Staff Master 2

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Staff Master 2 Page 13

by Daniel Sandoval

  Chapter 12:

  Connor looked in the mirror and saw sleek black pants, a tailored black jacket, cuff links, a red cummerbund, and matching bow tie. He smiled and wondered how the evening would go. Less than a year ago he was living life one day at a time without a place to call home. His life was now transformed. He was the reigning staff master champion. Unfortunately, he was also targeted by nearly everyone in the stick fighting world and only trusted a handful of people in the world. One of those people was the woman walking towards him. Her hair put up in an artistic bun with fresh flowers carefully weaved throughout the bun. Her dress matched his tie and cummerbund. It didn't look like she was wearing makeup, but her face radiated elegance. She softly grabbed his hand and kissed the back of his shoulder.

  They walked out of the hotel room and were immediately escorted at a distance. The decent into the hotel lobby was effortless as was the canter to the hotel's ballroom. The ballroom was full of dignitaries, affluent Ukrainians, and a select group of staff masters. Connor and Maria were met with a few flashes from a camera and suddenly were the attention of the entire ballroom. The crowd around them slowly opened a passage for the couple to make their way to the front table in the ball room. After patiently shifting through the crowd, Connor could see two of the other Staff Masters sitting at the front table. One was Andre's rival Vladimir. Connor glared at him and then shifted his focus to Dominik from South Africa who his sweet companion Maria loathed. Connor turned to look at Maria as she carried herself proudly in front of the man she considered viler than Billy. It was clear that Billy intended to parade two fighters that could potentially get under Connor's skin. Calmly, Connor took his place at the front table sitting at length from his fellow staff masters.

  Connor turned his attention to the crowd and watched as the man with the camera continued to take pictures and many of the onlookers gawked at the front table facing the ballroom. The crowd suddenly shifted their attention as one of the side doors to the ball room opened and a spotlight shined on Billy and Takeo. Connor picked out the three security guards escorting them. The entire ballroom seemed to converge upon Billy and Takeo.

  Amidst the distraction, Dominik called out to Connor. "I see you brought back my girl!"

  "Are you referring to my trainer?" Connor curtly responded.

  Dominik laughed at Connor's response. "That fit bird ain't no trainer. She's ace in the sack!"

  Connor looked down and then stood up. Dominik immediately stood up as well. "If you demean my trainer again we can continue this outside."

  Dominik appeared to brace himself to take off his jacket when the company converging around Billy and Takeo arrived at the front table. Connor winked at Dominik and calmly sat back down. Domink returned the gesture with a clenched fist.

  Maria leaned into Connor's ear. "You don't have to defend me from that goon."

  "I'm not, I'm playing into Billy's stupidity." Connor smiled to the crowd.

  "What's that mean?" Maria gently kicked him under the table.

  Connor felt for Maria's hand under the table and gently held it. "With any luck we'll have Dominick out of the tournament before it begins which will open a staff master spot for our friend Billy."

  "I told you it's not going to happen." Maria gave two quick squeezes to Connors hand.

  "We'll see." Connor rose from his seat and applauded Billy and Takeo as they arrived. Billy gave Connor a demising stare. There was a sudden flury of security activity as the crowd was quickly dispersed to the general seating area. Billy took hold of a microphone and walked out onto the empty ballroom floor. Takeo meanwhile sat right next to Connor. Connor smelled soy and sugar as the Japanese fighter adjusted his seat. Billy then started his speech pausing occasionally for a translator to repeat what he had said.

  "My dear Ukrainian friends, I am so pleased to be joining you tonight at our staff master gala. I have promised you the top staff masters in the world at this tournament and you have seen for yourself our four valiant combatants." The crowd applauded. "I will take a moment to introduce each of them to you...Seated to my far right, accompanied by his trainer is a man your country has come to despise...and yet silently revere. He has amassed six tournament victories outside of Russia, currently reigns as the top fighter in all of Russia, and has dominated the Ukrainian-Russian championship for the last decade. I give you Vladimir!..."

