Kira's Reckoning (Blessed Five)

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Kira's Reckoning (Blessed Five) Page 9

by Sasha Parker

  As she came back into the living area, she saw Brendan and Ronan sitting on the couch waiting for her. "Well? Does it meet with your approval?" Brendan asked with a smile.

  Kira returned the smile as she stuck out her tongue at him. "I was curious and yes, it's very nice."

  As she approached the couch, Ronan reached up and yanked her into his lap. He enclosed her in his arms and said, "What have I told you about that tongue?"

  Kira quirked her eyebrow at him and said sassily, "That's not the only thing it does."

  Brendan took her legs and brought them over onto his lap. "Oh, she may need some discipline, brother, she likes to sass."

  Just as Ronan and Brendan began tickling her and she was squealing trying to get away, there was a knock at the door. Brendan got up to answer it and Kira heard a deep male voice boom out, "Weel, where is she then? I havena got all day!"

  Kira jumped off Ronan's lap just as a tall, burly old man came into the room. He had to be over six foot four in height and had long brown hair that fell past his shoulders with two small braids on either side. He had deep green eyes that sparkled as they found Kira.

  "Weel, you are a beautiful lass, aren't ya?" he said.

  Kira put her hands on her hips and said, "I'm sorry and who are you?"

  His laughter boomed out and he turned to a grinning Ronan who got up to clasp forearms with him. "She is feisty, isn't she, lad? Weel done!"

  He approached Kira and picked her up in his arms, swinging her around. "Hey! What is going on?" Kira exclaimed as she put her hands on the giant's shoulders. "Who is this? Can you put me down?"

  As the giant settled her on her feet again, he said to her, "Ah, love, you are goin' ta be great for my boys."

  Ronan stepped up and put an arm around her shoulders. "Kira Kirkpatrick, this is our uncle, Donald LeStrange. He is our father's brother and also a Guardian trainer."

  Brendan stepped up on her other side. "Uncle, meet our match, Kira Kirkpatrick."

  Kira jerked her head to look at Brendan. They had not discussed the whole match thing yet and she was surprised that he announced it so easily to their uncle. She felt Ronan squeeze her shoulder and decided she would let it go for now but made a vow to speak to the guys later about it.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," Kira said.

  "Sir? What's this nonsense?" Donald exclaimed and then enveloped her in another hug, when he pulled back, he said, "We are practically family now, call me Uncle."

  Kira smiled and said, "Then you had better call me Kira."

  "Wonderful." Donald smiled warmly at her. "Now, boys, tell me all that has been going on." He sat down in one of the armchairs as if holding court.

  Brendan and Ronan began to tell him the story of the Blessed Five and the attacks on the family. He listened intently and asked pertinent questions while they talked. When they were done, he leaned back in his chair and didn't say anything. He seemed to be thinking on all that had been said.

  He turned to look at Kira and said, "You have taken it all on your shoulders, haven't ye, lass?"

  Kira frowned. "What do you mean?"

  "You aren't foolin' me any. You are bound and determined to take this all on to protect your family," Donald said knowingly.

  Kira sat up straighter. "I protect my own. My family is everything to me."

  Donald grinned at Brendan and Ronan. "Guid gear comes in sma' bulk!"

  "Aye, that is does, uncle," Ronan said and looked at her with pride in his eyes.

  Kira blushed as Brendan leaned over and kissed her on the lips. "She's a keeper,” he said happily.

  "So, Uncle, do you have any ideas for us?" Ronan asked Donald.

  "Aye, the lass is right. Look to the grimoires," Donald answered.

  "Have you any idea who they are choosing to send next?" Brendan asked.

  Donald shook his head. "I dinna ken. They will tell you in time. You ken how they work."

  Both men nodded in agreement. Kira didn't understand. "Choosing for what, where?"

  All three looked at her and smiled. Ronan answered her. "Who the Council will choose to send to the glen. The next set of Guardians."

  "Oh," Kira said as she grinned. "I'm seeing a theme here. Sheela is gonna fall next."

