Staff Master 2

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Staff Master 2 Page 9

by Daniel Sandoval

  Chapter 8:

  Kyiv was busier than Connor initially remembered. Everywhere he looked pedestrians crossed the street running to catch busses or haggled with vendors on the street corner. The flurry of activity outside of the car was a reflection of Connor's mind as he tried to think through the situation he put himself in the middle of. He didn't want to change anything about his decision to leave Andre with Babushka and Lena, but he was concerned about the implications of his decision for Maria and his mom. Connor wasn't sure what to do, but in one fell swoop he had taken complete responsibility upon his own shoulders.

  The sedan approached a magnificent looking building. The architecture reflected the past magnificence of Kyiv while embracing modern features signifying a bright future built upon a glorious past. The chauffeur stopped the sedan in front of the main entrance of the hotel and jumped out of the car to open the doors of his passengers. Connor let himself out of the car and grabbed all his belongings across his shoulder as he waited for Billy and Takeo. Billy lazily made his way to the entrance and Connor stoically followed him into the hotel. Takeo walked behind Connor casting a shadow of suspicion on his new opponent. Billy meanwhile approached the front desk to speak with one of the workers.

  "Can you please call my suite and ask that Maria meet me in the bar?" Billy requested.

  The woman at the front desk diligently obliged to Billy's request. Billy then sauntered off toward the bar. Connor took another look at the woman who had made the phone call and then followed the arrogant Frenchman. Billy continued to strut in the hotel and had a hostess at the bar take him to a private booth. The ambience was perfect for Billy who was used to getting everything he wanted and was free to display his power and wealth in front of those who feared and respected money. Connor continued to hold his bags as he followed Billy and Takeo to the bar despite three advances from concierges to take them off his hand. As he approached the bar Billy was ordering a drink and Takeo was again shadowing his movements.

  "Have a seat Connor. Maria will be down shortly." Billy gruffly ordered.

  Connor remained standing at the bar. "I'm fine where I am."

  "Suit yourself. You do realize that I will not let you out of my sight now that I have found you." Billy sipped a hard drink that was just delivered to the small booth he was sitting in.

  "I suppose you know how I arrived in Kyiv then." Connor probed.

  "Touché Connor." Billy nodded. "I am aware of your mode of transportation. I have insured that your vessel is protected during the tournament in case things become unhinged."

  "Do you have a recommendation for a hotel then?" Connor said sarcastically as he looked at Billy in disgust.

  "This is one of Kyiv's finest; it has been around for nearly one hundred and fifty years." Billy trumpeted.

  "Fabulous." Connor felt like asking Billy to pay the bill. "I was thinking of something less extravagant."

  "My dear boy, you cannot traipse around Kyiv looking for a cheap room. You will be recognized by every person in the city by tomorrow morning and this hotel offers the best anonymity of any hotel in Kyiv." Billy raised his eyebrows aristocratically.

  "Are you sure it's the best for anonymity?" Connor asked.

  "Absolutely!" Billy was emphatic.

  Connor looked around. "I will consider it as an option."

  Connor turned to see if Maria had arrived. He looked back toward the wooden archway where he entered the bar and quickly recognized Maria being followed by a Russian or Ukrainian man wearing an earpiece common to most private security guards. Maria quietly made her way toward the booth. When she realized Connor was standing by the booth her slightly slouched posture immediately corrected itself. Billy continued to stay seated as Maria came to the booth and sat down gazing intently at Connor's face.

  "I'm sure you remember the boy who left you to fend for yourself in Tunisia." Billy scowled.

  Maria wore an excited and apprehensive smile on her face. "Hello Connor."

  Connor couldn't tell if Maria's voice was tense from excitement or anxiety of the situation. "Good to see you again Maria."

  "Our young friend has asked that you serve as his trainer once again." Billy took another drink. "I cannot fathom the reasons why he likes you around so much, but I'll suppress my suspicions for now."

  Connor put his hand out to Maria. She slowly placed her hand in his. Her hand felt cold and limp. Connor offered her a small and warm smile.

  "As I told you before she arrived. We will insure that you are safe during the tournament." Billy interuppted.

  Billy took a drink and Connor tightened his grip on Maria's hand and started to exit the bar. As Connor exited the bar he watched Takeo remain in the same place. The security agent meanwhile trailed Connor as soon as he left the bar. Connor turned to look at Maria while he hurried towards the lobby.

  "Is that man assigned to follow you?" Connor asked.

  Maria nodded. "Yes...he will go wherever I go unless it is the bathroom or a secured room."

  Connors mind was racing into action. "Do you think you can take him on a little walk around the block?"

  Maria tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

  "Walk out the hotel, go around the block and then meet me in the woman's bathroom near the lobby." Connor instructed.

  Maria nodded her head. Connor let go of Maria's hand and stooped to put down his bags. The man continued to follow Maria until he got to the exit of the hotel. As Maria exited the man turned to look at Connor. Connor smiled at the man as he shot a sneer stare at Connor that was very unpleasant. When the man exited the hotel Connor approached the woman at the front desk Billy spoke to.

