Lesbian Erotica, Volume 2

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Lesbian Erotica, Volume 2 Page 15

by Carla Blake

  Sitting down, I propped my back against a warm boulder adorned with a Celtic knot in chalk and gazed out towards the trees framing the lake in knobbly, twisted arms. It was so peaceful I could have happily fallen asleep and woken up when it was really dark and my limbs were aching from lying on the ground, but I forced myself to stay awake and enjoy the view.

  An hour passed, melting away as so often happens to me. I tend to daydream when I sit by the lake and the time drifts by without me noticing.

  Getting up, I brushed grass and bits of leaves from my dress, stretched and headed for the track, my mind already full of what I might have for my tea. But I had only gone a few yards when I heard rustling coming from my left and I stopped to investigate. Noises like this were not unusual in themselves, walking through a wood there are always hundreds of creatures rummaging about and usually I pay no heed to the crunching of a deer or the rolling gait of a badger. But this was different. As well as the rustling I thought I heard voices, quiet voices coming from inside the wood amongst the ferns and feeling a mixture of intrigue and annoyance, intrigue because it wasn’t something that happened every day and annoyance because if it was visitors I still had an obligation to make sure they were okay before I went home, I set off to take a look.

  Carefully, I stepped off the path into the soft, cushioned floor of the woods and made my way towards where I thought the sound was coming from. I wasn’t sure what I expected to find and I didn’t want to speculate, so I braced myself for anything, or at least, I tried to.

  The voice came again and I listened hard. It was definitely female and now I was paying attention, it appeared to be alone, yet it was still difficult to tell if the woman was speaking or singing. It was very strange.

  I pushed further in, brushing aside tall ferns and ducking beneath the lower hanging branches. I saw a clump of wild mushrooms nestling amongst the roots of a Beech tree and made a mental note to tell Elaine. A bird fluttered away from my presence and my feet crunched on fallen leaves and other forest debris. The voice carried on just ahead of me, oblivious to my approach and I decided it was definitely singing although I couldn’t make out the words or recognise the tune and nor did I recognise the clearing when finally I stumbled upon it, but there she was, lying on a bed of green moss.

  A young woman without a stitch on, her short hair starkly dark against the forest floor as her voice rose and fell with the movement of her hands that travelled up and down her naked body in time to the music. She was beautiful, surreal even and I stood in silence, expecting her to spot me at any moment and yell at me for being a pervert.

  But if she knew I was there, she paid me no heed but carried on with her slow, sensual caress, occasionally arching her back and making her lithe body seem even longer as she stretched out, luxuriating in the feel of the warm air against her bare skin. It was the most beautiful sight and I couldn’t take my eyes off her even though I knew I shouldn’t really be spying on what was clearly a very private moment. She was doing no harm and as far as she was concerned, she was perfectly alone and I should have left her that way, but I couldn’t. I wanted to watch and I couldn’t drag myself away from her captivating presence.

  Her hands continued to roam up and down and all over her perfect curves. Her skin was the colour of warm honey and I wondered if it felt as soft as it looked. Her eyes were closed, perhaps another reason why she hadn’t leapt to her feet and demanded to know what I thought I was doing and her lips parted to sing the words of a song strange to my ears.

  She cupped her breasts, running a thumb across her nipples until they became hard and dark, interrupting her song long enough to let out a little gasp of pleasure as I held my own breath, desperate not to disturb her and stop her from doing what she was doing.

  Her hand floated down, across the firmness of her stomach until it reached the beginning of her fine, pubic hair where her fingers wove in and out of the dark curls, interrupting her song once again as her breath hitched in her throat and I clutched my bag with white knuckles, my gaze riveted to her as I hid behind the truck of a tree, hoping beyond hope that she wouldn’t stop, that she would continue, touching herself to its glorious conclusion.

  Her fingers broke through the closed, pink shell of her pussy lips and delved into the pink slit beneath. She sighed again and her song fell away, her fingers pushing and probing until two of them disappeared into her cunt and she began to push them in and out. Her other hand stayed at her breast, squeezing the soft mound and teasing her nipple, her bottom lip now caught between her teeth as she thrust her fingers in and out of herself, her heels digging into the forest floor as she lifted her hips off the ground and groaned with pleasure. It was the most erotic thing I had ever seen and I longed to break cover and join in, but something stayed my feet, fear of being called all the names under the sun perhaps, and I merely stood, watching this strange ethereal creature bring herself off.

  Her hand left her breast, sliding down her body and over her fluff until her fingers found her clit. She gasped as she touched herself there and her fingers briefly paused in their fucking as this new pleasure rippled through her cunt and she lost herself to the moment. Then she started up again, her fingers driving in and out of her wet hole whilst her hand stroked and rubbed her clit, making her gasp and groan and writhe with pleasure. She must have been wet because I could hear the soft sound of her juices as she fucked herself and again I longed to reach out and touch her, but I didn’t. I watched, feeling the heat rising in my own groin as she stroked and pumped and moaned out her desire to the surrounding woods.

  When she came, her whole body reached for the sky, her orgasm shuddering through her as she called out a word I didn’t catch.

