Kinkaid (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 2)

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Kinkaid (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 2) Page 7

by Warren, Rie

  “That the only thing you wanna goose?” My cock butted against the front of the pants, a long thick roll of hot hard flesh.

  “Depends. Are those pants the strip-away kind?” Laughter hovered in her voice.

  Maybe we could get past the stripper thing after all. I shook my head and steered the conversation toward something safer just in case I was headed into exotic dancer landmine territory again. Reaching down next to the couch, I found the little wrapped box I’d tried to give her on New Year’s Eve.

  “Ah,” she said.

  “Mmm,” I answered, taking a seat. “I probably should say sorry for hitting that dude. But I’m not. I was so jealous I could have happily killed him.”

  “Ah,” she repeated.

  “I still would like you to open this, Sadie.”

  She sat beside me and offered me a slight smile, holding out her hand. “I wasn’t very gracious that night.”


  “I was very pissed.”

  “Ah.” I smirked.

  She took the present and whacked me on the arm with it. Without any further comment, she peeled off the poorly wrapped paper. The present that had begun its life as a crazy quilt wrapped package looked even worse for wear now after having been smushed inside my jacket pocket then flung at me at the clubhouse.

  Lifting the lid off the box, she peeked inside. “What exactly is this?”

  “The money you gave me at The Gentleman’s Quarters.”

  Her mouth parted but before she could start the barrage, I silenced her. “Now don’t say a word. I won’t have you paying me for what happened that night.” My eyes shifted down to the hands clenched in my lap. “The truth is I enjoyed it. A lot.”

  “And you usually don’t?”

  “Never. It’s not like that.” I unflexed my fingers, reaching over to pull her hand into mine.

  “I liked it. A lot. Too.” Her voice dropped to breathlessness.

  My gaze flicked up to her face. “You did?”

  “I thought that was obvious.”

  Intense sexual awareness linked us together stronger than before, forging a hot bond.

  My eyes dropped to her lips. I wanted to kiss her again. “Anyway, that’s not the real present. Keep digging.”

  She did, one handed so I could keep hold of the other. After sifting through the small pile of cash, she found the red envelope.

  “From Holy City Tattoos!” She pulled her hand free of mine and pulled out the gift certificate.

  “I know you wanted to finish your back piece.” I shrugged.

  Grabbing my face, the gift certificate squashed in her hand, she kissed me quick and hard on the mouth.

  “Thank you, Kaid. That’s so sweet.”

  I chuckled, my lips tingling from the brief taste of hers. “Have my moments.”

  “I had some added to my tattoo. Wanna see?” Sadie stood abruptly and started loosening her blouse.

  “Don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  She turned her back to me. “Why not? Just a little skin. Nothing you haven’t seen before.”

  Did I close my eyes?


  Did I turn my head?

  Hell no.

  Lowering the top off her shoulders so it draped to the base of her spine and the waist of her skirt, she glanced at me. “See?”

  The wings on her shoulders were those of a dove—white, feathery, feminine. But the dove was tethered to the bare branch of a tree while a dozen other smaller birds—bright songbirds—flew around it.

  “This one is new?” I stood, gently touching the gem-colored delicate-looking bird flying just above the lowest sweet spot of her spine.

  Flattening my palm on her lower back, my fingertips nearly reached the strap of her bra.

  “Yeah. Good memory.”

  I’d known she was wearing a bra today, for a change. I could tell that much from her thin top. Of course now I could only see the straps, nothing of the front, but the deep blue, stretchy lace was even more fascinating than her new ink.

  Dislodging my hand, Sadie slipped her shirt back into place.

  Facing me, she said, “Your turn.”

  “My what?”

  “Take off your shirt so I can see your tat.”

  Chapter Six

  “YOU SAW IT YESTERDAY. And you’ve seen it plenty before.” An excited thrill bolted through me at the thought of taking off my shirt for her.

  “But I’ve never touched it. Not like I wanted to.” She peered at me with startlingly blue eyes. “And I know it goes over your ass to connect with the ink on your thigh.”

