Secrets and Sacrifice: A Christian Romance (The Shadows Trilogy Book 4)

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Secrets and Sacrifice: A Christian Romance (The Shadows Trilogy Book 4) Page 22

by Juliette Duncan

  Right on the dot of six the buzzer for Grace's small apartment in a not too salubrious part of town rang. She checked the mirror one last time and then pressed the button to speak through the intercom. "I'll be right down." Grabbing her jacket and bag, she stepped out the door, closed it behind her, and then pressed the lift button. As the lift descended the five floors, she wondered again where he was taking her, and she felt giddy like a breathless girl of eighteen going on her first date.

  The lift opened, and he stood there with a beaming smile on his face.

  A ripple of excitement ran though her body. She stepped into his arms and lifted her face to his. "I didn't expect to see you so soon."

  He cupped her chin and looked deeply into her eyes. "It's a special day, Grace, and we needed to celebrate. It's not every day you start a new career." His eyes sparkled, and she felt enveloped in an invisible warmth.

  "That's true." She smiled. "Thank you for the flowers."

  "You're welcome."

  "You must own shares in a florist shop by now."

  Ryan chuckled as he slipped his hand gently behind her neck and drew her face to his. His eyes twinkled. "I can't think of a better investment." As he lowered his mouth against hers, her knees weakened.

  "Come on, we'd best get dinner or I might do something I'll regret." Pulling away, he placed his arm around her shoulder and directed her out of the building and towards his Land Rover.

  "So, where are we going on this chilly night?" Grace rubbed her arms after she'd done her seatbelt up.

  He chuckled again. "I thought you'd be wondering. I've booked a table at The Arthouse."

  "You haven't!"

  "I have."

  She laughed. "And you're going to drive us there in this?"

  "What's wrong with my Drover?"

  She snickered. "Nothing, but the other diners might raise their eyebrows."

  "Let them. I don't care."

  She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I don't either. But can you turn the heat up. It's freezing in here."

  "It's as high as it goes, you know that."

  "I should have put on an extra coat."

  "There's a rug in the back."

  As she stretched around to grab the rug, he slipped his hand onto her shoulder and turned her to face him. The only light came from a dim street light, but his eyes still sparkled in the semi-darkness. Her heart raced.

  His eyes peered deeply into hers as he took her hands, stroking her skin gently with his thumb. "Grace, I love you so much. I don't want to spend any more time apart." He paused, but his gaze didn't waver.

  Grace's heart thudded. For a long moment, she felt as if she were floating, drifting on a soft cloud of euphoria. Was this really happening?

  "I want us to do life together, so Grace," his face broke into the most beautiful smile and his eyes lit up, "will you marry me?"

  Grace's heart danced with joy. "I thought you'd never ask!"

  "So is that a yes?"

  "Of course it is!" She threw her arms around his neck, and as his mouth found hers, she gave herself freely to the passion of his kiss. She longed for more. To fall asleep in his arms, to wake up beside him every morning, and to share every aspect of his life. And now, it was about to happen. He'd asked her to marry him, and she'd said yes! It was really happening!

  Finally pulling away, he tilted her chin upwards with his finger, as a grin as large as she'd seen grew on his face. "One more thing before dinner." He reached into his pocket and drew out a small box, snapping it open with his thumb and forefinger. Inside sat an elegant sapphire and diamond engagement ring.

  Grace gasped and held her hands to her face. "Ryan! It's gorgeous! How did…"

  He held a finger to her lips. "Shh… just put it on." He took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto her finger. It fit perfectly.

  Grace pushed back tears of joy as her gaze travelled between the ring and his eyes. "Ryan, thank you. I love you so much."

  "But not as much as I love you." He smiled as he lowered his lips to hers and kissed her slowly and tenderly.

  As they drove to the restaurant a short while later, Ryan turned to Grace and slipped his hand onto her leg. "Now we've got three things to celebrate."

  Grace's forehead puckered. "Three? What's the third?"

  "Oh, didn't I tell you?" He wore a playful look on his face.

  Grace grabbed his hand. "Tell me what?"

  He chuckled. "I've got a permanent job in Glasgow… starting tomorrow."

  Her eyes popped. "Really? Why didn't you tell me?"

  His eyes sparkled. "I wanted to surprise you."

  "You certainly did that! Are you going to tell me about it?"

  "Over dinner."

  "You never cease to amaze me, Ryan MacGregor."

  "That's me… full of surprises!" He chuckled again.

