The Legendary Firestone. Book 1. The Hidden Secret

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The Legendary Firestone. Book 1. The Hidden Secret Page 6

by Reja Emran


  Xia pulled her hair into a high ponytail, binding it with an indigo ribbon. She slipped into a navy crushed t-shirt and black bell bottoms, adding finishing touches to her appearance by black, thick-soled boots. Examining herself in the full-length mirror she pulled out a few strands hair, which fell on her face. There that’s okay, I look quite alright for an Annoxonum-in-training, thought Xia with a flutter of excitement.

  Her mother then bolted in with black pants and a cream-coloured blouse, her hair fastened in a loose clip.

  “You look nice” Xia and Asra said in unison. Asra smiled. She had accepted Xia’s fate and had decided to take it in cheerfully.

  “Xia I have some good news. Julian is coming to China” announced Asra, beaming.

  “Awesome!” exclaimed Xia, her eyes radiating happiness.

  “Yes, Adam called me last night” said Asra.

  “Wow!” exclaimed Xia, “when are they coming?”

  “They’re coming tomorrow. So let’s go to Grandpa”

  “Alright Mom”

  After a while they arrived at Deadfall Creek, screeching to a halt near the cave and rushing out.

  “Welcome, Welcome” said Ching as they approached “practice initiated. By the way you are three minutes late.”

  Xia grinned eagerly “I hope I don’t make a fool of myself”

  “You won’t…I know you’ll be a great Annoxonum” reassured Asra, “and father, we’re right on time. It’s exactly 7 am.”

  “Really, I guess my watch is broken. Now, Xia let’s start the sword techniques and then the martial arts…”said Ching trailing off and handing her a weighty sword which brought Xia down with it as soon as she clasped the hilt. She groaned.

  Several hours later…

  “Oh I’m exhausted” moaned Xia, clutching her biceps with one hand and wiping away the beads of sweat with another.

  Ching smiled with enthusiasm, “you have learnt quite well”

  “I have?” asked Xia.

  “Yes” answered Asra “I was watching”

  Xia beamed with satisfaction. I’m fifteen years old and I have learnt how to fight, cool, she thought. Raven clicked his beak in approval which made Xia bubble with pride.

  Her smile faded in an instant when she saw two eyes peeking through the overgrowth of bushes.

  “Hey!” she exclaimed and bounded to the bushes but it was too late. Whoever, or whatever it was had disappeared. Something was watching me, thought Xia, but what?


  “A good fighter!” bellowed Aria furiously “in such a short period??”

  “Umm…y-yes my lady” stammered one of the fairy spies.

  “We have underestimated her capabilities Aria. This Annoxonum as said in the prophecies and legends possesses enormous talent and dexterity” said Axhelius warily.

  “I have greatly misjudged her then” said Aria, frowning and then issued a simple command to the trembling fairy, “Bring me the phoenix, Fiona”

  “A-at on-once” replied the sprite as she sped through the dense forest.

  “You seem extremely upset” stated Axhelius.

  “No, No! I’m not upset” said Aria sardonically “I’m at ease. A little scrawny girl is going to destroy my powers, my ambitions and my master plan. Why should I be upset when before other Annoxonum have succeeded in slaughtering my strategy?”

  “It was just a statement” remarked Axhelius groaning in his own monstrous way.

  “Well then keep your fetid mouth shut” retorted Aria.

  Axhelius crouched menacingly baring his jagged teeth at Aria who just rolled her eyes and said, “as if I am terrified of you.”

  Her pale sapphire eyes lit up when she observed Fiona approaching. The large beautiful phoenix with its blazing red-gold feathers was trapped in iron manacles. A horde of fairies pulled its chains forward and were immune to the bright orange flames of fire the phoenix was throwing. This was a multitude of enchanted fairies created for the sole purpose of guarding fire-breathing creatures.

  “My Lady, the phoenix is here” announced Jalia bowing down before retreating a safe distance from the huge bird. The fire fairies tied Fiona to a towering tree and bowed gently to Aria before returning to their positions.

  “Fiona, how are you?” asked Aria mockingly.

