Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt? Page 21

by Harris, K.

  “I wish my son had never met the likes of you.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  “Says the woman that holds all the cards. You inherit over two million dollars while we’re left holding the bill for burying our baby.”

  “I never wanted any of this. Including any and all of his debt.” Allison stopped herself. Closing her eyes to regain her composure she took several deep breaths before continuing. “Look I didn’t come here to speak ill of your son. My late husband. I will be on my way.”

  “You will reap what you sew. I still believe you had something to do with this. I don’t care what those people have to say. I blame you. If it weren’t for your whorish ways getting him fired he never would have felt the walls closing in on him.” She’d spat. “Don’t think I don’t know what type of people you are mixed up with.” The Samantha broad pretended to be oblivious to that part of the conversation. It was clear she knew where his mother got that information from.

  “Goodbye Mr. and Mrs. Myers.” The entire time she spoke nonsense his mistress sat off to the side with a smirk as if she’d accomplished something. Allison didn’t feel the need to constantly defend herself nor repeat herself. Instead she took the high road and vacated the premises. Being ever so thankful she didn’t bring any luggage. It was indeed a turnaround trip.

  End of flashback…

  Now Allison sat with an attorney and the insurance claim adjuster settling the payout for the policy. One hundred percent of the policy was left to the legal spouse. Allison was dead set on wanting nothing to do with Derek’s people or anything he left behind. Even with everyone trying to talk her out of it, she knew exactly what was best.

  Out of the two and a half million dollars awarded to her, she subtracted three hundred and fifty thousand, plus whatever the lawyer charged. She chose to meet at the bank because it would be easier to handle monetary transactions that way. After the necessary deductions, Allison addressed a cashier’s check to none other than Mr. and Mrs. Myers themselves, sent by courier.

  They’d asked did she want to send any type of note explaining herself but Allison thought it was best just to end all communication. She no longer cared what anyone thought of her. Well almost anyone… The one person that mattered didn’t see her in one way or the other. He was totally impassive.

  An account in her name she deposited the three hundred and fifty thousand that she would transfer a bit at a time into the Mucciono account. Even in his death she chose to clean up his mess. The cruel reality is that Derek didn’t deserve Allison in life nor in death but at least her conscious was clear.

  His family got what they were bitching and complaining about. The only thing hanging over her head, rumors of murder for the insurance money, was removed from her life completely. The reason she was pawned to begin with will soon be paid in full as well. Even though Gio was dead serious that she could keep her money and ignore the debt, she wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  Antonio was still away on business and besides the conversation with Gio, he wasn’t in contact with anyone else. As to be expected, there wasn’t a need to call her for anything if he wasn’t handling any immediate business while away. That didn’t stop her from dreaming of him walking through her front door and enveloping her into a bone-crushing hug. She’s caught herself a few times checking the gossip blogs to see if he has been spotted out and about with the floozies that flock to him. For her comfort and sanity, thankfully there weren’t any sightings. Well none publicized anyway. For that small feat, she was at ease.


  Antonio had been traveling non-stop from area to area, organization to organization. It was a plethora of bosses and associates who were beyond eager to meet with him. At first he began to get a little apprehensive wondering what they really wanted. In the back of his mind he was thinking there was going to be flat chaos but was pleasantly surprised when they offered their services. Antonio went with every intention of showing who was in charge but was met with allegiance. Flexing his muscle ended up being unnecessary.

  Besides the constant suggestions of setting him up with his future wife, he was treated like royalty. That was customary when the Don visits them but it seemed like they were trying extra hard. Quite a few went as far as to let it be known that they had no intentions of turning against him. They’d all given him praises for the way things have been running. All aside from the strong arming that one particular underboss was attempting to do without his consent. It seems that his sudden traveling plans was just what the doctor ordered.

  “Don Mucciono, it’s truly a pleasure to be your host during your stay.”

  “Mr. Diego, thank you for agreeing to meet with me.”

  “It is long overdue, in my opinion.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes but come…let us eat. My chef has prepared a wonderful spread.” Antonio followed the man through his tropical, vacation like home. The ceiling to floor glass windows was a beautiful touch. He’d briefly thought about taking Allison to a place like this one day but there was no definite decision on whether he wanted to risk pursuing her at all.

  His chef had indeed prepared a nice meal full of authentic Mexican dishes. If it weren’t for visiting the gym regularly before and after meetings, he was sure he would have gained a shit load of weight. With business dealings, keeping up a front about the betrayal that has been dealt, and worst of all thoughts of Allison was stressing him out. He was in desperate need of a vacation when he completes everything.

  Watching Diego with his wife was something he’d just begun to long for. His children even tried to entertain the adults before being summoned to bed. He could just see having a family and hosting dinners with his wife by his side. The only problem was every time the thought came up he only saw one person. Allison. That had to be a sign. Speaking of Allison he needed to check in on her.

