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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

Page 8

by Harris, K.

  “It has been a while since I have gone out.”

  “Maybe invite the newbie and show her a good time.”

  “Allison? Hell no. Have you seen the way she dresses? She would feel so out of place there.”

  “First name basis, are we?”

  “That’s not the point. You do remember she is a married woman right.”

  “Minor details.”

  “She’s not my type.”

  “Never said she was.”

  “What is up with you?”

  “Nothing boss. I was just suggesting you take the sheltered woman out with us. While she’s there she could report some of her findings and voice the concern for everyone’s well-being.” Gio said calmly. Antonio felt dumb for assuming he was trying to set them up. The truth was, he’d dreamed of her recently and it wasn’t innocent. Did it bother him? Yes. Did it confuse him as to where it came from? Yes because he never looked at her in any way other than insurance. Did the dream turn him on? Sadly yes. A cold shower and his own hand got him through the night.

  “I need to get laid.” Antonio exclaimed. Gio only chuckled before leaving him with his own thoughts. Thoughts not so pure.


  Carlina Mucciono, widow to the late Silvio Mucciono was optimistic if anything that she could push these two misguided souls together. There was a hidden gift within her that just knew that Antonio and Allison belonged together. Anybody she had predicted to unite always survived life’s cruel jokes. They won’t be any different. Plus she had a selfish investment in their union.

  Allison would be the ideal daughter in law and Antonio would follow in his father’s footsteps being the most upstanding, loving spouse that she so desperately needs. If she were a man, she would stalk that gutless son of a gun that she is married to and make him pay gravely. There was no excuse for a man to put his filthy hands on a woman in any other way besides sensually. She had half the mind to send out her own personal hit removing him from the equation all together.

  The cockamamie story Antonio tried to serve her was so far past the truth it was pointless to even argue about it. Carlina had every intention of giving the mysterious woman a piece of her mind until she laid eyes on her. The withdrawn, mousy woman needed a mother’s touch. That solidified her resolve to help her in any way she could and as soon as her bull-headed son got his head out of his ass, he would see what a jewel she was.

  “Do you think this is going to work?” Gio asked. He was always like her second son.

  “Of course it is.”

  “I don’t know about this.” Roberto remarked. She loved all of her boys, the one born to her and those she assumed responsibility for. Although Roberto’s mother was a thorn in her side, she loved the fruit of her womb as if he were her very own.

  “You need not be afraid of your brother but more concerned for your dear mamma.”

  “…” She successfully removed the seriousness of the conversation as they chuckled.

  “Antonio is going to have our heads when he figures this out.” Roberto remarked.

  “He better thank us.”

  “How are we are going to get rid of the husband? She is still legally married.” Roberto added.

  “Do you really want her with him? That spineless, gutless micio doesn’t deserve to be called a man. If I were a man, I would love to strip him of his pathetic manhood.” Carlina was fuming just thinking about the bruises on her face when she first met her. Then to hear that she can’t have children, she was willing to bet everything that it was because of something he’d done.

  “So violent, mamma.” Roberto commented.

  “Anything you want to discuss?” Gio asked.

  “Do you two not feel the same?”

  “Thankfully you taught us better. Personally I can see where you are coming from. I don’t really care for him either.” Gio added and Rob nodded.

  “You boys were easy.”

  “Please.” Roberto chuckled.

  “Seriously. You boys gave me and your papa the normal boy trouble. Nothing we couldn’t handle.” Carlina reflected over the younger years. “How have things been going with you two in the states? Anyone special?”


  “Somewhat? Are they good to you?”

  “Yes.” Roberto answered in deep thought.

  “Then there is no somewhat. What is the hold up?”

  “With my schedule, it doesn’t really leave room for anything serious. Plus keeping a secret of who I am associated with will never withstand anything permanent.”

  “You never know figlio. I don’t want you to give up.”

  “I won’t.”

  “What about you Giovanni?”

  “You could say that.” Gio said slyly. She knew him too well. Whoever this was had gotten under his skin good if he even entertained bringing her into the conversation. Gio is the secretive one. He didn’t trust easily, always looking for the other shoe to drop. Mainly stemming from his being left alone and scared as a child.

  Silvio and Carlina took Gio in when he was only a boy. Maybe eight years old, left to his own devices on the cruddy streets in the unfavorable area of Naples. With no one to watch after him, he was caught pick pocketing people on the streets just to feed himself. A failed attempt at stealing from a tourist landed him in hot water with the authorities. Silvio, Carlina, and Antonio happened to witness the botched job. Antonio informed his parents the little boy went to his school and didn’t have parents.

  He went as far as to describe how the other children would pick on him for being dirty and stinky. Carlina’s heart instantly went out to the motherless child. Silvio saw the affect the streets had on the kid and could picture his own son in that predicament if the tables had been turned. Through lots of negotiation and pulling some strings with people he knew in the system, they were able to take Giovanni into their home.

  In the beginning it was a struggle to get him to trust them and adapt to living in civilization. He’d grown so used to living on the streets, the trust that anyone wished him no harm was farfetched. By Antonio and him being the same age, slowly he started to come around. Especially since he had a brother figure with him every time someone tried to talk about him or degrade him.

