Sin City Collectors Boxed Set: Queen of Hearts, Dead Man's Hand, Double or Nothing

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Sin City Collectors Boxed Set: Queen of Hearts, Dead Man's Hand, Double or Nothing Page 10

by Kristen Painter

  “Meanwhile,” Claude continued, “Sloan has been practicing gray magic, purchasing black-market materials and generally being an ass.”

  Romero quirked one brow. “Being an ass isn’t a crime.”

  “Well, it should be,” she huffed. “He’s currently working on an unregistered immortality spell.”

  “Interesting.” Romero tapped his finger on the desk top. “Ares, can you confirm any of this?”

  The wraith nodded. “Tennant’s keystone was in Sloan’s vault.”

  “What about the Queen of Hearts?”

  Ares slanted his eyes at Claude. “Ms. Marchon was wearing that by the time I arrived.”

  She rolled her eyes at Ares. “The result of the ruse I used to get in the vault and distract Sloan.”

  Romero held out his hand. “Mr. Tennant, do you have the keystone on you? If so, can I see it?”

  Jason pulled the keystone from his inside jacket pocket and handed it over. Gouges covered one side, evidence of Sloan chiseling it off Jason’s stone form. The other side bore a worn set of carved initials. The maker’s mark.

  “Thank you.” Romero studied it for a few minutes, glancing at Sloan a few times. Then he set the keystone on his desk. “This is an unusual case.”

  Claude pointed at Sloan. “The Queen of Hearts has been returned, and the real criminal has been apprehended. Jason is the victim here. Not the one who needs to be dealt with.”

  Jason could practically feel the indignation vibrating off Claude.

  Romero shook his head. “Claudette, I understand the circumstances in this case are unusual, but—”

  “One of Sloan’s demands of Jason caused me to be bitten by a lamai demon. How’s that for circumstances?”

  Romero’s jaw tensed. “And you went rogue, putting yourself in the line of danger unnecessarily. Not to mention aligning yourself with the person you were sent to Collect.” He suddenly held up his hand like he was listening to something else.

  Someone else. Jason realized Romero was wearing an earpiece.

  Romero pushed back his chair and stood, picking up the keystone. “If you’ll excuse me.”

  “Are you going to see the Boss? Because you better tell him everything.”

  Romero walked out from behind the desk. “Yes, I’m going to see him. He’s heard the details. I’ll return shortly with his verdict.”

  Claude stepped forward. “I’m going with you.”

  Romero shook his head. “No one sees the Boss. You know that. Besides, you can’t be a part of the solution when you’re part of the problem.” He glanced at Ares. “No one goes anywhere.”

  Ares nodded. “Understood.”

  Jason couldn’t keep his mouth shut any longer. “That keystone belongs to me. I’ve already been without it too long. I expect to get it back.”

  Romero looked at it once before answering Jason. “I understand your concern, Mr. Tennant, but you’re in no position to be dictating orders.”

  With that, Romero opened a hidden panel in the wall and walked through, leaving them to await the verdict that could free them to start a brand new life together.

  Or separate them for a long, long time.

  Claude stalked toward the windows overlooking the city. This time of night, the streets below blazed with so much light and color the darkness didn’t have a chance. The sidewalks would be teeming with people—humans and supernaturals alike—all wrapped up in their own little worlds, no clue as to the drama unfolding so many stories above them. No idea about the lives that hung in the balance.

  Jason came to stand beside her. “You okay?”

  She shrugged. “As okay as I can be, but I hate waiting. It’s the feline in me. We’re not a patient species. How are you?”

  “I’m okay.” He stuck his finger through one of the belt loops on her shorts. “You did everything you could.”

  “I hope.” Truth was, she wasn’t sure she had, and if the Boss decided Jason should be punished, she’d regret not making him run. Sure, that would have meant consequences for her, but she was positive she could have spun it so that the Boss let her off lightly. Now, whatever came down was, in part, her burden to bear.

