Fire Me Up [Merricks, Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Fire Me Up [Merricks, Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by McKinlay Thomson

  “Kate, stop. You don’t understand. Until you do, please don’t embarrass me and say something you know nothing about.” Sarah’s voice was quiet and sweet, yet it still made Kate stare and flap her gums in shock.

  “Sarah, I’m sorry. I know more than you think. We will discuss it later.”

  Grayson felt pride in Kate that she didn’t push her sister into an uncomfortable situation. Her words also told him more information about her than she’d probably like him to know. Kate had just admitted that she knew about the lifestyle and that made Grayson’s cock stand up and pay attention.

  It would be a lot easier for all of them if Kate knew a little about BDSM. That way when they finally got her between the sheets, they wouldn’t have too lengthy a job to explain what their relationship would be. All three of the brothers were Doms. Grayson was the strictest and the most dominant of the three. Brock was the softest, and most of the time it was like he was just along for the ride. Pierson was somewhere in between.

  When it came to their subs, Grayson would prefer to have his woman live the lifestyle twenty-four seven. He didn’t want a slave, but he was master of all things. In and out of the bedroom. Pierson was happy to just dominate his woman in the bedroom and down at the club, same as Brock. The only difference was that when Pierson was in Dom mode, he was hard, demanding, and strict. Brock was into bondage and loved to spank, but he was less of a sadist than him and Pierson. He preferred to use more sensual methods to keep his subs in line.

  “So, Kate. We were wondering if you’d like to attend the festival with us on Saturday?” Pierson asked. Kate looked up from her food in surprise. She really hadn’t seen the question coming. Grayson smirked.

  “Um…Well I…” She was stalling, and Grayson could tell she was looking for an excuse to say no.

  “She’d love to,” Sarah cut in. “I was going to spend the day with Blake and James, and I would have hated Kate to feel like the third wheel. Or fourth wheel, or whatever. Our parents are going into Helena for the weekend.” Sarah tripped over her words like she was desperate to get them out.

  “I was thinking of going to Helena with them. I’m not sure I’ll be in town.” Kate didn’t meet any of their eyes as she spoke and he knew she was telling fibs. Just another reason he’d love spank her ass. Her sister’s words confirmed his suspicions.

  “You were not. They were going to Helena for some alone time.”

  “Thanks, Sarah. I’m going to tell James you forgot to bring your phone to town today.” Kate smiled an evil smile at her sister. Grayson held back a laugh. She was devious. That was something he and his brothers would do for revenge.

  “But I didn’t. It’s in my bag…I…”

  “Don’t worry, Sarah.” Brock told her. “If Kate tries to pull anything, you just have James ring us. We’ll stand up for you and tell him the truth.” He leaned closer to Kate and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side. “If you lie to your brother-in-law, little one, I’ll be the first in line to redden that plump, ripe ass.”

  “What is it with you three and my ass?” she asked. “You are the second one to threaten to spank me. No one is touching my rear end.”

  “Then I’d take back your threat and leave your poor sister alone.” Brock was on the same page as him, and Grayson was glad. The more time he spent with Kate, the more he wanted to make her his, and his woman had to watch her words. Threatening to get your sister in trouble was a spanking offense, even if he and his brothers would do the same thing to get back at each other.

  They finished their meals in relative silence, and then Grayson stood and went to pay. He could tell that Kate didn’t like the fact that she was beaten and that her threat would prove useless. She wasn’t pissed at her sister, though. She was mad at them because they had taken the situation out of her hands.

  He returned to the table and they all stood up to leave. He pulled Kate into his arms and planted a kiss to her check.

  “We will pick you up at the ranch at ten. Wear something comfortable, and a pair of walking shoes. The festival will go all day and well into the night. So bring a jacket. It gets cold.” He released her and watched his brothers take turns in kissing her cheek. Kate just stood still and didn’t say anything.