  “Aria” she hissed “you evil witch.”

  “Ooh…I’m insulted” said Aria her eyes glittering with malevolence, “brainless phoenix.”

  Fiona emitted a stream of fire in anger which only produced a retreating action from Axhelius and her eyes sparkled with lightning.

  “Fiona, the Annoxonum has been discovered and I have heard the phoenixes are well aware of the ancient prophecies. Tell me about the Annoxonum of this generation” ordered Aria.

  “Never” hissed Fiona.

  “Take your time” said Aria as the fire-fairies poked spears into Fiona, “I’m in no hurry.”


  Xia sat on the grass with Asra and Ching, all drinking iced lemonade and reveling in the solitude. The white fluffy masses of clouds formed a snowy white sheet over the sky, obstructing the rays of the sun.

  “Well, I’m ready to practice more” said Xia standing up.

  “Grab your sword and then we can start” answered Ching licking any traces of lemonade from his lips. Xia clutched the sword in her hand and waited for Ching to get equipped.

  “Now begin!” exclaimed Ching as he swiftly began slashing his sword in the girl’s direction.

  Xia moved swiftly, springing into action. Her nimble body gave her a bonus. The swords clashed together in perfect harmony and each fighter moved with great ease. After a few minutes of rapid attacking, the miniature battle ended for the two to rest.

  “You tired me out Xia…you sure have become a dexterous fighter”

  “I have, haven’t I?” she grinned.

  “In one day” stated Asra, flabbergasted.

  “I never knew that Xia had so much capability” remarked Ching and his heart swelled with pride.

  “Tomorrow is the bow training?” asked Ching.

  “No, Xia’s friend is coming” said Asra.

  “Okay then the day after tomorrow” announced Ching.

  “Alright” said Xia still beaming.

  Chapter Eight

  ~Julian’s Secret~

  Xia was standing at the airport shielding her eyes from the scorching sun. She was waiting for Julian to come out of the plane which was taking practically forever.

  “There she is Xia!” said Asra waving at someone.

  Xia squinted and made out a girl with auburn hair and a tall man. Excitement burst out of her as she bounded across the ground, towards her friend followed by Asra who was walking briskly.

  “Hello Xia” greeted Adam and then he spotted her mother, “Hello Asra”

  “Hey” said Julian smiling at Xia.

  “Hey yourself” laughed Xia as she hugged her best friend.

  Asra smiled at the girls before greeting Adam and Julian.

  “We have got a lot to talk about” said Xia grinning.

  The four got into the black car and drove off to the nearest ice-cream parlor to celebrate this special day with sundaes.


  Later that night when Julian and Xia were alone, Xia told her everything that had happened including about being an Annoxonum. To Xia’s surprise Julian took the news well with no ear-splitting shrieks and she even congratulated Xia.

  “Must be quite a responsibility” stated Julian.

  “Yeah, but you’re here to liven things up” said Xia.

  “Uh-huh…” said Julian absent mindedly toying with her hair.

  “Are you ok?” asked Xia.

  “Yes…no, I’m not, something happened while you were away.”

  “Tell me Julian” said Xia touching her friend lightly on the shoulder.

  “Well I was you know just reading the books on magic spells whatsoever…and I just noticed an easy one…I know ho
w to do magic Xia. The spell I performed revealed your face and that’s why I came. You see my mother practiced white magic as well so my father believed me” said Julian.

  Xia’s mouth hung open in surprise and recollecting herself she exclaimed “Awesome! Now you can aid me in my quests whatever”

  “If you don’t mind me tagging along?” asked Julian nervously.

  “Mind!” roared Xia “never Julian, never!”

  “Hey should I show you the spell?” asked Julian.

  “Of course” said Xia with eagerness which was radiating form her eyes.

  “Okay” she paused and then chanted:

  Antrisca Savali

  Show me whom I should aid

  Bestow upon me your grace

  Reveal to me the face

  A wisp of cloud emerged from her finger tips and swirled. Inside the shape was Xia exactly the way she was now.

  “See” said Julian “Learnt it from this really cool book.”

