Better Than Perfect

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Better Than Perfect Page 13

by Kristina Mathews

  He grabbed a pair of jeans, slipped them on and pulled a t-shirt over his head.

  Ali leaned against the wall, waiting for him to get dressed so he could take her home.

  “I saw you talking to Rachel Parker. She seems quite taken with you.” She was teasing him, pretending to be jealous.

  “I’m the new guy. Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll find someone else to pick on once the season starts.”

  “I think she already has. I saw her talking to one of your teammates. The guy with the hair. The pretty boy.”

  “Bryce Baxter.” Johnny hoped he would be the kind of guy to distract the reporter. “He’s the shortstop.”

  “Right. He seems like the kind of guy who enjoys attention.” She flashed him a teasing smile, knowing how much he hated being in the spotlight.

  “He’s a good guy, though. We’ve sort of become friends.”

  “Good. I’m glad.”

  She had no idea how hard it was for him to call another man his friend after what Mel had done to him.

  “Let’s go.” He grabbed his keys and led her to the elevators that would take them to the parking garage.

  “You don’t still have your old Jeep, do you?” she asked as they descended to the underground lot.

  “No.” A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. A lot of sweet memories had been made in the back of that Jeep. “I’ve traded it in for a new one. Twice.”

  “Oh. No Escalade or Hummer?”

  “You know me.” Johnny led her to a shiny black Wrangler Unlimited.

  “Yeah. I do. I did.” Her voice contained enough regret to damn near break his heart.

  He opened the passenger door to reveal leather interior, a state-of-the-art sound system. A far cry from the old clunker that didn’t even have a stereo. Nothing but an AM/FM radio and an old ice chest he’d used for a center console.

  “This is nice.” She hopped up into the seat, revealing one long, lean thigh. The same thigh she’d had wrapped around his waist not too long ago. “It suits you. Not too fancy, yet quite an improvement over that old rust bucket.”

  “Except more often than not, you were riding shotgun in that old rust bucket.” Johnny let the memories flow over him. He tried to appreciate what he’d had instead of dwelling on what he’d lost.

  “That was a long time ago.” She had wistfulness in her voice. “But I guess we can’t quite move beyond our past.”

  Johnny pulled out of the parking garage and they made their way through the city to her house. Neither spoke; perhaps they were both considering everything they needed to put behind them.

  He couldn’t get over the fact she’d chosen another man over him. He understood a little better why she’d married him. But he still felt betrayed. How many times would he have to make love to her to feel like she was truly his?

  They pulled up in front of the house. The one Mel bought for her. Just two doors down from his parents. “It’s funny, most women barely tolerate their mother-in-laws when they’re married. How often do you have lunch with Frannie? Twice a month?”

  “Every week.” She almost squeaked when she answered him.

  Johnny turned off the ignition and turned to her. “And you have dinner with them, what, every week?”

  “Twice a month.” She folded her arms across her chest. “So I get along with my in-laws. They’re nice people. They made me feel right at home during a difficult time.”

  “Didn’t they think it was a little suspicious that you married their son so soon after I left for the minor leagues? I mean, they knew we were together. They knew how long we’d been together.”

  “I don’t know what they thought about it, I only know they accepted me into their family. And they love Zach.”

  “Why wouldn’t they?” Johnny unhooked his seatbelt. “He’s a great kid.”

  “Yes, he is.” Her hand shook a little as she reached for the door.

  “I’ll walk you in.” He wasn’t quite finished with her.

  “Sure. Come on in.” She flashed him a smile. The kind that went straight to his heart. “I’ll make some coffee.”

  “Why don’t I make the coffee? While you change.” Not that he minded what she was wearing right now. That was one fine dress.

  “Thanks.” She gathered up her skirt as he helped her climb down from his Jeep.

  “I’m sorry, Ali. I guess I can’t still be mad at Mel.” He needed to tell her how he felt. He couldn’t keep it inside any longer. “I guess I’m trying to be mad at the Harrisons instead.”

