Fire Me Up [Merricks, Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Fire Me Up [Merricks, Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by McKinlay Thomson

  “I’m good with that, bro. It’s you who has the overwhelming need to control every little thing.” Pierson turned and ordered Kate a coke and also grabbed her some bottled water. They walked off before Grayson replied to Pierson’s comment.

  “That is true. But being in the force and seeing the things I did made me who I am today. I can’t turn it off, and once Kate is ours, my overprotective streak will rise and my need to control and dominate her will take over. It is a need I have, but I will always strive to make her happy.”

  “I understand, I do. You never know. She might be more like her sister than we think and be happy to let you be her full-time Dom.”

  “One can only hope, but let’s worry about getting her to go on a second date first.”

  They returned to the Ferris wheel and watched as Brock and Kate got off. She was laughing at his brother. He walked down the ramp on wobbly legs. She walked over to where they stood, her hand clasped in Brock’s. Without letting go, Kate leaned up and kissed Grayson first, before planting one on him.

  Grayson looked as surprised as Pierson felt, and he could tell from her sassy grin, she knew they hadn’t been expecting it.

  “Your brother is scared of the Ferris wheel. At one stage I thought he was going to throw up.” She smiled at her joke, and at Brock’s poor expense.

  “It’s not the Ferris wheel I’m scared of, little one. It’s plummeting face-first into the crowd below that has me terrified.”

  “A big bad Dom like you, never!” She smiled again and turned on her heel and flounced off. It would have been a marvelous exit, if she didn’t stop and have to turn back to them.

  “You have my drink and you’re my ride home.” She looked sheepish.

  “It was well done, baby,” Grayson told her. “I commend you for your effort. Let’s leave Brock to get back his equilibrium and go and watch the auction.”

  Grayson wrapped his arm around Kate’s waist and they walked off, leaving his poor brother to catch his breath.

  “You really are a pansy, you know that,” Pierson said.

  “Oh fuck off, Piers.”

  Pierson let out a mighty bellowing laugh and followed after Grayson and Kate. He was having the time of his life and never wanted the night to end.

  Chapter Seven

  Kate had come to a decision since the night of the fair. She kept telling herself that it had nothing to do with the Carter brothers, but that was a lie. She’d had a marvelous night with them and wasn’t ready for it to end. She still wanted to stick to her guns and only settle down with the one man, and the brothers still drove her up the wall, but she had decided that she was going to see where this attraction led.

  Her parents were going home in the next couple of days and she would miss them, but she had decided that she wanted to spend more time with her sister. Blake had offered for her to stay in the spare apartment they had built next to the barn. She was the first one to use it, and she was excited to have her own space.

  Kate knew that Sarah’s still-new relationship would require privacy, so she jumped at the chance to get out of the big house. She also didn’t want to walk in on them getting down and dirty. She loved her sister and her men, but that didn’t mean she wanted to catch an eyeful of them doing the horizontal tango.

  “Well, that about does it,” Sarah said. “We will still have to go into town and grab you some stuff. How did you manage to get so much crap on the plane?” They had just dragged the last of her luggage to the apartment and it was true, Kate didn’t travel light.

  “I need everything I brought over,” she replied. “You never know what situation will arise. Leave it. I’ll unpack later. Let’s grab a coffee and use the new kettle.”

  “Sound good, but make mine a tea. I’ve already had two cups today and that’s my limit. James gets upset when I drink too much coffee.”

  “Seriously? That’s just silly. You can never have too much coffee.”

  “Yes, I’m serious. He says it’s bad for my health.” Sarah moved over to the couch and sat down. Kate shook her head and moved to put the kettle on, then went to sit next to her sister on the couch.

  The apartment was a small one-bedroom with a shower room attached. The lounge was just big enough for a two-seater sofa and a television. It had a small kitchenette that had one big window overlooking the pastures and mountains. A sliding door that faced the main house sat opposite the kitchenette and lead out to the circular driveway.

