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by George R. R. Martin

  — SEBASTON FARMAN, Lord of Fair Isle,

  — TYTOS BRAX, Lord of Hornvale,

  — QUENTEN BANEFORT, Lord of Banefort,

  — SER HARYS SWYFT, goodfather to Ser Kevan Lannister,

  — REGENARD ESTREN, Lord of Wyndhall,

  — GAWEN WESTERLING, Lord of the Crag,


  — TERRENCE KENNING, Lord of Kayce,




  — LEWYS LYDDEN, Lord of the Deep Den,



  — SER LORENT LORCH, a landed knight,

  — SER GARTH GREENFIELD, a landed knight,

  — SER LYMOND VIKARY, a landed knight,

  — SER RAYNARD RUTTIGER, a landed knight

  — SER MANFRYD YEW, a landed knight,

  — SER TYBOLT HETHERSPOON, a landed knight.


  Dorne was the last of the Seven Kingdoms to swear fealty to the Iron Throne. Blood, custom, geography, and history all helped to set the Dornishmen apart from the other kingdoms. At the outbreak of the War of the Five Kings Dorne took no part, but when Myrcella Baratheon was betrothed to Prince Trystane, Sunspear declared its support for King Joffrey. The Martell banner is a red sun pierced by a golden spear. Their words are Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

  DORAN NYMEROS MARTELL, Lord of Sunspear, Prince of Dorne,

  — his wife, MELLARIO, of the Free City of Norvos,

  — their children:

  — PRINCESS ARIANNE, heir to Sunspear,

  — PRINCE QUENTYN, a new-made knight, fostered at Yronwood,

  — PRINCE TRYSTANE, betrothed to Myrcella Baratheon,

  — SER GASCOYNE OF THE GREENBLOOD, his sworn shield,

  — his siblings:

  — {PRINCESS ELIA}, raped and murdered during the Sack of King’s Landing,

  — her daughter {RHAENYS TARGARYEN}, murdered during the Sack of King’s Landing,

  — her son, {AEGON TARGARYEN}, a babe at the breast, murdered during the Sack of King’s Landing,

  — {PRINCE OBERYN, called THE RED VIPER}, slain by Ser Gregor Clegane during a trial by combat,

  — his paramour, ELLARIA SAND, natural daughter of Lord Harmen Uller,

  — his bastard daughters, THE SAND SNAKES:

  — OBARA, his daughter by an Oldtown whore,

  — NYMERIA, called LADY NYM, his daughter by a noblewoman of Old Volantis,

  — TYENE, his daughter by a septa,

  — SARELLA, his daughter by a trader captain from the Summer Isles,

  — ELIA, his daughter by Ellaria Sand,

  — OBELLA, his daughter by Ellaria Sand,

  — DOREA, his daughter by Ellaria Sand,

  — LOREZA, his daughter by Ellaria Sand,

  — Prince Doran’s court

  — at the Water Gardens:

  — AREO HOTAH, of Norvos, captain of guards,

  — MAESTER CALEOTTE, counselor, healer, and tutor,

  — at Sunspear:

  — MAESTER MYLES, counselor, healer, and tutor,

  — RICASSO, seneschal, old and blind,

  — SER MANFREY MARTELL, castellan at Sunspear

  — LADY ALYSE LADYBRIGHT, lord treasurer,

  — his ward, PRINCESS MYRCELLA BARATHEON, betrothed to Prince Trystane,

  — her sworn shield, {SER ARYS OAKHEART}, slain by Areo Hotah,

  — her bedmaid and companion, ROSAMUND LANNISTER, a distant cousin,

  — his bannermen, the Lords of Dorne:

  — ANDERS YRONWOOD, Lord of Yronwood, Warden of the Stone Way, the Bloodroyal,

  — YNYS, his eldest daughter, m. Ryon Allyrion,

  — SER CLETUS, his son and heir,

  — GWYNETH, his youngest daughter, a girl of twelve,

  — HARMEN ULLER, Lord of Hellholt,

  — DELONNE ALLYRION, Lady of Godsgrace,

  — RYON ALLYRION, her son and heir,

  — DAGOS MANWOODY, Lord of Kingsgrave,

  — LARRA BLACKMONT, Lady of Blackmont,

  — NYMELLA TOLAND, Lady of Ghost Hill,

  — QUENTYN QORGYLE, Lord of Sandstone,

  — SER DEZIEL DALT, the Knight of Lemonwood,

  — FRANKLYN FOWLER, Lord of Skyreach, called THE OLD HAWK, the Warden of the Prince’s Pass,

  — SER SYMON SANTAGAR, the Knight of Spottswood,

  — EDRIC DAYNE, Lord of Starfall, a squire,

  — TREBOR JORDAYNE, Lord of the Tor,

  — TREMOND GARGALEN, Lord of Salt Shore,

  — DAERON VAITH, Lord of the Red Dunes.