  “They’ve been very good to me.” She stood on the front porch glancing up the street toward their house.

  “I know. And I’m glad you had their support.”

  “More than I got from my own family.” She reached into her purse for her keys.

  “They’re lucky to have you.” Johnny placed his hand on the small of her back. “I hope they realize that. I hope they don’t take you for granted.”

  “They don’t.” She slid the key into the lock.

  “Good. Because you’re amazing. The work you’ve done with the foundation…”

  “Last night was a success only because I have so many good people working for me.” She deflected the praise. They were two of kind that way.

  “Last night was amazing.” He dropped his voice so she’d know he wasn’t talking about the party. “But you did an even better job with those kids. If you don’t go back to school, maybe you should think about expanding the baseball camp.”

  She blushed. From the tips of her pink ears to the top of her low-cut gown.

  “I’ll think about it.” She turned the key. “If you’ll think about coaching when you retire.”


  Alice unlocked the front door and stepped inside. Johnny followed close on her heels. She felt like a teenager sneaking in after an all-night date. Not that she’d ever done that sort of thing.“I’m just going to change. Then I’ll make some coffee and—”

  “Mom? Mom, why didn’t you answer the—” Zach had come in through the back door at the same time she’d entered through the front. He stopped when he saw her in her evening gown and Johnny in jeans right behind her. “Oh.”

  His face turned about fifty shades of red.

  “Zach, I…uh.”

  “You spent the night with him.” Zach wouldn’t look at Johnny. The man he’d practically worshipped for years. The man he’d become even more fond of after they’d worked the minicamp together.

  “Yes. I did. I’m sorry if you were worried.” Alice regained her composure. She’d worried this very thing would happen, and now it had. So she’d have to deal with it. “It won’t happen again.”

  “So it was, like, a one-nighter?” He glanced up at her. Like he wasn’t quite sure what that meant. He turned toward Johnny. “So that’s it? You were just using her? Just using me to get into her bed?”

  “No.” Johnny’s jaw held firm. “Not at all.”

  “I can’t believe this.” Zach sounded hurt. Crushed. “I mean, I know other people’s moms are, like…like they don’t care how many guys they bring home or how embarrassing it is. But damn it.”

  “Zachary John Harrison.” She’d never heard him swear before. She wasn’t naïve enough to believe he’d never done it. Just not in front of her.

  “Zach, you shouldn’t speak to your mother that way.” Johnny stepped in. While she appreciated his intentions, it only made the situation worse.

  “You slept with my mother.” The venom in Zach’s voice was heartbreaking. “That doesn’t make you my father.”

  He stomped past them and dashed up the stairs. His bedroom door slammed.

  “Johnny, I’m so sorry.” She knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but did it have to be this hard so soon? “He’s not usually so rude.”

  “Why don’t you go change. I’ll talk to him.”

  “No. I should talk to him. I’m his mother.”

  “Yes. You are his mother.” Johnny’s jaw twitched. He was angry
. At Zach? At her? Or did this bring up old wounds from his childhood? “But he needs a little man-to-man conversation on what it means to be respectful to a woman. Especially to his mother.”

  Oh. A man-to-man conversation?

  “He also needs to know that I’m not using you. Or anyone else in this house.” Johnny’s voice softened. Enough for her to think maybe he could smooth things over. “I’d like to talk to him. If that’s okay with you. I’d like to let him know my intentions are honorable.”

  “Do you think that would help?” It felt so natural to ask Johnny for advice on her son. It was like she had an ally. She was no longer alone in this parenting deal.

  “I hope so.” Johnny shrugged. Then he squared his shoulders, ready to face the challenge.

  “Me too.” He had no idea how much they all stood to lose if it didn’t.

  “Come on.” Johnny tugged her hand. Led her up the stairs and stopped as they reached the top. He gave her a questioning look. He didn’t know which room was Zach’s.

  She indicated the correct door with a nod. Johnny took a deep breath and poised, ready to knock.