  She studied his reflection in the glass. He was looking at her with such affection in his eyes, and she realized she was worrying about the future when the present needed her attention. She smiled, unable to help herself. He was quite the package. Handsome, funny, drop-dead sexy, built like nobody’s business and surprisingly gentle for a creature of his kind. Or maybe that’s just how he was with her.

  He met her gaze in the glass. “What?”

  “You’re something else, you know that?”

  “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

  “Good.” Was it possible that this man was her reward for suffering through the last idiot she’d fallen for? “You have no idea what the verdict’s going to be, no way of knowing what the next few hours hold. You don’t even know if Romero’s going to bring your keystone back, and you’re looking at me like I’m the only thing on your mind.”

  “Oh, he’ll bring it back. Or I’ll go get it.” His smile widened. “As for everything else…you are the only thing on my mind. Sure, the other stuff is there, but I can’t do anything about it, so why dwell?”

  “How can you do that?”

  “Special Ops training. You learn to compartmentalize stuff. Otherwise, something could distract you during a mission.”

  She turned to lean against the glass and face him. “So I’m your current mission?”

  He laughed softly. “Current and future.” He glanced behind him. Sloan still lay on the floor, and Ares stood rigidly near the secret panel Romero had gone through. “I really wish we were alone.”

  That made two of them. She slipped a finger through his shirt buttons just so she could touch his hard chest. “Why’s that?”

  His smile went a little wicked as his voice dropped until it was a tingle-inducing growl. “I have my reasons.”

  His words started a fire inside her. “Because you want to kiss me?” She really hoped that was what he was thinking.

  “That’s where I’d like to start, yes.”

  Bast help her, she was in deep. She was sure he could hear the jump in her pulse just as well as she could. There was no denying the way he made her feel. And despite her past and her bad experience with her last boyfriend, she felt ready to give love, at least with Jason, another shot.

  Ares could stuff it. She leaned forward to kiss Jason—just as Romero walked back into the room.

  He cleared his throat as he moved back behind his desk. “If you could give me your attention, Claudette. You might want to hear this.”

  “We were just—never mind, we’re coming.” She was pretty sure Romero knew what they’d been about to do. Jason went with her to stand in front of Romero. She crossed her arms. Waiting sucked.

  “I’ve talked to the Boss, and while this case is certainly not what we expected, the fact remains that coerced or not, Mr. Tennant stole the Queen of Hearts.”

  Claude opened her mouth to argue, but Romero held up his hand. “Because the Queen of Hearts has been returned and due to Mr. Sloan’s coercion of Mr. Tennant and his additional crimes, some leniency will be granted.”

  A little of the weight left Claude’s shoulders.

  Sloan barked out a laugh. “See? I’m a name in this town. You can’t—”

  “Mr. Sloan.” Romero glared at him. “The leniency I referred to was for Mr. Tennant, not you.” He gestured to Ares. “If you would remove Mr. Sloan, there’s really no need for him to be here any longer.”

  Ares nodded, lifted Sloan by the belt of his smoking jacket and hauled him from the room kicking and screaming.

  A small wave of relief washed through Claude. If Romero was sending Ares out with Sloan, that was a pretty good sign the wraith wasn’t needed for anything else here. Jason snagged her hand with two fingers, apparently having come to the same conclusion. That small touch made her feel as th
ough, together, they could face anything.

  Romero waited until Sloan was gone before speaking again. “That doesn’t mean there are no consequences for your actions, Mr. Tennant.”

  Jason nodded. “I understand. But if I’m going to be punished, I feel I should get to say something.”

  Romero nodded. “Fair enough.” He sat in the desk chair and gestured toward the floor. “Have at it.”

  Jason dropped her hand and stepped forward. “Whatever you do to me, fine. But Claude doesn’t deserve to be punished. Everything she did was to help me, so give me her punishment.”

  Claude melted a little. He was everything her ex wasn’t. “Jason, you don’t have to—”

  “Actually,” Romero interrupted, “your noble gesture is appreciated but unnecessary. Ms. Marchon accomplished her mission. What she did to get to that end doesn’t matter so much as that she did get there. And in far less time than anticipated.” He twirled a pen through his fingers. “You’re the one who needs dealing with.”

