Kira's Reckoning (Blessed Five)

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Kira's Reckoning (Blessed Five) Page 6

by Sasha Parker

  Kira looked at her sisters and saw they had the same look of confusion on their faces as she must have on her own. All of them except for Calli. Being the youngest, Calli had stayed home with Mamo the longest. She had chosen to remain at the castle and went to school online for the most part, only having to drive to campus on occasion. Kira knew Calli was aware of far more than she and her other sisters when it came to the magick side of their lives because of it.

  Once they were all in the dining room, Mamo took her place at the head of the table and the women around her. She raised her hands and said, "Come to me through time and space, to share the past that we must face. Appear before me, I so command, so that we may have the knowledge in our hands."

  There was a shimmering in front of them as a large, bound book appeared before them on the table. The young women all looked at it in awe as their grandmother opened the book saying, "This is the 'leabhar eolais', the Book of Knowledge. It was begun by the first witch in our line and has been passed down through the years to be cherished and added to by each Five." She opened the leather bound book and the women all leaned over her shoulders to see the first page held a long list of names that went on to a second page. "These are the names of the Five for generations. They all have placed their spells and sage advice for the future generations as you will all do for those that come after you."

  "Wow. That's amazing," Sheela said in a whisper.

  "Each of you is able to call it as I did and it will appear to you as it did to me," their grandmother told them.

  "How did you know about the book, Calli?" Erin asked her.

  Calli blushed and glanced at their grandmother. "One day about a year ago, I was trying to get a peek at what Mamo was doing in the greenhouse. I already knew we were different, just not exactly how," she paused and took a breath. "Well, as I crept in, I saw her reading in the book and then saw her make it vanish. That was when I knew there was true magick here, something I had suspected for some time."

  "I caught Calli and swore her to secrecy. You girls needed a little more time in your worlds before you were brought into the magical one waiting for you," their grandmother took up the story. "Then she was suitably punished for spying," she added with a twinkle in her eye as Calli blushed again.

  "So this book holds all of our secrets," Kira said.

  "Not all of them but yes, there are spells, incantations, and information that must stay between you five sisters. I would say your Guardians are allowed around the book but it is up to the book to decide," their grandmother answered.

  "The book decides? How?" Erin asked.

  "If anyone from other than the Blessed Five line tries to touch the book, well, they will wish they hadn't," their grandmother explained. "Although I have been through this book, I cannot recall it all. This is where I suggest you begin to look as well to see if our enemy has acted before."

  "Can you guys look through it while I am gone?" Kira asked her sisters.

  "Of course. When do you go?" Erin answered her.

  "I don't know yet. The guys said they were going to speak with Myles and Aedan first and then make the arrangements," Kira told Erin.

  "Good. Now let me show you how to return the book to hiding," their grandmother said and they all stood back as she raised her hands again. "Return now from whence you came to me, as I will, so mote it be." There was another flash and the book vanished back to its 'safe place'.

  "Mamo, you never cease to amaze me," Sheela said with awe.

  Their grandmother laughed and then got a serious look on her face. "I love you girls and want you to have every available resource to defend yourselves."

  "We love you too, Mamo. I know I speak for all of us when I say we want to be fully prepared too," Erin said, checking her watch. "As it is, I need to go grab my phone, Ari said she would be calling in to check on everything. I cannot believe she is doing this on her honeymoon!"

  "Maybe Reilly and Lachlan are lacking in some way if they can't keep her occupied," Sheela said with a smirk. "How sad for her."

  "Sheela! TMI!" Calli said with a wrinkled brow.

  All the sisters laughed with their grandmother as Erin ran to get her phone. Kira looked at her family and said, "I am going to go pack now. I want to be ready to go when the men say the word." Kira smiled at them when she saw frowns come across their faces when being reminded of her trip. "Don't worry. I will be fine. Promise."