  Then she was gone, as completely as if she had never been there at all.

  Blinking, I rubbed my eyes and gaped. Where had she gone? How was that possible? I had seen her, I know I had, but she was simply not there anymore.

  Leaving my tree, I forced my hand to unfurl itself from my bag and walking over to where she had lain, I knelt down and laid my hand on the moss, feeling the slight warmth where her body had been. The moss was flatter here too and I could see two small indents where her heels had dug into the soil.

  She had been there. It had been real.

  So where the fuck had she gone?

  I didn’t tell Elaine mainly because she probably would have wanted to see where I thought all this had happened and I didn’t want o show her. Imagination or not, it had been one hell of an experience and I thought having someone else look upon the spot would only spoil it.

  She guessed something was up though and spent most of the day gently questioning me. Was I feeling okay? Was something wrong? I wasn’t usually this quiet. What had happened? Eventually I told her I’d had an unexpected bill and was figuring out how best to pay it and, bless her, she offered to help me out if I needed it. Her kindness made me feel rotten about myself and I almost told her the truth, but still the words refused to come, so I slapped a smile on my face and tried my best to carry on as if nothing was amiss.

  That day was long! I couldn’t very well hustle our visitors out but mentally I was willing them to get fed up and leave. And of course, because I felt that way, they took their time, gasping over the lake and hugging trees, constructing offerings and generally doing their best to bring my irritation to boiling point. It was all very un-Pagan of me, but I couldn’t help myself, I wanted to be alone to venture once more into the trees and see if I could find my mystery maiden.

  Finally they left and after helping Elaine clear up and cash up, I was alone.

  This afternoon wasn’t so pleasant. Clouds had started to drift over and I felt sure I could feel spots of rain as I retraced my steps along the path and entered the woods at roughly the same spot as the previous evening.

  I didn’t hear any singing, in fact, I didn’t hear very much at all. The birds were quiet
, there were no small movements at my feet and only the rain, which had started to fall, made any impression on the leaves of the trees. I was, I realised, going to get soaked, but I pushed on, determined to satisfy myself that I had seen her and that I wasn’t going mad.

  I wasn’t for there she was, sitting in the clearing, her back against a tree, her fingers busy with a bundle of twigs in her lap that she was fashioning into an intricate sphere.

  She looked up when I approached and smiled, seemingly undisturbed that I had intruded upon her quiet sanctuary and gesturing towards the space beside her, she put her weaving aside and invited me to sit, brushing her small, delicate fingers clean of wood dust.

  Nodding, I lowered myself to the ground, but said nothing. It seemed more appropriate that she should speak first, so holding my tongue I merely looked at her, taking in her fair skin and the dark hair framing her elfin face admiring the way she was unashamedly naked, for again she wore nothing.

  Smiling, she reached out and stroked my face. It was the most delicate of touches, hardly there at all, but it seemed to resonate through my entire body and I shivered, making her giggle with delight. Embarrassed, I stared at the ground, confused as to why such a small thing should have such a diverse effect on me and when she touched me again, brushing the hair back from my face and tucking it behind my ear, I felt my face grow red.

  She didn’t seem to notice though and lying down she gazed up at me with clear eyes, and patted the ground beside her.

  The moss was soft as I rested my back against it and staring up at the sky I saw that the rain was still falling, hitting the trees and dripping off the leaves, even though it wasn’t coming anywhere near us, for it was though we were protected by a transparent bubble keeping us perfectly dry and warm and out of nature’s way.

  She touched me again, a single finger running along my arm. Again her caress made me shiver and I reached up to rub away the goose bumps, only then realising that I was as naked as she.

  I should have been shocked but I wasn’t. It felt natural and right, to be lying naked amongst the trees without a stitch on and I laughed, delighted with the sense of freedom.

  We made love.

  Her kiss was exquisite, soft yet firm, her lips meeting mine with purpose and desire, her tongue brushing against my teeth until I parted my lips and let her in. It went on for hours, or at least that’s how it felt, a never ending embrace that locked us passionately together.

  Her hands roamed, exploring every part of me that she could reach. She touched my sides and the curve of my breast, she stroked my face and my hair and she kissed me, on and on until I thought I would run out of air.

  When finally we broke apart, I expected it to be fully dark, but the grey daylight lingered on, showering us with an incessant rain that never reached us as she lay me on my back and draped a leg over my thighs as her mouth sought the lobe of my ear and the sweep of my neck.

  I was in ecstasy. Even though I knew nothing about her, not her name or where she had come from or why she was waiting naked in the woods, I was certain that I didn’t want this to stop. She made me feel like I had never been touched before and my skin felt alive and tingling beneath her fingertips, her mouth incapable of giving me anything but absolute joy

  She kissed my shoulders and I shivered, holding onto her slight frame as her mouth moved across my throat and my chest and down towards the swell of my breasts.

  My nipples stiffened, anticipation making them harden before she had even touched them and I gasped as her warm mouth closed over first one then the other as her leg moved to encourage mine to part.

