Loving Thy Neighbor (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Loving Thy Neighbor (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 5

by Carol McKenzie

  "At least I know why you're there now. Listen, I have to go back inside. I'm working. Have a good day."

  "Wait. Can you take my card and call me if you see him?" He handed her a business card with his number and address imprinted on it. Carl Kelton 1209 Wyman Way, Raredon, Illinois.

  He looks honest. I can't say I blame him. "All right."

  "I appreciate it. She was using that money to pay for her son's tuition. Now he can't go to the school his mother saved for."

  That no good... "I'm so sorry for them." She shook her head and looked at the card.

  "It's not your fault, ma'am."

  "I've got to go. Sorry I couldn't help. But I don't think he'll be around here often, if at all."

  "Thanks for the information."

  "You're welcome."

  Chapter Nine

  Nora enjoyed the romantic supper. They wore aprons and broiled fish out on the grill. While Nora ripped up the lettuce for a salad, Charley wrapped baked potatoes in foil, set the oven to 350° and put them on the lower rack in the oven. After supper, they retired to the back patio carrying a glass of Côte's du Rhône while engaging in a laid back but serious discussion of the pros and cons of their jobs.

  Yellow citronella candles flickered and bugs buzzed around them unaffected, although they failed to thwart their conversation. Tall bushes and a privacy fence surrounded them keeping them hidden from the world. She felt safe, full from supper and relaxed. A dog barked in the distance.

  Nora patted an arm of her chair. "I like these."

  He laughed and unleashed a one-liner saying, "They're designed for comfort...and big butts."

  Grinning she stood and patted her hip. "Like mine?"

  "Mm, no. Like mine.” He flashed a perfect pearly smile and added, “I like your butt.”

  After a pause and a giggle she said, “Yours is nice, too.”

  He watched as she took a seat. "Well, yours is not big."

  She gasped. "Well...I dunno ‘bout that."

  "Remind me of that some day maybe while we’re out driving around, maybe at a mall. I'll show you the meaning of big." He took a seat beside her. "Anyway, if it was..." he said and winked, “I'd love it, especially if it was yours."

  "How sweet." She chuckled. "You really would? If it was this big?" She held out her arms and extended her index fingers.

  "Always and forever, and no matter what. Oops." He got up and went into the house. "I'll be right back."

  "Where are you going?"

  "I’m getting the wine bottle, or what’s left of it," he said a moment before he disappeared inside. The kitchen window lit up for a second or two, and then darkened.

  Nora enjoyed his sexy grin in the dim light. She admired him for his kind words and deeds. No man ever treated her with such thoughtfulness...and respect. Delectable Charley poured some more wine into her glass and scooted it within her reach and then dragged his chair close. He sat with his long legs stretched out in front of him on the chaise lounge. They sat several inches apart, but the moment, nevertheless seemed intimate.

  Gazing at his strong profile, she confirmed she liked his calm, not-too-pushy behavior.

  A pre-menstrual headache threatened to start throbbing any minute. Should I take an aspirin? She sipped more wine.

  The only noise emanated from the engine of a small jet that flew in the dark heavens. "It's muggy as hell, isn't it?" He gazed up at the sky and smacked a mosquito.

  "Sweltering," she said.

  Crickets chirped and somewhere in Schooner Cul De Sac. Kids splashed and played in their pool. When she spent time with Charley, even the bugs didn't distract her.

  "Do you need some repellant, Madame?"

  "That'd be great, Monsieur."

  He picked up a can that sat on the ground beside his chair. "I always keep Off! nearby."

  "It's my favorite summer cologne." He raised his wine glass in a fake toast and brought the rim to his lips.

  His deep, rich laugh said so much more than mere words; it had a direct effect on her heart rate.

  "I just showered this afternoon, but what the hey?" She sighed. "Oh well. I'll just use a dab." She'd smacked several mosquitoes over the past couple of minutes. "Thank you," she murmured, took it and lightly sprayed the fresh scented, cool liquid on her hands. Using quick, light movements she wiped it on her arms and legs, while Charley wore an expression of amused wonder.