  “You take my shirt off for me.” My voice had gone rough.

  Sadie tugged me to her. She kissed the underside of my chin and then all along my jaw. My cock gave a quick surge, and she felt it against her belly.

  “Someone likes that.” Her low laugh was that new womanly one.

  “Someone likes everything you do.”

  “Let’s see about this then.” She slowly unbuttoned my shirt, rasping the bared skin down the center of my chest and the ridges of my abs with her short fingernails.

  Instead of spreading the fabric, she kissed the hollow of my neck, lightly biting a tendon there.

  My breath was ragged and short. My body covered in chills, my cock so hard it hurt.

  Her hands entered the unbuttoned shirt, and she scored me gently from flexed stomach to tight nipples.

  I hissed her name.

  When she pulled the shirttails out, the material scraped along my hard shaft. My hips bucked forward again, and she chuckled.

  Her light fingertips drifted down to the line of hair that reached from my belly button to the waist of the pants, then further below to my pubes.

  “That’s hot, Kinkaid.”

  “What is?”

  “Everything about you. I love seeing you in leathers, or jeans, or working out, but you looked good enough to eat all night. Did you dress up for me?”

  “Yeah.” My face was hot and taut. My body coiled tighter with each word she spoke.

  “I like this little line of hair. Soft, golden.” She tugged down low, just above my belt. “And I love your face.” She cupped my cheeks. “All slanty cheekbones and sharp jawline.” She nipped me there. “Beautiful jade eyes and big kissable lips.”

  I leaned down to do just that, but she pulled her head back.

  She dropped the shirt off my shoulders, and it floated to the floor.

  Groaning in frustration, I sat on the couch and waited to see what she’d do next.

  She pivoted me face first onto the seat cushions and climbed onto the back of my legs. “Still the same.”

  Her fingertips trailed over the king cobra twin serpents that formed an almost heart shape from the tops of my shoulders out to my lats down to my ass and farther below where she couldn’t see. She followed the snaking ink with licks of her tongue and kisses from her mouth all over my back, my hypersensitive skin quickly covered in chills.

  I lifted my head off my arms, groaning, “Yeah.”

  When I couldn’t take the soft wet kisses anymore, I rolled over beneath her and guided her to my lips. We weren’t tentative. Our tongues lashed and tangled. Our fingers gripped and clutched. Our heads moved, mouths slanting. The fire between us was immediate, hot and intense. Unquenchable.

  I explored every sleek curve of her mouth, grunting when she sucked my tongue to hers, and kept sucking.

  I jerked back with a harsh laugh.

  “Funny?” Her lips were swollen, her eyes swallowed by black pupils.

  “Just never thought I’d be sitting here having a make out session with you.” I smoothed her hair back, combing the tumbling locks over her shoulders.

  “Me either.”

  “So . . .” I rubbed my thumb against the pout of her bottom lip.

  “I should probably go—”

  “You should stay the night—”

  We laughed over each other.

  “Why, Kinkaid Ryder, ar
e you trying to get me into your bed?”

  “No!” Yes. The thought had crossed my dirty mind a thousand times or two during the last week. “I think you’ve had too much to drink, Sadie. You shouldn’t drive home.”

  “I don’t think Grampa Dean would approve.”

  “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

  “Ha! Are we talking about the same man here? He’d know.” She wiggled off my lap.

  “I’ll go and ask him right now if you think it’s necessary. But he won’t care, Sadie. We’ve had sleepovers before.”

  “When we were a helluva a lot younger and a lot less . . .” She hesitated, shyly glancing down at our linked hands. “Involved.”

  “Oh, we’ve always been involved, doncha think?”

  She snorted. “I don’t have a toothbrush.”

  “I reckon I can find you a new spare one. Got tons from the dentist.”

  “What will I wear?” She flicked back a long straight lock of hair.

  I had a few suggestions as I steadily pulled her toward my bedroom. “Naked is good in my books.”

