Kennedy 04 - The Broken Circle

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Kennedy 04 - The Broken Circle Page 1

by Shirley Wells

  Also by Shirley Wells

  Into the Shadows

  A Darker Side

  Where Petals Fall

  Constable & Robinson Ltd

  3 The Lanchesters

  162 Fulham Palace Road

  London W6 9ER

  First published in the UK by Constable,

  an imprint of Constable & Robinson, 2010

  First US edition published by SohoConstable,

  an imprint of Soho Press, 2010

  Soho Press, Inc.

  853 Broadway

  New York, NY 10003

  Copyright © Shirley Wells 2010

  The right of Shirley Wells to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs & Patents Act 1988.

  All rights reserved. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  A copy of the British Library Cataloguing in Publication

  Data is available from the British Library

  UK ISBN: 978-1-84901-123-5

  US ISBN: 978-1-56947-638-3

  eISBN: 978-1-56947-900-1

  US Library of Congress number: 2009049927

  Printed and bound in the EU

  1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

  To my big sister, Linda,

  with love


  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter One

  HMP Styal doesn’t look like Holloway’s poor northern relation, but that’s exactly what it is. Half the prisoners are housed in red-brick villas left over from Victorian times when the site was used as an orphanage. Waite Wing, where Jill was due in exactly twenty-eight minutes, is home to the most violent offenders.

  Naming the wing after Terry Waite seemed like an act of madness to Jill, given that the man had spent years in solitary confinement, often blindfolded and chained to a radiator. But better that than Purgatory Wing, she supposed.

  It was only the second time Jill had been to Styal and, as on her first visit, the sight of the place took her by surprise. It was deceptively peaceful so that few residents of the affluent, leafy Cheshire suburb even knew the prison existed.

  Her drive down from Lancashire had been relatively traffic- and incident-free, and those precious minutes before she had to be inside the building would give her enough time to study the runners and riders. She reached over to the back seat for her briefcase, grabbed her newspaper, opened it at the racing page, spread it across the steering wheel and ran her finger down the card. She paused on Manor Boy …

  As she’d driven through her village to come here, she’d seen a police car parked outside Kelton Manor. She’d wondered if perhaps Bradley Johnson had complained about youths throwing litter into his landscaped garden.

  A couple of weeks ago, Jill had been walking past the manor when Bradley had been clearing up.

  ‘A bloody condom now,’ he’d snapped, holding the offending article high enough for her to see …

  The Johnsons had been in the village a little less than a year. Americans, they’d lived in London for seven years then bought the manor at auction, an auction Jill had wanted to win, sixteen months ago. Renovation work had begun immediately and the family—husband, wife and two sons—had moved in six months later.

  Jill couldn’t claim to know any of them well, but she hadn’t taken to Bradley on their first meeting. He’d been all over her like a rash, touching her arm on every sentence and gazing at her breasts and legs.

  ‘Ah, the forensic psychologist,’ he’d said, impressed. ‘Gosh, honey, brains as well as beauty. Someone mentioned you and your work, can’t think who, and I automatically pictured a flat-chested lady with thick ankles.’ He’d touched her arm again. ‘Not a flat chest or a thick ankle to be seen. What a delightful surprise!’

  ‘The wonders of silicone,’ she’d responded, smiling sweetly.

  He hadn’t known if she was joking or not, and had merely stared harder at her breasts in an attempt to satisfy his curiosity.

  ‘And you write books as well, I hear,’ he’d said. ‘Self-help books, aren’t they? Relaxation techniques and stuff like that? I must seek them out.’

  ‘Do you need help to relax?’ she’d asked.

  ‘No. No, of course not,’ he’d replied irritably.

  He must have labelled her the mad forensic psychologist because any future meetings had been brief and a little wary on his part.

  His wife, Phoebe, on the other hand, seemed a genuine, friendly woman, one who, when she first arrived in the village, had wanted to become part of the community. That had lasted about a month. These days, it seemed to Jill that she rarely left the solid stone walls of the manor.

  The sons, Keiran and Tyler, were both studying at university and, although they’d be home soon for the Christmas holidays, they spent little time in Kelton Bridge …

  Manor Boy. Jill had backed the horse a month ago and he’d been going well until he ran out of steam a few lengths from the finishing post. Perhaps he was worth a tenner. He was a good price so perhaps she’d risk twenty pounds on him. Or maybe even thirty.

  Her phone rang and she glanced at the display. It was her mother, and it would have to wait.

  Seconds later, a message notification came through and she hit the button to play that.

  ‘Now where are you?’ her mother’s plaintive voice demanded. ‘Never mind. Give me a call as soon as you get this, OK? I’ve had another thought about the party and I need to tell you all about it. I’ve decided it’s no good having a poky little hole-in-the-wall affair. Not when I’ve put up with the mad bugger for forty years.’ Her mother laughed at that. ‘Phone me the minute you can, love. Bye for now.’

