Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt? Page 9

by Harris, K.

  “Don’t worry honey. Just let go and enjoy yourself.”

  “Technically this is about business.”

  “What’s wrong with enjoying yourself while handling business?”

  “That may not be pleasing to Mr. Mucciono. I don’t want to anger him or embarrass him.”

  “Relax caro. My Antonio can be a big ole meanie but he isn’t unfair. He is reasonable. That is the way his father and I have raised him.” Carlina commented. “How did you become to work for him with so much fear in your heart?”

  “Oh, uh…” Allison realized she had somewhat put her foot in her mouth. Somehow letting her fear overthrow any moments of reason to keep up with the original story.

  “Is this business arrangement somehow connected to your abusive husband?”


  “Never mind, it’s none of my business.” Carlina thankfully stopped her sorry excuse of a cover up. She just couldn’t find the words to lie to this woman after everything she has done to her. “Plus I don’t want to taint this night with misery. I have a gut instinct that I know what is going on around here. Although my son tries to keep me out of the business because he doesn’t want to worry me, I know more than he thinks I do.”

  “Oh please don’t tell Mr. Mucciono… if he knew…”

  “Shh… It’s alright caro. You didn’t say anything. I assume everything. That’s what mother’s do. You just wait.” Allison visibly flinched. “Oh caro, I am so sorry. My mouth tends to be loose at times. At least that is what my late husband would always say.”

  “It’s alright. Cruel reality.”

  “You’re safe now. NO more pain.”

  Allison honestly liked the sound of that. She was sick of the pain of the only life she has known. Being unwanted as a child, takes a toll on a grown up. Forces them to make terrible decisions out of not knowing what ‘love’ really is and how to decipher when it’s real. Allison is hoping she will have a game plan by the time this is all over with. After being treated like a human being instead of a house trained animal, there has to be a way to free herself from her slave driving other half. No doubt if she just tells him she wants out, he will probably threaten to kill her. Maybe that was the way. Only time will tell. Anything is better than what she had before.


  Antonio couldn’t lie and say Allison wasn’t completely different from before. At first glance he almost confused her with a stranger. He had to look a bit harder to see those eyes he’s had the privilege of staring into during meetings. He knew she had potential to be a looker but he would be damned if he pictured what walked down the stairs. Gone was the oversized, unattractive garments she was cursed to wear.

  Now being replaced with a sexy yet sophisticated shape forming dress. Instead of short and slutty, this dress showed just enough leg to gain a man’s attention but leaving plenty to the imagination. It would probably be wise of him to pick up a companion for tonight, seeing this image will undoubtedly haunt him in his dreams.

  The shoes on her feet were sleek, fashionable, and tall. Bringing her just in reach of his lips if they were acquainted in such a manner. It wouldn’t take too much effort to lean down and brush his lips across her forehead as he has done in his dreams. That thought alone bothered him but the one that was rapidly approaching was too much. Just thinking about having those shapely smooth legs in the air, leaving the heels on for affect was causing a stir in his pants. The vision of her face contorting in a fit of passion was making him stiff and uncomfortable.

  “Is everything alright Mr. Mucciono?” His delusional mind was really playing tricks on him. Even her voice had a hint of seduction to his conniving ears.

  “Figlio, would it be so hard for your employee to address you as Antonio? Just curious…”



  “Don’t mamma and Carlina me!” Carlina yapped. “It feels weird. She is practically family. She is living in our home. Everyone calls you Antonio.”

  “It’s alright Carlina. Mr. Mucciono…”

  “Allison, you may call me Antonio unless we are in a business setting or around important company.”

  “Yes sir, Mr. Mu… I mean Antonio.”

  “What a coincidence, Antonio and Allison? Go figure both start with A’s.” Gio added.

  “Shall we leave?” Antonio spoke up trying to tune out the foolishness coming from Gio’s mouth. Everyone was acting awfully odd.