  The little apartment was attached to the side of the barn, but it had no access and was just far enough away from the hands’ quarters that it was private, but close enough for security.

  “If it wasn’t for that goofy smile on your face, I’d take exception to that comment on your behalf,” Kate told her. The kettle finished boiling, so Kate went back into the kitchenette to brew their tea. She returned with a tray, laden with milk and sugar and their tea, and sat back down.

  “What can I say,” Sarah said. “He cares about me. See, here he comes now. Probably to check on me.” Sarah’s face lit up and Kate could see the love that she held for the man. She was tempted to roll her eyes at the lovesick puppy look that Sarah was sending James, but she couldn’t feel anything less than happiness for her sister.

  “Come to check up on me?” Sarah asked, when James leaned down to kiss her on the lips in greeting.

  “Come to check up on you both, little darling,” James replied. “Kate is under my protection, too, now. Your parents leave the day after tomorrow.” His strength surprised Kate, when he swept Sarah up in his arms and sat down with her in his lap.

  “What has that got to do with anything?” Kate asked, confused. She had absolutely no idea what he had meant by that. She was an adult. Her parent didn’t need to look after her anymore.

  “With your parents returning home, it falls to Blake and myself to ensure your safety and well-being. The same rules will apply to you as they do to Sarah,” he replied.

  “I should hope not. I heard Sarah walks around the house naked and calls you master. That is never happening.” Kate was getting worked up. She hated being told what to do and was quick to shut down anyone who tried to tell her differently.

  “He didn’t mean that, you dork,” Sarah added. “He meant letting them know where you are and who you’re with. Carrying your cell phone at all times, getting home before dark if you’re driving on the roads. That sort of thing.”

  “I have been living on my own for years now, and I have always been just fine. I think I can handle it just fine here,” Kate told them.

  “That may be so, Kate,” James said. “But the rules still apply. Whilst you stay under our roof and this apartment is still considered that, you will do as asked. I won’t have something happen to you when I could have prevented it. Merricks isn’t the suburbs you’re used to. There are different threats in the wilds of Montana.”

  Kate had never heard James talk so much, and she didn’t particularly like what he was saying. She would follow his damned rules though, if it kept them happy. She didn’t want to make waves and be more trouble than she had to be.

  “Fine,” she said. “I’ll follow the rules. There is one little problem though.”

  “And what would that be?” James crossed his arms over his chest. If he was going for stern it didn’t work with Sarah perched on his lap.

  “I don’t have a cell phone or a car.” She smiled and took a sip of her tea. Sarah laughed and James grabbed onto her ponytail and gave it a tug.

  “I can see your sister is going to be a bad influence on you, baby. I’ll have to discuss this with Blake. You might need some time at Silk Ties to settle you down.”

  “That isn’t much of a threat, James,” Sarah said. She spun around and planted her lips on James. Kate stood up and walked to the window as the two passionately kissed on the couch. She wasn’t sure if she should leave to give them some space. They were getting pretty hot and heavy, and Kate didn’t want to intrude on their private interlude, but it w
as her lounge. Hers for the time being anyway.

  “I’m going to just…um…go,” she said. Kate opened the door and went to step out, but her sister’s voice had her stopping.

  “Don’t go. We have to go into town and get you a cell phone.”

  “I thought we were going into town for curtains?” Kate asked.

  “We are now going for both,” Sarah replied.

  Kate sighed and went to retrieve her purse. Apparently she wasn’t getting out of this whole cell phone thing.

  “Behave, baby, and have a good time with your sister,” James said. He smashed his worn Stetson on his head and then left. Kate shook her head. She was amazed at his protectiveness, but couldn’t help but be slightly comforted at the same time. Her sister’s attitude was rubbing off on her and making her a milksop.

  They moved from the apartment and Sarah ran to the main house to get her keys and purse. Kate waited for her at the truck. Her thoughts kept wandering to James’s overbearing and protective attitude toward Sarah. What would it feel like to have a man care about her that much? The Carter brothers were just as dominant as Blake and James. Would they make sure she carried her cell phone and punish her if she didn’t?