  "I'm going to put some on, too. They think I'm a tender morsel."

  "Here you go." She handed him the can and watched while he squirted a liberal amount of repellant on his hands and wiped his palms up his arms and on his neck. "Nice men's cologne, right?"

  She giggled. "Uh-huh."

  After a moment of prolonged silence, she changed the subject. "You'll never believe what I learned today."

  He twisted around, put the can down on the table. With his chin wedged on his hand he gave her his undivided attention. "What happened?"

  She shook her head, letting out a breath of frustration. "Crap, Charley. It's my ex again. I know I shouldn't feel guilty for what he does, but I do."

  "You shouldn't. Tell me. What’d he do?"

  After a moment, she looked over at him. "Well, to make a long story short, he flimflammed a poor woman out of her son's college tuition money. My guess is that he sped to the nearest gambling facility and wiled it away in a night."

  "How do you know this?"

  At the onset of tears and hurt, she paused and gazed at his incredibly sensual interest in her problems. I don't want him to think I'm a bawl baby. But no. Here they come, the tears.

  "If it hurts to talk about it..." he said and then his voice silenced.

  She touched an index finger to her forehead. "It's okay." She cleared her throat. "An older fellow sat parked in the parking lot today.” She shrugged and patted her hair. “I've seen him hanging around, you know, waiting and watching. Well, I didn't know why he did it, until today."

  He shrugged and asked, "Why?"

  "He's after Josh.”

  “After your ex?”

  “Yeah, for money,” she said. “A girl’s money.”

  "Huh?" He took a sip. “Explain this one to me.”

  "Maybe ‘stole’ is not the best word. I'd say he ‘conned’ her out of tuition money."

  "The more I find out about the man, the more dislike,” he said. “It's amazing you stayed with him as long as you did."

  Her voice dropped to a quivering whisper. She daubed her eyes with the slightly used tissue. "He wasn't always like that. He's just got an uncontrolled addiction. He'd never hurt anyone physically."

  "That's too bad. Call the cops."

  “Carl, that’s his name, said that they said it was a civil matter.”


  “Yeah, it sucks.”

  Charley's caring concern touched her heart. He was an amazing man that she couldn't wait to introduce to her mother in Missouri and sister who lived out on the west coast with her husband of two years. Sometimes saying very little is better than saying a lot. "Yes."

  "He’s hurt you by doing it."

  "I know. Thanks, Charley." His words seemed to squelch her frustration. "I just feel bad that he'd do such things."

  His hand left the arm of his chair and enclosed hers in its grasp. "You're going to be okay. You’re my woman now."

  Shaking the depression that threatened to draw her into its choke hold, Nora reached over and patted his hand. "I know. I'm fine with you, my friend."

  "I hope it's for more than friend."

  She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

  "It's okay."

  He understands.

  "Not to change the subject, but"

  She gave him her full attention.

  "Would you like to go out Friday night?"

  "Out?" she asked and giggled. "As on a date?"

  "Yeah, if that's what you call them. Maybe have dinner and a few drinks. Nothing fancy mind you."

  Absorbed in his swee
t invitation, she conceded. "I'd love to."

  With her fingers to her temple she massaged her aching head.

  "What's wrong?"

  "PMS again," she said in a low tone.

  "I know what’ll help. In fact, it’s a cure-all," he said in a seductive tone.

  I know what he means. A tight twinge curled low in her abdomen. "Oh yeah?" And I think I know where this is leading.

  He grinned until his dimples deepened. During his slow sip of wine, his eyes stayed on her.

  Do I want it to lead there?

  Nora realized she slid down an icy bank. At the bottom a place existed that she feared, but wanted to go. She would live with Charley. Her body ached for him. She could almost feel his naked body moving against hers under the sheets.

  His deep, rough-hewn voice cut into her reverie. "I'll doctor you tonight." He nodded and grinned. "I have some potent medicine."

  "Oh yeah?" Contemplating the offer, she closed her eyes and the ongoing tension coiled low. A few minutes later, after they went back inside she swallowed a couple of Tylenol and he walked her to the bedroom door.