  He wanted to go back over to her and give her a proper kiss. His brothers followed him from the diner, and they made their way back to U-SEC, or CUSS if you were Brock and Pierson. They had wooing to plan and needed time to talk strategy. As much as he loved to rile Kate up, they needed to rein it in and get through the day without pissing her off.

  They would never move the relationship forward unless they backed off and got her to like them. She was attracted to them, that he could tell, but attraction was nothing if they couldn’t be in the same room as each other without biting each other’s heads off.

  Chapter Five

  It was the morning of the festival, and Kate was running around trying to decide what to wear. Were jeans too casual? If she wore a skirt, would she get too cold? Why was she so indecisive? She didn’t even like Grayson and his brothers. So why did she care what she wore?

  Because, if she was honest with herself, she did like the brothers. They had got under her skin, and she couldn’t get them out. They were sexy and dominant and just the kind of men she was attracted to.

  All three had perfect sculpted bodies and were bloody handsome devils. So why were they attracted to her? She was frumpy and plain and couldn’t carry on a conversation without saying something silly or putting her foot in it. And then as a defense, she got mad and lashed out.

  She was also running late. They said they were going to pick her up at ten. It was quarter to now and she was still in her towel. Her hair was wet and she had no makeup on. She was frantically trying to decide what to wear and she couldn’t be any more nervous if she tried.

  Which was silly. She needed to calm down. She didn’t want a relationship with these men. She was a one-man gal, and there were three of them, and from what Sarah had said, they shared. They were looking for a woman to settle down with and marry all three of them.

  Kate knew that was never going to happen. Not with her. Not now, not ever. She wanted to marry one man, and she was going to stick to her guns. That meant that she couldn’t have any of them. She wouldn’t break up their plans to share. So she would go on this date, and then she would get back to avoiding them like the plague.

  The doorbell sounded below, and Sarah called up to her. Great, not only was she late, they were early.

  “I’ll be down in a minute. I’m just getting dressed,” she yelled down to her sister.

  Kate quickly dried her hair and threw on her clothes. She went with the jeans and a light-pink T-shirt and matching cardigan. She slipped her feet into her most comfy pair of low-heeled boots and dashed on some mascara. She had run out of time to apply full makeup, so it would have to do.

  Kate flew down the stairs and came to a stop when she saw all three men standing in the entrance hall. They were stunning in their jeans and boots and tight T-shirts. Grayson wore faded black jeans and a white T-shirt with an open flannel shirt over the top.

  Pierson’s dark-blue Wranglers molded to the muscles in his thighs and left Kate’s mouth watering. He had on a light-blue shirt, which was tucked into his jeans with a worn brown leather belt.

  Brock was wearing faded blue jeans with a rip in one knee and a long-sleeve gray T-shirt. His hair was disheveled, and he reminded Kate of a skater more than a cowboy. Only, his jeans were fitted and not halfway down his ass with his boxers showing.

  All three smiled as Kate came toward them, until Grayson’s face grew serious, his eyes darkening.

  “You came down those stairs way too fast, Kate,” he said. “You could have tripped and been injured or worse. You will slow down in the future and be more careful.” His voice was deep and demanding as he scolded her. Kate felt her cheeks go red. She pulled in a breath to say something snarky back, when her sister covered her m
outh with her hand.

  “She is really sorry, Grayson, and she will endeavor to be more cautious in the future. She thanks you for your concern. Don’t you, Kate.” Kate bit the inside of Sarah’s hand in retaliation and smiled when she removed her hand and shook off the pain.

  “Of course, Sarah. I’m deeply sorry, gentlemen. Shall we get going?” Her voice was dripping with sarcasm, but no one said anything as they walked out onto the porch.

  They all piled into a big black SUV, Grayson in the driver’s seat and Kate in the front passenger. Pierson helped her up into the high seat before buckling her seat belt for her. She froze when he placed a small kiss to the end of her nose. He shut the door and climbed onto the backseat next to Brock.

  Sarah stood on the porch and watched as Grayson started the engine and pulled the SUV around and down the driveway. Kate waved to her sister as they left and then sat quietly for the ride into town.