  “Amazing” muttered Xia as she sliced the cloud with her finger tips, “my grandpa told me that witches- good ones- are called Magickas and they are very rare in these lands. ”

  “Alright then, I’m Magicka Julian…doesn’t click” she said disappointed.

  “Hey, Annoxonum Xia sounds dumb as well” Xia pointed out.

  “Welcome to the Un-cool Group who get titles which don’t click with their names” said Julian.

  Xia caught her eye and they doubled over with laughter and then hugged.

  “I missed you” whispered Julian.

  “So did I” answered Xia.


  Aria screamed in fury and clenched her fists. Fiona’s brain was as hard as steel and she wasn’t talking no matter what brutal acts the fire-fairies performed; they had even tried slashing the phoenix with a knife but it was to no avail.

  “My Lady, I’m terribly sorry” muttered the leader of the fire-fairies.

  Aria waved her off, “Take Fiona away…I’m through with her.”

  The fairy bowed and signaled the others to leave. Fiona struggled against the chains and then glanced at Aria with her fiery eyes, “All I can say is that being careful around the Annoxonum is one of the wisest decisions you will ever make.”

  Aria gave a cold stare as the anger ignited again, “Remove her from my sight!”

  “Aria why are you so upset over a young girl?” asked Axhelius “please no cutting remarks.”

  Aria sighed “she has a Magicka’s assistance.”

  Axhelius was dazed “Magicka, you mean a witch- a good one?”

  “Yes” she answered “names Julian, Xia’s best friend.”

  “Oh!” said Axhelius quite surprised at Aria’s wide span of knowledge. But she is aided by her dark powers, he thought.

  “Hopeless” she muttered raising her fingers to her forehead. “Axhelius spies needed at once” she ordered.

  “Yes” he bowed before leaving.

  “Xia…Xia what am I going to do with you?” she murmured as she stared at Xia laughing with her friend in the orb.


  “Ooh… Wow!” exclaimed Julian, sitting cross-legged on the short, dewy grass “what dexterity Xia.”

  “Thanks!” gasped Xia as she swung her body in perfect rhythm. Ching was training Xia in martial arts which by Xia’s expression looked absolutely strenuous.

  Adam and Asra had gone out together, to a Rental Office, to find a big enough house for the four of them to live in; this was also partly because of Xia’s complaint against the tiny hotel. Therefore Julian had accompanied Xia to watch the training and also to get acquainted with Ching. Julian liked Ching; she considered him as a jolly, charismatic sort of person. If he was a person, she thought still perplexed by his centuries of existence, He sort of comes in the undead category, or the living but non-living, whatever!

  “Hey Julian” said Xia breaking her thoughts “Grandpa wants to see your magic.”

  “Okay” answered Julian, as a nervous excitement traveled down her spine. She followed Xia into the cave all the while marveling at Xia’s sudden burst of skills. Pretty cool, she thought.

  “Ah, the Magicka” said Ching, his eyes glittering merrily “Please show me your, as you say, spell.” Noting the look of offense in Julian’s eyes, he added “I’m sorry, in my language they don’t say spell for they say marica.”

  Julian’s affronted look faded and she smiled “That’s alright.” She then began chanting in a calm voice which resounded in the enclosed chamber. Xia froze when she heard the unfamiliar words coming out of Julian’s mouth. Wait! She’s casting a new spell, thought Xia anxiously glancing at Ching who raised his hand, motioned Xia to remain silent. Xia sighed gently and focused on what Julian was saying in some weird language.

  Bright sparks of mauve light emerged from Julian’s fingertips as she carved incarnations in the air, looking eerie herself, due to the bottle green light, which radiated from her body and eyes. Finally a deep sigh from Julian indicated that the spell was over and Xia’s attention was diverted to the centre of the cave. Luminescent multihued energy balls clashed together violently forming a giant, crackling sapphire-blue portal. The inner part was a still black with an occasional burst of azure sparks. Xia’s eyes widened as she perceived a tall cloaked figure emerging through the portal into a now brightly lit chamber. Ching stood up to greet the figure which moved forward on the coarse ground as if sailing on the waters.

  “Who are you?” demanded Xia.

