Hurricane David—64
Huston, Anjelica—290
Hutton, Lauren—77, 138, 142
Hutton, Timothy—114, 171, 209
Huxley, Aldous—247
Hyatt, Slim—43
Ice Cube—284
Idol, Billy—123, 274, 279, 280
Iman—89, 143, 176, 198
Impiglia, Giancarlo—200
Interview—227, 299
Iovine, Jimmy—279
Irons, Jeremy—123
Isabell, Robert—161, 253
Isador, Bunny—95
Jabara, Paul—149, 199, 218, 246, 303
Jackson, Michael—100, 115, 116, 141, 291
Jackson, Rebbie—195
Jackson, Reggie—113
Jagger, Bianca—16, 89, 109, 171, 290, 291
Jagger, Mick—87–89, 92–94, 96, 113, 144, 147, 148, 175, 200, 264, 289, 290, 295
James, Etta—25, 205
James, Rick—81, 88, 92, 96, 117–119, 137, 138, 143, 153, 202–204, 206, 207, 209, 210, 218, 220, 226, 273, 282, 283–285, 296, 300
Janowitz, Tama—122, 262
Janssen, David—278
Jarema, Bill—110
Jay Z—283
Jefferson, Lynn—113
Jenner, Bruce/Caitlyn—277
Jenner, Kris—277
Jenrette, Rita—182, 183
Jenrette, John—183
Joel, Billy—165, 244
Joey Dee and The Starliters—34
Johnson, Candy—34–36
Johnson, Don—265
Johnson, Magic—285
Johnson, Michael—98, 209, 234
Johnson, Norval—296
Johnston, Bennett—62
Jones, Grace—62, 63, 105, 113, 121, 150, 188, 262, 263, 297, 300
Jones, Tom—35, 279
Joplin, Janis—165
Jordan, Hamilton—18
Jordan, Michael—285
Kaczor, Richie—62, 134, 139, 149, 150
Kaiserman, Bill—110
Kaiserman, Millie—109, 192, 193
Kardashian, Robert—277
Kassner, Fred—58
Katz, Craig—274
Kaufman, Alan/A. K.—279
Kelly, Randy—181, 303
Kennedy Jr., John—262
Kennedy Onassis, Jacqueline “Jackie”—34, 42, 254, 290
Kennedy, Caroline—290
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (President)—29, 34, 48
Kennedy, Ted—280
Kennedy, Vicki—280
Kerry, John—263
Kerry, Peggy—263
Kessler, Henri—211
Khan, Chaka—204
Kid Creole—283
King, B. B.—25
King Jr., Dr. Martin Luther—24
Kirby, L. J.—67, 86, 96, 138, 162, 164, 181, 295
Kirsch, Abigail—253
KISS—122, 150, 296
Klein, Calvin—16, 17, 22, 68, 77, 89, 99, 122, 126, 162, 163, 167, 171, 212, 263, 289, 290, 295, 302
Klein, Joe—252
Klein, Marci—161, 162, 171
Kleinbard, Annette (Carol Connors)—278
Klores, Dan—265
Klum, Heidi—143
Knight, Gladys—206
Knuckles, Frankie—134
Knuth, Shay—108, 127, 147, 177, 188, 299
Koch, Ed—169, 178, 186, 198
Konishi, Shin—270
Kremer, Jerry—71
Kronfeld, Eric—148
Kumeyaay Tribe—247, 248, 286
La Grillade—57, 66
LaBelle, Patti—119, 176
Ladd, Cheryl—66
Ladies’ Lounge—7, 99–101
Naval Air Engineering Station Lakehurst—
27–29, 258
Lancaster, Burt—247
Lane, Kenneth Jay—186
Lansky, Meyer—17
LaPiere, Georganne—265
Laroche, Guy—223
Larry Mathews’ 24-Hour Beauty Salon—33
Lasorda, Tommy—277
Last Party, The—234
Latin Quarter, The—24, 33
Lauper, Cyndi—150
Laver, Rod—31
Lawford, Patricia Kennedy—186
Lawrence, Martin—284
Lazalle, Dennis—295
Lazar, Irving “Swifty”—109
