted into some sort of nursing home. She parked in a space reserved for administration and got out. "Are you coming?"

  Jamie Lee hopped out and looked the mediaeval looking edifice over. Missy came around the car, grabbed his hand, and tugged him toward the building as he studied the structure. Tyler too, had many Victorian style homes, but the complexity of this building with its huge wrap-around porch, multiple turrets, and fancy dormers was like nothing he'd seen before.

  As they strode around to the front of the building, he read the sign, 'Loving Rest, Convalescence and Assisted Living Facility.' "Do we own this?" He inquired.

  "Yes, the church owns lots of things, including my home, which you are currently living in."

  As they walked in, the receptionist stood. "Miss Riverton. What a pleasant surprise."

  Missy nodded. "Thank you. Is Molly in?"

  "I believe so, would you like me to ring her?"

  Missy raised a hand to stop her. "Don't bother we'll head back to her roost." They walked under a magnificent staircase and down a dark hallway to the office of Molly Madden, Facility Administrator.

  Molly, an attractive, middle-aged African American, rose, but Missy put her at ease. "Hi Molly, don't fuss about us. I just wanted to let you know we were here, before we head back. It's all right isn't it?"


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