  "Excuse me ma'am. Can you tell me what room the man you spoke with a few minutes ago is staying in?" Connor asked politely.

  The woman smiled. "I sorry sir, I cannot."

  "If I wanted to rent a room close to his room what options would I have?" Connor persisted.

  "I do not think you have money enough for hotel." The woman frowned.

  Connor reached in his bag and pulled out a fat wad of currency. "Will this be enough?"

  The woman suspiciously looked at the money in front of her and began counting it. "Is enough for a week."

  "Excellent. And what room would you recommend?" Connor asked.

  "You could stay on the fifth floor." The woman responded.

  Connor politely smiled. "Perfect."

  "What name should I use to check you in sir?" The woman started typing on a keyboard below the desk.

  Connor thought for a moment. "Omar Smith."

  "Excellent, may I see your ID?" The woman looked up with anticipation.

  "You don't understand, I'm too young for an ID. I just want to pay." Connor shifted to a serious tone in his voice.

  The woman nodded her head and issued Connor a thin clear card to allow him entrance into his room.

  "The card will beep when you are in front of room." The woman instructed.

  Connor blinked. "You aren't going to tell me the room number?"

  "We have no number. Card will tell you where is." The woman responded curtly.

  "Thank you very much."

  Connor politely smiled at the woman and picked up his bags stealthily maneuvering his way towards the women's lavatory. Connors entrance made no disturbance and he quickly scanned the bathroom for an exit. He saw a window at the end of the bathroom. He quickly hurried to the window, but it was sealed shut. Connor desperately needed to ditch the guard assigned to Maria, but he wasn't sure how to do it. As he stopped to think he felt a slight breeze gently touching the bristled hair on his head. He looked up and could see that the window was slightly open high above where he stood. Connor quickly climbed on the door of one of the women's stalls. He could reach the window and opened it further than it had been. He got down off of the door and tossed his bags out onto the narrow walkway on the other side of the window. As he po
sitioned himself on the door of the stall Maria entered the bathroom. She looked at Connor in shock.

  "What are you doing?" She scolded.

  "We're leaving." Connor insisted.

  Connor pulled himself over to the open window and crawled through, then lowered himself to a ledge where he could hop down to the narrow walkway. He motioned for Maria to follow. Maria was clumsier than Connor, but she managed to get her upper torso through the window. Connor helped her down to the ledge and then they jumped to the walkway below.

  "Let's go. That guard will give you five minutes before he comes looking for you and we've already wasted two of them getting out the window."

  Connor hurried to the busy streets of Kyiv and walked in the opposite direction of the hotel.

  "Where are we going Connor?" Maria pleaded as she hurriedly followed Connor.

  "To get some privacy." Connor rushed ahead.

  Maria stopped walking. "This isn't a game anymore Connor. Billy will find us and when he does he'll drag us back and put us under his protection."

  Connor stopped and turned around staring Maria straight in the face. "That man has done nothing but made my life miserable. I won't risk putting myself close to him so he can kill me like he killed my father!"

  "Then how do you expect to get revenge?"

  Connor was shocked at Maria's question. "Come again."

  "You know what I'm talking about Connor." Maria scolded.

  "We don't have time to talk about this here on the street." Connor dismissed her.

  Maria held her ground. "Then let's go back to the hotel and not cause an alarm."

  Connor was surprised Maria was talking in the manner she was. He didn't understand why she followed him out the window and was now trying to convince him to go back into the lion's den. "I don't get you Maria. Maybe I'll just go this on my own, maybe I've made a mistake!"

  "You didn't make a mistake Connor. You did exactly what I would've done, but we need to keep Billy's guard down if you expect to take a clean shot at him." Maria's voice inflexion changed.

  Connor shook his head despite the logic Maria presented to him. "Fine. We'll go back. What about the guard?"

  "I'll handle it. We'll go right in the front doors. Did you get a room or do I need to get us one?" Maria asked.

  Connor pulled out his card. "Fifth floor."

  "Excellent, right below Billy." Maria grinned.

  Connor followed Maria back to the hotel. As they entered the lobby the guard who had been assigned to Maria was pacing with anxiety. Maria took Connor by the hand and walked right past him toward the glass elevator. As she walked past him he had to do a double take. When he realized Maria was still in the hotel he calmed down considerably. Connor watched as he radioed someone through his earpiece informing them that he had gained control of the situation. Connor was still in the mode to play cat and mouse and hurried Maria into the elevator and closed the door before the man could enter.

  "What was that all about!?" Maria was perturbed.

  "I'm having fun with the bloke." Connor's smile disappeared into a frown.

  Maria scowled at Connor. "Just let him do his job."

  "He'll know what floor we get off on and I'm sure he'll figure out what room we're in." Connor countered.

  "It's more likely that he won't figure it out until we come out of the room. This hotel is funny about keeping things private." Maria snickered sarcastically realizing Connor just got his way.

  Connor's smile returned. "Well then we'll have a long while to get caught up on things."

  Maria smiled shyly at Connor who returned the smile with a confident grin. He felt his blood pressure go up as he gazed at Maria. He desperately wanted to pull her close to him and hold her, but restrained himself as the elevator ascended.


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