Leave Her in Pieces

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Leave Her in Pieces Page 18

by August Red

  A throat clears directly behind him.

  The stronghold of lust over Judas dies in its place. His body feels heavy but it all screeches to a stop, weighing through him like his blood has turned into metal. His senses are fuzzy, turning his vision hazy and off-kilter. Belle is relentless. She's kissing him, pulling at his bottom lip to come back down to where she is and continues.

  What the fuck’s she doing?

  “I said what the hell is going on here?"

  “Officer,” he gulps. He’s in serious need of air. It seems to have been vacuumed up between the both of them. “We, uh, got a little…” He shakes his head, hoping the older man will just understand and walk the other way.

  He feels Belle's kisses skim his jaw, a moist tickle touches his pulse point. His hand comes around her head, molding to the shape of her skull, tugging gently as he smiles apologetically at the law enforcer. “Sweetie.” He looks down, gives her a chaste kiss as his eyes beam a silent warning. “Honey, the nice police officer is here… We should probably—”

  “There's a motel down the block. This here is a family place of business, Mister."

  “Of course.” Judas has never heard himself sound so polite. “Officer.” He smiles in a congenial way that conveys to the police officer the extent of his embarrassment. It's the last thing he feels, even though he’s caught-off-guard by the sharp turn from white-hot passion, to cold hard reality. “Thank you."

  “Mmhmm.” The officer's lips pucker out in an unforgiving pout. “See that you're on your way."

  Relief backs up on Judas as he bends, shaking his head at the retreating cop strolling back to his squad car. He mutters a curse, his eyes close, remembering that his body is still very much entangled with hers.

  He stiffens, suddenly awkward in the intimate position they’ve been led to. “Belle—”

  His eyes open just as her head stretches up to meet his. He thinks she’s going to kiss him again, but something about the way her eyes blacken and her nostrils flare...

  Judas knows he's entering a world of hurt then.

  Her lips trap his bottom one and she bites down so hard, Judas immediately feels the coat of hot liquid seep into his gums. He pulls at the back of her hair, but she doesn’t relent. In his peripheral vision, he can see the cop car pulling out, backing up, and then going straight until the tail lights fade onto the side street. The second he’s no longer in sight, Belle lets go.

  “The fuck—”

  “Get off me,” she hisses, shoving at his chest. “You ever try something like that again and you're walking away a eunuch. You got that?"

  He ignores the flush in her cheeks and separates himself from her. "I'm not the one who started this,” he says, wiping the blood from his lip. He tips his bloody finger at her, his eyes narrowing. “Cute." Smearing the warm liquid on his jeans, he scowls.

  “Problem, Judas? Thought that’s what you’re in to?”

  “Funny,” he bites back, tasting blood.

  Belle stands, or at least tries to stand. Slightly off-balance, she leans a hand against the ground and then straightens to her full petite height, gradually. “You practically molest me and I'm supposed to just lie there and take it?"

  “I had to think fast. He was right there thanks to you and your big fucking mouth. You ever pull a stunt like that again..."

  She marches past him, heaving short breaths from her chest like her lungs can’t quench itself with enough air. “Screw you and your threats. I'm not afraid of you anymore. How can I be when I already know what you're capable of?"

  Stuck in place, the lingering rage in him resurfaces, replacing whatever misguided attraction has been toying with him. Weakening him. He turns to catch up with her, and in one quick swoop, he slices his arm through the loophole of the shopping bag. It takes only a few long strides before he's at her side, yanking her elbow so she has to face him.

  “Don't push me, Belle,” he threatens, stabbing a finger near her face, “you'll regret it."

  “I really don't care what—”

  “If I have to”—his voice rises above hers—“I'll cuff you to the goddamn wheel."

  “You wouldn't dare."

  "Tempt me,” he says, his voice deepening. “Now get in the car."

  Her eyes drop to his mouth. He can feel the small red blotch on his lips beginning to crust over. When Belle looks up at him, he can’t help but stare at her lips.

  “I hope you're not waiting for me to apologize. Because I won't."

  “I wasn't,” he replies. “Move.” He tips his head at the truck.

  Her eyes roll. “Is that the only way you know how to talk? Ordering people around?"

  “I'm in charge,” he clarifies. “What I say goes."

  Moving her aside, he unlocks the door and pushes her toward it. When she stays in her place, he gently nudges her until she’s tripping over the ledge. Belle slaps his hand away, stomping on the ledge. He slams the door on her, just when she opens her mouth to curse at him again, and gets into the passenger side.

  When Judas throws the bag on the floor next to him, she says, “That must get old really fast?" His eyebrow rises partially, his eyes fixing on searching the immediate area. "Always ignoring my questions," she mutters. She rummages for the keys, clearly not remembering she’d thrown them at his face. When she turns, he’s sitting there with the keys held out, his eyes still scanning like a radar around the vicinity of the SUV.

  Belle swipes the keys from his hand, pulls back, and shoves it into the ignition. “Sorry about the lip,” she smirks. "You bring out the absolute best in me."

  His answer steps in time with hers, “I can tell." She shakes her head, the deafening silence escalates.