  Alice slunk down the hallway toward her room. Slipped out of her dress and hung it over a chair. She’d toss it in with the rest of her dry cleaning later. As she reached for a change of clothes, she realized she could still smell Johnny on her skin.

  After pulling her hair into a high ponytail, she stepped into the shower. She scrubbed the makeup off her face and used a generous amount of body wash to soap up her arms and legs. A quick rinse, and she toweled off to dress and face her son. A boy, who until this morning, had thought her biggest sin was her tendency to be somewhat overprotective.

  * * * *

  Johnny knocked on Zach’s bedroom door. He fully expected to be told to go to hell.

  “Come in.” Zach sounded more than a little contrite. He really was a good kid.

  Johnny gave Alice all the credit for that. He slowly pushed the door open and stepped into Zach’s room.

  If, by some miracle, he was ever elected to the Hall of Fame, he had a feeling it wouldn’t look much different than this kid’s room. There were pictures of him, memorabilia, and a huge poster over Zach’s bed.

  “Oh. It’s you.” Zach slumped on the bed, where he resumed tossing a ball toward the ceiling. A trick Johnny had performed numerous times as a kid when he’d been hurting.

  “Yes. It’s me. I wanted to talk to you. Man to man.” Johnny stood in the doorway, waiting for an invitation to come into the room. A sincere invitation.

  “Yeah. I guess.” Zach sat up, still holding the baseball in his hands. He glanced at it, rather than Johnny. Not exactly sincere, but Johnny understood.

  “Nice room.” He supposed it was something that Zach hadn’t torn the poster from the wall. “Are these your Little League trophies?”

  Johnny approached the shelf of awards Zach had earned. He picked up the one closest to him. Read the inscription. T-ball. The Tigers.

  “Yeah. Everyone gets trophies when they’re little. Doesn’t mean anything.” Zach sounded almost embarrassed. “My mom thinks they’re cool, but…”

  “She’s pretty proud of you.” Johnny put the trophy back. “Most of the time.”

  “Yeah. I guess.” Zach knew he’d been less than respectful, but at thirteen probably couldn’t admit it.

  “You should show her more respect than you did just now.”

  Zach didn’t say anything, so Johnny turned around to gauge his reaction.

  “I know.” Zach looked him square in the eye briefly, before staring down at his shoes. “I just… She’s my mom. And she’s never brought a guy home before. I guess I freaked out a little.”

  “Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” Johnny hadn’t wanted the kid to find out about them. Not like that. “And I’m sorry if you think I’ve overstepped my bounds. But I can’t stand to see any woman treated with disrespect. Especially not a woman I care about.”

  “You care about her.” Zach didn’t ask. Just confirmed what they both needed to know.

  “Yes. Very much.”

  “Good.” Zach met his gaze. He didn’t need words to tell him that he wanted to protect her, too. “I’m glad. Because... Well, she’s my mom.”

  “Yes. She is. And I respect your concern. I should have thought of that earlier. And planned to get her home sooner. So you wouldn’t have to see…” See what? Her in last night’s dress? With her makeup smudged and the glow of a long night of lovemaking?

  “I’m glad I know.” Zach sat taller. Like he was letting Johnny know that no man, no matter how big, was going to mess with his mother. “I’m not a little kid anymore. I can handle the truth.”

  “Good. Because I plan on seeing your mother.” Johnny was glad the kid wanted to hear it straight. “I plan on seeing a lot of her. If that’s what she wants.”

  “Do you think you’ll get married?”

  “I don’t know.” The question was a little more than he was prepared for. But he should have had a better answer.

  “Do you love her?” Zach crossed his arms. Her own father hadn’t been so protective. Once he found out Johnny was an athlete, he decided that was more than enough reason to make him feel like he wasn’t good enough for his daughter. Then again, he hadn’t made her feel quite good enough either.

  “Yes. I always have. Always will.” Johnny saw no reason to deny the truth. “But that doesn’t necessarily mean things will work out between us.”

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about me.” Zach sized him up, and apparently found him acceptable. “I won’t act like a spoiled brat anymore.”