  As she began to laugh, the men joined in. "It does seem to be fated that way," Brendan acknowledged.

  "I can't wait to see that, those poor men." Kira shook her head.

  "If they feel half of what we feel for you, they are lucky men," Ronan said solemnly.

  Kira's eyes misted as she laid her hand on his cheek. "You are so sweet."

  Ronan turned his head and kissed her palm. Brendan wrapped an arm around her waist. "We are very honored to have found you and have you in our lives."

  Kira glanced at Donald and saw his eyes were a little watery and she blushed. "You are both special to me too." She didn't want to give away her true feelings for the first time in front of their uncle, but she hoped she got the meaning across.

  Both men leaned in and kissed her on her cheeks. Donald chose that moment to clear his throat and say, "Weel done, lads. I am going to let you all rest from your journey. Never fear, we will see each other again soon."

  Donald stood and embraced each of his nephews before he gave Kira another bear hug. Brendan walked him to the door and let him out then came back into the living room. "It's almost dinner time, do you want to order in or go to the main hall?"

  Kira yawned and said, "I don't know about you guys, but I am tired and wouldn't mind eating in tonight."

  Ronan and Brendan gave her twin looks of desire as Ronan said, "Oh no, dearling, stayin' in sounds like a great idea."

  Kira laughed and shook her head and forgot about being tired as her body began to heat with the looks the two men were giving her. She knew an early dinner in would be just the ticket because later, she thought with a grin, later they were going to be busy.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next day they shared breakfast together and then the men were called to go before the Council. Tobin brought a message to Kira informing her that Vesta would unfortunately be detained and wouldn't be able to meet her until later in the day. After she sent an email home to let them know she had arrived safely, Kira decided to go for a walk around the castle to get her bearings. She went down the stairs and ran into Donald in the main hall.

  "Lass, where are ye headin' to?" he asked.

  Kira shrugged. "I was just going to acquaint myself with the layout."

  "Ahh. Well, if I may, I would love to show you around," Donald offered.

  "That would be wonderful, thank you," Kira said as she took the arm Donald offered and they began to walk through the castle.

  Donald showed her the ins and outs of the castle, where she could and could not go. He showed her there were guards posted in the areas where she wasn't allowed to go just in case she forgot. Then he delighted her by taking her outside to the back gardens that were vast, growing with every flower and plant she could think of. It was a wild array of colors blended together to make a beautiful rainbow.

  Kira walked through the plants and could hear them calling to her. She laughed with delight as she knelt down and plunged her fingers into the earth to greet them. She glanced back at Donald and saw the look of awe on his face. She guessed that she must have the glow again, the one her sisters said she had when she "spoke" to the earth. She closed her eyes, loving the feel of welcome she was getting from all around her.

  They stayed in the garden, chatting about the grounds and walking the different paths in and out of the back garden until it was lunchtime. Donald suggested they go back in and see if the guys were free yet. As they entered through the music room, a room Kira knew Calli would have loved as it was filled with every instrument known to man and Calli was a huge music lover, they saw Ronan and Brendan in the hall speaking to Tobin.

  As they approached, the men turned and saw Kira, immediately surrounding her with their arms in greeting. "We missed you t
his morning, luv," Ronan growled in her ear.

  "I missed you both too," Kira whispered to them.

  "What have you two been up to?" Brendan asked.

  "Donald was kind enough to show me around. We just came in from the back garden, it is so beautiful," Kira said on a sigh.

  "Aye and you should see your lass with the plants. It is a sight to see, it is," Donald told them.

  Ronan and Brendan both grinned. "We've seen her. It is amazing, isn't it?" Brendan agreed.

  "The way the trees themselves move toward her as she walks past, it's like her very being calls to them and they her," Donald said in awe as he looked at Kira.

  Kira laughed and said, "Donald, you old softy."