  The crowd gave a half-hearted cheer and several whistles. Connor watched Vladimir chuckle at the sober reception.

  "Our next staff master for this tournament hails from the land of South Africa. He has claimed three tournament victories in Europe and five tournament victories in Africa. He seizes every opportunity inside and outside of a match and enjoys punishing his opponents. I give you Dominik!..."

  The crowd's applause grew louder, but Connor could sense they were still waiting for something.

  "Our youngest staff master of the tournament comes to us from England. He is one of the few to still use the quarter staff in our sport. He is fresh off of his first tournament victory in Tunisia and is making his inaugural professional appearance in Europe. Last night you watched the broadcast of him defeat a Kenshi master, a Russian staff master, and physically destroy a grizzled veteran! I give you Connor!..."

  The crowd erupted in applause for Connor. Connor thought about what Billy had just said. His fights from El Djem were televised to the Ukrainian people. He didn't know how to feel. Connor politely waved to the crowd until Billy started his final introduction.

  "After showcasing Connor, my corporation, Beyond Sight, brought you something that has never been seen outside of Japan. We showcased highlights of the reigning Kenshi tournament champion. His introduction is long overdue! I give you Takeo!..."

  Connor felt an upheaval roar as Takeo stood and waved to the well adorned crowd. Connor leaned over to Maria. "Did you know they were going to televise us?"

  Maria looked baffled. "I didn't know what Billy's plan was. I just knew he was going to highlight the staff masters."

  "Can we get a hold of that broadcast somewhere?" Connor asked.

  "I don't know Connor. Billy is probably the only one to have it." Maria paused to think among the applause. "He probably disabled all of the digital recorders in the country or something. He wouldn't let something like that get out to the general public."

  "Are you sure?" Connor second guessed her.

  "It wouldn't make any sense to open it up to everyone. Protecting his product is more critical than anything for him." Maria leaned into Connor as the applause diminished. "He can't create anticipation if everyone has access to his best cards."

  "You're right. We still need to find a way to see it." Connor was worried about this new wrinkle.

  "Just watch them fight at the tournament." Maria put her arm across Connor. "It will be better for you to diagnose their styles."

  The crowd had finally completely settled, but there was still plenty of chatter in the air. "I'm not worried about Takeo. I want to see myself."


  "Because every other fighter has most likely seen that video by now and I need to know what they saw." Connor said thoughtfully.

  Maria leaned over to Connor. "When they open the floor to dancing we can put out feelers."

  "They're translating everything. I don't know if we'll be able to communicate with anyone." Connor lowered his voice.

  "I'm sure some of them speak English." Maria responded.

  Connor repositioned himself on his chair. "We'll have to wait and see."

  Billy walked right behind Connor as he and Maria were finishing their conversation. Music began playing and an army of wait staff descended on the crowd. A plate of Ukrainian dumplings and salad was served to the front table. Connor played into Billy's charade and acted delighted to be enjoying a fine meal. As the meal concluded Billy opened the ballroom floor to dancing.

  Connor obs
erved as Vladimir and Dominik thanked Billy for the meal, and then requested to leave the festivities early. Billy obliged their request and while they were exchanging adieu's Connor escorted Maria onto the dance floor. Billy turned to see what Connor was doing and he disapprovingly stared as the open dance floor suddenly flooded with Kyiv's affluent crowd. Before Connor had a chance to dance with Maria, a voluptuous woman with platinum blonde hair and dark green eye shadow was holding Connor close to her chest. Connor could see an older gentleman with a bristly mustache dancing with Maria. Connor smiled at Maria and she smiled back. It appeared that they would have the opportunity to find someone who spoke English.

  After four or five dances, Connor finally danced with a woman who spoke English. In the flurry of activity he had only occasionally seen Maria and had no idea if she was having any luck. The woman he was with had light brown hair, brown eyes, and seemed to be in her fifties. Connor introduced himself as he had done with each previous dance partner.