  Kira turned and headed back up the stairs to her room. She pulled her suitcase out of her closet and laid it open on her bed. She began to pull things out of her drawers and closet to pack, laying them on the bed beside the case to fold. Just as she began to place items into her suitcase, an arm wrapped around her from behind and pulled her back against a warm, muscular chest. Kira gasped, her hands automatically closing over the arm on her stomach.

  "I cannae think when you bend over like that, dearling," Ronan's voice growled in her ear as shivers ran down her spine. He ran his tongue along the shell of her ear and said, "You are driving us both over the edge with that body. We cannae take anymore." He turned them to the left in one move and there was Brendan smiling at her.

  Kira looked up into Brendan's blue eyes and saw the desire there. She opened her mouth to tell them she needed to pack, to buy herself more time. She didn't think she was ready for this—for them. The feelings they evoked in her overpowered her ability to think straight, especially when they were touching her as they were now.

  When Brendan reached out with one hand and traced his finger on her lips, slowly going around her mouth, she couldn't stop her tongue flicking out to lightly lick his finger as he did. She watched his eyes dilate as she circled the digit with her tongue, lengthening her licks, sucking more of his finger into her mouth. She felt intense satisfaction as she watched his breathing change and his eyelids droop halfway filled with lust.

  Ronan ran his hands down her arms. She could feel his desire for her fitted snugly against her bottom. As Ronan began to kiss her neck, Brendan released her finger in order to lean down and run his tongue over her lips slowly. When he began to kiss her fully, Kira knew she was lost.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kira felt Ronan leave her back and then rustling as he removed her suitcase from her bed to the floor. Brendan eased her back onto the bed with his hand behind her head, continuing to kiss her senseless. Then she felt two sets of hands on her, undressing her. Within minutes, she was completely naked and the hands had stopped moving on her. She slowly opened her eyes as Brendan pulled back. Both men stood above her, looking down at her with desire burning in their eyes.

  "You are breathtaking," Brendan said softly.

  "Absolutely stunning," Ronan agreed.

  Kira blushed as she looked into their eyes and heard their praise. Just when she began to feel a little self-conscious, the men moved, beginning to remove their clothing. Kira forgot her state of undress as she watched their ripped bodies being exposed. She laid back on the bed propped up by pillows as she took in their muscular chests bared to her approving stare, then her mouth dropped open when they both took off their pants, neither wearing underwear. They were both very well endowed and she had a moment of worry as to how they would fit.

  "We will fit just fine, you were made for us." Her eyes met Ronan's as he spoke and she wondered if he could read her mind.

  Brendan shook his head. "Your face gives away your thoughts sometimes."

  Kira realized that had to be true as she realized she was frowning over Ronan's comment. She made a mental note to try not to let her thoughts show on her face, hoping she could make that happen. She was pulled from her thoughts as the bed dipped on either side of her as the men joined her. She shivered in anticipation knowing what was about to happen.

  She gasped as Brendan's tongue began to lave at her breast, going everywhere but where she wanted him too. Ronan had chosen to start at her feet, slowly running his strong, warm hands over her feet, kissing her instep then her ankle. Ronan's hand slowly moved up th
e insides of her legs, kneading her flesh as he went. Brendan had one hand on her breast, massaging it gently as his tongue continued to torture her on her other breast. She had both hands in Brendan's hair, trying to get him to take her nipple in his mouth, he was frustrating her by silently refusing.

  Ronan's hands met at the juncture of her thighs, then moved to wrap around her hips to hold her solidly in place as he settled his upper body between her thighs. Kira raised her head and her eyes connected with his, seeing his desire for her. He held her gaze as he leaned down and flicked his tongue out to circle her clit. Between Brendan's tongue and Ronan's tongue moving in simultaneous strokes, she was on the edge of having her first orgasm of the night within minutes.

  As it began to wash over her, she threw her head back and screamed their names as the waves flowed through her over and over again. They continued to stroke her and murmur to her as she rode out the best orgasm of her life. She opened her eyes and gazed into Brendan's eyes as he watched her. He smiled gently at her as he leaned in to kiss her slowly and thoroughly on her lips.