  “Well, two can play at that game. Now you know." She turns and locks eyes with his.

  “The hell does that mean?”

  “Before…” she answers, her voice less sure, “…on the grass... Don't think it's your skills that had me pawing at you like that."

  His stare doesn’t back down. “Wasn't it?" Her eyes narrow. “Just my hot bod, then? I forgot—you prefer it when I’m topless.”

  She scoffs at him, turning back onto the highway. “Hardly. I can lie too if I have to, you know. You're not the only one who knows how to manipulate a situation."

  He faces the open highway again. “Okay." The smirk that plays across his mouth dissolves whatever anger he’s holding on to. Her words amuse him, and he begins to feel like his old self again.

  “What does that mean?” she asks. He licks his lips slowly. Judas knows he’s pulling her loathsomeness for him in ten opposite directions. And he loves every second of it. “You don't think I was acting back there?"

  “I know you weren't.” His eyes skim her face before going down for a sweet and torturous trail of her body. “Believe me, Belle. I know when a woman wants me."

  Switching her attention back to the road, she tries to come back at him, “You don’t know anything."

  “Right,” he drawls.

  She shakes her head. “You got me all figured out, don't you?” she rasps. “No, I mean it. You're right. You had me pegged from the second you met me. You knew what to say, what to do to get me to help you. I didn't know I was so easy to read and here I thought I was hiding myself keeping everything bottled up inside so no-one—no-one could know how I really feel… so no-one could get to me… And then you came along.” She laughs, hollowly. “You came along and knew exactly what buttons to push. You must have laughed so much when I stupidly believed that this made-up gang was after you. Me. Gullible stupid me, helping the guy who was sent to kill my own father! God, that must have been so entertaining for you and your friends. All those hours you spent up there thinking about what an idiot I was… The stupid broken girl confessing all—"


  “How much longer?" she asks, her voice straining.

  Looking away, Judas replies, “Keep going straight till you hit exit 94.”

  The muscle of his jaw clench
es and he looks out onto the open road, where their endless journey seems to never end.

  Redemption will never be in his cards.

  Chapter Twenty


  He hates her with every bone in his body.

  What have I done…?

  Judas looks down at her sleeping form.

  Jesus Christ, she’s fucking beautiful…


  He needs to head out and bang the first chick who’s willing. Maybe several. He just needs to get her out of his system.

  Once. And. For. All.

  Belle has made him second-guess himself. How the fuck did that happen? Him of all people. He’s Judas Bane, for fuck’s sakes. But she’s brought havoc to his world, polluted it with emotions that he isn’t ready for.

  He’ll make her pay. Because that’s what the real Judas Bane does. He gets off on torturing people. It’s what he lives for. Breathes for. He’s isn’t about to change because of her.

  No, none of this is about Belle.

  This is about not being the same as… him.

  I’ll never be like you…

  Yeah… nothing’s changed.

  He is in control. He just needs to play the game. And nothing will stop him from winning. By the end of this, he’s going to make sure Belle hates him just as much as he hates her.

  He will leave her in pieces.

  THE SMELL OF MUSK hits Belle.

  She must have fallen asleep. When she comes to, she finds herself lying on her side. Her eyes snap open and she struggles to get up.

  Where am I?

  Wherever she is, it’s a dank dim place, lit only by a single low-hanging light-bulb. She scans her surroundings, and then it dawns on her. She’s being held in some kind of basement. A small cell with rusty bars.

  He wouldn’t dare…

  Thinking back, the last thing she remembers is nearly falling asleep at the wheel so Judas had taken over the driving. But there is no memory after.

  What is this place?

  Looking around, Belle notices a tiny slit window high in the stone of the wall. On tip-toes, she can just barely see out. A slight chill seeps into her bones. Darkness. Just darkness that winds into more frightful unknowns.

  Unable to make anything out from the shadows, she steps back, dusting herself off. Rubbing her arms with her hands, she hugs herself for warmth as she moves close to the bars to peer out. The light from the bulb doesn’t reach the corner to her left. The distinct sensation of being watched fills her as all the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stand to attention. Clinging to false hope, she turns her eyes slightly to the left, praying she will not see...


  She covers her mouth as she catches her breath. A predatory smile graces his lips as he watches her startled reaction from the shadows. He’s standing in the corner, just on the other side of the bars on the edge of her cell. Leaning against the wall with one foot propped up behind him, his arms are crossed over his chest.

  "You really shouldn't sneak up on people like that,” she says. “You nearly gave me a heart attack." He merely smiles as he pushes off the wall and struts up to the bars. Belle casts her eyes to her feet, anywhere but at him. He’s probably enjoying himself seeing her locked in this tiny cell.

  "So, Belle...” His deep voice cuts through the darkness that envelops her. “...What’d you think of your new home?"

  Narrowing her eyes, she replies, "I guess this is about what I’d expect from you... Still... you wouldn’t dare.”

  “Wouldn’t I?” he says, grasping the bar with one hand.

  “It’s freezing down here."

  His gaze lingers lower, then pauses, making their way back to her face. “So I’ve noticed, Little Bit.”