Le Club—43
Le Jardin—19, 131, 134
Leach, Robin—114, 263–265, 274, 302
Leacock, Richard—94, 116
Leacock, Victoria—94, 116, 147, 221, 222, 234, 298
Learn, Jonathan—96, 295
Learn, Steve—96, 295
Leary, Timothy—48, 99, 100
LeBrock, Kelly—89
Lee, Stan—277, 281
Lemmon, Jack—178, 211
Lennon, John—92
Leonard, Annie—282
Leonard, Burr—111, 282
Leonard, Emily—282
Leonard, George Burr—268, 282
Leonard, Lillie—282
Leonard, Mimi—111, 112, 268–272, 274, 276, 281–283, 285, 286
Leslie, Robbie—100, 121, 140, 206, 291
Lester, Peter—88, 303
Levan, Larry—134, 140, 303
Levy, Dahved—139, 196, 293
Levy, Morris—33, 146, 258
Lewis, Jerry—32, 115, 116
Lewis, Jerry Lee—27, 229
Liberty Travel—58, 217
Limelight—134, 182, 230
Lindsay, Mayor John—30
Lindström, Pia—197
Lippman, Sally/Disco Sally—123
Lister, Hilary—253–255, 266, 267, 270, 282, 283
Lister, Laurie—53–55, 70, 71, 151, 152, 174, 238, 239, 252, 253, 255, 266, 267, 270
Little Richard—35, 132
Locklear, Heather—89. 274
Loft, The—133, 134, 137
Loggia, Robert—186
Lollobrigida, Gina—77
Long, Richard—14
Lopez, Danny—295
Lopez, Jennifer—283
Lopez, Mario—285
Lopez, Oscar—96, 228, 229, 295, 296
Lopez, Trini—30
Lorido, Jose Roman/Monsi Lorido—88
Los Angeles Dodgers—113, 277
Los Angeles Lakers—147, 285
Los Angeles Times—278
Louis-Dreyfus, Julia—190
Lovelace, Linda—48, 49
Lowe, Rob—201
Lubell, Jonathan—46
Ludovisi, Nicolò Boncompagni (Prince)—183
Luft, Lorna—174, 212, 213, 274
Luft, Sid—213, 274
Luis, Governor Juan—66
Lumet, Amy—116
Lumet, Sidney—116
LuPone, Patti—189
Mac, Bernie—284
Macchio, Ralph—201
Macpherson, Elle—198
Madoff, Bernie—142
Madonia, Joey—134, 140
Madonna—89, 134, 151, 155, 195, 274,
291, 295
Mangual, Bacho—134
Mailer, Norman—34, 49
Main, Lee—274
Maliner, Beth Ann—107, 128, 201, 294
Man in the Moon—8, 15, 103
Mancuso, David—133,
134, 137
Metropolitan Correctional Center—17, 21, 60, 68, 69
Manhattan Ocean Club—57
Manilow, Barry—33
Marantz, Paul—15
Marcos, Imelda and Ferdinand—97
Marshall Tucker Band—283
Martin, Dean—32, 115
Martin, George—88, 115, 127, 174, 175
Martins, Peter—189
Mary Jane Girls—206
Mason, Dave—279
Mates, Fred—46
Mathis, Johnny—135
Matlin, Marlee—284
Mathews, Larry—33–36
Mayfair Hotel—102
Mayflower Ladies—223
McArthur, Alex—295
McCain, John—263
McCarthy, Andrew—284
McCarthy, Joseph—17, 19
McCarthy, Eugene—42
McConaughey, Matthew—283
McCoo, Marilyn—278
McEnroe, John—254
McFadden, Mary—189
McGovern, George—18, 42, 258, 263
McGrath, Earl—93
McGraw, Ali—142, 274
McInerney, Jay—122, 262
McMahon, Victoria—281
McMorrow, Tom—30
McMullan, Patrick—161
Meara, Anne—116
Medavoy, Mike—274
Mehle, Aileen (Suzy Knickerbocker)—124, 252
Men At Work—140
Merman, Ethel—135, 160
Merritt, Howard—121
Michael, George—195
