Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt? Page 2

by Harris, K.

  End of flashback…

  Allison had woken up the next morning with a banging headache and extreme soreness between her legs. Everything below her waist felt like it had been ripped by a hot knife. The blood on the sheets confirmed her theory that she was indeed deflowered. From the looks and feel of things, it wasn’t a gentle ride either. The fog was so thick she couldn’t think straight. The last thing she remembered was feeling a little off when Derek started advancing on her. Kisses, touches, and her body seemed too heavy to do anything but feel. Pointless attempts at voicing her concern for him to stop fell on deaf ears. Everything else was a blur.

  “Allison!” She heard her name being yelled out by her husband of eight years. Now she regretted reflecting over her life after meeting him because of how easily she would become distracted. “I know you heard me calling you.”

  “Yes dear. I’m sorry.” Allison attempted at soothing her upset spouse.

  “Dinner ready?”


  “Almost?” He sneered. “What the hell have you been doing all day besides sitting on your fat ass?”


  “I swear you love to anger me.” She heard him tsk as she began to make their plates. Mentally cringing at the thought of what may happen if he didn’t find something pleasing to him soon.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Yes you are but I won’t hold that against you.” That insult cut a little but considering he hadn’t laid his hands on her yet was good enough for now.

  “Here you are.” She laid his plate down at the table with his glass of brandy and waited.

  “…” The silence coming from him was deafening. It was very powerful with him being so quiet than when he was shouting at the top of her lungs. His nod of approval was all she needed in order to breathe properly again. Running back to the kitchen to grab her plate, she sat across from him. Although his plate had a medium rare T-bone steak and new potatoes, hers only consisted of a bland piece of baked chicken and broccoli.

  “No bread for you.” He reprimanded as Allison was reaching for a piece of warm garlic bread from the center of the table.

  “…” Instead of arguing she just went back to her super bland meal. As always when he would come at her that way she would just retreat to her ‘quiet place’ for comfort. “How was your day?” She asked attempting to engage him in a polite conversation.

  “It was...” He went on and on about some business ventures while she pretended to be interested. Derek could ramble for days. According to some experts people who rambled were great negotiators. She wouldn’t know because she wasn’t allowed to negotiate anything, with or without him. She was just an accessory to him. “I noticed you were near the college today. Mind telling me what that was about?”

  “In order to get the steak cut the way you like it, I need to drive across town. While I was there I did the rest of the grocery shopping.” Allison easily lied. If he even suspected she was telling a story that would be all she wrote. The truth was that she had enrolled into the college under her maiden name about two years ago. Lately she had gotten a little sloppy trying to cover her tracks. Another reason why dinner was a little behind. The last class she had on campus caused her to have to rush back to the side of town they stayed on.

  “You’ve used that excuse before. It would probably be wise to use a meat market on this side of town. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “I honestly tried honey. The last time the steaks were well under cut. I only wanted to please you.” She admitted sadly. Although she was lying, the truth still showed itself within the lie. She wanted to please him above even herself.

  Derek stood to his feet after finishing his dinner. Rounding the table he stopped right next to Allison. The fear was crippling. There was a huge part of her that thought he saw straight through her lies. That one part was dreading what the outcome was going to be. Derek had promised to keep his temper in check, therefore keeping his hands to himself. The last time he got out of control was about three weeks ago. That hiccup caused her to miss out on a week of class. Luckily she was somewhat smart so she was on top of her studies.

  “I think you’re keeping something from me sweetheart.”


  “Come let us turn in for the night. You can clean this mess in the morning.”

  “But Derek…”

  “Don’t make your punishment worst. Now…Get. Up.” Derek smiled his sadistic way. ‘How did she end up with a monster for a husband?’

  “…” The tears were at the brink of falling but she was trying not to fuel his anger. Her tears always brought out the extra harshness he possessed. She may not get a beating tonight but what she knew was to come was far worst. It was after all that time of month.

  Chapter 2

  Allison was seriously damaged goods if there was ever such a species. She sometimes felt like a used tampon or condom the way Derek would punish her body. His sick idea of punishments ranged from emotional, spiritual, and lastly physical. Emotionally she was dependent on him because she was officially alone in the world. After several failed attempts of becoming pregnant she had gave up any chances of her ever having their child. Somehow she thought if she could at least give him offspring, someone to carry on his name he would look at her differently. Sadly that wasn’t the case for she has gone through three miscarriages and now nothing but negative tests afterwards.

  Of course it was her fault that she couldn’t conceive their love child, further infuriating her husband. At least that’s what she constantly hears. That never stopped him from trying to get her pregnant during his times of need. There have been times that he would force her to stay in the bed for days on her back wide open for him. Only allowing her to get up to use the restroom and keep his playground clean. He was OCD in so many areas of his life accept the act of keeping his filthy hands and words to himself. The truth was the reason why she lost each of the pregnancies was mainly connected to something he had done.

