Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt? Page 17

by Harris, K.

  However, this is a way for her to see this was one of the many hurdles to being on his arm. Too many misguided, jealous people wouldn’t want to see them happy. There would always be rumors about if he were cheating. If she were a gold-digger and so many enemies in the world that could try to do her harm because of her affiliation with him.

  He sat through many shows from previous relationships and some with his mother so he knew how to let his mind linger on other things. Some men came because they were generally interested, some wanted to appease the women in their lives. Antonio could careless either way but he did do this in a way to give Allison some good memories to go with the bad. Plus he could have his meeting with Chon later behind the scenes with no one else being the wiser. He had a big feeling whatever he heard later, he was not going to be a happy camper in the least bit.

  “Gentlemen.” Antonio greeted when Chon and his men entered the meeting room.

  “Don Mucciono and company.” Chon greeted in return.

  “I would say it’s good to see you again but I wouldn’t want to insult your intelligence with such a lie.” Antonio cut straight to the chase.

  “The feeling is mutual.”

  “…” Antonio only smirked at the deadly tension in the room before he continued. “Did you enjoy your lunch?” The smile Chon once wore was wiped off.

  “It was cut and prepared perfectly.”

  “We wanted to be sure to prepare it to your liking. I must admit your prime selection in meat was commendable. They both were to my liking but such a waste.” Antonio surmised. “The thing that plagues me is that I never took you for the sloppy type. I always thought there were similarities in our run.”

  “…” Chon sat quietly stewing in his own juices.

  “The floor is yours, Chon.”

  “I would like to express my sincerest condolences for the passing of your uncle.” Chon offered his sympathy. Antonio remained stone faced as he corrected him.

  “The murder of my uncle.”

  “Those darn blowfish can be so deadly.”

  “So I’ve been told.”

  “I requested a meeting with you after word got back that there is speculation pointing in our direction. Business has begun to suffer in the wake of this information that is circulating. I assure you this was of no part of mine nor anyone in my organization.”

  “And I should believe you, why? Correct me if I’m wrong but it was your people whom was sent for me.”

  “I never took you for the type to believe everything you hear, see, and clues left to point in one specific direction. As you stated you’ve never known me to be sloppy.” Chon braced himself after posing his statement in such a way it made Antonio’s wheel start to turn. “Furthermore you of all people should know when a price tag is substantial enough, invisible alliances may be broken.”

  “Exactly my point but let’s just say for arguments sake this is a setup. Who would go to such lengths to set you of all people up?”

  “Come on. There would be no need to take out a retired capo when there is a perfectly healthy capo in the position. What would I have to gain from taking out your uncle?” Chon let that question fester before continuing. “Better yet, who would benefit from his death? Perhaps he stumbled onto some information or overheard a conversation. With his death being so up-close and personal, he had to have known his assailant.”

  “…” Antonio didn’t dare speak out loud where his mind was going. There was no way in hell what this son of a bitch was speculating could be. No one was that damn heartless.

  “If anything I would come for YOU harder. Better yet I would come for you myself. Before things got out of hand, I thought it best that I speak with you man to man. At this point my enemy is your enemy, who poses as a friend to us both.”

  “Again I ask, why should I believe you?”

  “It’s quite simple actually. I am already labeled as the enemy, what do I have to lose? Normally I wouldn’t go to such extremes but considering someone was willing to go to such extravagances, there could be casualties. Insurance was needed.”


  “If you want to call it that. My suspicions point to the same person whom hired my organization to eliminate you.” Chon stated his suspicions. “It is funny how fast people turn on one another when they feel envious of another. This including family members.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I believe you know exactly what I am saying Don Mucciono.”

  “How much?”

  “Five million dollars. With open shipment privileges by sea and train.”

  “That is substantial.”

  “Indeed.” Antonio went over the information that was given to him. “Saying this all proves to be beneficial, what is it you want?”

  “Either way I see it, someone will place a tag on my head. The question is, will it be you or the opposing team?”

  Antonio ended his meeting with a brief head nod before returning to where they were staying. He had no other words for he was filled with turmoil. Too much information was causing his hardware overload. He needed a level head to think clearly. One false move or immature leap into battle and that would be all she wrote.

  Everything his family has worked so hard to achieve will be lost. No he wouldn’t act out. He will allow his enemy who should have been his friend to gather enough rope to hang himself. Once that big fish allows himself to be trapped with his own net, then and only then will Antonio swoop in for the final kill.

  Chapter 18

  Allison was awakened by a pair of familiar hands caressing her body. Feeling brazen beyond comprehension, after her shower she decided to climb into bed naked as the day she was born. Her silky smooth body felt glorious almost orgasmic against the cool, crisp sheets. Normally when she sleeps naked, it’s after an intensive workout with Antonio. Something invoked her to lay in the nude in hopes that Antonio would visit her room after his meeting.