  "My name is Connor." He said slowly.

  "My name is Lyudmila." She responded in a thick accent.

  "You speak English?" Connor responded.

  Lyudmila smiled. "Of course, I taught English to college students here in Kyiv."

  "It's a pleasure to meet you Lyudmila." Connor turned on his best charm. "And might I add you dance wonderfully."

  "Thank you Mr. Coleman." Lyudmila politely responded.

  Her formal tone made Connor feel a bit uncomfortable. "You can call me Connor."

  The woman blushed as Connor deformalized the conversation. Connor pursued the conversation. "Did you see me on television last night?"

  "Of course! The whole city saw it." Lyudmila responded.

  "Will they be showing the broadcast again?" Connor inquired.

  Lyudmila paused. "I don't think so. It was a special broadcast."

  "If I wanted to see it again, how could I view it?" Connor theorized half-heartedly.

  Lyudmila looked around Connor. "I could ask my husband. He is dancing with your girlfriend."

  Connor tuned and saw Maria dancing with a very tall and slender man with graying blonde hair. "Does he have a copy of the broadcast?"

  "No Connor, he is secretary of media relations for Ukrainian government." Lyudmila grinned.

  Connor's eyes widened. "Wow! I guess I danced with the right woman tonight."

  Connor hastened the pace of the dance as the rhythm of the band raised its tempo. As the song ended, another woman approached Connor asking for a dance. Connor looked at Lyudmila as if pleading for a rescue, but was not getting a response. "I'm sorry, but I can't dance anymore. I need to attend to my training."

  The woman looked a bit confused and then Lyudmila said something in Ukrainian. The woman smiled and walked away.

  "Thank you for that." Connor sighed.

  Lyudmila giggled. "Is not a problem, shall we find my husband?"

  "Yes!" Connor emphatically insisted.

  Connor followed Lyudmila across the dance floor. Maria was conversing with Lyudmila's husband in English. Connor smiled as he arrived. "Lyudmila, this is my trainer, Maria."

  "Nice to meet you Maria..."

  Maria's face was beaming. "It's good to meet you Lyudmila."

  "And this is my husband Gennady." Lyudmila attached her arm to her husbands.

  "Good to meet you Mr. Coleman, I was fascinated by your match on television." Gennady spoke with less of an accent than his wife.

  "Thank you. I was hoping you could help me with that." Connor cleared his throat.

  "With what?" Gennady said curiously.

  "Your wife told me you might be able to help me get a recording of the broadcast from last night." Connor unapologetically requested.

  Gennady smiled at his wife and then at Connor. "You want to study other fighters... Billy tell me someone might ask."

  Connor quickly shook his head in disagreement. "I actually just want the video of my fight."

  "You like to watch self beat others up?" Gennady let out a boisterous laugh. Connor kept a straight face.

  "I've actually never seen myself fight; this would be quite a gift if I could see it." Connor said humbly.

  Gennady's eyes squinted. "How fighter like you never see self fight?"

  "I'd be willing to tell you if I got to see the video." Connor offered.

  Gennady thought for a moment. "We must go now. Is no copy of broadcast except for one Billy holds... but I can replay all broadcasts from previous day until midnight of next day... is saved automatically on my computer with government." Lyudmila looked at Gennady suspiciously. "Is my job Lyudmila. Come, we go to our flat."

  "Can we meet you outside? Maria and I must thank our host before we leave." Connor looked at Billy who was busy talking with a large group of people.

  "Of course, we will be outside in fifteen minutes." Gennady said.

  Connor thanked Gennady and Lyudmila for agreeing to help him. Taking Maria by the hand he ceremoniously walked up to the head table and expressed appreciation to Billy for hosting the event. Billy suspiciously eyed Maria and Connor before excusing them from the event then resumed his conversation.


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