Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt? Page 7

by Harris, K.

  “I was thinking you would start bright and early tomorrow. That way you would start with a clear and fresh mind, ready to tackle this major endeavor. We wouldn’t want you to make a mistake being tired.” Allison gulped at the underlining threat but cleared her throat putting on her best brave front. This could be an opportunity to get on the stern man’s good side.

  “If you don’t mind sir, I would at least like to gather the work so that I can organize it to give me a better advantage.”

  “Ambitious.” He nodded his head as if he were somewhat impressed. She didn’t bank too much on that though. “This way.” Mr. Mucciono rose from his office chair with grace. He moved so fluently to be such a large man in a suit. She compared him to a ninja in her head. In the far corner of the office there was a door that she wondered about since walking in.

  “This is the office you will be using. Everything that you need is here. These are the books that I need you to look over.” He pointed to a stack of binders. “In these boxes are the receipts and other paperwork to double check the figures already listed.”

  “All of these boxes?”

  “Yes. Do you see this as a problem?”

  “Yes.” At the disappointed look on his face she chose to rearrange her answer. “No. I only mean, how could anyone work with such disorganization?” Looking around at the number of boxes stacked against the wall and near the desk she knew it would take her about the time allotted for her to organize it. She needed to organize it in order to begin to work accurately.

  “What do you need to make it happen?”

  “The organization?” She questioned and he nodded. “Are these file cabinets accessible?”

  “They’re empty.”

  “May I?” She asked before opening the first box she stopped at. Mr. Mucciono only nodded his head with his hands in his pockets. Allison just wanted to get a general idea of what kind of information she was dealing with. “Is this pretty much the gist of what the boxes entail?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “What time is it?”


  “That leaves me an hour to get a head start.”

  “Suit yourself. I will be in my office if you need anything. I assume you won’t get lost from here to there, correct?”

  “…” Allison only blushed at his cynical joke. Instead of engaging him in conversation any further she got busy with arranging the files inside of the boxes. This was going to be a tedious task but she was happy to do it. It was better than being worried about what would happen next. Whether or not her life would be spared after everything is said and done, she couldn’t focus on that at the moment. There was always the big possibility she won’t walk away from this unscathed after being allowed to look into some serious paperwork of this mafia’s business. Just a small inkling of hope helped her to not panic too much. From what she knew about mafia families they lived by loyalty. She had to gain theirs.

  “Whoa.” Allison was so deep into her work she didn’t realize she wasn’t alone any longer.

  “You’ve been busy.” Gio remarked at her progress. She had emptied eight boxes thus far. That was a good portion of the overall count of boxes. She counted a total of twenty boxes of bills, receipts of large and small purchases, business dealings with money, bank statements, and countless other accounts tied into the one large one.

  “Just a little. What time is it?”

  “It’s a little after seven.”

  “Oh my, Carlina must be miffed that I was late to dinner.”

  “Nah, she is fine. She sent me to get you.”

  “I figured Mr. Mucciono would have alerted me it was dinner time.”

  “She sent me to get him as well.”

  “Oh. Well alrighty then, lead the way.”

  “My pleasure.” Gio was a very attractive man as well but he had nothing on Mr. Mucciono. It was evident that these Italian men were very eye-catching and built remarkably. They moved with poise and confidence. Women probably fawned all over them all of the time. She wondered were there any special women in their lives. Even Roberto was easy on the eyes. He seemed like the one out of the bunch that had any playfulness about himself. This was the first time she’d been in a carefree conversation with Gio. He didn’t seem as hard as his boss.

  “Is there a powder room close by where I can clean up a bit?”

  “Yes, right through that door.” Allison got all cleaned up while still running over so many thoughts. No matter how afraid she should be, she has been focusing on these dangerous men’s looks. An outsider would call her straight coo-coo for cocoa puffs. After living with Derek for so long being his punching bag, maybe she was crazy as a road lizard.

  Leaving the powder room she found that Gio was no longer alone. Mr. Mucciono had joined them. They were in what seemed to be a deep discussion when she emerged but quieted almost immediately. Where Gio wore a smirk on his face, the boss wore a bored look. Allison just shook her head at the observation and averted her eyes to the walls around. Gio slightly chuckled and started to lead the way again. Allison followed suit trying to rid the uncomfortable tension she was feeling. She didn’t know if it was stemming from her or whatever they were discussing. Either way it was laid out, it was awkward.

  “There you all are. I was about to send out a search party.” Carlina exclaimed when they finally walked into the dining room. The intricate details to the table setting was fresh out of a hosh-posh magazine article. All of the sit-down dinners that resembled this were only witnessed on television, she was officially apart of one.

  “My apologies mamma.”

  “Is Antonio over-working you caro? He can be a bit of a workaholic and then expects everyone to do the same.” Carlina fussed.



  “No ma’am, it’s fine. I don’t mind keeping busy. It actually helps me to think.”

  “Maybe I was a housewife for too long.”