  It was Donald's turn to laugh as he looked at Kira and shook his head. "Come, lass, you promised me food." Donald held out his arm out and Kira took it. As they started away from the men, Donald turned back and said, "Are you lads joinin' us?"

  Ronan and Brendan exchanged a baffled look then began to laugh as they followed Donald and Kira toward the dining hall. As they entered the dining hall, Kira looked around and thought it reminded her of a giant cafeteria. There was a large buffet set up against the back wall and several tables set up throughout the room.

  Donald led her over to the buffet and they piled their plates high then chose a table. Brendan and Ronan followed behind, filling their plates and then joining them, sitting on either side of Kira. The men asked Kira about her tour and she filled them in on all that Donald had shown her. She told her guys she wanted to go out and explore the back garden and beyond.

  "I could feel a strong pull back that way. Do you know what's beyond the gardens?" she asked the men.

  Donald shook his head. "Tis only woods back there, lass."

  "Is it possible you are just feeling the earth calling to you?" Ronan asked.

  Kira shook her head. "No, it's more than that."

  "Don't go back there without one of us, promise?" Brendan asked. "I don't want to worry about you with all that is going on."

  Kira sighed. "I won't, I promise. But I want it noted that I don't think whatever is calling me is dangerous."

  Ronan wrapped his arm around her shoulders and said, "Luv, we just want to make sure you are safe."

  Kira kissed his cheek. "I know. Don't worry, I will be careful," she promised. "Now, how was your meeting?"

  "It went well. The Council has placed watchers around the area as a precaution and to see if we have a traitor amongst us," Brendan said seriously.

  "Watchers? Who are they?" Kira asked curiously.

  "Watchers are people who go around and basically spy on everyone, listening to all conversations, looking for key words to alert them that there is danger to the Council," Ronan explained.

  "I see," Kira said. "No offense, but that's all they came up with?"

  "No, they also have magical feelers out but those are harder to explain," Brendan said with a chuckle.

  Just as Kira was going to ask some more questions, Tobin appeared at their table and bowed. "Miss Kira, Vesta requests your presence in the library in a half hour. Will you be agreeable to joining her?"

  "Of course, Tobin. Thank you," Kira answered. As soon as Tobin was out of sight, Kira jumped up and said, "I have to go shower and change. See you guys later."

  She kissed each of her guys quickly and then gave Donald a kiss on the cheek, murmuring her thanks for his tour as she dashed out into the hall to head to her room. Donald gave his nephews a perplexed look and then turned to stare off to where Kira had disappeared.

  Ronan chuckled. "Yep, that's how we feel."

  Donald turned back. "She is a blessing, cherish her," Donald said solemnly. "Not all of us were blessed to find out match," he said sadly.

  Both Brendan and Ronan immediately felt a deep sadness for their uncle. Yes, they were indeed grateful to have found Kira. Now that they had her, they could not imagine life without her. They both regarded Donald in a different light now knowing that he had yet to meet his match at his age. All they could do was hope that he found her soon. They both turned to look at each other.

  'I know, brother,' Ronan said through their link. 'We have to have faith that he will find her soon.'

  'I wouldn't want to think about life without her,' Brendan said.

  'Luckily, we won't have to,' Ronan answered.

  Brendan broke out into a huge smile. 'She is something though, huh?'

  'Oh yeah. And she's all ours,' Ronan said with pride.

  Donald was watching his nephews and knew they were communicating in their way about their woman. His suspicions were confirmed when they both broke out in huge grins and looked back at the door where Kira had disappeared. Donald shook his head. Yep, they had it bad.


  Kira stood outside the doors to the library and took a deep breath to calm herself. She pushed open one of the doors and she was amazed at the immense size of the library she walked into. From the outside, it looked like a normal room, but once she opened the door, she saw the room extended back at least half the length of a football field. It had floor to ceiling bookshelves lining every wall, then had several bookcases going down the center of the room. Scattered throughout were small little clusters of comfortable chairs with lamps for reading. There were even a few large tables in the room for large groups.