  “Good.” Johnny wanted to pull the kid into his arms for a hug, but thought that might be pushing his luck. “Now, what do you say we make some breakfast for your mom?”

  “You cook?” Zach gave him a skeptical glance.

  “Sure. When you’ve lived alone as long as I have, you’d better learn how.” Johnny had to restrain himself from reaching out and ruffling the kid’s hair.

  “Yeah, but you can afford to hire someone.” Zach popped up, headed for the hallway. “You could buy your own restaurant or eat someplace different every day.”

  “Nah. I like being able to take care of myself.” He liked the idea of taking care of someone else even more.

  “Yeah? My mom is always trying to get me to be self-sufficient.” Zach skipped down the stairs, toward the kitchen.

  “She’s a smart lady.”

  “So why, exactly, did you guys break up?” Zach held the refrigerator door open, staring at the contents like he couldn’t really see anything.

  “Sometimes I ask myself that very question.” Johnny started pulling items from the shelves and set them on the counter. Eggs. Milk. Bacon. “We were both young. Maybe too young to have been able to make things work.”

  Johnny filled the coffeepot with water and Zach pointed to the cupboard above the coffee maker. Sure enough, he found a bag of ground coffee and unbleached paper filters inside.

  “Bread?” Johnny asked, and Zach pointed to the shiny stainless breadbox on the counter. “Thanks.”

  “Pots and pans in the drawer under the stove.” Zach seemed to realize this would be more efficient if Johnny knew where things were. “Mixing bowls and such in here. Dishes up there.”

  “Appreciate it.” Johnny found the equipment and supplies he needed. “You like French Toast?”

  “Sure.” Zach tried to sound like he couldn’t care less, but he couldn’t quite pull it off.

  “Good. Wash up and help me.” Johnny pushed up his sleeves and washed his hands. He waited for Zach to do the same.

  Together they cracked the eggs into a shallow dish. Poured a splash of milk and sprinkled a dash of cinnamon into the mixture. He showed Zach how to dip the bread, making it moist, but not too soggy. Then arranged each slice into the hot, but not too hot, pan. He put slices of bacon in a separate pan on the back burner of the stove.

  By the time Ali made her way down
stairs, breakfast was ready and Zach had set the table in the breakfast nook.

  “So? You guys are good?” she asked as Johnny poured her a cup of coffee.

  “Yeah. Sorry I was rude.” Zach slid into the back of the booth. “It’s just that things are kind of weird at Tyler’s house. I guess his attitude rubbed off on me.”

  “Oh?” She looked at Johnny to see if he knew anything about it, but Johnny shrugged. “What happened? Did you two have a fight?”

  “No.” Zach looked down at his breakfast, shoulders slumping a little as he doused the French Toast in real maple syrup. “It’s just that he’s still mad at his parents for getting divorced. And his mom’s, like, mad at Ty for reminding her of his father. It’s not a good vibe over there.”

  “I see.” Ali moved toward Zach, like she wanted to comfort him, but she must have known that she couldn’t fix this. Not at his age.

  “It’s so screwed up.” Zach shoved a forkful of food in his mouth. “I’m glad things didn’t get like that with you and…”

  He glanced up at Johnny. Looked almost guilty about the direction of his conversation.

  “I’m glad you never had to get divorced.” He mumbled that last part. Like being widowed was somehow better.

  “Me, too, Zach. Me, too.” She looked down at her plate before taking a bite of her breakfast. “This is really good.”

  “Zach made it.” Johnny hoped a change in topic would get them all on the right track.

  “You did?” She looked at her son, beaming with parental pride.

  “I helped. But Johnny did most of it.” Zach looked equally proud and embarrassed. Johnny knew the feeling. Knew it a little too well.

  “That’s terrific.” She dug into her breakfast with much more enthusiasm.

  “At least I know that Tyler isn’t mad at me.” Zach’s mood darkened once again. “I mean, I thought he didn’t want to be friends anymore since he quit playing baseball.”


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