  “It will be pretty late when you return, let’s arrange for brunch instead of breakfast. Yes?”

  “Mamma, I may stay in the city tonight. I will arrange for the fella’s to see Allison home.”

  “Figlio, mi dica non si tratta di qualche scarlett? Quelle puttane sono solo dopo una cosa. E questo e il Vostro nome e un payout.” Antonio had heard it all before from his mamma. He knew she was only looking out for him. Not wanting him to make a mistake of hooking up with a ‘money grubbing scarlet’ as she loves to call them.

  Truth is he would love nothing more than to settle down. Have one woman he would come home to everyday. One pair of legs to slide between knowing full well that they were opening for him and him only. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case at the moment and he was still a man with needs. Needs that was going to draw him into doing something terribly stupid if he didn’t get some. His hand could only do so much. Allison’s hand though…

  “Mamma…” He started so he could cut off her rant and kill his hormones at the same time.

  “No, mi ascolti ! Voglio che tu stabilirsi con un Tesoro.” She stated with disdain and pleading all over her face. The look she gave Allison both frightened and amused him.

  “Mamma , vedo quello sguardo . Allison è una donna sposata. Non dimenticare?” Antonio was adamant on reminding the atmosphere that Allison was married. Gio and Roberto found the family spat funny while Allison stood near confused at what they were discussing in Italian. “Mamma, dobbiamo andare. Possiamo parlare di questo piu Avanti. Si?” Begging her to let this topic go until a later time.

  “Fine, Antonio.” Carlina was a very stubborn woman. He knew this was far from over because she gave up too easily. “Allison, caro, have fun tonight. Forget about your heavy heart.”

  “I will try. Thank you for everything Carlina.”


  All the way to the night club, Antonio was busy trying to occupy himself with his phone. Somehow his eyes kept diverting to the seat next to him. There taunting him was a shiny, thick, caramelized thigh tempting him to touch and see how smooth it is. The dress Allison had worn had risen up just enough to give him added fantasies for later. Since she is normally quite covered up, he could only imagine what her body looked like under the layers of clothing. The hideous clothing that did nothing for her shape or her features. It took his mother’s meddling to recognize the beauty hidden beneath the shell but her frigid persona still remained because of the obvious years of abuse.

  The real question was, why he was thinking about her in that way? He had no clue other than she was the only woman around him at the moment that wasn’t related to him. Once he got his stick wet, he was sure all of the visions and fantasies would diminish. At least that’s what he keeps telling himself. No matter how many times he says aloud that she was a married woman, he couldn’t figure out if he was trying to convince others or himself.

  The thought came to mind that he was the boss and she seemed desperate for a way out of her current situation even if she didn’t say it aloud. There was no way he could be so despicable as to suggest she sleep with him to gain her independence. That was beyond immoral, but he’d be damned if it didn’t cross his mind just for a minute to abuse his power.

  Even though she was nothing more than a pawn to him, she was still a woman and she didn’t deserve to be treated as a prostitute. That would be exactly what she would be and her husband would be considered as her pimp. He has figured out that Allison wants to be freed from her prison but he refuses to meddle in someone’s marita
l affairs. If she wants out and needs his help, if she continues to prove herself worthy of his trust, all she has to do is ask. Volunteering feels like he has an ulterior motive and that was not a good look.

  “Boss we’re here.” Roberto said gaining his attention. All eyes were on him while his eyes were on Allison and his mind was somewhere deep in thought.

  “Stick close to us. Don’t wonder off. Don’t lag behind. Understood?” Antonio said rather forcefully.

  “Yes Antonio.” Allison replied to his demand. He would be lying if the sound of his name coming from her mouth didn’t sound so good.