  Jill dreaded to think what ‘thought’ her mother had had about the party. In January, her parents would be celebrating their fortieth wedding anniversary and her mother, totally ignoring her husband’s views on the matter, was determined to have the party to top all parties.

  Forty years. As well as making Jill feel old, it was a reminder that her parents were no longer as young as she liked to think …

  Pushing the thought aside, she phoned the bookie and placed her bets for the day. Then it was time to leave the sanctuary of her car and head for the building.

  She should have prepared for this meeting, she really should. But how the hell did one prepare for a meeting with a woman who had murdered her own daughter?

  Inside Waite Wing, the air was heavy with despair. It was also very noisy. Jill thought it had to be one of the most depressing places in the country. She wasn’t surprised there were so many issues concerning suicide and selfharm. She knew the gloomy statistics. Around eighty-five per cent of the inmates had serious drug problems; many had been stealing hundreds of pounds a day to feed their addiction. Forty per cent of the women had mental health problems and, even worse, almost sixty per cent had suffered physical or sexual abuse.

  Jill was shown to a small room that held a square table and half a dozen plastic chairs. She sat at the table to wait.

  When Claire Lawrence was finally ushered to the room, Jill realized, and it came as a jolt, that she felt sorry for her. Sorry for every woman confined in this godforsaken place. She must remember the crime this woman had committed and remind herself that sympathy was misplaced.

  Claire was thirty, but looked much older. Pale skin sat loosely on her thin body. Her hair, ginger in the photographs Jill had seen, was almost completely grey, and her eyes were a dull, lack-lustre green.

  She was wearing a navy blue jogging suit that dwarfed her small frame.

  ‘Hello, Claire.’ Jill got to her feet and offered her hand. ‘I’m Jill Kennedy. I believe you wanted to talk to me?’

  Perhaps ‘wanted’ was too strong a word. Over the last eighteen months, various professionals had tried unsuccessfully to persuade Claire to tell them what she had done with her daughter’s body. A month ago, during one of those interviews, Claire had said that she would talk to Jill.

  Claire ignored the proffered hand and sat down. Jill sat opposite. And waited.

  On her left hand, Claire sported a tiny tattoo showing a dove carrying the name Daisy in its mouth. A butterfly was just visible on her right wrist.

  ‘Did you want to talk to me?’ Jill prompted.

  ‘Why not? I’ve talked to everyone else.’ Her voice was a thin rasp from years of smoking heroin off aluminium foil. ‘No celebrities like you, mind.’

  Oh, for—This was to be a game. Claire wanted to pit her wits against her, to bring her down a peg or two.

  ‘I’m no celebrity,’ Jill responded.

  ‘Saw you on the telly. They reckon you can get inside a killer’s mind.’

  ‘Then they’re wrong.’

  Claire stared at her for long, unnerving moments. ‘You’re younger than I reckoned,’ she said finally. ‘Are you married?’


  That took her by surprise. It took most people by surprise. Something else it did was alter people’s perception of her. If she’d been divorced, they would have seen her as a pushy, ambitious, career-driven bitch who was impossible to live with. If she’d been single, they would have labelled her sexually dysfunctional, someone who gained cheap thrills from delving into other people’s minds. Knowing she was widowed threw them.

  ‘Kill him, did you?’ she asked with a thin smile.

  ‘No. Someone else did.’ Jill decided it was time she asked the questions. ‘Why would I kill him? Were you ever tempted to kill your husband?’

  Peter Lawrence hadn’t been the catch of the century, but he was probably the best thing that had ever happened to Claire. Not that that was saying a lot.

  ‘Many times.’ Claire found the idea amusing. ‘Every Friday night for starters. He were a right bastard when he got the drink in him.’

  ‘Did you love him?’

  ‘Love?’ Claire repeated the word as if she’d never spoken it aloud before. Jill doubted if she’d ever considered the question. ‘Love?’ she said again, and then her frown vanished and she laughed as if love was for idiots.

  But what would Claire know of love? She had been born here at Styal Prison. Her mother, a prostitute with a drug problem, had spent so much time at Styal she probably gave it as her permanent address. Claire had been in and out of care until she was sixteen and old enough to sell her body to feed a drug habit. Like mother, like daughter—a full circle.

  Claire was pregnant and homeless at seventeen and, when the child’s father, if indeed he was the father, suggested they married and found themselves a council flat, she agreed. They lived there until Daisy, their daughter, was six years old. Then, when both Peter and Claire were drunk or high on drugs, they wrecked the place and were evicted.

  Claire had a violent temper, and Peter was a drunk. It was an uneasy combination.

