Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt? Page 13

by Harris, K.

  “Your enemy is my enemy now. What is next?”

  “He won’t make a move right now. A bug has been planted that we are under surveillance. He has even resulted to traveling by armored car. The plans are ceased at the moment.”

  “Ceased? Meaning I am left to my own defenses.”

  “For now.”

  “This unfinished business does not sit well with me.” Chon stated solemnly.

  “Is there a threat in there somewhere?”

  “Take my words however you feel. Know this, I won’t miss twice.”

  “I will be in touch.”

  “You do that.” Chon hung up feeling he’d accomplished pumping a sense of urgency into the despicable man. He would not be ignored. Don Mucciono needed to be taken out before he took them all down. In the beginning they never had any issues with one another.

  Always cordial when they did meet but an unwise decision to gain more ground to move merchandise into parts of Italy appealed to him. A great deal of business transactions would increase his revenue substantially. The Mucciono organization owned the pipe line. The ports and docks, all belonged to them.

  They controlled what was allowed in and out by taking a set percentage. Eliminating the Don would open the doors for so many other bosses not just him. It seems he may have been overzealous in believing he could pull this off. There had to be another way. Even if he had to kill to stay alive there was no way he was going down without a fight.


  It had been a few days since his uncle had visited. He’d stayed clear up until the meeting took place about everyone relinquishing their rights of their books for review. Most had no problem turning them over while other’s requested a bit more time. Those were the ones that were hesitant at best to describe their behavior. His cousin Ernesto, held the title of underboss mainly because it was passed down from his father. Carmine had groomed his son the best he could before retiring.

  Being that Antonio had already taken over the boss slot it was only fair that Carmine stepped aside as well. Although he took his sweet time doing so, he claimed that Ernesto was too busy chasing skirts and partying to take a job such as underboss seriously. Antonio and Ernesto were not the most compatible when it came to personalities. Even though they were first cousins they still never saw eye to eye no matter how many times Ernesto forced his presence upon Antonio.

  Antonio hated to judge a book by its cover but Ernesto never seemed genuine to him. There was always a façade up and the smoke was too thick for Antonio. Meaning he seemed shifty, a little shady so to speak, and never realistic. Another one of Antonio’s pet-peeves was fakeness. Why fake it? He’d prefer for someone to express their disdain for him then to pretend. What saved him was they were still family and Antonio took family very seriously unless they betrayed him in any way. He prayed Ernesto wouldn’t betray him. It would break his uncle’s heart to have to kill him but if push came to shove he would.

  Thanks to his mother, Allison looked the part of a classy business woman with something to say. From the dead shell of a woman to the almost confident woman with something to say before a group of important businessmen, Allison had certainly showed progress.

  Most of the men in attendance were immediately smitten with Miss Allison and some even tried their hand, hinting they wanted to ask her out. Antonio immediately put a stop to all of the nonsense drawing suspicion that they were involved. The other’s whom didn’t see that type of woman entertaining their Don went on to protest how such a union was unforeseen in their culture. Antonio listened to the berating one by one of being a witness to an interracial relationship. In the end they concluded their opinions that it would be fine for her to be an easy lay but anything more was unheard of.

  Antonio on the other hand neither confirmed nor denied they had any involvement outside of business. Leaving them even more confused and full of assumptions. Some saw it as a challenge to ignore his warnings and proceed to entice Allison. Sadly they never got the advantage to get her alone long enough to broach the topic because Gio or Roberto was always nearby. Thankfully she wasn’t privy to what all of them had to say for they spoke with him separately after the meeting was adjourned.

  “Cugino. Lei è una bellezza. Dove diavolo hai trovato una perla rara?” Ernesto was being extremely nosey in wanting to know more about Allison. Wanting to know where he found her and such. He figured Ernesto had his vulture eye on her. His zio had even warned him that was right up his alley when he visited earlier in the week.

  “She just fell into my lap per say.”

  “When you tire of her, I am sure I can find some things for her to assist me with. All revolving around my lap as well.”

  “Mr. Mucciono, is there anything else I can get for you and your guests?” Allison interrupted his violent train of thought.

  “There are a number of things you could do for me. I could name a few if you have the time.” Ernesto butted in grabbing her hand placing a lingering kiss on it. Antonio wanted to snatch it away from him but refrained for he didn’t want to look like a possessive prick.

  “Mrs. Myers, this is my cousin Ernesto Mucciono.” He noticed she tried to wipe his kiss away inconspicuously on her skirt.

  “Oh Carmine’s son? It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You’ve met my father?” Ernesto questioned with a brow raised.

  “Yes, at the dinner you couldn’t make it to.” Antonio answered for her.

  “Ah yes. You know how that can be. Duty calls.”


  “Such a pity to depart from such beauty.” Ernesto raked his lust filled eyes over Allison’s form like he had x-ray vision. “We must be on our way. Until next time Cugino.”


  “Ciao bella.” With a last farewell he walked away with his company following.

  “Are you alright?” Antonio asked Allison as she visibly shook.

  “Fine.” She plastered on a fake smile.