  Kira felt movement between her legs and broke the kiss with Brendan to look down at Ronan who was kneeling there, softly stroking her thighs. Brendan shifted and moved behind her so her back leaned against his front. He brought his hands around to fondle her breasts and pinch her nipples, stirring the need all over again. She laid her head back against his shoulder then turned her head so she could kiss him once again.

  Ronan took that opportunity to move, adjusting her legs so they hung over his arms as he settled once again between her legs. As Brendan played with her breasts, Ronan began to stoke the fire in her again using his tongue, then lightly nipping at her clit with his teeth. Soon she found herself teetering on the edge of ecstasy once more, she was moaning and thrusting her hips toward Ronan, who seemed bent on driving her insane with desire.

  "Please!" Kira begged as she reached out to try to pull Ronan to her.

  "You like what he's doing to you, don't you?" Brendan whispered in her ear. "Can you feel tingles running through your veins? Do you like the way we touch you together? Tell me that you like it, tell me you want us."

  Kira moaned and panted, "Yes, yes, I want you both. Please, make love to me."

  Brendan lifted one of her breasts as if in offering to Ronan as he moved up and over her. Ronan never broke eye contact as he leaned down to take the proffered nipple, swirling his tongue around it as he began to suck it. Then he rolled her nipple on the roof of his mouth as Brendan pinched her other nipple and she cried out in pleasure.

  "Ronan is going to make love to you now, then I am going to love you," Brendan said in her ear. "We are going to make you ours. You want to be ours, don't you, Kira?"

  "Gods, Right now," Kira urged.

  Ronan pulled her down by her hips to align with her, then he slowly slid his hot length into her sheath, inch by inch. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of Kira as he slid into her body. She was so wet and hot for him, he savored the feeling as he continued to slowly enter her. When he was in all the way, he stayed still for a minute to cherish the moment of finally being part of this woman. As he looked down into her eyes, he knew that this moment would be etched into his brain for all time as the moment when they all knew they would be one. Forever.

  Just when Kira thought she couldn't take being still a second longer, Ronan began to move, sliding slowly in and out. Brendan took up playing with her breasts, rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefingers. She turned her head and received another kiss from Brendan. Feeling Brendan's tongue sliding in sync with Ronan sliding in and out of her drove her to the edge, she seemed to teeter there until Ronan made his move.

  Suddenly he changed his angle that when he pulled out, he rubbed directly on her g-spot. Then Brendan slowly ran his hand down her abdomen and began to circle her clit with his finger, running his finger around slowly at first and then increased his speed as Ronan began to increase his. Kira was writhing on the bed, loving the feel of these two men. She ran her hands up behind her, circling them around Brendan's neck, kissing him with every fiber of her being.

  She broke the kiss, frustrated with the edge they kept her on and yelled, "More, faster! Harder!"

  Brendan answered her by increasing the pressure of his finger as it circled her clit and Ronan began to pound harder, changing his angle with each glide. Suddenly, Kira felt the wave coming up on her, feeling it swell until it was crashing down on her and her body was convulsing with orgasm after orgasm. They seemed to roll one into another until she was breathless. She heard Ronan's shout of completion and then felt Brendan lean back to give Ronan room to hold her body to his.

  They stayed like that for a few minutes, trying to recover their breath. Kira stroked her hands over Ronan's back with one hand while she reached behind her to hold Brendan's with the other, lacing their fingers together. Ronan lifted up and placed a soft kiss upon her lips as he eased to the side. Then he got up and headed into the bathroom where Kira heard the shower come on.

  She tilted her head up to look at Brendan who smiled down at her. She pulled his head down to her and kissed him as she felt his desire poking into her back. She turned so she was on all fours facing Brendan and she leaned down to place kisses on his thighs and stomach. Brendan placed his hands on either side of her head as she leaned down and slowly circled him with her tongue. With each pass she began to suck him inch by inch into her mouth, dragging him deeper into her throat.