  I spread them wide, feeling the forest air sweep over the heated flesh of my pussy as she nibbled on my nipples, sending wave after wave of lust straight to my groin. I wanted her, of that there was no doubt, and I wanted to tell her, but I was afraid to speak, certain that if I dared utter a single word the spell would be broken and she would be gone.

  Her mouth continued on its dizzying path. Leaving my breasts, she ran her tongue over my stomach and delved into my navel, tracing circles over my heaving belly before positioning herself between my legs.

  I shut my eyes and waited. Longing for her to touch me there, to feel her hair brush against my thighs, to feel her tongue push its way inside me and take me to Heaven.

  She kissed my fluff, her mouth pressing against the coarse hairs as she raised my knees and spread my legs still further. I felt my pussy lips part, the sticky juices that had held them closed peeling apart to expose all of me to her inquisitive mouth.

  Her finger touched my clit, pressing down just hard enough for me to gasp and raise my hips from the floor. I was already this close to coming and I bit my lip, determined that I wouldn’t climax too soon and shorten this wonderful experience.

  Her finger moved on, sliding down the wet slope of my cleft towards my throbbing cunt where it teased the entrance for a while before delicately slipping in and instantly finding my G spot, stroking it until it felt as though I had been plugged into the mains, my entire body alive with lust and desire as I moaned and thrashed about on the forest floor, wanting so desperately to come yet at the same time never wanting this slow, sensual build up to end.

  Withdrawing her finger, she sucked it clean and smiled at my groan of disappointment. My cunt felt suddenly empty and I desperately wanted something to fill it again and bring back all those wonderful feelings.

  Bending her head, she licked me. Starting at my clit, she swirled her tongue around its swollen head before lapping up all my juices and delving into my cunt for more, pushing her tongue further and further into me until I was afraid she would hurt herself. Then she pulled out again, her chin slick with my juices, the scent of sex heavy in the air as she replaced her tongue with two fingers and drove them hard into my vagina, fucking me with enough force to move my entire body. Again and again she thrust into me, her face screwed up with concentration, her eyes boring into mine as she worked hard to bring me to orgasm.

  I find it hard to describe the moment when I eventually came. I have come before, of course I have, and some of them have been pretty explosive, but this was something else. It was like my soul was literally fucked out of my body and I could look down at myself, writhing and moaning on the forest floor, my legs spread wide, my hands clawing at the dirt as this wonderful creature pumped her fingers in and out of my cunt whilst her other hand rubbed frantically at my clit, urging me to come harder and harder, my whole body now shining with sweat as I arched my back and rode this amazing orgasm.

  Before re-entering my body with an almost painful bump.

  She was gone of course. The forest empty save for me and birdsong. Hurriedly, I grabbed my clothes and slipped them on, looking around me all the time and hoping there had been no one else out there to witness our passionate tangling. I knew not where she had gone or even what she was. The idea that she wasn’t altogether human was fast taking hold, especially as I could find no other explanation for her sudden disappearances and I wasn’t sure whether to feel frightened or excited by it all.

  Once home, I ran a bath. To be honest, I was still feeling wet between the legs and now I had had time to return to reality, I was feeling a little ashamed and grubby. What had I been thinking, fucking in the woods like that? Anyone could have come along. I could have lost my job. I didn’t know the first thing about this strange woman and what if she had been carrying some horrible disease?

  I scrubbed myself raw which was pretty pointless. If I was infected with anything then it wasn’t very likely to manifest in my arms, legs and body, it was all going to be in my vagina, but seeing as I couldn’t very well scrub in there I made do with sloshing water up between my legs, mentally trying to convince myself that somehow the bath water would flood into my cunt and draw out any lurking nasties.

  It didn’t work. In bed I lay awake for hours, tossing and turning and con
vinced I would wake up in the morning with a horrible rash and the urge to scratch myself senseless.

  It didn’t happen. When I finally dared to lift the duvet and examine myself I looked as I always did and it was with some relief that I got ready for work and headed back up to the lake.

  All day I thought of her. Would she be there again? Should I go? What if she was there? Should I let her fuck me again or stand my ground and demand some answers before I let her even get close to me. My head was reeling with it all and by the time the last of our visitors had gone, I had a thumping headache and wanted nothing more than to go home to bed and a large bottle of aspirin.

  She didn’t show up and yes, I know, I’m an idiot. I should have stuck to my original plan, gone home and forgot all about her, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it and so, once again, I left the path and pushed through the undergrowth until I came to our little moss strewn clearing, and there I waited for hours, until the woods grew dark and I grew cold and disappointed and eventually gave up and wandered home.

  And I never saw her again. For weeks I went back, day after day, certain that this time she would be there, but she never was and at first I found it difficult to deal with. I couldn’t understand why she had abandoned me after we’d had such amazing sex and I felt hurt and rejected. Eventually though those feelings gave way to resentment and I’d find myself standing in the clearing asking myself what I thought I was doing and calling her a few choice names.

  I haven’t been back for ages now. I see no point. I do still listen out for the singing and if I ever hear it again I know that against my better judgement, I will be sorely tempted to go searching for her again, but I no longer think about her much or wonder where she is.


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