  Ryan kept his promise, and over dinner told Grace that he'd been accepted, as a Chaplain, into one of the high schools which had a high rate of troubled youth. He'd be given free rein to implement programmes he felt would benefit the teenagers, and help keep them off the street and out of trouble.

  "That's great, but what's Danny going to do without you?"

  "Don't worry about that, Grace. He's got a new fellow lined up. In fact, he's starting this week."

  "Anyone I know?"

  "Maybe." His eye held a glint.

  She let out an amused chuckle as she folded her arms. "So, who is it?"

  "Just your other brother."

  She shot forward. "Caleb?"

  He nodded. "Yep, Caleb and Caitlin and the girls have just moved over."

  "How come I didn't know?"

  "It's just happened, and besides, Danny said he wanted to keep it as a surprise for you and Brianna."

  "You're not too good at keeping secrets."

  "It's not good to have too many secrets, Grace. You should know that."

  Drawing a deep breath, her expression grew serious. "You're right. Unless they're good ones that are kept for a reason."

  "And was this a good one?"

  "Absolutely. Does Danny know you've told me?"

  "I did mention it would be hard to keep it quiet…"

  "So, does he know you were going to propose?"

  "Maybe…" She didn't like the mischievous glint in his eye.

  "What do you mean by that?"

  He pulled a face. "I hope you don't mind, but I asked a few friends to come and celebrate with us."

  Grace turned around as a group of people appeared out of nowhere, shouting their congratulations all at once. Danny, Lizzy, Brianna, Caleb, Caitlin. She laughed. So much for a romantic dinner… but she didn't mind. Dinner with her family was always special, and now Caleb and Caitlin were here, it was extra special.

  The waiters quickly added more tables, and what Grace had expected to be a quiet dinner with just the two of them turned into a loud, fun-filled evening. They'd all taken the following day off work, and the children were all being minded by Rosemary and David, so the party continued into the wee hours. Grace had no idea how she was going to get up for work the next morning, but she didn't expect to sleep, so it wouldn't be a problem.

  Despite the cold, when Ryan dropped her off outside her apartment, she didn't want to get out of the truck. She just wanted to stay with him, encircled in his arms.

  "I need to go, Grace—we'll freeze if we stay here, but let's not wait long to get married. We're both sure, and so I propose we get married as soon as we can."

  Her eyes widened. "Like in a few weeks?" Her heart raced. Could this be true?

  "If you're happy to do that, yes."

  "I won't have a dress, or time to do all the normal wedding preparation things."

  "I can't imagine you bothering too much with all of that anyway."

  She chuckled. "You're right. I can't imagine myself being a typical bride."

  "No, you're anything but typical." He brushed the hair off her forehead and looked into her eyes. "So, what say you,
Grace O'Connor? Will you become my wife on the first possible date we can make it?"

  "Do you need to ask?" She raised a brow.

  He chuckled. "Not really… I take that as a yes."

  "It's definitely a yes." She threw her arms around him, and knowing she wouldn't have too many more times to do this, tore herself away from him after he'd kissed her thoroughly, and caught the lift to her apartment on her own.

  Their wedding was scheduled for midday on the fifteenth of April at The Elim Community chapel. Grace decided it was her turn to surprise Ryan, and found a wedding gown she felt comfortable in, and knew Ryan would like. It fitted her figure perfectly, and although simple in design, it held an understated elegance.

  The ceremony was also simple, but she and Ryan planned it to be all they wanted… a committal of their love to each other and to God. They'd both been through so much in their lives, they didn't need all the frills that normally accompanied a wedding.

  Danny walked down the aisle with Grace, and then took his place beside Ryan as Ryan's best man. Lizzy and Brianna were Grace's only attendants, but looked stunning in their pale blue suits. Little Clare was her flower girl, and James and Dillon were the page boys. Nothing was too fancy, but the service was perfect in every way.

  As Danny stood to pray for them after David pronounced them husband and wife, Grace gazed into Ryan's eyes, still not quite believing that all this had happened. Less than a year ago, Brianna was close to death and hooked on drugs. She herself was hidden behind the walls she'd put up, bitter from the hand that life had dealt her. Yet now, both she and Brianna had new lives, ones full of hope and promise, filled with God's love and forgiveness. They had hope and a future. And Grace had a husband she adored, one she could never have imagined meeting anywhere, let alone in the Scottish Highlands. She had no doubt life with Ryan would be filled with fun and excitement, but most of all, she knew that their marriage would be strong because God would be at the head of it. She smiled at him before bowing her head when Danny placed his hands on their shoulders.