  The Starks trace their descent from Brandon the Builder and the Kings of Winter. For thousands of years, they ruled from Winterfell as Kings in the North, until Torrhen Stark, the King Who Knelt, chose to swear fealty to Aegon the Dragon rather than give battle. When Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell was executed by King Joffrey, the northmen foreswore their loyalty to the Iron Throne and proclaimed Lord Eddard’s son Robb as King in the North. During the War of the Five Kings, he won every battle, but was betrayed and murdered by the Freys and Boltons at the Twins during his uncle’s wedding.

  {ROBB STARK}, King in the North, King of the Trident, Lord of Winterfell, called THE YOUNG WOLF, murdered at the Red Wedding,

  — {GREY WIND}, his direwolf, killed at the Red Wedding,

  — his trueborn siblings:

  — SANSA, his sister, m. Tyrion of House Lannister,

  — {LADY}, her direwolf, killed at Castle Darry,

  — ARYA, a girl of eleven, missing and thought dead,

  — NYMERIA, her direwolf, prowling the riverlands,

  — BRANDON, called BRAN, a crippled boy of nine, heir to Winterfell, believed dead,

  — SUMMER, his direwolf,

  — RICKON, a boy of four, believed dead,

  — SHAGGYDOG, his direwolf, black and savage,

  — OSHA, a wildling woman once captive at Winterfell,

  — his bastard half-brother, JON SNOW, of the Night’s Watch,

  — GHOST, Jon’s direwolf, white and silent,

  — his other kin:

  — his uncle, BENJEN STARK, First Ranger of the Night’s Watch, lost beyond the Wall, presumed dead,

  — his aunt, {LYSA ARRYN}, Lady of the Eyrie,

  — her son, ROBERT ARRYN, Lord of the Eyrie and Defender of the Vale, a sickly boy,

  — his uncle, EDMURE TULLY, Lord of Riverrun, taken captive at the Red Wedding,

  — LADY ROSLIN, of House Frey, Edmure’s bride, great with child,

  — his great-uncle, SER BRYNDEN TULLY, called THE BLACKFISH, lately castellan of Riverrun, now a hunted man,

  — bannermen of Winterfell, the Lords of the North:

  — JON UMBER, called THE GREATJON, Lord of the Last Hearth, a captive at the Twins,

  — {JON, called THE SMALLJON}, the Greatjon’s eldest son and heir, slain at the Red Wedding,

  — MORS called CROWFOOD, uncle to the Greatjon, castellan at the Last Hearth,

  — HOTHER called WHORESBANE, uncle to the Greatjon, likewise castellan at the Last Hearth,

  — {CLEY CERWYN}, Lord of Cerwyn, killed at Winterfell,

  — JONELLE, his sister, a maid of two-and-thirty,

  — ROOSE BOLTON, Lord of the Dreadfort,

  — {DOMERIC}, his heir, died of a bad belly,

  — WALTON called STEELSHANKS, his captain,

  — RAMSAY BOLTON, his natural son, called THE BASTARD OF BOLTON, Lord of the Hornwood,

  — WALDER FREY and WALDER FREY, called BIG WALDER and LITTLE WALDER, Ramsay’s squires,

  — BEN BONES, kennelmaster at the Dreadfort,

  — {REEK}, a man-at-arms infamous for his stench, slain while posing as Ramsay,

  — the Bastard’s Boys, Ramsay’s men-at-arms:


  — {RICKARD KARSTARK}, Lord of Karhold, beheaded by the Young Wolf for murdering prisoners,

  — {EDDARD}, his son, slain in the Whispering Wood,

  — {TORRHEN}, his son, slain in the Whispering Wood,

  — HARRION, his son, a captive at Maidenpool,

  — ALYS, his daughter, a maid of fifteen,

  — his uncle ARNOLF, castellan of Karhold,

  — CREGAN, Arnolf’s elder son,

  — ARTHOR, Arnolf’s younger son,

  — WYMAN MANDERLY, Lord of White Harbor, vastly fat,

  — SER WYLIS MANDERLY, his eldest son and heir, very fat, a captive at Harrenhal,

  — Wylis’s wife, LEONA of House Woolfield,

  — WYNAFRYD, their eldest daughter,

  — WYLLA, their younger daughter,

  — {SER WENDEL MANDERLY}, his second son, slain at the Red Wedding,

  — SER MARLON MANDERLY, his cousin, commander of the garrison at White Harbor,

  — MAESTER THEOMORE, counselor, tutor, healer,

  — WEX, a boy of twelve, once squire to Theon Greyjoy, mute,

  — SER BARTIMUS, an old knight, one-legged, one-eyed, and oft drunk, castellan of the Wolf’s Den,