  Kira was amazed as she turned in circles, trying to take it all in. As much as she loved the outdoors and was connected to the earth, she loved books as well. She had spent many days and nights in libraries studying when she was in school getting her degree in geology. She walked over to the science section and reverently looked at all the books on geology. She even saw her books on the shelves and ran her finger over them with awe.

  "Yes, Kira, we have read what you have brought to the world. We were all proud of what you have done." Kira jumped at the sound of Vesta's voice.

  Kira turned to face the Priestess of all Wiccans and blushed as she said, "I am honored that you have my books. That's something I did not expect."

  Vesta smiled brightly at her. "Fear not, sister, we are aware of your intelligence and devotion to the earth. Come, I will show you to what you seek."

  Kira followed Vesta down the center aisle, between the shelves toward the back of the room. She saw there was a separate room that had locks on the door. Vesta waved her hand and the locks clicked as the doors came open. Kira followed Vesta into the room and saw there were many old books there. Kira had the urge to run and look through each and every book right then but refrained as she waited for Vesta to instruct her.

  "Now then, I know you want to tear into everything in here, but your journey should begin in this section." Vesta indicated the shelves to the right. "This section holds information on the families, including the Blessed Five."

  Kira was surprised at how intuitive Vesta was, she kept forgetting she was now surrounded by magick and magical beings. She turned to the section that Vesta was pointing to and walked over to get a closer look at the books. They were large tomes, some of them had family names on the outside. She saw several that had the name 'Blessed Five' on them and turned to Vesta. "May I?" she asked politely.

  Vesta let out a tinkling laugh. "Of course, my dear, you may. That's why we are here, is it not?"

  Kira pulled the tome off the shelf and walked to one of the tables in the room. She opened the large book and saw the writing was odd. She looked at Vesta with a frown and said, "Ah, I think I am going to have a serious problem here."

  Vesta waved her hand back and forth saying, "No, child, I am here to show you how to read the grimoires. There is always magick involved here. The tomes are kept this way so only those with permission may have the knowledge inside."

  Kira nodded with relief. "I see."

  Vesta walked over to a small table in the center of the room and gestured for Kira to join her. Kira warily went forward and stood beside her. "Here is where you make your vow. You must repeat after me and vow to only use the knowl
edge for the better of magick, never to harm."

  "Okay," Kira said without hesitation.

  Vesta smiled her approval. "Alright then, just take the athame and prick your finger, place one drop of blood on this tome." She indicated a small, old book in the middle of the table and the dagger beside it.

  Kira waited for a moment hoping Vesta would tell her she was joking about having to perform this ritual, but in the end knew that it was for real. Sometimes she became torn between 'before and after' as she liked to call it. Everything in her life revolved around the moment when she got her powers. So there was 'before' when she led a 'normal' life and then there was 'after' with all the magical elements that were now in her life.

  Before she was able to really think about what she was doing, she picked up the athame and pricked her finger as she pressed the drop of blood to the old tome repeating after Vesta. "I, Kira Kirkpatrick, vow that my intentions are pure and hopeful, only to better our world."

  Once she finished, Vesta said, "Now come, Kira. Let me show you the books properly." She led Kira over to the grimoire Kira had pulled off the shelf and then waved her hand over it saying, "I have so vowed." When she said that phrase, the writing in the book immediately changed to legible English. Kira was amazed at what she had witnessed Vesta just do.

  They began to go over certain books and Vesta showed Kira specific symbols to look for in the grimoires that might show them some answers. The symbols represented the Five and then several others represented major Wiccan families. Vesta suggested that they begin looking into not only the past of the Five but those prominent Wiccan families first.

  They worked together for hours, pouring over different books and trying to ascertain who or what could be going on. Tobin came and went, bringing snacks and missives for Vesta. Each time Tobin came in, which seemed to be revolving on a timeframe, Vesta would insist on taking a break to eat the snacks. At one point, Tobin brought lunch as well, along with a note for Kira from her men telling her they were exercising with the trainees and would see her at dinner.


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