  Kate sighed again. The brothers had threatened to spank her on more than one occasion, and she knew that they were Doms. They had also checked on Sarah at the diner. No, she didn’t want a man trying to control her every move. It was all right in the bedroom, welcome even, but outside she was her own person. She was more than capable of handling her own life.

  Sarah returned and they jumped into James’s truck. The drive to town would take a while, so they settled in and Kate changed the radio station from the country drivel that James had being listening to and onto a rock station. It wasn’t long before the sisters were singing and carrying on and enjoying their time together.

  * * * *

  The ride to town hadn’t taken long, and Kate and Sarah had finished their shopping in record time. Kate had purchased a new phone and they had decided on curtains together. Not wanting the afternoon to end, the sisters had hit a number of shops, spending up a storm, and then decided to hit the bakery for coffee and cake.

  The Half-Baked Bakery served the best cannoli, which had always been one of Kate’s favorites. Sarah knew this, so it hadn’t been hard to temp her into indulging. After they had finished their desserts, they thought they’d better head home.

  Sarah had dutifully called James a number of times to let him know of her whereabouts, and with one final call to say they were just about to drive home, they jumped back into the truck.

  When they pulled out of the car pack and into the main street, Kate noticed that Sarah kept checking her rearview mirror.

  “What’s up?” she asked. “You have checked that mirror a hundred times already.”

  “It’s nothing,” Sarah replied. “There is just this white pickup following us and it’s giving me the willies.”

  “Why?” Kate turned in her seat and tried to look out the back window. Sarah was right. There was a white pickup behind them, but it was a distance back and looked harmless enough.

  “It was a white pickup, exactly like the one behind us, that Angelo’s men were driving when they took me.” Her sister had a death grip on the steering wheel, and her knuckles were going white.

  “I’m sure it’s just a coincidence and we have nothing to worry about.” She tried to reassure Sarah. “Angelo is dead and no one is coming after you. It’s over, remember.”

  “I know,” her sister said. “I’m fine. The truck is just giving me the creeps, that’s all.” They pulled out onto the highway, and her sister put her foot on the gas and sped up James’s truck.

  “Oh god, Kate,” her sister cried. “It’s still following us.”

  Kate looked back out the window. The pickup was still there but was still a distance away. It had to be a coincidence. Even if the cartel were still after Sarah, despite the fact that the boss was dead, what would the chances be that they would come after her in the same pickup as the last time? There were heaps of white pickups in Montana. The damned place was filled with the things. Kate was sure it was just Sarah freaking out because the situation was so similar to the last time.

  “Concentrate on the road, Sarah. I’ll call James and Blake, and they can meet us.”

  “No, no,” she replied. “I don’t want them to worry. If they think I’m going to have a panic attack every time I leave the house, then they’ll wrap me in cotton wool and I’ll be back to getting escorted everywhere.”

  “I thought you liked their protective attitudes?” she asked.

  “I do,” she said. “But I also like to go shopping and out to lunch without them tagging along to look after me. They have jobs and responsibilities. They can’t follow me around all the time, and then I end up staying home so I don’t put them out.”

  “Then you need to calm down and slow down before you wreck. Just slow your breathing and try to relax. Everything is fine.”

  Kate watched as her sister took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Sarah then looked in the review mirror once more, and Kate watched as she entered panic mode again. Kate knew she was going to have to try and get her sister to pull the truck over and let the pickup pass them. It was going to be the only way to stop Sarah from hyperventilating and killing the both of them. They had reached the windy part in the road, and Sarah was still traveling at a clipped speed.

  “Why don’t you pull over, Sarah,” she said. “The truck will pass, and then we can be on our way.”

  “No, no, no,” she replied. “If I stop they will be able to get me. Have to keep going. Have to get home to James and Blake.”

  “Sarah, if you don’t calm down we won’t make it home to James and Blake. Now slow down!”