  “Antonio.” She purred. He wasted no time flipping her over to her back and sliding into her honeyed folds. The initial shock of his size always took her breath away. “Your mom…wait.”

  “Shh…Ho bisogno di te bella.” Gawd she loved when he spoke Italian. For all she knew he was telling her how much he hated her. Possibly calling her derogatory names or something. She needed to remember what he said to ask Carlina what it meant. She needed to know what he was saying.

  “She may hear us.” Allison tried again to get through to him. He was eliciting too many feelings out of her. “Anybody could hear us.”

  “Then be quiet.” Allison grabbed a pillow to muffle her moans. Somehow he found the humor in it, chuckling lowly while still shushing her. “You’re going to suffocate.” He remarked. Allison didn’t give a damn. If she died right now, what a way to go.


  “Good morning caro.” Carlina greeted happily.

  “Good morning Alli.” Gio and Roberto spoke.

  “Morning.” She didn’t recall what time she went to sleep last night or that morning. Either way Antonio had gone hard before putting her to sleep as usual. When she woke up she was alone.

  “Morning everyone.” Antonio greeted which shocked her since her back was to the door. To be so big he moved awfully quiet.

  “Morning.” Getting lost in a lustful gaze she saw him signaling her to do something. He was pointing at his neck and looking pointedly at her. Then he motioned for her to move her hair over some. The memory of him sucking mercilessly on her neck came rushing back and she blushed.

  “Are you alright caro? You’re blushing.”

  “Uh, yeah. I’m fine.”

  “Since everything has been on such a strict lockdown, I was thinking maybe we could do a little shopping. What do you ladies think?” Antonio asked.

  “That is a wonderful idea.” Carlina was ecstatic, Allison on the other hand not so much. Shopping costs money. Money she doesn’t have nor does she feel right about Carlina buying her things.

ul. There are quite a few designers whom expressed interest in you Allison. I have set up times for you to visit with them throughout the day.”

  “You know what that means don’t you?” Carlina looked impressed.

  “No, what?”

  “Free clothes. You lucky girl you. I will be ready in thirty minutes.” Carlina rushed from the room. As if a silent conversation was had, Gio and Roberto left as well. It was just them two and somehow the room seemed to shrink.

  “…” Antonio was looking at her with such intensity her breathing was coming out in spirts. “Come here bella.” Allison stopped in front of him as he leaned against the kitchen counter. Taking her hand, he gently tugged on it to bring her closer. Softly his hand caressed her cheek making her eyes close on their own. The simple move was so gentle and sensual all in one.

  “Perché non posso uscire dal mio sistema?”

  “Why do you do that?” Allison questioned biting her lip.

  “Why do you do that?” He asked pulling her lip from her teeth before capturing it with his mouth and sucking it gently. “Do what bella?”

  “Huh…” He chuckled with real live humor for a change. His perfect smile brought a smile to her face as well.

  “Why do I do what?” He questioned with his head cocked never removing his hand from her cheek. His thumb was making soft patterns right where she tends to blush.

  “Speak in Italian knowing I don’t know what you’re saying.”


  “What did you just say?”

  “It’s not important. Go get ready bella, so we can leave. Si?” Antonio pecked her lips one last time before swatting her butt to get a move on it.



  “Allison, I need to ask you something.” Carlina looked serious. They were now sitting at the table at an extravagant restaurant waiting for the boys to return from wherever they went.


  “How did you meet my son? I would really appreciate the truth.”

  “Uh. Truthfully, my husband owes Antonio a great deal of money and he bargained me for his life. A pawn of sorts.” Allison confided lowly. “Please don’t tell Antonio I told you. He made me promise.”

  “Even though he would be considered as your captor, you have somehow fallen in love with him.”


  “Please don’t deny it. It’s written all over your face.” Carlina waved her off. “When he is being extra mean towards you, he hurts your feelings. And it’s not like I don’t know you two have been sleeping together.”

  “Oh my God. I am so embarrassed.”

  “Don’t be. If I wasn’t a hundred percent sure before, last night told it all.”

  “I feel like such a harlot.” Allison was busy trying to get rid of the blush that consumed her face. “May I ask you something?”

  “Sure thing.”

  “What does ‘Ho bisogno di te’ mean? I think I said it right.” She tried her best to get it out the way he said it. It has been on constant replay in her head since he said it the day of his uncle’s funeral. In fact, every time they are intimate, he says it.

  “I need you. Why?”


  “Why do you…” Carlina started to ask before she stopped. “Oh Dio, penso che sto per vomitare.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Oh God, I think I am going to be sick.” They laughed together. Allison couldn’t believe he admitted to needing her. “What else has my son been saying to you so you couldn’t understand?”

  “He said something this morning but all I can remember is ‘Perché, mio, and sistema’ or something like that.” Carlina fell out laughing at the interesting listening skills of her dear Allison.

  “Well, since I don’t know the full sentence. Perché means why, mio is my, and Sistema means system. That’s if you repeated the words correctly.” Carlina translated the words as best she could.