  “Anyone would be lucky to have either one of you boys.”

  “Thanks mamma.” They both enveloped her in a tight embrace.

  “Well, I’m off to get my shopping buddy.”

  “Good luck on your part. I will make him aware we are going out to the club premiere tonight.”

  “Good deal.” Carlina left her impromptu meeting with Gio and Rob to attempt at getting Allison from her son. He wouldn’t be able to tell her no.


  “Oh Allison, this would look wonderful on you.” Carlina gushed. Since they arrived into town. The older woman has dragged Allison from shop to shop, making her try on clothing. No matter how many times she expressed to the woman that she didn’t have the funds to purchase anything, she only insisted ‘window shopping couldn’t hurt.’ The truth was it did hurt.

  “Carlina…” Allison started to gather her rant again.

  “No caro, just looking. It doesn’t hurt to look around.” Carlina cut her off but one look at Allison’s dejected face she stopped fussing. “Last one, I promise.”

  “Alright.” Allison retreated to the dressing room where she tried on the form fitting dress. According to the sales clerk it was called a ‘Bodycon’ dress. It was definitely different from anything she had ever worn before. The dress flattered all of her most hated attributes. It curved and contoured her shapely hips perfectly. Maybe if she could ever get her life right and finances in order, she could change some things about herself. Starting with her hair. It was damaged and pulled back into an unattractive pony tail. If anything she was making the dress look bad.

  “Beautiful.” Carlina startled Allison. She hadn’t noticed her peeking into the dressing room curtain.

  “Yes it is.”

was referring to you not the dress. The right clothes just brings out the hidden beauty.”

  “I’m not beautiful but thank you for the compliment.”

  “But mia caro, you are so much more. I wish you could see what I see.”

  “Why do you call me mia caro?”

  “Mia caro means ‘my dear.’”

  “Oh.” Allison blushed feeling foolish for asking. “I should probably change.”

  “Just pass the dress to me when you undress.”


  After Allison was dressed in her own worn down rags she joined Carlina at the door of the boutique. Obviously the woman was well-known in the city because everyone greeted her with such respect. Since she was being seen with her, they in turn treated her with the same. Although some did give her sideways glances probably trying to figure out why Carlina was being seen with the poor looking woman.

  ‘They probably assumed I am a servant or special person from a home,’ Allison mused. Leaving the area of shops they walked a few blocks down until they reached a salon. Even though she was enjoying the much ado freedom, surely Carlina wasn’t going to make her sit while she was being worked by a glam team.

  “Mrs. Mucciono, so nice to see you again. This way please.”

  “Grazie. Come along Allison.” Carlina pulled Allison in step with her. She had fell back slightly to observe her surroundings. The salon was beyond lavish. Never in her wildest dreams would she expect to be in a place like this.

  “The private area has been set up for you per your request. The shower, robe, and slippers are in the next room. You have booked a massage, mineral bath, stylist, along with manicure and pedicure. Will there be anything else?”

  “Please add a facial in there as well. Grazie.”

  “Yes ma’am. Enjoy your treatments.” The receptionist quickly left and Allison was swirling with questions. That was a lot of things to be done. Meaning she would be sitting for quite some time.

  “You heard the woman caro. Right through that door, strip and shower. Return here with the robe and slippers on.” Carlina pushed Allison towards the doors. Allison quickly dug her heals into the floor.

  “Wait, what? Me?”

  “Yes you. Now go.”

  “No I can’t do this. I don’t have the money for this. This must cost a fortune.”

  “You can do this and you will. I have already pre-paid for it. It is my welcome to Italy gift.”


  “Allison please. Just let me do this for you. You are worn down and tired. I’ve seen the worry and discontentment in your eyes every day since I have met you. For me?”

  “I must pay you back then.”

  “Pay me back by enjoying it.”

  Allison reluctantly walked through the doors and even the spa like bathroom was luxurious. Stripping down took a little longer than it probably should have but she was still trying to come to grips with what all was going on. This woman whom she just met was treating her to a spa day. Never in her existence has she been to a spa. Never had her shoulders been massaged, hair done in a salon, nails, or facial been professional tended to. Here she was living this dream that was sure to turn into a nightmare. She was after all only here because of a mess Derek put her in. What happens when she has to return to her cold, bitter life?

  Chapter 9

  Allison was without words in the gratitude department. Carlina had given her something more than words could express. The kindness she has shown her was unlike anything she has been fortunate enough to receive in all of her days on earth. After her shower, she returned to the room where Carlina sat patiently reading a magazine. She was then moved into a room with a huge tub with a covering.

  Once she was placed in the tub and covered up, Carlina sat in the room to keep her company. The steaming hot water stung at first but quickly began to melt away all of the tense and battered parts of her body. The two engaged in random conversations until the masseuse came to take her into the next room. There she was asked to lay on the table, wrapped in only a sheet.