  Antonio stepped out after Gio and Roberto, before turning to assist Allison out. From the looks of things she was more of his date than an assistant. This would be a change for sure to arrive with a lady by his side. He may leave with one from time to time but he never arrived with one. The line to get into the club was down the street, the press was in full swing throwing questions as to who everyone was, and cameras were flashing capturing the moment as they walked the red carpet. It was as natural as breathing to place his hand in the small of her back to guide her through the entrance. Instead of holding her hand that seemed like the most logical way to ensure she doesn’t get left behind.

  “Right this way Mr. Mucciono and company.” The hostess met them as soon as they crossed over the threshold. She was an attractive brunette with a short, skin tight dress that accentuated all of her best features. “Mr. Carmello will be with you shortly, sir. Is there anything I can do for you in the meantime?” The seductive manner the woman asked that question was noticeable immediately. Antonio could only smile at the gesture. He never got tired of the attention he received on a daily basis.

  “No thank you…”

  “Oh my apologies. The name is Emily.” That would be easy to remember seeing as though her eyes were a sparkling emerald green color.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Emily.” Antonio flashed his million dollar smile to show his interest had been peeked indeed. He may have just found his bed buddy for the night.

  “Antonio, il mio amico.”

  “Carmello. Nice place you got here.”

  “Thank you. I see you are getting acquainted with the lovely Emily.”

  “Such a hospitable hostess you have here.”

  “And what a lovely young lady you have here.” Carmello gestured behind Antonio. “Un regalo per me? Non si dovrebbe avere.” Antonio didn’t like him insinuating that Antonio had brought Allison as some gift for him to play with. In the beginning he was only thinking of having a little fun with the green eyed brunette, now his mind had quickly drifted to protecting Allison from any other man.

  “Le mie scuse, vecchio amico, ma lei e off limits.” Sadly Antonio couldn’t figure out why he wanted Allison labeled as off limits. The words came out before he could reel them back in.

  “Off limits?” Carmello tore his lust filled eyes away from Allison to garner where Antonio was coming from. Instead of responding, Antonio gave him his most serious face to reassure him that it wasn’t a game nor joke. “Understood.”

  “Good. Now, I introduce to you Allison Myers. Allison Myers meet Carmello, my cousin.”

  “E’ un piacere conoscerti, bella.” Antonio rolled his eyes at his cousin’s attempts at making Allison blush. He’d bumped it up a notch as to kiss her knuckles. ‘Smooth bastard.’

  “English you ass.”

  “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Carmello and thank you.” Both men snapped their eyes to her wondering the same thing.

  “You understood what I said.” Carmello asked.

  “I wasn’t aware you knew Italian.”

  “Oh, I don’t. It’s just pretty simple to follow some conversations. Bella means beautiful, correct? And off limits wasn’t too hard to figure out.” Allison giggled innocently. “Plus Carlina has been teaching me some things.”

  “Quick wit as well as beautiful. I could definitely get used to having you around.” Antonio could only inwardly groan at his implication because it seems Allison has gained yet another admirer. ‘That’s just great,’ Antonio thought to himself before watched them walk away. This was going to be a long night.

  Chapter 10

  Antonio was trying his damnedest to have a good time and not be a party pooper. Allison was gaining so much male attention amongst the people in the VIP area. Women were showcasing their jealousy at the ebony beauty who was a stranger to their area. Men were gravitating to the new face and luscious body unlike any of the women they were used to seeing. Thanks to the unwanted attention, Antonio was finding it hard to give his attention to any of the other women in the place. For some reason, Allison felt like his responsibility. His spiteful anger at himself for feeling awkward with her being in attendance made him act out of character.

  “So Mr. Mucciono, what will you be getting into after closing time?” Emily asked seductively. The way she said his name let him further know she knew exactly who he was and tried to wager what he was worth.

  “I haven’t quite decided just yet. Have any ideas?”

  “I could definitely think of a few things.” With that being said, Emily commenced to whispering her ideas of fun into his ear. He had to admit they did sound quite enticing and one sounded downright scandalous. To further push the vision, Emily pointed out a red-headed addition to the pending fun night.

  “That does sound interesting.”