  “Kinkaid!” she yelled in a hushed whisper.

  “I’ll give you a shirt.”

  “And a pair of boxers?” She quirked one eyebrow, visible in the dim light of the hall.

  “Don’t have any.” I grinned. “Guess you’ll have to keep your panties on.”

  “I knew you wanted to see my panties, but this is an extreme way to go about it.”

  “Hey, you’re the one who brought the bourbon, not me.”

  “I have class in the morning.” Entering the bedroom behind me, Sadie closed the door.

  She’d been in here so many times before—laughing, studying, talking, and yes, sleeping when we were much younger.

  Never like this though.

  “I’ll wake you up in time.” I assured her.

  Her eyes fell to the region of my crotch where my cock visibly strained my pants. “I have no doubt you will.”

  “I’ll sleep on the couch.” I amended.

  Eyebrow number two cocked in my direction.

  “The floor?” I asked.

  “You’ll do no such thing. You’ll sleep in bed with me.”

  GULP. Make that a Big Gulp.

  I tossed her a clean T-shirt and squished myself inside the tiny closet with a pair of briefs clenched in my hands. Suddenly I really wished I did wear boxers. Every part of my cock was going to be visible in the tight blue briefs.

  When I stepped out again, wearing nothing but the skivvies, Sadie whirled around from where she’d been fiddling with the bedcovers.

  “Holy shit, Kaid!” she choked out.

  I fought the urge to cover myself with both hands. The fine light blond hairs on my legs bristled, and her exclamation only made me harder. I absentmindedly rubbed a hand across the length of my cock before I realized that was just making matters worse.

  “I can put on—” I started.

  Her whistle cut me off. “Babe, ain’t nothin’ you can put on that’s gonna hide that thing. Damn. That’s a big boy.”

  My dick throbbed a thank you very much in response.

  “Well, you’re not helping matters yourself.” I waved in her direction, dressed in my old Myrtle Beach Bike Week T-shirt, the threadbare cloth more a veil over her glowing skin and hard nipples than anything else.

  Her discarded blue lace bra lay on top of her neatly folded shirt and skirt on my chair.

  Big Fucking Gulp.

  We took each other in until palpable tension stretched to the point where we were either going to devour each other on the spot, or we better do something a heck of a lot less tempting than stand in front of each other half naked.

  “Teeth. Brushing.” I pointed to the hall bathroom I shared with Grampa.

  We nudged against each other in the tiny room, in front of the mirror, against the small sink. We spat minty white foam almost in time with each other, then took turns scooping water into our mouths for a rinse, laughing.

  After we scooted into bed I turned off the light.

  We both lay stiff as boards on our backs until Sadie whispered, “You can touch me, you know.”

  “You should be careful what you say.” But I rolled onto my side, sliding slid my thigh between hers.

  “Mmm. You feel good.”

  “You have a really nice ass.’ I squeezed her butt cheeks with both hands.

  She pinched me back, smiling against my neck. “So do you.”

  “Panties,” I murmured with a caress up and down her bottom.

  “But not commando.” She pouted against my neck.

  “I can be.”

  “Do you want to?”

  I kicked off my briefs, my cock a hard hot pole against her belly. “Your turn.”

  Under the covers, Sadie shimmied out of my borrowed shirt and her panties. “Not tonight though.”

  “No. Just wanna hold you.” Even though my skin was shivery from the feel of her.

  I kept my hands above her waist and below her breasts as her breaths slowed and evened out. Hot silky flesh pressed against mine. Knowing she was naked was like walking through a minefield—I wanted to learn every curve of her, but I was pretty damn sure I’d explode if I so much as touched the most taboo parts of her body, the parts I’d barely even considered before the lap dance.

  While she slept I lay beside my beautiful girl, watching her eyelashes flutter with unknown dreams.

  I wouldn’t touch her except to hold her close, but my hands shook. She was warm. Her body curled against mine. She threw off heat between her legs. Her nipples pearled against my ribs, and her slow deep breaths licked like moisture along my neck.