  Claude couldn’t take it any longer. She charged forward. “He doesn’t need dealing with. He needs to be apologized to for what Sloan did to him.”

  Romero frowned. “We can’t have a supernatural with his capabilities and his apparent willingness to commit crimes against other supernaturals roaming free in this city.”

  “His willingness to commit crimes?” She was almost shrieking, but didn’t care. “Are you kidding me?”

  Jason grabbed her hand. “It’s okay, babe.”

  “No, it’s not—”

  “Claudette, the decision’s been made.” Romero pulled Jason’s keystone from his pocket and held it out to him. “Jason Tennant, your keystone is yours. But as of midnight tomorrow, your presence will no longer be permitted within the city limits of Las Vegas. You are hereby exiled.”

  Claude snatched the keystone and handed it to Jason. “Then I’m gone, too.”

  Romero popped a brow. “Leaving the city would not go over well with the Boss.”

  “Then go ahead and exile me as well, because I’m done being a Collector. Done.” She slapped his desk top. “The only chance you have of me staying is pardoning Jason entirely.”

  “That’s not going to happen.” Romero put his hand to his ear. “A moment, please.”

  Claude leaned over to Jason and whispered, “I’m sure the Boss isn’t happy, but I don’t care.”

  He whispered back, “I’m sure you’re right, but I don’t want you getting into more trouble. We’ll figure this out.”

  She shook her head, unconvinced.

  Romero tapped a finger on the desk. “The Boss said he’d be willing to pardon Jason on two conditions.”

  Claude put a hand on her hip. “And they are?”

  “That you sponsor a new Collector to take your place.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “He knows that means I’d have to stay here.” You couldn’t sponsor someone if you weren’t around to teach them the ropes.

  “The second condition is that the new Collector is Jason. For a minimum of ten years.”

  New hope blossomed in her like spring had come to the desert. She glanced at Jason, who gave her a little nod. “Five years, and it’s a deal.”

  Romero held up a finger as he listened to his earpiece. “Seven. Last offer, non-negotiable.”

  She looked at Jason. “What do you think? This is your decision.”

  His mouth twitched like he was trying to suppress his true feelings, the only indication on his otherwise stony face of what was going on in his head. “I accept.”

  She squeezed his hand. “Done.” She nodded at Romero. “Tell the Boss I said thanks.”

  “We said thanks,” Jason corrected.

  Romero nodded. “He knows.” He pointed to the couch. “Have a seat. I need to get the paperwork done.”

  “We’ll be right here.” Claude stared up at Jason, trying to figure out what he was thinking.

  Romero left.

  Jason picked her up and hugged her. “Nicely done, tiger warrior princess!”

  She arched back so she could see his face, her hands on his chest. “You’re not mad?”

  “Mad? I would have taken ten years.” He kissed her, long and slow, shooting sparks down into her toes. He eased her back to earth as he broke the kiss, but kept his arms around her. “Thank you.”

  “You realize this means you’re stuck with me for at least the next couple of months until you become a full-fledged Collector.”

  “Stuck, uh-huh, got it.”

  “I’m serious. It could take as long as a year before they sign off on you as a solo. And as your sponsor, it’s my job to teach you the ins and outs of this job—”

  “Ins and outs, mm-hmm.” The twinkle in his eye was maddening.

  She punched him in the arm as she started to laugh, not that punching him had any real effect. He wiggled his eyebrows wickedly. She rolled her eyes at him. “I know what you’re thinking. Try to pay attention, will you?”

  He pulled her in close. Heat radiated off him like a Nevada summer. “I’m paying attention. To you. To the way your mouth quirks up on one side when you get mad. To the way your eyes get that little glint of dominatrix when things don’t go quite your way.” He bent and nuzzled her neck, making her lose her train of thought. “It’s hard not to be distracted by you.”

  She breathed out a response, realizing a second later the only thing that had come out of her was a deep, throaty purr. “As your sponsor, I…”

  He feathered kisses across her collarbone. “You what?”