  “…” Antonio gave her the look that spoke volumes.

  “Uh, he just gives me the creeps. Something seems off.”

  “Because of your great judge of character?” He hadn’t meant to take a dig at her but he was curious.

  “…” She gasped before nodding her head in understanding. “Maybe not. Excuse me, Mr. Mucciono.” Allison left his presence in a hurry. He wanted to apologize but the he just couldn’t form the words. There were more pressing matters going on right now than worrying about a chick he wanted to bed.


  Working hard at overseeing the books had been weighing heavy on his body. His shoulders were bunched up, his nerves were on edge but at least his hormones didn’t have a chance to lust over Allison. They’d been so consumed with work, the tenseness around them didn’t seem so obvious. The couple of times he had walked into her little office to see her bending over caused his nether region to stir but being a stone-cold bastard helped. Well, at least that was the lie he kept telling himself. At night he was so zonked out that he just slept without dreaming. That small victory was somewhat of an accomplishment.

  Allison kept everything strictly business-like when it came to him. The friendly banter they had developed in his hotel was now safely packed away. With death threats and an inside thief, Antonio didn’t have time for a woman. Especially one as fragile as Allison Myers. If it even seemed he was using her for a quick nut, it would probably break her even more. Why he cared how she would feel? He didn’t get it but he just felt like nothing good would come out of an affair either way.

  “This is Antonio.” He answered his ringing cell. It was two in the morning and he’d just laid down for the night.

  “Cugino. E ' papà. L'hanno ucciso! Il figlio di una cagna ha ucciso mio padre!” Ernesto was shouting into the phone giving Antonio an instant headache. He was finding it hard to make out what he was saying. The fact that he was frantic put him on edge all the same.

  “Slow down, Ernesto. What is happening?”

  “It’s pa
pà, they killed him!”


  “Ci, they kill mio padre. They left the mark and everything. I will kill all of those Chinese mother-fuckers.” Antonio felt a cold chill go down his spine hearing what his cousin was referring to. He needed to hear him say it plainly.

  “Who? What sign?”

  “Chon! That bastard killed mio padre. This is war!”

  “Wait just a minute.”

  “What are you going to do about this? They come into my home and disrespect us. I personally…”

  “Not until I say. You need to take a step back cugino.”


  “But nothing I am the boss not you. I say what happens next. And what I say is that you calm down. This is not the way we operate.” Antonio took a deep breath to calm himself down. He hated when irate people tried to do his job by making knee jerk decisions and then he had to clean up the mess. “I’m on my way. Don’t touch anything. I will be there in an hour tops.”

  “Yes sir, Don Mucciono.” Ernesto said like it left a bitter taste in his mouth. He didn’t give a damn about Ernesto’s ego. That was the least of his concerns.

  His favorite uncle was taken from him all too soon and for what he had no clue. According to Ernesto all signs pointed to Chon and his merry men. His gut is telling him not to jump too soon but he knew once word got out, he would have unruly associates on his hand. If he didn’t get to the bottom of it as quick as possible he would appear weak and there was nothing weak about him. On the other hand if he jumped to sentencing too fast it could result in a meaningless war. The difficulties of being a don was hard but over the years he’d mastered it nevertheless.

  Removing personal feelings of the matter was going to be the hardest he’s ever had to face. He and his zio Carmine were close before and after his father’s passing. He would definitely miss him wholeheartedly and won’t think about resting until justice has been served. This dish will be served by himself. A personal vendetta by the don’s own hands. The sweetest revenge of them all.

  Chapter 14

  Antonio and most of the guards left abruptly to Carmine’s home. Allison was consoling Carlina because she was distraught. The commotion going on in the house is what roused her out of an already restless sleep. Thinking inappropriate things about Antonio made it especially hard. The last thing he really said to her was ‘you should know,’ saying she really wasn’t a good judge in character. That statement alone cut pretty deep and sadly she agreed with him. Who was she to judge his cousin or anyone else for that matter? Looking at who she was married to would tell it all.

  Just one look at his disturbed face, any selfish thought of her feelings of being hurt didn’t matter anymore. If she were his woman she wouldn’t waste any time comforting him before he left. The sadness was evident with a simmering volcano of anger just below the surface. From the spurts of rushed conversation, it seems that Carmine may have been murdered. The women were on strict lockdown until he returned and maybe even a bit longer. Carlina was dead set against laying down for she was fearful for her own child.

  Making Antonio promise to return to her safely with nothing but seriousness in her tone. He’d kissed her on the cheek and regarded Allison with a brief glare before tearing his gaze away. Leaving she wondered what the look meant and she wasn’t going to ask neither. The other guards Matteo, Salomone, and Rosario were the main ones left on the grounds to keep them safe. Allison had to admit she was a little on edge as well, wanting to make sure he was safe and sound. She was sorry for his loss but she didn’t want anything to happen to him in the process of trying to get answers.


  “They’re back.” Carlina said frantically running to the door. Allison had been in the kitchen fixing them some tea in hopes of soothing their nerves.