  From that point on she was moved around the area of rooms with Carlina not too far behind. She had fallen asleep during her massage being that it felt heavenly. Allison had lost track of time and was just going with the flow. The stylist washed, conditioned, and trimmed her tattered mane. A blowout was applied to her otherwise natural hair. Instead of using a pressing comb like she did at home these results made her look like someone else. Off to the next destination was her facial, pedicure, and manicure. Through all of the plucking, tweezing, waxing, trimming, and friendly conversation she was a new person.

  Inside and out, Allison had gone through a serious transformation. All the way down to the fitted velour sweat suit with the salon’s logo on it, looking in the mirror she didn’t recognize herself. Carlina was all smiles as well when the finished product had been revealed. Allison was ravished by the time all was said and done. Instead of piling on the heavy food, they opted for a grilled chicken Caesar salad and toasted turkey sandwiches for dinner.

  Outside she looked like a million bucks, on the inside she feared ridicule from the ones who knew the real reason she was there to begin with. Will they look at her like a con-woman? After all she was married to a gambler and liar. Would they frown upon her for it looks like she was taking advantage of the kind woman?

  “What is it caro?”

  “It’s nothing. Just my insecurities.”

  “No matter what all has been said to you in the past, you must take a long look at yourself and decide who you want to be. Are you the punching bag of an insecure prick or are you a woman of virtue?”

  “What if I lost my identity somewhere between the two?”

  “Then it will take time to regain what you have lost.”

  “I pray one day I will figure out just what it is that I have lost. Furthermore where I lost it. Although my upbringing was never stellar, I never saw myself here.”

  “Where is here?”

  “A sniveling woman afraid of her own husband. The man who vowed to love, protect, and cherish. Instead I was nothing more than a common day servant and at times a prisoner in my own home.” Allison said. “I don’t even know where to begin.”

  “You will sweetheart. I just know it. You just need a little reassurance. Things will work out in the long run. Mio Dio didn’t bring you through all you have gone through to leave you broken. Don’t let the evil that one person in your life possess take control of your self-worth.” Allison was listening to Carlina but so far she didn’t see anything to look forward to.

  Besides the fact that she isn’t walking into a punch in the face by her beloved husband when they returned, everything else is a little bleak. She didn’t have her own identity technically, not a dime to her name, and living with strangers. Sadly, that wasn’t by choice either. It was definitely going to take an act of God to make her see the bright side in her current situation.


  Walking into the mansion she had already forgotten her transformation. Their conversation was heavy on her mind. Somehow she missed all of the bags in the car as the driver began unloading the trunk. Allison didn’t recall Carlina purchasing more than one or two bags. Interesting enough, there were more than ten bags in there. It was fairly full. Then considering Carlina was well known and the fact that they visited boutiques, the things could have been on order. Maybe what she should have asked Mr. Mucciono for in place of working for him is helping her gain her freedom. A divorce would be nice. Hell if given the opportunity she would live right there in Italy.

  “What do you boys think?” Carlina asked out of the blue successfully jarring Allison from her thoughts. She hadn’t realized anyone was around when they walked in.

  “Mamma, what have you ladies been up to?” All eyes were on her. Gio and Roberto both gave appreciative head nods while Mr. Mucciono stared blankly.

  “Whatever do you mean figlio?”

  “Mrs. Myers?”

  “Allison remember?

  “Again I ask what you two have been up to. It’s pretty late. You’ve been gone most of the day.”

  “Who is the parent here?” Carlina asked with her hands on her hips.

  “I apologize Mr. Mucciono. Carlina was so gracious in helping a poor lost soul as myself. I think she was a bit weary of looking at the train wreck I came as.” Allison tried her hand at a joke.

  “Please honey, I just revealed what was hidden behind those hideous clothes that should be a sin to call a wardrobe.”

  “That you did.” Roberto commented. Mr. Mucciono looked almost offended while Allison was truly embarrassed.

  “I guess I will turn in since it is so late.”

  “Actually…” Gio began to protest and looked to Mr. Mucciono to finish.

  “We have been invited to a business acquaintance’s club opening. This would be the perfect opportunity to bring up the concerns we spoke about earlier today.”

  “Club?” Allison didn’t know how to deny the invitation or whatever it was. One reason was she had nothing to wear while her main concern should have been that public places made her nervous. She would be so out of place with beautiful women around while she sat looking like a broke nun.

  “Wonderful idea figlio. She has the perfect dress.”

  “I do?”

  “Yes you do.”

  “Alfred, could you take Miss Allison’s bags to her room please? Thank you.”

  “Carlina, what did you do?”

  “How do you young people say in the states, I ‘hooked’ you up?” Carlina questioned so seriously that Allison couldn’t stay mad at her. “Come caro, let me help you get dressed.”

  “We leave in thirty minutes.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Once upstairs, Carlina wasted no time preparing her mini make over. A makeover she had no clue was even coming. The spa was one thing now she was being pampered with clothes as well. Allison thought to herself that this was the real reason she wanted her to try on all of those clothes. Now the question is, was Mr. Mucciono in on it?

  Couldn’t be, Allison further thought. He looked just as shocked at her new appearance as she did for the first time looking into the mirror. And by it being Gio’s original idea to invite her, he had to be clueless. Even though she had this whole new look, she knew deep down inside she was still the battered, bruised, scarred, and fragile female.


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