  “I don’t know,” she breathed. “You’re distracting me.”

  “See how easily that happens?” The tip of his tongue delved into the hollow of her throat. “I do have one question.”

  “Hmm?” Her purring was getting louder. And she couldn’t care less.

  He leaned back, his face suddenly very serious. “Are there any rules about Collectors dating their sponsors?”

  “I…don’t know, actually.” She bit her lip. “I’ve never had a reason to find out. Is that going to be a problem?”

  He laughed out loud. “Not for me, but your boss might have something to say about it.” Jason shook his head, his laughter fading for the kind of serious expression that frightened her a little. “But then I may not be able to date you for seven years.”

  “No?” Claude’s heart sank. At least he was telling her up-front. “Can I ask why not?”

  “I’m a gargoyle, Claudette. Loyalty is a big thing for me. Monogamy is, too. And I can tell you the idea of you with anyone else is already enough to make me want to break something. You should know that at some point, I’m going to have to marry you.”

  She pinched her lips together to keep from laughing. “Well, if you have to…I certainly wouldn’t want to stand in the way of that.” She threw her arms around his neck. “You’re kind of crazy, you know that?”

  He kissed her. “Crazy about you.”

  “How about we head back to my place after we finalize this paperwork and get crazy together?” Now was not the time to tell him that she couldn’t risk marrying a man only to have him go running when he found out about her true form. They had years ahead of them. He might not even be that interested in her in a few more months.

  He arched his brows. “Don’t you want to find out if it’s okay for a Collector and a sponsor to be involved first?”

  “Nah. I’d rather ask for forgiveness than permission.”

  “Good.” The wicked glint returned to his gaze. His grip on her waist tightened. “Because I’m already hot for teacher.”

  Four months, eight days. That’s how long it had taken Jason to ask Claude to marry him. He would have done it sooner, but he wasn’t sure she’d say yes. She still hadn’t. Even though it had become abundantly clear they were meant to be. At least to him.

  She’d made it plain she wasn’t interested in seeing anyone else, something he took as a positive sign. He had a feeling her reluctance to say yes had ever
ything to do with the side of her he hadn’t seen yet. Maybe the ex she refused to elaborate on had seen it and rejected her. One more reason to want to grind the idiot into dust.

  Fortunately for her, gargoyles were very patient creatures, and he had no intention of pushing her. She would eventually be ready to show him.

  Now, six months later and he was still waiting as they were about to embark on his first Collection. Maybe it was his military background, but he’d rocked the tests and training she’d put him through.

  She winked at him as they stood on the roof of the Galaxy Resort and Casino, pride shining in her eyes.

  He smiled back. “You okay to do this?”

  He’d taken her flying before, but this time it wasn’t for fun and she wasn’t here as his girlfriend. This was his first real Collection, and she was here as his sponsor to make sure everything went according to plan and to sign off on him as a solo Collector. Although judging by her general happiness in how he’d been doing lately, getting her approval wasn’t something he was worried about.

  He wasn’t fooling himself, though. If he screwed up, she wasn’t going to sign off on him just because he was a good kisser.

  After a final glance over the edge, she nodded. “I’m fine. Forty floors up is intimidating, even for my feline blood, but I know you’re not going to let anything happen to me.”

  “That’s for damn sure.”

  “Besides, this is your job. I’m just here to observe.”

  “All right then.” He clapped his hands together. “Let’s do this.”

  With a quick shudder, he shifted into his gargoyle form, something he would never again take for granted. His skin mottled with the gray of living granite, and his bones shifted as wings sprouted from his back. He crouched. “Hop on.”

  She climbed onto his back and settled in. Flying was one thing. Attacking from the air was another, but she seemed to know that as she wrapped her arms securely around his chest, flattening herself against his back so that her shoulders rested below where his wings jutted out. “Can I just say for the record that I’m really glad they let me be your sponsor?”

  He laughed. “Me, too. I can’t see Ares hanging on to me like you are.”


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