  "Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you with joy in our hearts as we witness the joining together of Ryan and Grace in holy matrimony. We're excited for where You're going to lead them, as they both seek to follow You and to live for You. We thank You that they found each other. We love seeing them together, their joy of life is infectious, but their love and compassion for others is what sets them apart. Bless their ministries, dear Lord. Use them to bring hope to those who've lost hope, and let them lead many into Your Kingdom. Bless Ryan and Grace as they start their new lives together as husband and wife, In Jesus' precious name, Amen."

  "Amen." Grace lifted her face and gazed into Ryan's intoxicating blue eyes. As their eyes locked, her heart thudded as he lowered his lips and kissed her for the first time as her lawfully-wedded husband, something she had never in her wildest imaginings expected to happen.

  "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever."

  I Chronicles 16:34

  Other Books by Juliette Duncan

  If you haven't read the The Shadows Trilogy yet, read it now to find out how Danny and Lizzy's story began!

  Danny and Lizzy's story - an inspirational romance full of heartache, love and forgiveness, highlighting God’s inexplicable desire to free people from pasts that haunt them so they can live a life full of His peace and love, regardless of the circumstances. “Lingering Shadows” is set in England, and follows the story of Lizzy, a headstrong, impulsive young lady from a privileged background, and Daniel, a roguish Irishman who sweeps her off her feet. But can Lizzy leave the shadows of her past behind and give Daniel the love he deserves, and will Daniel find freedom and release in God? If you've read and enjoyed "Secrets and Sacrifice", but haven't read the story that came before it, get your copy of "The Shadows Trilogy" boxset now, and dive in!

  "I absolutely LOVE this trilogy. I grew to connect with each of the characters with each passing page. If you are looking for a story with real-life situations & great character development, with the love of God interwoven throughout the pages, I HIGHLY recommend The Shadows Trilogy Box Set by Juliette Duncan!" JLB

  The True Love Series

  After her long-term relationship falls apart, Tessa Scott is left questioning God’s plan for her life, and is feeling vulnerable and unsure of how to move forward. Ben Williams is struggling to keep the pieces of his life together after his wife of fourteen years walks out on him and their teenage son.

  Stephanie, Tessa’s housemate, knows the pain both Tessa and Ben have suffered. When she inadvertently sets up a meeting between them, there’s no denying that they are drawn to each other, but will that mutual attraction do more harm than good?

  Can Tessa and Ben let go of their leftover baggage and examine their feelings in order to follow a new path? Are they prepared for the road ahead, regardless of the challenges? Will they trust God to equip them with all they need for the journey ahead?

  “Since reading the Shadows Trilogy, I've been hooked on Juliette Duncan's writing. Tender Love is another example of her talent for bringing characters to life and weaving a story with all the elements of superior storytelling. Totally clean, yet written with adult situations; the pain of breakups, broken marriages, rearing teenagers, job challenges, maintaining relationships with parents and friends. And in the center of the story, we find two people who, while recuperating from painful situations in their personal lives, find hope and love, looking forward into their future together. The scriptures and Biblical principles are so masterfully worked into the book, they complement the story, rather than pull us away, as some, less talented writers sometimes do. This is not a long read, but one which will satisfy.” Amazon Customer

  Hank and Sarah - A Love Story

  The Prequel to "The Madeleine Richards Series" is a FREE thank you gift for joining my mailing list. You will also be the first to hear about my next books and get exclusive sneak previews.

  The Madeleine Richards Series

  Although the 3 book series is intended mainly for pre-teen/Tweenage girls, it’s been read and enjoyed by people of all ages. Here’s what one 72 year old had to say about it: I am 72 years of age and thoroughly enjoyed this book. I am looking forward to Book 2 with excitement. Your book can be enjoyed by all ages 11-100. It brings back wonderful memories for the young at heart. Thank you for sharing this book with me. Patricia Walters

  About the Author

  Juliette Duncan is a Christian fiction author, passionate about writing stories that will touch her readers' hearts and make a difference in their lives. Although a trained school teacher, Juliette spent many years working alongside her husband in their own business, but is now relishing the opportunity to follow her passion for writing stories she herself would love to read. Based in Brisbane, Australia, Juliette and her husband have five adult children, seven grandchildren, and an elderly long haired dachshund.

  Apart from writing, Juliette loves exploring the great world we live in, and has travelled extensively, both within Australia and overseas. She also enjoys social dancing and eating out.

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