  — GARTH, a gaoler and headsman,

  — his axe, LADY LU,

  — THERRY, a young turnkey,

  — MAEGE MORMONT, Lady of Bear Island, the She-Bear,

  — {DACEY}, her eldest daughter, slain at the Red Wedding,

  — ALYSANE, her daughter, the young She-Bear

  — LYRA, JORELLE, LYANNA, her younger daughters,

  — {JEOR MORMONT}, her brother, Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, slain by own men,

  — SER JORAH MORMONT, his son, an exile,

  — HOWLAND REED, Lord of Greywater Watch, a crannogman,

  — his wife, JYANA, of the crannogmen,

  — their children:

  — MEERA, a young huntress,

  — JOJEN, a boy blessed with green sight,

  — GALBART GLOVER, Master of Deepwood Motte, unwed,

  — ROBETT GLOVER, his brother and heir,

  — Robert’s wife, SYBELLE of House Locke,

  — BENJICOT BRANCH, NOSELESS NED WOODS, men of the wolfswood sworn to Deepwood Motte,

  — {SER HELMAN TALLHART}, Master of Torrhen’s Square, slain at Duskendale,

  — {BENFRED}, his son and heir, slain by ironmen on the Stony Shore,

  — EDDARA, his daughter, captive at Torrhen’s Square,

  — {LEOBALD}, his brother, killed at Winterfell,

  — Leobald’s wife, BERENA of House Hornwood, captive at Torrhen’s Square,

  — their sons, BRANDON and BEREN, likewise captives at Torrhen’s Square,

  — RODRIK RYSWELL, Lord of the Rills,

  — BARBREY DUSTIN, his daughter, Lady of Barrowton, widow of Lord Willam Dustin,

  — HARWOOD STOUT, her liege man, a petty lord at Barrowton,

  — {BETHANY BOLTON}, his daughter, second wife of Lord Roose Bolton, died of a fever,

  — ROGER RYSWELL, RICKARD RYSWELL, ROOSE RYSWELL, his quarrelsome cousins and bannermen,

  — LYESSA FLINT, Lady of Widow’s Watch,

  — ONDREW LOCKE, Lord of Oldcastle, an old man,

  — the chiefs of the mountain clans:



  — BRANDON NORREY, the Younger, his son,


  — DUNCAN LIDDLE, his eldest son, called BIG LIDDLE, a man of the Night’s Watch,

  — MORGAN LIDDLE, his second son, called MIDDLE LIDDLE,

  — RICKARD LIDDLE, his third son, called LITTLE LIDDLE,

  — TORGHEN FLINT, of the First Flints, called THE FLINT, or OLD FLINT,

  — BLACK DONNEL FLINT, his son and heir,

  — ARTOS FLINT, his second son, half-brother to Black Donnel.

  The Stark arms show a grey direwolf racing across an ice-white field. The Stark words are Winter Is Coming.


  Lord Edmyn Tully of Riverrun was one of the first of the river lords to swear fealty to Aegon the Conqueror. King Aegon rewarded him by raising House Tully to dominion over all the lands of the Trident. The Tully sigil is a leaping trout, silver, on a field of rippling blue and red. The Tully words are Family, Duty, Honor.

  EDMURE TULLY, Lord of Riverrun, taken captive at his wedding and held prisoner by the Freys,

  — his bride, LADY ROSLIN of House Frey, now with child,

  — his sister, {LADY CATELYN STARK}, widow of Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell, slain at the Red Wedding,

  — his sister, {LADY LYSA ARRYN}, widow of Lord Jon Arryn of the Vale, pushed to her death from the Eyrie,

  — his uncle, SER BRYNDEN TULLY, called THE BLACKFISH, lately castellan of Riverrun, now an outlaw

  — his household at Riverrun:

  — MAESTER VYMAN, counselor, healer, and tutor,

  — SER DESMOND GRELL, master-at-arms,

  — SER ROBIN RYGER, captain of the guard,

  — LONG LEW, ELWOOD, DELP, guardsmen,

  — UTHERYDES WAYN, steward of Riverrun,

  — his bannermen, the Lords of the Trident:

  — TYTOS BLACKWOOD, Lord of Raventree Hall,

  — BRYNDEN, his eldest son and heir,

  — {LUCAS}, his second son, slain at the Red Wedding,

  — HOSTER, his third son, a bookish boy,

  — EDMUND and ALYN, his younger sons,

  — BETHANY, his daughter, a girl of eight,

  — {ROBERT}, his youngest son, died of loose bowels,

  — JONOS BRACKEN, Lord of the Stone Hedge,

  — BARBARA, JAYNE, CATELYN, BESS, ALYSANNE, his five daughters,

  — HILDY, a camp follower,

  — JASON MALLISTER, Lord of Seagard, a prisoner in his own castle,

  — PATREK, his son, imprisoned with his father,

  — SER DENYS MALLISTER, Lord Jason’s uncle, a man of the Night’s Watch,

  — CLEMENT PIPER, Lord of Pinkmaiden Castle,

  — his son and heir, SER MARQ PIPER, taken captive at the Red Wedding,

  — KARYL VANCE, Lord of Wayfarer’s Rest,

  — NORBERT VANCE, the blind Lord of Atranta,

  — THEOMAR SMALLWOOD, Lord of Acorn Hall,

  — WILLIAM MOOTON, Lord of Maidenpool,

  — ELEANOR, his daughter and heir, thirteen, m. Dickon Tarly of Horn Hill,

  — SHELLA WHENT, dispossessed Lady of Harrenhal,




  The Tyrells rose to power as stewards to the Kings of the Reach, though they claim descent from Garth Greenhand, gardener king of the First Men. When the last king of House Gardener was slain on the Field of Fire, his steward, Harlen Tyrell, surrendered Highgarden to Aegon the Conqueror. Aegon granted him the castle and dominion over the Reach. Mace Tyrell declared his support for Renly Baratheon at the onset of the War of the Five Kings, and gave him the hand of his daughter Margaery. Upon Renly’s death, Highgarden made alliance with House Lannister, and Margaery was betrothed to King Joffrey.

  MACE TYRELL, Lord of Highgarden, Warden of the South, Defender of the Marches, and High Marshal of the Reach,

  — his wife, LADY ALERIE, of House Hightower of Oldtown,

  — their children:

  — WILLAS, their eldest son, heir to Highgarden,

  — SER GARLAN, called THE GALLANT, their second son, newly raised to Lord of Brightwater,

  — Garlan’s wife, LADY LEONETTE of House Fossoway,

  — SER LORAS, the Knight of Flowers, their youngest son, a Sworn Brother of the Kingsguard, wounded on Dragonstone

  — MARGAERY, their daughter, twice wed and twice widowed,

  — Margaery’s companions and ladies-in-waiting:

  — her cousins, MEGGA, ALLA, and ELINOR TYRELL,

; — Elinor’s betrothed, ALYN AMBROSE, squire,


  — his widowed mother, LADY OLENNA of House Redwyne, called THE QUEEN OF THORNS,

  — his sisters:

  — LADY MINA, m. Paxter Redwyne, Lord of the Arbor,

  — her son, SER HORAS REDWYNE, called HORROR,

  — her son, SER HOBBER REDWYNE, called SLOBBER,

  — her daughter, DESMERA REDWYNE, sixteen,

  — LADY JANNA, wed to Ser Jon Fossoway,

  — his uncles:

  — his uncle, GARTH TYRELL, called THE GROSS, Lord Seneschal of Highgarden,

  — Garth’s bastard sons, GARSE and GARRETT FLOWERS,

  — his uncle, SER MORYN TYRELL, Lord Commander of the City Watch of Oldtown,

  — his uncle, MAESTER GORMON, serving at the Citadel,

  — Mace’s household at Highgarden:

  — MAESTER LOMYS, counselor, healer, and tutor,

  — IGON VYRWEL, captain of the guard,

  — SER VORTIMER CRANE, master-at-arms,

  — BUTTERBUMPS, fool and jester, hugely fat,

  — his bannermen, the Lords of the Reach:

  — RANDYLL TARLY, Lord of Horn Hill, commanding King Tommen’s army on the Trident,

  — PAXTER REDWYNE, Lord of the Arbor,

  — SER HORAS and SER HOBBER, his twin sons,

  — Lord Paxter’s healer, MAESTER BALLABAR,

  — ARWYN OAKHEART, Lady of Old Oak,

  — MATHIS ROWAN, Lord of Goldengrove

  — LEYTON HIGHTOWER, Voice of Oldtown, Lord of the Port,

  — HUMFREY HEWETT, Lord of Oakenshield,

  — FALIA FLOWERS, his bastard daughter,

  — OSBERT SERRY, Lord of Southshield,

  — GUTHOR GRIMM, Lord of Greyshield,

  — MORIBALD CHESTER, Lord of Greenshield,

  — ORTON MERRYWEATHER, Lord of Longtable,

  — LADY TAENA, his wife, a woman of Myr,

  — RUSSELL, her son, a boy of six,


  — LORENT CASWELL, Lord of Bitterbridge,

  — his knights and sworn swords:

  — SER JON FOSSOWAY, of the green-apple Fossoways,


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