  She really had nothing to say. Kate was still fuming from Grayson’s scolding about the stairs. He needed to lighten up. Just the sight of her seemed to bring out his gruff domineering personality. It annoyed her to no end because it made him all the more attractive and she didn’t want to be attracted to these men.

  “How are you liking Merricks?” Pierson asked from behind her. She didn’t try to turn and look at him.

  “I like it a lot,” she replied. “It’s a great little town, and there is still so much more for me to see. I admit I’m a little excited about the festival today. I don’t know what to expect.”

  “You will have fun, baby. I promise. There is so much to do. Each shop usually has a stall where they sell things. There is a raffle and you can win a pig. Don’t get me started on how that tradition came about. I’m sure old Mrs. Hailbury will chat your ear off about it.” She could hear the smile in Pierson’s voice even if she couldn’t see him. He found something amusing, and now she wanted to know how the pig giveaway started.

  “Then there are rides and carnival amusements. Food stalls. You can do tours of the firehouse,” he told her.

  “Don’t forget the singles auction that Silk Ties runs for charity,” Brock added.

  “Silk Ties? The BDSM club my sister goes to?” Kate was shocked. She didn’t think that they would do something so public.

  “The owner, Wolf, is very into giving back to the community. He does something every year for the festival,” Pierson told her.

  “It’s not that I don’t believe it. I just thought that people would be too prudish to let a bondage club do something so public.” She wasn’t explaining herself very well, but she didn’t know how to say it right.

  “No,” Grayson said. “The people of Merricks are fine with it. Most people are members anyway. The rest moved to Merricks because for one reason or another, people didn’t accept them anywhere else. We take pride in being a town that accepts the different.” Grayson took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze. “As long as the difference isn’t illegal or hurting anyone, then we are all fine with it.”

  “Give me an example of what is normal and what is unacceptable.” She was interested on where the town drew the line.

  “Well, pedophilia would be one that no one will accept for obvious reasons,” Pierson said, and the brothers agreed.

  “Beating up your wife and kids,” Brock said, speaking up.

  “Bringing drugs into the community,” Pierson said.

  “All right. I think I understand. But don’t sadists beat on their subs?”

  “No, they do not.” Grayson’s voice was dark. She had made him angry again.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m just trying to understand.”

  “I can see, baby, that despite the fact that you have some knowledge on BDSM, you still have a lot to learn.”

  “Everything that happens between a Dom and their sub is consensual,” Pierson told her. “If the sub is into pain, the Dom will give it, but nothing that is dangerous to one’s health. Beating the crap out of your partner is completely different.”

  Pierson’s explanation helped her understand a little, but even she could admit she had a lot to learn. She just wasn’t sure if she wanted to learn it.

  “Haven’t you ever heard the term ‘safe, sane, and consensual’ before?” Brock asked. She had, she just hadn’t really thought about it too deeply. All the books she had read on BDSM had been about a little light bondage and spanking, none of the hard stuff. They had used floggers and paddles, but not whips, and nothing with breath play or cutting. She wasn’t into that stuff at all.

  They talked more about BDSM, and Kate asked as many questions as she could. The men were smart and knowledgeable and willing to explain things in terms she understood. She soon found herself enjoying their company, and as the subject moved into lighter territories, she even found her herself laughing a time or two.

  As the SUV pulled into town, Grayson slowed the vehicle and they all looked for a parking spot. There were cars everywhere, and the main street had been blocked off so that the festival could spill out onto the road.

  “Why don’t we just park in the CUSS underground parking lot?” Brock said. “We can access it through the back from Henry Street.” Brock had a point. If the men had a private car park, why were they driving up and down looking for a free spot?

  “On it.” Grayson swung the SUV around and they made their way to CUSS, whatever that was.

  As if reading her mind, Grayson added, “CUSS is our security firm. Carter United Security Services. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it myself.”