  “Xia” Ching scolded but before he could say more, he was stopped by the person or creature.

  “I am a Guardian, Annoxonum, summoned by this Magicka here” answered a soft, feminine voice “I shall reveal myself.”

  The Guardian removed the cloak which concealed her and this action caused Xia to gasp in astonishment. She is exceptionally gorgeous, thought Xia.

  The Guardian had thick mahogany hair that curled softly on her shoulders and fell in waves below her waist framing her oval face and the creamy complexion was a stark contrast to her coral lips. Her hazel iris was outlined with blue and her tranquil eyes were surrounded by long lashes, longer than Xia had ever seen before. She had an amazing figure and was clothed in a tight fitting garb which was a deep black embroidered with silver which fell to the floor in elegant waves and on her back was a crimson cape trailing the cave floor. In her fingers she wore a ring and there was a silver string around her neck.

  “Awesome! You could make the front page of Seventeen!” exclaimed Xia, impressed.

  “Thank you” replied the Guardian politely and arching an eyebrow she said, “But I have no intention to for I am neither aware nor thrilled for these…things.”

  “Umm…can I ask you your name?” asked Julian timidly.

  The Guardian smiled gently, “Of course you may…my name is Aniah Annox.”

  “My Lady Annox” bowed Ching and then he glanced at Xia in whose eyes he saw awe, she had not noticed that this woman shared her middle-name.

  Xia smiled, “Aniah, what does your name mean?”

  “In my folklore, Aniah is called the ‘crystal of beauty’ while in others the ‘maiden of light.’ I am not sure which one is the definite one, I never asked.” A hint of sadness clouded over Aniah’s features when she said this but it lasted for only a split of a second.

  “Hey Aniah, what type of spirit are you?” asked Julian.

  “I have my powers embodied from the crystal clear water of an enchanted lake known as Criswan” she answered “however I am not a spirit, I am an immortal guardian. I am the Guardian of Water.”

  “If you don’t mind, could you explain how you originated?” asked Xia and Ching tinged deep red for Aniah glanced at him with a raised eyebrow but thankfully said nothing at the lack of knowledge the girls possessed. He knew she had other matters to attend to but still she did not show any haste in answering.

  “I was the youngest daughter of Tricarius and it was he who had created the three stones: the water stone, the earth stone
and the fire stone. After his death I was entrusted with the task of protecting the water stone and the Magic Plains from any menace that arose… ” Aniah became silent for a while her face pained but she continued, “Klamath gave me the powers of the Water Guardian and my immortality. I was not originated…I have always been a human like any of you. The only difference is that I have not aged over these years; my life had been stilled once I took my immortality and shall continue when I am deprived of it. I will not say more, the rest lies buried in the past and to uproot it you must know much, which you will learn in the course of time.”

  The girls sat stunned at this account till Raven came in to break the heavy, uneasy silence. Upon spotting Aniah, it flew to her, perching its body on her shoulders. She started speaking a fluent, foreign language which Raven alone understood.

  “How are Kerfina and Servin?” asked Aniah.

  Raven gave a low screech which must have meant something to the Guardian who looked troubled.

  “It must be Aria and Axhelius, they are preparing something deleterious, I believe.” Aniah listened again to Raven’s screech now slightly higher pitched than before and then nodded.

  “Thank you Raven, I shall try to root out what Aria is planning…Please inform the Eagle’s Council that I may make some obscene visits.”

  Raven then flew away from the chamber, screeching a note of farewell as his great wings glided smoothly from the cave.

  Aniah glanced at the portal crackling fiercely now and said “I must leave now for there are some matters still pending.” Ching stood up followed by Xia and Julian and shook Aniah’s hand.

  “We shall meet again” she announced as she walked into the portal, disappearing in the dark folds like a shadow. The luminosity faded away and darkness was established once again except for the glow of a candle on Ching’s desk.

  “I was enjoying the lighted scene. Now it’s dark in here and I can hardly see my hands,” said Xia glumly.

  “Yeah Ching, you must install lights. I mean the only reason we saw the Guardian was because of the portal.” Julian gave him a stern look as he smiled.


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