  As his hips began to thrust in time, she moaned at the silky feel of him sliding in and out of her mouth. She loved the salty taste of him on her lips and was concentrating on taking him deeper when suddenly he pulled out. She looked up at him in surprise and he pushed her back down on the bed on her back.

  Before she could speak, he growled, "I want to be inside you when I come. I want to feel you come with me."

  Kira shivered at the sound of his voice and said, "But I was enjoying what I was doing, I wanted to finish."

  "Next time," Brendan said urgently as he ran his hands down her sides, slipping between her thighs.

  Kira wrapped her legs around him and smiled, knowing there would be a next time and a time after that if she had any say. Then she lost all thought as Brendan thrust into her to the hilt, pausing to allow her body to adjust to his for a moment before thrusting into her in wild abandon. All Kira could do was hold on and enjoy the ride he took her on. Brendan's thrusts were powerful and fierce, showing her how desperately he wanted her. She met his thrusts with her own and raked her nails down his back to spur him on.

  Brendan knew he had found heaven when he entered Kira's body. It felt like he had come home and he never wanted to leave. He closed his eyes and tried to count to slow down the raging emotions in his body so he would have more time with her, but his body had waited long enough. It wanted what it wanted and wasn't going to be denied. Her cries of passion and moans of fulfillment were enough for him to know that she was caught up in the moment as he was.

  Kira's head was moving from side to side, shocked at the fact these men could turn her on so much so fast. Already she was hurling toward another powerful orgasm and she had never had multiple orgasms in one night. In fact, she had only had orgasms when she used her faithful vibrator. These two wonderful men had awakened a long buried, primal woman out of her and she liked it. As she felt the orgasm begin to come over her, she looked up into Brendan's eyes and found his gaze upon her, watching her every move. She had never had anyone look at her so intensely before, she felt as though he were looking into her very soul.

  Brendan leaned down as the first ripple went through her body and said softly, "I am yours as you are mine."

  He leaned further to kiss her in a kiss so fierce it took her breath away. Ripples ripped through her body as she had another monumental orgasm. Brendan took that moment to reach between them and stroke her clit, which allowed her orgasm to stretch on, coming in wave upon wave, seeming like it would never end. She thou
ght she was going to black out when it was over, she couldn't believe her body responded that way.

  As they lay there trying to get their breath back, Ronan joined them and he had a warm cloth with him. Brendan moved to her other side and the two men cleaned her up amidst her protests. They kept murmuring how beautiful she was and how they loved her body. Kira snuggled in between the men and soon found herself falling asleep. Her last thought was that things had just gotten more complicated.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kira couldn't say what had woken her but when she lifted her head, she saw Brendan was trying to set down a tray very quietly and failing. She smiled as she saw he had brought snacks for them since they had missed lunch. They had let her sleep for an hour before they had woken her up and proceeded to love her all over again. Her body was now sore in places she had never felt sore before but loved it. She would never complain as she blushed, thinking how those areas were worked over.

  "Ach, luv, you're awake," Brendan said to her as he approached the bed.

  Kira went to sit up when an arm came around her from behind and Ronan growled, "You are not going anywhere."

  Brendan laughed and leaned down to place a quick kiss on her lips. Then he kissed her again, lingering before he pulled back. "No worries, I will bring your food to you."

  He went over to grab the tray as Ronan sat up and plumped pillows behind her so she could eat in bed. Kira tucked the sheet under her arms to hide her nakedness but Ronan was not having any of that. He grabbed the sheet and tugged it down to expose her breasts saying, "Never cover these, they are ours to enjoy."

  Kira rolled her eyes but left the sheet where it was, instead she accepted the cool soda Brendan held out to her and said, "Thank you, I am dying of thirst." As she drank greedily from the glass, the two men frowned at her. "What?"

  "You should have said if you were thirsty, we would have gotten something for you before now," Ronan said with reproach.


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