  An unplanned, uncharacteristic streak of aggressiveness caused her to slide her hands up his strong arms and under the lapels of his robe. His body felt hard and strong.

  "Your messing with fire, woman."

  Nora looked up at his silhouetted features. "I hope so."

  The need to hold him at arm's length dissipated. Back and up onto his shoulders her hands moved, exploring every inch.

  “Give me your tongue,” he whispered.

  She stepped closer, until her breasts pressed into his chest. Slipping her hands around his neck, she tilted her head back. When their mouths met, she dipped her tongue between his parted lips until she obliged his request.

  I desperately need TLC from Charley.

  He outlined her ear with the tip of his tongue and whispered, “You’re getting me really hot, woman."

  "I am?” She ran her hand down his body, over his zipper and rubbed his already hard cock through his pants. Much to her glee, he responded with moans to her uncharacteristic advances.

  "Mm-hm. Let's get more comfortable. Maybe get out of our clothes. I'm going to lock up, turn everything off. I'll be right back," he said, his voice husky. "I'm going to lock up."

  Nora watched his silhouetted figure pad down the hallway to the living room and then she stepped into the bedroom. All the lights inside and out were darkened except for a faint bit of light shining in off a pole through the lacy curtains. Already she could feel his flesh against hers.

  Chapter Ten

  Nora waited at the foot of the bed all a-jitter over sleeping with Charley the first time. He had given her no reason to feel uncomfortable. She considered the steady throbbing of her pulse while watching shadows dance in the corners of the bedroom. Silver light sieved through the lacy curtains mesmerized her. It seemed so artsy, coloring the furniture and her. With a brisk shove of her toes to each heel, she shed her sandals. Second thoughts continued hovering like wraiths in a haunted house.

  A sound, possibly Charley locking the front door, caught her attention. She heard him stepping up the hall, apparently done with his duties. He lightly grasped her upper arms. His manly cologne assaulted her sense of smell. Leaning in, he nuzzled the curve of her neck, readying her for his x-rated takeover. His warm breath tickled her cheek. She slid the palm of one hand up the hard muscles of his arm. Pleasure burgeoned within and she turned her head so that he could explore her mouth with his. The resulting kiss was soft, sweet and calmed her concerns. I trust him and this is right.

  "How long has it been since you've been with a man?" he asked cutting into her thoughts.


  Concern tinged his tone. "I'll take good care of you. Please turn."

  He guided her around until his chest brushed her back. “That’s it.” His clothed cock pressed into her buttocks. "Let's get rid of this," his deep, masculine voice said. Reaching around, he unbuttoned her top, grasped the neckline and took it down her arms and tossed it to the armchair.

  A little apprehension stayed with her, maybe because she wore only shorts, bra and a scanty thong.

  "I want to feel skin." His nose and mouth touched her hair; his breath warmed her scalp. Still behind her, he slid the hooks from the eyes on the closure of her bra. "You smell good, Nora." His nimble fingers skimmed along her skin, wreaking havoc along the way. He slipped his hand under the cups of her bra and massaged her breasts. Easily, he took the constraining article of clothing off of her. Her PMS nearly forgotten, her headache vanished, the fine line between arousal and non-arousal began blurring as his hands glided over her areolas.

  "Your muscles are so tense," he murmured. "Poor baby."

  A sigh escaped her lips.

  "That's it. Relax."

  Her apprehension began to melt away. The movement of his warm, chafing palms awakened every nerve ending and fiber.

  His mouth said spicy words, an ex-Marine's assault for sure. "You're so sexy," he murmured. As they approached and passed the threshold of no return, his lips brushed the rim of her ear. His tongue's deeds and his lips’ words resonated deep into her core.

  I want to make this man happy. I want this to be the best he's ever had.

  When he withdrew, he asked, "Your breasts, are they sore?" in a considerate, caring tone as the wondrous healing treatment continued.

  "A little." A sharp tug reared and pulled low in her loins.

  "I'll make you feel better." He leaned, kissed and suckled each nipple while she cupped his head.

  Mm, such good medicine.