  Only if she could remember some of the other things he has said to her. Now she just needed to dissect the words she did know. Why, my, and system… Thinking harder she came up with him questioning something about his system but what. Had she dug her way into his system? That just seemed a bit too far-fetched.

  “Don’t give up on my son.” Carlina pleaded with Allison.

  “I feel like I’m not being fair to him, Carlina.”

  “How so?”

  “I’m still married. Technically I’m not available. It’s like this is doomed from the start.” Allison confessed. “Not to mention, I can’t have children. Even if I didn’t carry another’s last name, what kind of future would we have? Especially if I can’t give him an heir.”

  “You never know caro. Miracles happen every day.” Carlina tried to sooth Allison’s fears but it was of no use. Because she was subjected to the abuse from Derek, she was a ruined woman. What man would ever want her even if she was ever rid of her first spouse?

  The guys came back and they spent the rest of their time in Mulan enjoying being away from business. If she never got to do anything else adventurous for the rest of her life, she at least had the memories of her time there. Thanks to Antonio, she’d been fitted with a wardrobe from some of the top full-figured stylists that attended Fashion Week. This was the life and she hated that it would be coming to an end soon. It was clear that it wouldn’t be like that forever, she was just trying to prepare herself for the boom.

  Back to their regularly scheduled program came quicker than she would have liked. Something about Antonio was different but Allison didn’t know what it was. Deep down she was starting to really think about what Derek had to say the last time she talked to him. What if Antonio was getting his fill of her because he was planning to kill her soon? Just about every night they spent together, be it in his room or hers. What if that was all she really was to him? Cold she handle the rejection?


  “Good morning.” Allison spoke walking into the office.

  “Have a seat, Allison.” Antonio spoke sternly.

  “Yes sir.”

  “First off, let me explain to you one thing. And that is I hate to repeat myself so I suggest you choose your answers wisely.”

  “Of course.” She looked him square in the eye.

  “First off, is there anything that you think I should be aware of?” As the question left his lips, she thought she heard her heart come to a screeching halt. Thinking then and there she should have reported to them what had transpired some nights ago.

  “Yes.” Her honesty seemed creditable by the look on his face.

  “Go ahead.”

  “Your cousin Brian came to my bedroom the last night he was here saying someone wanted to talk to me. When I got on the phone it was Derek. He accused me of all sorts of things. And tried to convince me to leave with Brian. He told me that it would be in my best interest and yours to transfer funds to an account. Somehow he knows I was the one who discovered all the discrepancies in the books and he wants me to make some disappear.” Allison rambled on what was told to her.

  “What is your history with Brian?”

  “I was attending some event with Derek and Brian approached me. Although I tried to ignore him, Derek approached as he continued to try and talk to me. Come to find out it was all a setup. He’d come to the house during one of Derek’s punishing sessions. Derek held me and let… let him do things.” Allison started but then looked down. The story was choppy at best but they remained silent to get the entire story.

  “After he allowed him to go so far, I was thrown into the basement for days. My first day out I was snatched from our home by your people. The night I was used as a pawn, with that being an all-time low even for him.”

  “Why stay with someone like that?” Gio asked.

  “What choice did I have? The one time I tried to run he caught me and the punishment took months to repair. Countless bumps, bruises, falls, and spills has been the reason to land me in the hospital a number of times. Wit
h him working for people like you, there was always the threat of being killed. So which would you choose? Play by the rules, suffer under harsh and hostile environment or be gunned down by gangsters. His words not mine.”

  “We don’t operate under those type of terms.”

  “How would I have known that? I just wanted to survive. Plus divorce isn’t in the bible. It has been instilled in me for nine years to submit to my husband who is the head of the household.”

  “Even if that husband wants you dead?”

  “Well, it looks like I am dead either way.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “According to Derek, you plan to kill me anyway. So either I run you kill me or I stay and you still kill me to leave no witnesses. What choice do I have?” Allison questioned biting her lip and putting her head down again. Shaking off the tears that tried to spill she composed herself. “Also he said there is a missing persons report filed for me and that he would send the police here if I didn’t comply. They would be crawling up your ass so hard that you wouldn’t seek revenge on him until the coast was clear.”

  “For the record, Derek has propositioned me to indeed kill you but for the insurance money. Were you aware there is a two and a half million dollar life insurance policy out on you?”


  “My guess is he and Brian hashed this idiotic plan to get you to run. Knowing full well that wouldn’t end on a good note. Brian also assumed responsibility to be the one to complete the deed.” Antonio laid out his understanding of the whole ordeal.

  “You know twice he’s tried to…finish what he started before. As he likes to continue to repeat. And Rob and Rosario just so happened to appear.”

  “It has been rumored that you two have been intimate.”

  “That is untrue. I’ve only been with… two. EVER.”

  “What happened the night you were married?” Gio asked surprising Allison that he even suspected.


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