  Peter was besotted with his daughter, however, as was Claire, and, for her sake, he took a variety of jobs. He worked as a taxi driver for three months, until he was sacked for being drunk. Next he was employed, for almost a year, as a builder’s labourer but, again, he was dismissed, this time for absenteeism. Then he worked on a farm and, not only did he stick at it, he almost seemed to enjoy it. He still drank, but they had an income of sorts and they rented a flat in Harrington. Apart from the frequent squabbles, and the fights when they were under the influence of one drug or another, life seemed fairly settled.

  When Daisy was ten years old, something, and no one knew what, went dreadfully wrong. The rows became more violent. Peter’s drinking worsened. One day, he walked out on his wife and, more surprisingly, his daughter.

  Claire and Daisy moved around after that, staying with whoever had a spare bed or, sometimes, even sleeping on the streets.

  The council found her another flat, but she hadn’t wanted to know. She’d simply kept on moving.

  Then, almost a year to the day after Peter’s departure, Claire killed their daughter.

  ‘Did you love Daisy?’ Jill asked.

  There was no answer.

  ‘I suppose you did,’ Jill mused. ‘Isn’t that why you killed her? To save her from a life of poverty, drug addiction and prison?’

  No answer.

  ‘She was a pretty little girl, wasn’t she?’ Jill went on. ‘I’ve seen photos that were taken at her school. She looks like you. The same nose and the same eyes.’

  Still Claire didn’t answer. She was curling a strand of her dull hair around the index finger of her left hand. And she was humming softly, almost inaudibly.

  ‘You’ve been here eighteen months now, haven’t you?’ Jill murmured. ‘Daisy would have been coming up to her thirteenth birthday. A teenager. What do you think she would have been like, Claire? Would she have done well at school? Do you think she’d have been into clothes and make-up?’

  Even in this small room, there was no escape from the noise. Women outside were talking, laughing, shouting or screaming. Only Claire was silent.

  ‘At thirteen,’ Jill went on, ‘I couldn’t wait to grow up. I was desperate to be a teenager but then, the minute I was thirteen, I longed to be sixteen. Then I longed to be seventeen and learning to drive. Then eighteen so that people could no longer treat me like a kid.’

  So much for Claire wanting to talk to her.

  ‘Who was Daisy close to, Claire? You? Her dad? Who were her friends?’

  There was no response from Claire. No comment, no change of expression, nothing.

  Jill took a notepad from her briefcase and began writing. She was making a Christmas list, but Claire wasn’t to know that.

  ‘Do you like coming here?’ she asked eventually, taking Jill by surprise.

  ‘To Styal? No.’

  ‘It’s a shit hole, isn’t it.’ Claire smiled at that.

  ‘So why don’t you do something about getting out?’ Jill put down her notebook. ‘If you cooperated, if you talked to us and told us what you did with Daisy’s body, you might get a reduced sentence.’

  Claire shrugged as if escape from Styal was of no importance whatsoever. Perhaps it wasn’t. After all, Styal was home to her. Where would she go? What would she do?

  ‘No one’s angry with you, Claire,’ Jill lied.

  Peter, when he heard what Claire had done, had vowed
to kill her. He’d tried to visit her in Styal, but Claire had refused to see him. His anger had soon had him reaching for the bottle.

  ‘All anyone wants is to be able to bury Daisy. People want to put flowers on her grave for her birthday and at Christmas. Is that really too much to ask?’

  ‘People’ was an exaggeration. Peter wanted that, or he had. He’d left Lancashire six months ago and Jill, who had wanted to speak to him prior to coming to Styal, had no idea where he was now.

  ‘Her father wants to bury his little girl. Won’t you let him do that?’


  ‘What has he done wrong?’

  Again, Claire preferred to wind a strand of hair around her finger than answer Jill’s question.

  ‘D’you know how many killers get put away when no body’s been found?’ she asked instead.

  ‘Very few,’ Jill replied. ‘Which makes you quite special, doesn’t it?’


  So Claire liked being in the minority. If she told them where Daisy’s body was, she would be exactly like all the other killers out there.

  ‘Where do you live?’ she asked Jill.

  ‘In a small village in Lancashire. Kelton Bridge. Do you know it?’

  ‘Yeah, I know it.’

  ‘I grew up in Liverpool, but I love Kelton. It’s peaceful and everyone is very friendly.’

  ‘I don’t want to talk no more,’ Claire said. ‘I might talk to you next time.’

  ‘Next time isn’t good enough, Claire. I’m not—’

  The sudden and almost deafening clamouring of an alarm drowned her voice.

  Claire grinned smugly, as if she alone was responsible.

  Either Styal was in danger of being razed to the ground or someone had decided it was the ideal time for a drill.

  Jill hadn’t learnt much, other than the fact that Claire was lonely, disliked being ignored and longed to be the centre of attention, but she wasn’t sorry to end the interview.

  Chapter Two

  Max arrived at Manchester airport, went straight to the arrivals area, checked the screen and saw that Flight KL1073 from Amsterdam was delayed. Typical. Planes from all over the world were on schedule yet the short flight from Amsterdam was going to be an hour late.


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