  “Being a housewife is hard work as well.”

  “You’re telling me. I never could fall into the trend of nannies and such when I had my Antonio. I chose to raise my own no matter how many times my beloved attempted to get me some help. God rest his soul.” Carlina looked away thoughtfully before rejoining the table. “Do you have any children Allison?”

  “No.” It was Allison’s turn to look away sadly. The thought of not having her own child hurt more than anything in this world.

  “It will happen one day.”

  “Not for me.” Allison cleared her throat before continuing. “I am unable to conceive.”

  “Oh caro, I am so sorry.”

  “It’s alright. It’s a tough reality that I am forced to endure. I have learned we are all forced to endure some type of hardship.”

  “That we are.” Carlina nodded before looking at her son as he gave her a warning look of his own. “Enough of the sad talk. Let me give you a small history lesson while we dig in.”

  “Sounds good.” Allison nodded happy to change the subject from her sad existence. The strenuous circumstances that has caused her to not be able to conceive was painful enough.

  Chapter 8

  Antonio was going through the motions of being back in his home land. He loved Italy with a passion of an obsessed married man fixated with his mistress. Like an addict with their drug of choice, he thrived the most being there. Seeing his mother brought so much peace and joy to his heart. Although he didn’t show it much, it did his body some good being in her presence. Even with the issues that were surfacing with money, he still felt good about the outcome. Gio was on to something when he suggested that Mrs. Myers work on the books. Her attention to detail and organization skills is just what their operations need to get them back on track.

  The fact that his mother took such an instant liking to the woman threw him totally off kilter though. Carlina Mucciono is as sweet as pie once a person gets to know her but the tough exterior that she consists of is hard to get through. She didn’t open up ea
sily to anyone let alone accept others into her home without a bunch of questions. That’s why he’d concocted such an elaborate story about why Allison was traveling with him. Instead of digging into the reason why she was there and who she was really, his mother started bragging about how beautiful she was. Picking up on the abbreviation indicating that she was married didn’t even make her question any further.

  During dinner she tried to dig a little but came up short. Revealing sad facts of the woman’s life. He didn’t need a report to figure out that her bastard of a husband is the cause for her sterilization. He would be a bold faced lie if he said he wasn’t curious as to what happened. The thing he really wants to know is why she put up with someone that spineless for so long. Surely there was somewhere to turn or someone to turn to. Hell he could be cold and at times downright heartless but only in business. Never would he put his hands on a woman or anyone weaker than him for the sheer shit of it. She seemed like a loyal woman so why destroy her further than obviously life had already done.

  The minds of a weak man was always mind-boggling to him. Men who beat women, belittle them, turn them into sniveling piles of wasted flesh should be handled with the same care as they have dished. He could only imagine how terribly hard those same hardcore men would crumble under his vengeful hand. The dish best served cold for them would make them wish on the death angel to come through and snatch them up. The way Derek cried when he was getting the well-deserved beat down was enough to confirm his opinion of him. Maybe he should have allowed her to witness the action to gain some control over her situation.

  “Mr. Mucciono?”


  “I have the information you asked for sir.”

  “It’s only been two days. You still have an entire day left. Wouldn’t you like to double check your work you claim is completed?”

  “No sir, I have already double checked right before I entered your office. I took most of the first day to sort everything out. Once I got them organized by category, I was able to breeze through them fairly easily. I printed these off for you to look over.” She handed him a neatly put together packet. “Do you have a minute so we can go over my findings? I recognize that you are normally busy but this I believe is important.”

  “I’m all ears.”

  “Alright first let me break down what I have done. I started a database on the laptop that was stored in the drawer of the desk. It’s not connected to the internet or anything so no one can hack into it. Using the scanner that was in the bottom drawer to sort each of the bills, receipts, and other purchase slips while filing them in the appropriate slots. Inputting the figures from the scans in an excel spreadsheet, I created detailed documents.”

  “From those completed documents, I uploaded the files to multiple disks. Filing only the disks away by category and year. All of the paper files I repacked into boxes but in chronological order just in case you don’t agree with what I have done. Only the documents for the previous year and those that are still in progress are filed away in the remaining drawers until tax time.”

  “…” Antonio only listened all the while thinking she couldn’t have completed something so detailed in the little time she has been working.

  “Uhm… I was thinking to eliminate a paper trail this would be an easily managed system. Someone not trained in keeping books could input the information. The only thing needed would be a thorough check to be sure all the information was entered correctly. If the totals don’t add up it makes it simpler to just go back and review.” She stopped a minute to recollect herself. He knew he was making her nervous with his silence but it was best to not speak and let her get all of her thoughts out.

  “Let me begin with this. There were a lot of discrepancies in the records and numbers. It seems someone has embezzled funds from your organization. The reason why it hadn’t been caught before is because it was taken in small increments. The total amount taken is the astonishing part.”