Miles, Sylvia—300
Miles, Vera—186
Miller, Ann—124
Miller, Christa—272, 280
Millman, Bob—49, 221, 238
Mills, Tracey—126
Minnelli, Liza—22, 77, 80, 88, 89, 167, 179, 210, 213, 227, 238, 263, 290, 301
Minnelli, Vincente—213
Miramax Films—8
Mishra, Prakash—113
Miskit, David—86, 193, 235, 296
Miss World America—64
Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels—35
Mitchell, Joni—113, 149
Miyamoto, Dr. Masao—299
Monday at the China Club—279
Monday Night Live—278, 279
Monkey Bar—272
Monroe, Marilyn—33, 34
Montevecchi, Liliane—163, 200
Moore, Dudley—188, 189
Moore, Mary Tyler—8, 76, 77
Moore, Royce—204
Moreau, Jeanne—193
Morera, Daniela—227
Morgans—232, 233
Moriarty, Michael—186
Moscowitz, Sonia—161
Moss, Brian—199
Moss, Fran—198
Moulton, Tom—135, 149
Mount Kuchumaa—247–251, 254–256, 286
Mount Snow—49, 50, 52, 136
Moynihan, Maura—202
Moynihan, Patrick—202
Murphy, Charlie—284
Murphy, Eddie—94, 138, 190, 191, 194, 204, 296
Murray, Bill (actor)—118
Murray, Bill (Celebrity Service)—183
Musto, Michael—122
Myers, Mike—8
Myerson, Bess—186
Namath, Joe—113, 203
Nash, Graham—279
National Enquirer—122
Negron, Jay—187
Neiman, Leroy—262
Neville, Aaron—69
New Edition—150, 195
New Line Cinema—53–55, 57, 59, 70, 112, 268, 269–271
New Orleans—69, 70, 254, 260, 261
New York Daily News—30, 71, 114, 161, 208, 289, 291
New York Jets—86
New York—9, 15, 61, 75, 109, 123, 141, 163, 261, 264
New York Post—16, 66, 68, 75, 87, 92, 94, 110, 113, 114, 160, 161, 182, 194, 244, 252, 289, 291
New York Times, The—53, 81, 109, 110, 112, 243, 264, 278
New York Times Magazine—81
New York Yankees—113
Newcombe, John—31
Newhouse, Si—17
Newsweek—82, 289–300
Nicholson, Jack—8, 49, 77, 113, 168, 265, 272, 279, 290
Nixon, Richard—18
Noel, Terry—43
Nolte, Nick—176, 190, 191, 211, 269
Nureyev, Rudolph—43, 304
O’Connor, John—295
O’Keeffe, Buzzy—243
O’Neal, Ryan—8, 77, 89, 170, 203
O’Neil, Griff—64, 65
O’Neil, Shaquille—285
O’Toole, Peter—164
Obama, Barack—303
Obolensky, Prince Serge—34
Ocasek, Ric—265
Odeck, Skip—228, 296
Oliver, Patrick—43
Onassis, Aristotle—43
Overington, Michael—62, 67, 86, 107, 127, 161, 235, 294, 296
Oxenberg, Catherine—93
Oxenberg, Christina—93
Page Six—66. 68, 75, 110, 114, 264, 289
Page, Patti—24
Pahlavi, Princess Farahnaz—103
Paley, Babe—290
Palladium—231, 235, 271, 294
Pallone, Frank—47
Palmer, Bruce—203
Palminteri, Joey—134
Paradise Garage—140
Parker, Suzy—141
Passaro, Alan—228
Paul, Ali—58
Paul, Peter—277
Pavarotti, Luciano—200
Paxton, Bill—284
Payne, Freda—278
Peck, Anthony—116
Peck, Cecilia—116, 202
Peck, Gregory—116
Peller, Harold—46, 47
Pemberton, John—81
Pendergrass, Teddy—149, 196
Pennebaker, D. A.—116
Pennebaker, Frazer—116
People—88, 161