  Only a select few associates has actually invited him into their home and introduced him to their families. That was a very key point in having dealings in such a dangerous field. Some chose to not shit where they eat with him being one of those type of people more times than none. He’d rather entertain at a restaurant than in his home. There was no room for an associate turned enemy to think they could come back to where he laid his head for revenge. After dinner was complete it was time to get back down to business.

  “You spoke earlier about my visit being long overdue. Care to elaborate?” Antonio suggested they got down to business once they were inside the man’s study.

  “Straight no chasers. Alright.” He remarked. “I value our business dealings but some of your workers are in my opinion, sketchy. My manual workers have been harassed in some areas of business. That is completely unacceptable as you may know.”

  “I was unaware of any disputes.” Antonio was thoughtful with his responses for he didn’t want to assume anyone was lying. He’d given everyone a chance to voice their concerns with their commerce dealings.

  “That would be partially my error. I had to be sure this wasn’t a ploy on your part as a Don. Although we have been doing business for some time, we all know people change. Money changes people. An increase in territory changes and egos grow along with the expanse. I hope I am not offending you in any way.”

  “No offense taken.”

  “As I was saying. There has been some dirty dealings and underhanded things going on at certain ports.”

  “What was the defining factor that I was in no part to blame for any misdealing’s?”

  “When your Capo Bastone approached with threats of a tyranny if I did not join forces with him.” If Diego was looking for Antonio to be surprised at the announcement, he didn’t show his disappointment. Instead he seemed rather amused. “By your stone face and exterior, I assume this is not the first you are hearing of this.”

  “It seems my dear cousin has been quite busy.”

  “That he has. And I will further assume you know just how truly busy he has been.”

The charges just keep adding up so it seems. Please enlighten me with your information.”

  “I think it’s best I show, rather than tell you.” Antonio didn’t expect what came next. The confusion on his face was clear until a very beat up Franco was escorted into the room. From the looks of his appearance, he wasn’t faring too well. “I think you are familiar with your former accountant.”

  “Indeed. How’s it going Franco? You’ve been missed and so has my money. All this time I thought Ernesto had you hidden somewhere.” Antonio mocked. The swell of his eyes told it all, he knew why Antonio was there. He finally had the main person needed to bring some clarity to the many monetary questions he had. This trip turned out to be the best yet.

  Chapter 22

  Roberto took his place on the team immediately when Antonio accepted his rightful spot on the throne. They’d grown up together. As kids they would wreck shop and as younger adults wasn’t any better. Going to various different colleges didn’t dampen their friendship because they had a family bond stronger than steel. No matter how many times he had been approached by rivalry and even friendly associates to switch teams, his loyalty would forever lie with Antonio.

  When he was younger, he remembered his mother complaining to her sisters about his father being nothing but an errand boy for the Mucciono’s. Even to the day he recalled how she said it with such disdain. She’d called him weak and worthless. Claiming she could have been with a boss and thought he would be much higher in the rankings than where he currently resided. Rob was so conflicted at the time of hearing this. His young ears couldn’t quite comprehend what he was hearing.

  Confiding in Antonio and Gio about what he heard, they were unaware they had an extra pair of ears listening. What was supposed to be a secret between three amici’s, turned into a small scandal amongst the families. Someone went back and told their secret to a shambolic adult who in turn emphasized on the story. That later almost ended with someone’s blood being shed but in its wake the confusion left plenty of bad blood. This rat being none other than Antonio’s first cousin, Ernesto.

  Ernesto was always jealous of the friendship everyone had with Antonio even coming up. In his eyes he was better than everyone even as a child. He had that superior, inferior attitude because his mother raised him that way. Eugenia was a Greek goddess whom was introduced into the Mucciono family through a business associate of their father, Antonio’s grandfather Baldassare. According to his mother Rhodelia, who happens to be Eugenia’s eldest sister, she was supposed to be betrothed to Silvio Mucciono.

  Silvio, Antonio’s father was all set to follow his father’s instructions on who he was to marry until he laid eyes on Carlina. All bets were off and by him being the oldest it was only natural for him to take the reins to become the Don over all. Baldassare was livid that his eldest son would bring in a regular ampia off of the streets to take the spot of his companion. Baldassare tried everything in his power to sever the invisible ties that bound the soul-mates together to no avail.

  Baldassare went as far as to threaten to take away his lineage if he didn’t dump the homely Carlina and marry whom he had arranged. Silvio was having none of the threats issuing one of his own. He’d made it clear that he wanted no parts of the family nor the organization if he couldn’t choose his own bride. Further announcing that if the constant interruptions into their relationship didn’t stop, there would be hell to pay. Even at an early age Silvio didn’t take kindly to being threatened so it was clear he could be deadly when backed into a corner. After all he’d been trained to handle anything in the likeness of his father.

  Angry that his threats did nothing to faze his beloved son, Baldassare relented but never fully accepted Carlina. Carmine being lust driven accepted his betrothed wanting the acceptance of his father. Mainly because he was the second born, in Baldassare’s eyes he would always be second. Nothing as special as his first born heir. Carmine was a humbled spirit never honing in on what should have been resentment for being cursed to come basically last.