  Definitely a woman.


  I smiled in the hazy in-between zone of half-awake, half-asleep, drawing her closer to me. She muttered something nonsensical in a grumble. It only made me smile more.

  Waking fully, I snuggled against her back beneath the warm haven of blankets on a cold January morning. Wrapped around her, I rubbed my stubbly chin against her shoulder. Encouraged by her small shudder, I licked and kissed her neck, my cock pulsing where it rested against the naked cleft of her ass.

  “You awake?” I whispered.

  She nodded her head, her fine hair flicking up to my nose, almost making me sneeze. “Am now.”

  None of the inhibitions from the night before impeded me now. Both my hands dragged up from her tummy to the full plump rounds of her breasts. I grinded deeper against her ass, my cock sandwiched in the hot furrow of warm female flesh.

  “Christ, you’re sexy.”

  “I think that’s just your morning wood talking.”

  Her nipples popped up immediately against my palms. She rubbed her ass against me, moaning softly.

  “I could fuck you so hard right now,” I growled.

  Arching her neck, she presented it to my lips and teeth. “I’m soaking wet for you.”

  I slipped one hand down, skimming the warm skin of her tummy, then coaxing down between her thighs. I encountered a soft puff of curls then . . .

  “Holy shit, Sadie. Is this what I think it is?” Surprise shaded my voice deeper. With one finger I traced the tender swell of her clit up and over the hood.

  “Hood piercings.” She panted softly, her hips driving toward my hand.

  So turned on my body shook, I toyed with the two tiny metal rings. Exploring her wet slippery flesh, I dragged my fingertips over the rings horizontally piercing her skin. The top one had a small ball in the middle and the bottom one, almost nestled on top of her pulsing little clit, was slightly larger with a bigger ornament on it.

  “Fuck.” Absolutely trembling with pent up arousal, I grunted. “I’m gonna have to suck on that.”

  I started ducking under the covers to make my way down but she hauled me up.

  “Not yet.”

  Inhaling deeply, I slipped
my fingers to her hot slick lips.

  “Not . . . uhhh . . . now,” she stuttered.

  I slid one finger right down her center and she gasped.

  “Please just keep doing . . . Oh, God!” She grabbed my wrist.

  “Keep talking like that I’ll make you come over and over.” I groaned against her neck, stroking deep inside where her pussy gripped my fingers. “But I’m gonna have you in my mouth and all over my face soon.”

  Sadie bit her lip, thrusting her silken folds onto my fingers.

  “Oh, fuck, baby.” I writhed against her body, in heat and desperate to get her off so I could let my dick explode. “You’d feel so good on my cock. Just imagine it, thick and hard, sliding against you right here, right on your wet pussy.”

  She moaned my name, twisting her hips for more.

  “I’d drag the head up and down until you begged me to fuck you. I don’t know if I’d pound into you, slamming you from one end of the bed to the other.” I bit her shoulder, twisted her nipple, slipped two fingers deeper inside her. “God, I can hear how wet you are. Tight too. Wrapping this soft little pussy right around me. I’d stretch you but good, make you scream.”

  I fingered her slowly, two digits then three. She panted softly, grinding against me, dripping all over my hand. My cock twitched against her. I pumped harder and faster against the perfect sleek cheeks of her ass.

  “Maybe I’d—uhhh—fuck you slow. Sliding every thick hot inch inside, circle my hips, play with your clit, then pull all the way out. Listening to you open up for me, feeling your cunt kissing the head of my cock. Wet, all over me.”

  I used the pad of my index finger, drawing it up to her clit. Pulsing against the little nub and pulling at the tiny rings, I held her against me as her entire body rippled in response from the inside out.

  She tensed tight as a bow and came with a loud shout. It only took the feel of her body clenching and grasping my fingers to make my cock erupt. Fast and hard and hot, my semen shot all over her ass and up her back.

  I laughed and groaned against her neck, my chest and stomach sticky where our skin met.


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