  “I’m listening.” That was what peeked his interest the most. He would try to refrain from showing his anger in the matter for he knows she is already afraid of him.

  “I haven’t uncovered where the funds were transferred to however because of the lack of network connection. I have the account numbers and routing numbers but that’s as far as I have gone. According to the things I have learned in school, the longer the numbers the further the bank is located. Considering this is Italy, that doesn’t say much.”

  “How much are we looking at?”

  “Close to ten million just from what I have gone through.”

  “TEN MILLION?!” Antonio shouted drawing a squeak from the fragile woman. Instead of apologizing he started to look over the work she had done in such a short time. The attention to every detail was remarkable. She had gone as far as to highlight several areas where he needed to pay extra close attention. He had gone through the entire document presented to him while she sat quietly.

  “Mrs. Myers, you did all of this within a couple of days. Impressive.”

  “Thank you?”

  “Again with the uncertainty. Trust me I don’t impress easily. Would you be willing to present this before others?”

  “Oh uhh… speak in front of a bunch of people? I don’t think I could do that.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Crowds of people honestly make me nervous.”

  “Fair enough. Taking into consideration the hard work you put into figuring the books and creating this foolproof database as you put it, I would like for you to work for me. At least until the debt your husband owes is paid off. Once all of the books are organized and created on its separate database, you could be let go before the sixty days have expired.”

  “Under one condition.”

  “Alright name it.” Antonio didn’t take kindly to others putting stipulations on any order that he makes.

  “That none of my work goes towards any of Derek’s debt. I was placed in the situation because of his carelessness along with his willingness to place me as the pawn. I will gladly work for free in the place that you spare my life. Instead of considering me as collateral, consider me as an employee working for little to no pay.”

  “I can’t hire you to work for me and not pay you. That would be morally wrong Mrs. Myers.”

  “And another thing, can you please call me Allison?”

  “Let me mull this over and I will get back to you with my decision. Sound fair?”

  “Fair enough.”

  “Come in.” Antonio shouted to whoever was knocking on the door.

  “Antonio, figlio?” His mother came in. “Oh Allison, just the person I wanted to steal away for something other than work.”

  “Mamma, you have a question for me?” Antonio was truly amused at how his mother could change moods so fast. One minute she was about to read him the riot act and now she was gushing over Allison. He really wanted to know what was going through his mother’s head. She was up to something this he was sure of, but what. Thankfully he didn’t get jealous easily for losing his mother’s attention. He was actually grateful for Allison’s presence it took some steam out of her normal motherly rant that he needed to marry and make her a grandmother.

  “Oh yes. I wanted to ask the almighty Don for his accountant, assistant, secretary, or whatever you have this poor girl working so hard on.”

  “Mamma, you paint me out to be some slave driver or something. I’m hurt.”

  “I can see that.” She said mockingly with her arms folded.

  “Mamma, I was just about to tell Allison, that she was done with work for now.”

  “Really?” Carlina questioned full of skepticism. Antonio looked at Allison pleadingly for her to follow along.

  “Yes Carlina, we just finished our meeting.”

  “Oh magnifico. We still have time to go into town.”

  “You ladies have fun.” Antonio gave his blessings in so many words.

  “Meet you in the foyer caro.” Carlina breezed out of the
office with the quickness.

  “Remember what we spoke about before arriving here Mrs. Myers.” Antonio felt the need to reiterate that he would know if she tried to be slick in anyway. She claims to want nothing to do with her husband’s debt but it could all be a con. He didn’t put trust in anyone without merit. Allison had to prove she could be trusted.

  “Allison?” She corrected him.


  “I remember Mr. Mucciono. I see no sense in tearing down a trust that I am trying to build by working for you sir.”

  “…” Antonio was speechless at her words but thoughtful at the same time. This woman was truly a mystery.


  “Inspiration for work coming from the view outside now?” Gio quipped.

  “Inspiration can be found everywhere.”

  “Ah, she has potential.” Gio said lowly. Antonio hadn’t even noticed his friend creeping up on him until he spoke.

  “Potential for what? A train wreck?”

  “Through the wreckage there is room for recovery.”

  “Please spare me.”

  “Don’t believe me then. What do I know?”

  “Not a damn thing.”

  “Alright enough of the insults. What did she find?”

  “Too much.”

  “That bad?”

  “Ten million and counting. The exact number is uncertain for there are books still needing to be looked over.”

  “Any thoughts on who we need to snatch up besides Franco?”

  “Not a single, solitary clue. But we need to get to the bottom of this quickly.”

  “I smell a lot of unnecessary problems. Something is terribly wrong, I can feel it.”

  “I feel it too, unfortunately we have no choice but to wait for the trouble to present itself.”

  “Should I call in reinforcement?”

  “No but do send the account numbers listed on the sticky note to the states. I need someone with strict confidentiality.”

  “I will get right on it. Also Carmello invited you to his new club opening tonight. This would be the perfect time to announce that we will need his cooperation in reviewing his books as well.”


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