  “Emily you are needed at the front entrance.” Another worker announced.

  “If you will excuse me. While I’m away, think about my offer.”

  “Will do.”

  “Having fun?” Gio asked.

  “Of course but I will be having even more fun later.” Taking a chance glance in Allison’s general direction, he noticed she had been observing their interaction. Sitting not too far away awarded her with an earful. Almost immediately her attention was pulled back to another standing in front of her with his hand out. Declining his offer to dance seemed to have crushed his ego a bit. For some reason, Antonio found that pleasing.

  “Come on little lady let me take you for a spin on the floor.” Gio asked Allison which snapped Antonio’s attention away from watching the scenery.

  “No thank you Gio.” Allison declined bashfully.

  “Why not?”

  “I can’t dance.” She said lowly.

  “Nonsense. As long as you have movement in your body, you can dance. Come. I will teach you.”


  “That’s all I had to say to get her to dance? I have been trying all night.” Roberto remarked. The surrounding folks laughed. Everyone except Antonio, that is. He wasn’t comfortable with his men having a fancy for Allison.

  “We should really discuss the business aspect before we unleash for fun. Don’t you agree?” Antonio boomed with a serious face. Everyone’s attention was on the Don now.

  “Of course, I apologize.” Allison took her hand from Gio and sat back down. Gio smoothed out his suit and made brief eye contact with Roberto.

  “What is this about cousin? I wasn’t aware we were discussing any business tonight.”

  “Some new information has been brought to my attention. Things that are crucial to the organization.”

  “I knew it had to be something for you to be back in the country. Would it be better to step into my office or would you prefer we close off the sound a bit?”

  “Closing off the sound would be preferable.”

  “Very well.” Carmello used his large tablet style remote to close off the area with glass. He had to admit his cousin was crafty when it came to keeping things in order.

  “Mr. Carmello…” Emily started into the area before being stopped by security.

  “Emily, I need you to survey the downstairs area for bit. Monitor the bar and the door. Be sure we are still within code enforcement regulations. Head count, things of that nature.” Carmello gave out different duties no doubt to keep the inconspicuous woman busy and away from this impromptu busin
ess meeting. Antonio could tell that she wasn’t too pleased about being sent away. The small amount of disapproval was evident as she cut her green eyes in Allison’s direction. He was pretty sure she was wondering why she got to stay. “Is there something else Emily?”

  “Uh sir, would you like for me to escort the lady out as well?” Emily boldly asked. Carmello looked to Antonio for answers and he just politely shook his head.

  “No she will be staying.” The thought of women being a part of organizational meetings was mostly unheard of. Every now and again a wife may sit in on a meeting but a random woman was out of the question.

  “What is this about?” Carmello asked once the cost was clear.

  “Allison, I would like for you to explain to Carmello your findings.”

  “Oh, uh… Alright.”

  After stumbling over her words a few times and taking a deep breath, Allison effortlessly laid out her findings from the books. From the looks of things Carmello was just as flustered as he felt when first hearing about a thief in their mist. Initially he had his own set of questions and concerns over whether the information delivered was accurate. Once Antonio and Gio confirmed the report was accurate, he had no problems in making the necessary plans to turn over his books. Needless to say the flirtatious light he once viewed Allison in dissipated to a strictly business one.

  “Excuse me gentlemen.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “If I may be excused, I need to go to the ladies room.”

  “I will walk you down.” Gio offered.

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “Humor me.” She only nodded bashfully. Antonio was trying to figure out why his consigliere was so worried about Allison. It seemed everyone around him has grown a liking for the woman. But why? Why was she so attractive to him all of a sudden? When he first laid eyes on her, there was nothing spectacular about her. A basic, sheltered, and tattered woman is what he saw. Suddenly she had grown on him and now seeing her all dolled up was driving him to the brink of insanity. He really wanted to get his dick wet. And not from anyone other than Allison Myers.


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