  Instead Eugenia transferred the vindictive spirit of resentment into her one and only son, Ernesto. She’d shaped and molded him into the likes of herself. Rhodelia attempted to do the same with him but his father was having none of that. A one night stand is how Roberto came into the world. Rhodelia being so distraught over being dismissed without a backwards glance thrust herself on any one in the Mucciono organization that would take the bait. His father Roberto senior was the sucker for the temptress.

  Being the honorable one, Roberto took Rhodelia’s hand in marriage no matter what margin of tolerance he had for her rebellious attitude. She in no way resembled the submissive type of wife that she should have been. That resulted in them having numerous fights about the same thing a countless number of times. When his father was brutally gunned down in an all-out war between their organization and another, his mother was all he had left. Well, until he truly embraced his sexuality. Then the true identity of his mother was born. At the confession that her sworn to the mafia son was an omosessuale blew her extensions out.

  ‘Queer, frocio, fruttato, regina, fata...’ was just to name a few of the derogatory names his mother and her family often referred to him as. They all boiled down to one definition, gay. This was unheard of in either side of the spectrum from where he was spawn. Either Greek or Italian, gay made men weren’t heard of or respected. If anything they would probably tar and feather anyone openly living that lifestyle. Out of sheer embarrassment his mother chooses to not acknowledge him, therefore they have no dealings with one another.

  Roberto’s lethal presence further instilled into anyone else’s brain that his way of living has nothing to do with how dangerous he really is if crossed wrong. The normal brandishing that would follow ceased to exist for fear of that being the last words they would mutter. As long as his family who he’d sworn to protect and stand beside accepted him, that was all that mattered.

  Silvio and Carlina had stepped in as surrogate parents for him whenever he needed them. They’d never judged him for how he chose to live, they never treated him as nothing less than an additional son. Silvio taking ill had impacted him just as it had everyone else. He was such a loving, compassionate, and considerate man. Although he had a stone-cold, no nonsense persona when it came to business, his home personality was the polar opposite. He’d taught all three of his boys everything he knew. From his killer instincts all the way down to his incredible business sense. He will be missed indeed.


  “Will I see you later?” His lover shook him from his revere.



  “You already know how hectic my life is. Come on. You claimed you understood.”

  “Did you hear me say anything?”

  “You didn’t have to. Your body language said it all.”

  “This isn’t easy for me.”

  “What isn’t?”

  “Letting you leave here time after time not knowing whether you will come back or not. Not knowing if I will just have to see your picture in the news but never being able to mourn you openly.”

  “Must you always jump straight to the negative?”

  “The truth hurts but it’s the cold reality of our situation.”

  “No actually it’s the reality you choose to sheath yourself in. You use this supposed guilt trip into making me stay around and for two years I have allowed it. Overlooked it even, in hopes that you would give it a rest but yet you are still at it.”

  “Roberto, you leave for extended trips and I only hear from you when it’s convenient. Hell, when you are right here in Chicago I get a few nights out of the week. The other times you spend your time with another. From the smell of you when you come around, I can tell it’s a woman. What does this other woman have on you that she gets to spend probably the same amount of time if not more with you as I?” Roberto chuckled at the insinuation. This wasn’t the first time and he was sure it wouldn’t be the last. The same ongo
ing argument.

  “Just ask what you want to ask? Spit it out and quit beating around the bush.”

  “Are you with this woman?”


  “Are you interested in this woman?”


  “Are you in love with her?”


  “Why do you spend so much time with her? You reek of some jasmine, vanilla scent when you leave her presence. It seems you two sit awfully close to one another.”

  “I’m confused as to which one is the true question.”

  “You know what forget it. I can’t do this anymore.”

  “Is that your final answer?”

  “This is not a game nor is it an empty threat Roberto.”

  “Wasn’t meant to be taken as such?”

  “Will it always be this way?”


  “I just want you to be safe.”

  “Always.” Roberto left to be on his way.

  He hated confrontations, that’s why he never sat in one spot too long but this one just sort of lingered and eventually became a repeat offender. Still Roberto trusted no one nor did he let his guard down long enough to be betrayed. Anyone has the ability to be bought, this he knew for a fact. There was no way anyone would stand between him and what he viewed as important.

  “Ciao?” Roberto answered his ringing phone. His dash indicated it was Gio calling.

  “Ciao Roberto? Are you at the condo’s?”

  “No. I am coming from across town. Why what’s up?”

  “Shit! I just got tied up in a damn meeting and Alli has a doctor’s appointment at eleven. There seems to be an accident up ahead that has me stuck.” Gio rambled with his temper teetering on the brink of destruction. Most people only see him in his cool state but only a select few knew of the anger management device missing from the poor sap.

  “Calm down, mio fratello. I will take care of it. She may be a little late depending on what the traffic looks like up ahead though.”


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