  Sarah took a tight turn at high speed, and the wheels to the truck squealed at the sudden change in direction. This had gotten out of Kate’s hands. Sarah was in a full-blown panic and driving like a mad woman. She knew what she needed to do, and though her sister wouldn’t like it, she would still do it anyway.

  Grabbing Sarah’s bag as they took another dangerous turn, she rifled through the contents. God, Sarah kept a lot of junk in her bag. However did she find her cell when she needed it? Kate pulled out tissues and pens, lipstick and a hairbrush, throwing them all on the floor before she finally found Sarah’s cell.

  Kate scrolled through the numbers looking for Sarah’s men. Apparently Sarah had the whole damn town programmed into her cell. How many numbers did she need? She scrolled past Grayson’s and thought about calling him instead. Then discarded the idea. It wasn’t any of his business.

  “Shit, Kate,” Sarah said. “It’s getting closer. They are following us. It’s just like before.”

  Kate looked out the back window. Sarah was right. The pickup had caught up with them, despite the crazy driving, and was getting closer and closer. They took the last turn fast, and the truck bounced and skidded as it moved on the road.

  Kate sighed in relief when they safely made the turn and they hit a straight section of road once more. It was short-lived as Sarah planted her foot, and they sped off once more.

  “Shit, shit, shit,” Sarah shouted. “The bastard is right behind us.”

  “Keep a steady pace, Sarah. I’m calling James. Where is his damned number?”

  “It’s programmed in there as ‘boss.’ His idea, not mine.” Kate gave her sister a sideways glance. Now wasn’t the time to get into that. She scrolled down until she found it, but before she could press the send button, the truck was rammed from behind. The impact from the hit sent the phone flying from her hand and onto the floor below.

  Kate braced her hands on the dashboard as the truck was rammed once more. Sarah had been right. The white pickup was after them. She would have to trust her sister instincts more, if they made it out of this alive.

  Sarah gripped the steering wheel hard as she tried to keep the big truck on the road. Kate turned to look at the pi
ckup riding their bumper. The windows were tinted and dark, and she couldn’t get a look at who was terrorizing them. She turned back to the front and looked on the floor for the cell, but she couldn’t see it.

  “What if you ram the brakes on and we make a run for it?” Kate suggested. They were running out of options.

  “I did that last time, and they just get out and follow you. Shit, last time. I can’t believe this is happening again.”

  “Yes, but last time you were alone. We are in this together.”

  “Great, so we can both get killed.”

  “Always an optimist, Sarah.”

  They were both flung forward in their seats as the truck was rammed again. Kate struggled to think what they could possibly do to get out of this without dying in the process. Her brain was scrambled. She wasn’t good under pressure. They needed that damned phone. Blake and James would know what to do.

  Kate looked down again, searching for the cell. She reached for her seat belt and was slowly pressing the button down, when the world spun and the truck reared out of control. Kate could hear her sister scream, and the grinding of metal as the truck came to a sudden stop. Her head crashed against the side window and she was out cold.

  Chapter Eight

  Grayson came upon the wreckage on the highway that led out of town. He was on his way to the Hammond ranch to ask Kate out on another date. His old world values demanded that he ask in person, and the brothers had nominated him for the chore. Not that he considered it a chore. He planned on stealing another kiss, and that had made his cock hard just thinking about it.

  He slowed his SUV as he approached the smashed truck. It didn’t take him long to realize that the vehicle belonged to James Hammond. He slammed on his brakes and rushed to the smashed vehicle, hoping that it was empty and whoever had been driving it was safe.

  He wasn’t that lucky. He saw Sarah the moment he ripped open the driver’s door. She was unconscious and had blood dripping from a cut from her forehead. She must have banged her head on the wheel. He looked over at the passenger seat. It was empty. The side door was open, though, and he suspected that there had been someone sitting there. His heart squeezed in his chest, and he knew. He could feel it with everything in him that the passenger had been Kate.


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