  His hands kneaded and plied her indigent mounds. They migrated down her flat abdomen. Wonderful. Tingles shot through her body and out to her limbs. Back up her body Charley plied and pressed away her cares.

  He stopped long enough to plump each breast and release it, eliciting from her a breathy moan. She loved his expert handling of her and yearned for more.

  "That's it," he whispered during the takeover. "Close your eyes. Enjoy."

  Nora obliged his request and let the session of mojo rejuvenation work its magic. Her head dropped back like that of a rag doll; her knees gelled and she wanted to lie down. He's taking his time.

  His hands skimmed down to her shorts. With a tug at each side, he had the garment down her legs and off her legs and feet. Like a king before his queen, he knelt, removed the tiny, cloth barrier and tossed it onto the back of the chair—a small lavender thong that barely hid the lips of her throbbing sex. The resulting nips and flicks he administered to her clit felt hot and wicked. It was all she could do to stand still, but she had to, to receive his ministrations.

  Deeper exploitation was called for. “Oh yeah," he said in a husky voice. “Pretty woman.”

  Nora's breasts still tingled. To thank him, she reached out and lightly touched his chiseled, clean-shaven jaw. He rose, kissed her fingers and gazed down at her, his eyes glimmered like gems in the moonlight. Without words, she thanked him by pressing a kiss to his taut lips. Like stepping into a hazy world, extraneous, worldly matters diminished in their importance. Her need for completion burgeoned and ceased all her worries of life's complications and what if's regarding their sexual union.

  When she leaned back, her mouth left his. He grinned and touted, "You need me, don’t you?"

  "Mm-hm," she said jutting her chest out, tempting him to continue.

  "Undress me, Nora," he said in a husky voice while he guided her around until she faced him.

  Charley enclosed each of her hands into each of his and brought them to his robe. Without further adieu, she untied the belt at his waist, baring his sinewy, hair dappled chest. She parted the sides for her exploration. She let her fingers slide over the area where a tattoo of a dragon existed that she now could not see. As she suckled his nipple, down her hand moved to the enchanting area below his navel. She massaged the area covered by fine pubic hairs, a known erogenous zone she'd like to explore with he
r tongue and lips. As though her hands had minds of their own, they relocated on his pecs. They skimmed over his handsomely sculpted abs—a purely tactile experience.

  I will live only for this man. Sprigs of man hair smoothed under her touch like velvet as she threaded them through her spread fingers.

  Wanting to cause him a lot of distress, she let her hands wander to just under the elastic of his boxer shorts, an inch from the head of his throbbing cock. Yearning to grasp and stroke it in earnest, she managed to draw an index finger over the seeping corona—an erotic area that if she touched she knew she would set him on fire. Charley drew in a long, labored breath. His head dropped back for a moment. Thrilled at the results she received, she mused, I need to give him more.

  "Aahhh." His skin twitched when her hands abandoned his cock. To torture him, she dragged her hand up his solid body, around to the back of his neck.

  "You know what you're doing, don't you?"

  She smiled and whispered, "Yes."

  He brought his head down and gave him her tongue. She let it slide back into the wet recesses before their lips parted.

  "Paybacks are something else. How do you like a man’s mouth on your pussy, Nora?"

  Her body shuddered at his words. His heated breath on her clit was too much for her to bear. "Oh." The daydream of such misdeeds continued. His naughty mouth and tongue flicked and bit intimate places on her body.

  The approaching moment of union neared, she realized, when he quietly requested, "Take off my clothes."

  After taking a fortifying breath, she pulled his shorts down. She rose to her feet and pulled his shirt over his head and extended arms. Once she tossed it onto the dresser, she knelt at his feet. Pinching the elastic of the cotton boxers, she drew them down his legs.

  When he stepped out of the shorts, she rose to face him.

  In a liquid move, he swept her back on the cushiony bedspread. Her head rested on a pillow and knobby, threaded tufts squashed under her, tickling her back. Cool air from the floor vents rippled over her skin and caused her nipples to harden into leathery marbles. "I've waited for this for a long time. I'm glad the time is right," he whispered.


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