  The first pregnancy was terminated after mysteriously falling down the stairs of their home. At least that was the story they told the doctors. After that he vowed to never put his hands on her again. Of course that was all a fabrication to sooth her tears and threats of leaving him if he didn’t get help. That lasted all of six months before the slaps started flying again. Quickly he reminded her that she had nothing, no one that cared, and nowhere to go if she did leave him. The second she lost during one of his wild nights of sex. The punishing blows in her lower region resulted in them miscarrying once more. And the fact that she had an untreated case of chlamydia didn’t help matters either. Once again it was her fault that happened.

  The third pregnancy was dropped into the toilet of her punishment area in the basement of their home. Largely because of the stress she was under being kept there with minimal food and constant warnings to behave. Having grown a pair of balls is what landed her in the predicament she should have known better than to skate on. She couldn’t blame it on nothing but the pregnancy hormones. Too bad she didn’t know she was pregnant before she was locked in solitary confinement or she could have possibly prevented that outcome. She had given up the idea of conceiving so she thought nothing of being pregnant being that her period continued with no setbacks. That mishap she kept from him for she didn’t want to suffer his wrath of yet another failure. Somehow it would always end up being her fault anyway as everything else. There was always a small part of rebellion inside her at all times but the timid parts of her would quickly show up shutting that down.

  Once she tried to gain some sort of spiritual independence only to have him slap the taste from her mouth for trying to educate him on how he was living. Certain things he did she was sure he was possessed with an evil spirit that convinced him to be so cruel. To his wife, the one he vowed to love and hold, not to punish and hold hostage. His parents were no help in the matter for they were upstanding, holy bible throwing individuals. In his mother’s words exactly; “Wives are to be
submissive to their husbands. Men are to rule with an iron fist. Proverbs 27:15 says the downfall of good Christian men is a contentious woman. Proverbs 31:11 and 31:30 speaks of the faithful and perfect woman.” Since Allison was void of a woman role model coming up to teach her how to be a good Christian woman and wife, she believed what the woman was teaching her.

  Derek often lied about them attending church regularly. They only visited with her in-laws during the holidays being they lived over five hundred miles away. That didn’t stop them from calling faithfully to minister to her and going as far as to add her to her prayer list. Needless to say she had no room to talk to anyone of her marital woes and hardships. Trying to read the bible herself only confused her for the woman who was her chosen mentor tainted and taught the verses in her beliefs. Spirituality tended to suffer due to the confusion and no clear signs in sight, she gave up. Furthermore she figured if God truly loved her as it has been said so often, why he would allow her such hardships to render her helpless was unanswered as well. Such pain that would sometimes take so long to heal.

  “Hello.” She was interrupted from her train of thought by an attractive young man. Allison had stepped away from where Derek left her to get something to drink from the coffee area. After their long night of punishment she was still dog tired and that had been a few days ago.

  “Hi.” She spoke back nicely hoping that he would just walk away. All she needed was for Derek to see her conversing with another.

  “My name is Brian.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “Well are you going to tell me your name?”

  “Married!” She heard her ‘dear’ husband snap with a lot of base in his voice.

  “Shit…” Allison hissed lowly. Well there goes her peace.

  “Excuse me, I had no idea.” The Brian guy admitted. “I meant no disrespect. She just seemed a little out of place.”

  “No harm, no foul. Especially if she didn’t make it clear.” Derek snatched her from the line and pulled her impossibly close to him.

  “Women?” Brian chuckled. “You know how confusing they can be.” She couldn’t believe her luck. The bastard made it seem like she was hitting on him. There was no doubt that is how Derek would see it.

  “That they are indeed.” Derek smiled his million dollar fakeness as if there were cameras around. “Come along honey.” She didn’t hesitate in following suit. This was going to gain her sometime in the basement for sure. Allison just prayed it wouldn’t be with anything that wouldn’t heal this time.

  “Derek?” They heard a female damn near screeching his name. Heels could be heard clearly trying to catch up.

  “Yes Samantha, what can I do for you sweetheart?” Derek applied his charm to the tenth degree. Allison was relieved even if it was for that moment.

  “Um, I was wondering…” The woman looked from Derek to Allison with curiosity clear on her pretty face. Allison had to admit she was beautiful in a none-gay way. She could only wish she looked like the woman. It was obvious this was the type of woman he desired.

  “Allison!” Derek barked to get her attention. She hadn’t even realized she had zoned out. He obviously had called her more than once.


  “I said wait over by the exit doors. I will be with you in a moment.” He said sternly void of much emotion.

  “Yes, of course.” Standing now at the doors she saw how they flirted with one another. Talking as if no one else was around. He never even glanced in her direction again.

  Allison’s small side that wanted to be free from the bullshit contemplated on leaving through the doors and running for the hills. But the scary side countered with the fear there was nowhere to go. Nowhere to go, where he wouldn’t find her anyway. Derek was a very resourceful man somehow. Looking off into the distance trying to decipher just what would happen if she stepped over the threshold. Once she got as far as the next city before she was carted back the very next day. Even after using cash to pay for the motel room she soon figured out even the movies couldn’t give her tips on how to get away from him. Placing her hand against the handle willing herself to push and just like that she would be free. It wasn’t like he was paying her any attention.