  “Don’t call me that,” she seethes. Crossing her arms over her chest, red-hot anger fills her veins. “Wh-what do you want from me?” she asks, in a ragged breath that breaks.

  Judas lowers his head and then she hears the thick clunk of the cell unlocking before he enters. Belle looks at the open door. Judas reads her mind and straightens before she can move an inch. He shakes his head once, warning her. “You're going nowhere."

  Belle tries to suppress the jitters that plague her insides as he steps toward her. What was to stop him from demonstrating his power over her? In truth, she knew little about Judas Bane. Maybe that’s what intimidates her the most...

  The mystery of Judas.

  Daunting as it is, she can’t deny that it holds a certain amount of allure as well. And neither can she deny that special something in him; that something she’d felt in her veins when they’d kissed...

  God, that kiss...

  She stifles a shiver and asks, “What is this place?” Judas remains silent as he begins to circle her. Belle holds her breath. “Just tell me—what do you want? Why are you keeping me here?”

  Judas seems to consider her question before replying, “I haven’t decided yet.”

  “Did Mr. Kulich order you to do this? Is he here?”


  He’s toying with her. Again. This time, she won’t entertain him. “Where are my family? Are they here...? For goodness sakes, just tell me.”

  His footsteps halt behind her, and soon she feels the heat of his mouth close to her ear. “It’s just you and me. We won’t be bothered here.” Pulling back, the thudding of his boots resumes.

  Judas is unrecognizable. It’s like he’s a completely different person to the one she’s known. “This isn’t you, Judas. Please—”

  “This is every part of me.”

  “Is it part of you to kill women and children? Is my family’s fate part of you?"

  “Your father is."

  Her skin suddenly prickles, but she forces herself not to fidget or move. “So you were planning to…" The words clog in her throat, gagging on them. “...kill him."


  The sour liquid of her stomach rises to bubble at the base of her throat. “When I found you that night… you were going to kill him... Oh my God... That's why you were there..."

  Her body feels like it’s falling, her world shaking underneath her. Her eyes fold in, soaking in the reality of what he’s capable of; battling against who he truly is, and what she has come to know of him.

  A savior or a monster?

  The weight of her sigh falls between them. Standing at her side, he continues, “This can be hard or not, it's up to you, Belle. But you need to do what I say, when I say it.”

  “Not a chance,” she replies as Judas comes to face her.

  “You never give an inch, do you?” His words hold no emotion.

  “Where are they? I want to see them.”

  “If you want to see them again then listen to me. Don’t try to escape—obey.”

  “‘Obey?’ I won’t ever obey you, Judas. I don’t know what you think you’re doing by keeping me here, but I won’t play your little game. You honestly think I’m the kind of person to just sit back and let you do this? After everything you’ve done to me? Really...? I will fight you every step of the way. I won’t make this—whatever this twisted game of yours is—easy for you.”

  “You’d disappoint me if you didn’t.” A cocky smile appears on his features as he leans his back against the bars in front of her. “Then let’s make a deal.”

  “Deal?” she asks, gripping herself harder. “What kind of deal?”

  “Stay here. With me. For awhile. Then you can leave and be with your family again.”

  You’ll let me be with my family again? Can this really be true…? But… what about Mr. Kulich’s orders…? No, this has to be a trick.

  “Something tells me this isn’t going to be easy. Nothing ever is with you,” she says.

  “It doesn’t have to be hard. Just obey. Then you can have everything you want. And you never have to see me again.”

  “Why should I?”

  Judas purses his lips. "The way I see it is... your father belongs to me now. You want your family
released... You’ve taken so much from me already... It’s your turn...”

  Taken so much from you...?

  Wracking her brain, she falls short on understanding him. She has no idea what she could have taken from him. Surely, it’s the other way around?

  “If I’m to give you what's rightfully mine, I should be offered something in return. Don’t you think, Belle?" There’s a sliver of hatred in his tone. What did she do to make him so angry toward her? A wave of nausea crashes through her.

  Judas hasn’t killed them. Why? What does he want from her? She really has no idea, and the numerous answers leave her blood running cold.

  "Wh-what could I offer you, that you would... want?" His eyes lock with hers and they... spark. She feels his gaze take in her form, seemingly scrutinizing her body.

  His usual haughty amused mask gives way to an expression that is serious and cold as he replies, "Be mine for the next hundred days.”

  She feels her knees buckling beneath her, but she refuses to kneel before him. Her cry is more desperate this time, "What must I do?" Judas seems to appraise her state of distress and Belle's mind reels under the implications.

  You wouldn’t dare...

  She doesn’t dare think about the endless possibilities of what he may demand. “If you agree then I’ll let you go. It’s simple.” Against her will, she feels herself start to tremble. “But you'd belong to me. That means you'll be bound to obey me, under my rule."

  "What exactly do you mean I'll be ‘bound to obey’ you?"

  His eyes are dark with some unspoken emotion; he’s beginning to lose his patience. "Do whatever I want. And if you don’t, our agreement is null and void... Don’t take me lightly, Belle. I will carry out my orders." Belle visibly pales. "It's only a hundred days. Behave, and you can be with your family soon. Unharmed."


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