  “Cause you’re not as smart as I am,” Brock said.

  Kate smiled at the brothers’ ribbing and removed her seat belt when Grayson pulled the SUV into a reserved park. She didn’t wait for him to turn off the engine, as she opened the door and jumped from the cab. She heard Grayson growl behind her but chose to ignore him.

  She knew all about how the men of Merricks needed to open doors for women, but she was too excited to wait. They could just get over it. The men caught up with her, and Pierson took her hand in his. She looked down at their joined hands and hesitated. Kate was tempted to pull her hand from his but she didn’t. They were having a good time and she didn’t want to ruin it. She sighed and kept on walking.

  * * * *

  Pierson held back his grin, but he did a little victory dance in his head. He had fully expected Kate to pull her hand from his, but he had taken a chance and it had paid off. They all walked toward the festival, Kate at his side and his brothers walking behind.

  Kate was such a touchy thing, easily fired up and quick to snap. Pierson wasn’t sure what his brother’s problem was. They loved to get her worked up, and all it was going to do was drive her away. The trip to town had been the first time that they had managed a conversation without Grayson and Kate bickering.

  He had tried to talk to Grayson and Brock about it after their disastrous lunch at the diner. Both of them had brushed it off as some sort of foreplay, but Pierson knew it was more than that. He suspected that Grayson was really attracted to her, so he was being defensive.

  It was Brock he wasn’t sure about. He could be charming and sweet when he wanted to be. Why he was being obnoxious and saying flirty things was anyone’s guess. Kate certainly didn’t like the things he was saying to her. She wasn’t a piece of meat.

  Pierson squeezed Kate’s hand as they exited the parking lot and walked out onto the main street. It was bustling with activity, and Kate’s eyes started darting from one thing to another.

  “Where would you like to start, Kate?” he asked.

  She looked up and down the street, her face scrunched up in concentration.

  “How about we start down this end and slowly work our way toward the shops, and then we will go across the bridge to the firehouse. After that it should be time for the raffle and auction in the school fields,” Grayson said from behind them.

  “Sounds good to me,” Kate replied.

  The security offices were located at
the end of town, next to Stephie’s Bar and Grill. Kate pulled him toward their stall, his mouth watering as he caught the scent of the food.

  Stephie’s was owned and run by two the two Gruber brothers. Michael and Christopher had moved to Merricks with their wife Stephanie in the seventies. They had started and run the bar and grill since. Tragically, Stephie had died from cancer a few years back.

  “How are you today, boys? Who is your lovely lady?” Michael was a big burly man well into his fifties. He sported a handlebar mustache and his hair had long turned gray.

  “We are all well, Michael. This is our girl, Kate.” Brock introduced her and she shook his hand. She didn’t correct Brock’s choice of words, and that gave him hope.

  “Well now, aren’t you a sweet one. You look mighty familiar, if you don’t mind me saying.”

  “Oh, um,” Kate said. “You might know my sister, Sarah. She moved here not that long ago.” Michael let out a mighty laugh that had Kate pulling her hand away in shock.

  “Of course, we know Sarah. She is famous in these parts.” He laughed a deep belly laugh again, and Kate froze, her back going ramrod straight. Pierson rushed to explain before she blew her lid.

  “He doesn’t mean any harm, Katie. Sarah is well known at Stephie’s for a fight she had with a woman who was coming onto James. It was shortly after she had arrived and well, people are still talking about it.”

  “You must be mistaken. My sister has never been in a fight in her life.”

  “Oh, she was riled up all right. It was just about to come to blows. Blake had to hold her back.” Michael was still laughing. Pierson and his brothers had been there that night and they, too, remembered it well. The other woman had slapped her and was dragged away kicking and screaming. Sarah had landed a slap of her own.

  “She never told me.” Kate still sounded suspicious, and he couldn’t blame her. Sarah was a timid woman, but she had been a wildcat that night.

  “What are you offering today, Michael?” Pierson asked. He thought it best to change the subject.


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