  The entire day had gone by without so much as a word from him or his boys. As much as Allison wanted to see about him, she remained rooted in that spot. Surly he didn’t want her crowding his space. It wasn’t like they were family. The guys filed into the kitchen with solemn and worn expressions on their faces. She knew they were tired both mentally and physically. It was drawing on eight at night. They’ve been moving since the wee hours of the morning.

  “Can I fix you guys a plate? I made dinner.” Allison offered.

  “That would be nice. Thanks.” Gio said.

  “What is it? It smells good.” Roberto asked. There were a total of five men sitting at the table. Even the guards that were left behind were in the kitchen now. They were convinced they couldn’t eat nor relax until everyone else returned home.

  “It’s a shrimp, crawfish, and crab Étouffée.”

  “What is that?”

  “It’s a creole dish. Basically a gravy full of spices over white rice. Garlic bread on the side.” Just from the description they were curious. Placing five soup plates on dinner plates Allison proceeded to add a bed of rice and finally the Étouffée. The space between the soup plate and dinner plate, she added a slice of garlic bread. Serving each one of them their dishes and she waited for their response.

  “This is delicious.” Matteo groaned. Everyone else at the table only groaned and grunted their praises.

  “Marry me, please.” Rosario joked. The guys laughed at his foolishness.

  “Maybe in another life, Rosario.” She giggled.

  “Alli, this is really good. You are a really good cook.” Roberto said. He’d just recently started to call her Alli and she didn’t mind. This would be the first nick name as a grown up. Derek had always barked her full name or called her demeaning names in place of it.

  “Thank you guys. I’m glad you like it. I just wanted to do something to keep my mind off of…everything.” She answered truthfully. “Plus I figured you guys haven’t eaten.”

  “Well, thank you for thinking about us.” Gio said truthfully. She really wanted to ask about Antonio but was afraid to and really didn’t know how to word her concern for him. Instead she kept looking at the door expecting him to walk through at any minute but he never did.

  Carlina finally came in with tell-tale signs that she had just cleaned her face for the hundredth time. She was grateful Allison had tended to the boys in her absence. No one uttered a word about Antonio and she was beginning to worry just a bit more. Tuning out half of the conversations going on around her, she was startled when Gio started speaking next to her.

  “You alright?” He asked lowly. She was leaning on the kitchen isle near the food. Planning to fix him a plate as soon as he walked in but so far he hadn’t come.

  “I should be asking you that.”

  “As well as to be expected.”

  “What about Mr. Mucciono?”

  “…” Gio only looked away thoughtful for a second before speaking. “He isn’t taking this too well.”

  “…” Allison looked down feeling his pain somehow. She had never lost anyone close to her besides a little of herself everyday being berated by Derek. “He should really eat something.”

  “He should but I’m sure he won’t.”

  “Maybe you should take him something.”

  “He has locked himself in his room I’m pretty sure. NO one can get to him when he is like this. Trust me.”

  “Oh alright.” Allison felt completely defeated and deflated. “Well, I guess I’ll turn in.”

  “Sure thing. Good night.”

  “Good night.”

  “Night caro.” Carlina hugged her tightly. “Everything will be alright.”

  “Night everyone.”

  “Night and thank you.”


  Allison tried her best to relax. She’d taken a hot shower, moisturized her skin, and was still restless. Sitting up in the bed, her mind wouldn’t allow her to think about anything else besides Antonio and his well-being. Deciding to hell with it she was going to attempt to check on him. If he slammed the door in her face at least she had tried.

  Against her better judgment she padded to the next floor where
his room was located. On one of her tours of the house she knew his room was the only one on the third floor, west wing. Approaching his huge double doors, she stood still as if he could sense an intruder.

  First she started with a small rap on the door that went unanswered. Applying a bit more pressure she waited on baited breath to see if he would answer. Pressing her ear against the door, she tried to listen for any movement going on. She was met with nothing but silence. Although she feared for her life, she tested the door knob anyway. The shock she felt when it turned was soon replaced with curiosity. Fully assuming how dangerous Antonio was, she feared he would shoot first and ask questions later. Still she needed to be certain he was alright before she could rest.

  “Mr. Mucciono?” She’d called him two times before she heard ice clink in a glass. Tip-toeing further into the room, she called him again. He still didn’t answer.

  “Antonio, please answer me. I just wanted to check on you. See if you needed anything.” Allison pleaded.

  “Get out.” She followed his voice. It sounded gruff and strained. The room was so dark the only light in the room was coming from the moon with the two patio doors wide open. The chill in the air made her hug herself for warmth.


  “…” She found him sitting in the darkest corner of the room. From her viewpoint he looked like a vampire ready to strike its kill at any minute.

  “I know you haven’t eaten. Let me fix you a plate at least.”


  “Please. Is there anything I can do?”

  “…” Nothing. The silence was eerie.

  “I know you are angry, Antonio. I just want to help.” Antonio slowly stood to his feet.

  “Leave.” He ground out going over to what she presumed was the bar. She crept up next to him as he just stood there staring at nothing.


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