  “You wouldn’t get far. Trust me…” He sneered very close to her now. A defeated breath left her body at the realization that ‘you study long, you study wrong.’ Once again her chances of escaping had dissipated.

  “I was just going to get some air.”

  “Sure you were.”

  “Derek that guy was over exaggerating. He just thought you were going to be angry with him. I tried ignoring him…” She was pleading her case but he seemed to be concentrating on something else.

  “Stop!” He shouted causing her to flinch back into her seat. She was only allowed out around his colleagues at functions when most would be in attendance with their spouses. Forbidden from actually interacting with them unless he was present so she wouldn’t say anything stupid. Embarrassing him would probably land her in the ICU. Having been trained to be the perfect wife to be seen and not heard, she did everything that was required of her. All except for moving from the spot he told her specifically to stay put in. The coffee was calling her name per say. Plus she didn’t want to embarrass him by seeming uninterested since she was so tired. The constant yawns didn’t go unnoticed by some passer-byers.

  “You should have stayed put where I told you to stay.”

  “I was so tired. I was just trying to get some coffee to wake myself up.”

  “Did I not ask you if you wanted something before I stepped away?”

  “That was an hour before you left me there alone…” She was cut-off abruptly with the back of his hand against her mouth. Successfully shutting her up immediately. The metallic taste of blood made her cringe inside. It was as if he was raised by pimps that his back hand always hit its mark with precision.

  “You make me into this…this monster.”

  “…” Allison said nothing as she let the tears slide down her face as she held her bleeding top lip.

  “Go straight upstairs and strip down to nothing.” He demanded. Allison followed his instructions for fear if she didn’t things would get a million times worst. Quickly discarding all of her items she stood still stark naked waiting for his next request.

  “Allison! Down her now!” She was summoned downstairs to the living room after about an hour of waiting. She was so scared she didn’t even want to go to the restroom. What she didn’t expect was that he wasn’t alone by far.

  “…” She gasped seeing the Brian guy from the event sitting there with evident approval of her features on his face.

  “No covering up. Turn around.” Derek snapped ushering her to do as he said. The embarrassment she felt was a bit much even for him. Never in the years since they’ve been together has he did something of this magnitude. “You didn’t make it clear you were married to this man before I arrived. So I thought you wanted him to get a good look at what he can’t have.”

  “Damn…” Brian cursed shaking his head in disappointment.

  “You see Brian, although she isn’t much to look at without the clothes, what’s in between those thighs is all mine. You got me?”

  “So sharing is out? Damn shame…”

  “What do you say baby? Would you like for me to share?” Derek asked in his evil tone he used when he was trying to prove a point. Standing behind her with her naked front facing Brian he used one hand to roughly grab her around the neck holding her head back. The other hand went around her and down between her curly covered folds. Hissing at his finger touching her dry woman parts. “Open up.” He demanded kicking her legs apart.

  Brian was now standing directly in front her exposed body, silently asking for permission to touch. His hand went to her breast fondling not so softly. The violation she felt was all too much to deal with. How could her husband who had threatened her on several occasions to never so much as make eye contact with another male let th
is happen to her? In his presence at that. This punishment was beyond anything he has ever done. The treacherous groans coming from her throat were confused for pleasure filled ones. Unfortunately they were ones of straight pain as Brian had gone for the goal inserting two fingers into her center while Derek held her leg up for better access.

  “Sounds like she enjoys this shit. Go figure.” Derek said as if he was surprised of something. Her constant protests trying to fight, pry the hand out from between her legs was pointless as he only got rougher. The hold on her neck was causing her to freak out more. “Tell me Brian…how wet?”

  “Drenched…” He lied. She was nowhere near wet. In fact, when she and Derek were together he often had to use KY-jelly unless he didn’t care about her wetness at that time.


  “Hell yeah, she is down.” Brian was fiddling with his belt trying to free himself. Allison then snapped out of the trance and started to thrash about. There was no way, she would rather die than to let him go any further. If Derek wouldn’t stop this, she had to do something.

  “Please, NO!”

  “Alright that’s enough.” Derek said with a chuckle.

  “What? Man you can’t be serious.”

  “Do I look serious?”

  “Alright damn… That was a tease. You owe me a trip to the champagne room for this shit.”

  “Meet you outside. Let me finish this.”

  “Can I at least watch?”

  “There’s nothing to see. Now Samantha later, maybe.”

  “Bet. Later Alli-cat.” Brian smirked walking away. Once he was out of the door, Allison broke down. Hearing their interaction she knew then she was set up from the beginning.

  “That fits you perfectly. Aren’t you just the nasty ally cat willing to purr for anything willing to stroke your ass? I can’t believe you would enjoy another man putting their nasty dick-beaters on you. Fuck that, in you.” Allison was slapped so hard she crumbled to the floor in a heap. “You had the nerve to get aroused.”


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