Peppermint Lounge—34, 133, 134, 165
Perrine, Valerie—169, 201
Perry, Matthew—284
Perry, Richard—272–274
Persky, Lester—88, 169, 175, 180, 210
Pesci, Joe—35, 102, 114
Pesetsky, Warren—71
Petty, Bob—303
Pfeiffer, Michelle—262
Phi Sigma Delta—26
Philippe/Philippe of the Waldorf—43
Piaf, Edith—258
Pilar, Monique—227
Pileggi, Nicholas—9
Pilevsky, Phil—233
Pilgrim, Phyllis—249
Piper, Rudolf—271, 292
Piscopo, Joe—198
Pitt, Brad—284
Plato’s Retreat—134
Platzer, Robin—161
Playboy Club—37
Playboy—108, 114, 115, 117, 183, 186, 187, 189, 299
Playboy Mansion—192
Plaza Hotel—37, 96, 152
Pleshette, Suzanne—273, 274, 281
Plimpton, George—110
Pointer Sisters—273
Police, The—192, 193
Polk, Bo—220
Porizkova, Paulina—89, 143, 198, 265
Post, Henry—163
Powell, Preston—80
Presley, Elvis—27, 130, 132, 150, 207, 278
Preston, Billy—279
Price, Sammy—259, 262, 264
Prince—89, 195, 196, 202, 206, 207, 285
Prince Albert of Monaco—110, 262
Prince Dimitri of Yugoslavia—110
Princess Diana—152
Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia—93
Princess Margaret—289
Princess Stèphanie of Monaco—262
Principal, Victoria—211, 240
Puck, Wolfgang—281
Puente, Tito—150
Puga, Joe—295
Queen Latifah—284
Quinn, Anthony—116, 172, 262
Quinn, Francesco—116
Quinto, Felice—161
Rachou, Jean-Jacques—243
Radio City Music Hall—146, 195
Radner, Gilda—118, 191
Rancho La Puerta—246–252, 255, 256, 268, 286
Rat Fink Room—33
Rat Pack—32, 258
Rawls, Lou—279
Reagan, Nancy—276
Reagan, Ronald—18, 19, 128, 276
Reams, Lee Roy—200
Record Pools—137
Red Parrot, The—182, 230
Redding, Otis—35, 138
Redwine, Michael—186, 293
Reed, Lou—109, 141, 148, 196
Reeve, Christopher—78, 200
Reichl, Ruth—278
Reilly, Charles Nelson—149
Reynolds, Burt—269
Reynolds, Debbie—201
Reynolds, Patrick—113
Rich, Denise—277
Rich, Marc—277
Richards, Keith—89,113, 140, 144, 147, 189, 200
Richie, Lionel—190, 204
Righteous Brothers—35
Rivera, Richie—121
Rivers, Gwynne—93–96, 113, 116, 175, 225, 298
Rivers, Joan—113, 168, 263
Rivers, Larry—93, 94, 116
Rizzo, Jilly—33
Robata—53, 54
Robbins, Grace—270
Robbins, Harold—270
Robbins, Tim—269, 294
Roberts, Marion—17
Robinson, Jackie—277
Robinson, Smokey—279
Roca, John—161
Rockwell, David—259–261, 271
Rodgers, Nile—88, 100, 101, 144, 145, 153, 204, 291
Rodriguez, David—134, 204, 303
Rodriguez, Paul—285
Rogers, Mimi—284
Rolling Stone—82
Rolling Stones, The—41, 42, 49, 50, 60, 72, 89, 92, 93, 95, 119, 132, 136, 140, 144, 145, 147, 153, 197, 208, 228
Romero, Cesar—274
Roosevelt, Eleanor—33
Roselle, George Paul—124, 176, 303
Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius—17
Rosenfeld, Eric—17, 36, 56, 101
Rosner, Alex—14
Ross, Diana—22, 67, 109, 137, 273, 291
Rossellini, Franco—211
Inside Studio 54 Page 37