Thanks a Million

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Thanks a Million Page 8

by Dee Dawning

  Michelle strolled gracefully into the room. “Yes?”

  “Ahh, Michelle. You look as lovely as ever. Please have a seat beside Dana.”

  She sat next to him, and to her apparent surprise, he grasped her hand. She turned her pretty head and stared at him.

  Stu laughed. “It’s all right Michelle. Dana and Fallon will be getting divorced. Now, let’s get to business. Michelle, for the sake of my future wife, I’ve terminated Dana’s association with the Tahoe hotel. As for you, I offer you the option of remaining at The Diamond on the Water in your present capacity, the Casino manager or accompanying Dana.

  “Dana, for you I have an alternative plan. I just bought a hotel and casino in Macau and I’m prepared to offer you an executive position there at double your existing contract.

  “You are both good productive employees, whom I’d like to keep, so if you wish to stay with Dana, I have an executive position for you there as well.”

  Dana leaned forward in his seat, with renewed interest.

  Michelle shifted in her chair. “You’re talking about China, right?”

  “Yes, just off the coast of China.”

  She looked at him and he looked at her. He puckered his lips and mimicked a kiss. Then he cocked his head and raised his brows as if asking what she thought. She pursed her lips and moved them to one side, then mouthed, “We’ll talk.”

  “You don’t have to give an answer today, but I need someone I can trust there—”

  Michelle interrupted, “Yes, this is something you can’t decide on the spur of the moment. We’ll go back to Tahoe and discuss it.”

  He looked pleased. “Wonderful. Please let me know your plans by Friday.”

  Dana glanced at her and she, he, “We will," Michelle assured him.

  He rose, came around the desk and embraced Michelle, kissed her cheek and whispered loud enough for Dana to hear. Good luck with this philandering bum. He turned to Dana a smile on his lips. “Just kidding.” He grabbed his hand, shook it briskly, wrapped his other hand around his back and hugged him. “Thank you. I hope Michelle and you manage to stay together.”

  As Michelle and he walked to the door, Stu said, “Oh, Dana,”

  They stopped and angled toward him to see what he wanted. “You once told me money can’t buy everything. Now that you both have some money, I want you to rethink that philosophy. With the exception of love and health, and sometimes even there, money can buy everything.” He winked. “Occasionally, it just takes a little time.”


  When they left Stuart’s office, they ran into Fallon, who was holding baby Nataly and talking with Camille—Stu’s secretary.

  “Ohh, let me see the baby.”

  Fallon smiled. “Hi Michelle, Dana.”

  She eased over and peeked over the baby blanket. She was beautiful. “Oh, Fallon she is…exquisite. That’s the only word I can think of.”

  “Thank you. We think so, too.”

  To her surprise, Fallon leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I want you to know that I was mad as a hornet at the two of you, but when Nataly was born, I was too happy to be angry anymore. Maybe you two can make a life with each other.”

  In the elevator, Dana draped his arm around and over Michelle’s shoulder. “Baby, When Stuart mentioned we both had money now, what did he mean?”

  When she didn’t answer right away, he glanced at her. She grimaced. “I hope you don’t hate me, but Stuart paid me to seduce you.”

  He wasn’t totally surprised, for she’d come on so strong.

  “But really he wasted his money, because I had the hots for you from the moment I saw you.”

  He smiled. At least he wasn’t right about everything. “How much did he waste on you?”

  “Five hundred thousand.”

  He whistled. “You know baby, my wife is suing for divorce and I should be crushed, but having you makes the loss bearable. In fact, if I had to go back to being only with Fallon and never you, I don’t know if I could have done that.”

  Michelle raised her hands to her temple, where her fingers rubbed briskly. “Damn, I feel one of those God forsaken headaches coming on.”

  Instead of spending the night in Vegas, they flew back to Tahoe. On the flight Dana wanted to discuss their newfound opportunity, but Michelle had a headache and slept through the flight.

  They arrived back at the hotel around nine p.m. Dana wanted to celebrate their combined good fortune, but her head still killed her. “We’ll talk in the morning.” She went straight to her suite.

  Surprisingly, Dana wasn’t bummed out about Fallon. Initially, he’d been, but the fact remained, he’d become wealthy. He had almost three million dollars, a high paying position waiting for him in Macao and Michelle.

  He’d grown fond of and would miss Lora, but smart and sexy Michelle was the prize. During the trying times when Stuart was schtupping his wife, Michelle was the rock that helped him through it all. Michelle made everything he’d lost worthwhile. Too bad she had such a bad headache. He really felt like celebrating.

  Lora. Of course. He dialed Lora’s number and she answered on the third ring. “Hello, Dana. How did the meeting go in Vegas?”

  “Wonderful. I got a load of money, I’m getting a divorce and I’m ready to celebrate, but Michelle had a terrible headache. Come help me celebrate.”

  “Oh, baby, I would but I have a prior engagement I’m heading to it right now.”

  “Shit, can’t you break it?”

  “I’d really like to be with you. You know that, but I just can’t. Sorry.”

  Since Dana didn’t have anyone to celebrate with, he went to the Diamond Head lounge and took a stool at the bar. Fred the friendly bartender walked up. “What’ll you have Mr. Allen.”

  “Cutty on the rocks.”

  “Coming right up sir.”

  Before his drink arrived, he was joined by Trudy, the gorgeous house girl, he’d befriended. “Hello, Mr. Allen. You look lonely tonight.”

  Fred brought his drink and a slip to sign. “Here you go, sir.”

  Dana, waved his forefinger in a circle. “And whatever the lady wants?”

  Fred looked at Trudy. “Strawberry daiquiri?”

  She flashed an effervescent smile. “Please.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Allen.” Trudy was black and beautiful, and as Lora pointed out, exotic. Her rates were as high if not higher than anyone’s.

  Dana, set his hand over hers. “Dana please, and you’re very welcome. You know, whenever I see you I think, boy, black isn’t just beautiful—it’s dazzling.”

  She snickered. “Thank you, Dana. You’re’ pretty beautiful yourself.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so. You know the gods of beauty and ugly are twins and they’re both colorblind. That’s why beauty and ugly comes in all colors.”

  Dana leaned close and, spoke sotto voce, “You know, I’ve known you over six months. I like you and God knows I’m attracted to you, so…” waving his forefinger in a circle again, he continued, “How come we never…you know…got it on?”

  She laughed. “You know, I find you sinfully handsome and I’ve wondered that myself. You know I’d never charge you, don’t you.”

  He nodded. “Even if you did, I’m sure you’d be worth whatever you charged.”

  “Well, I’d be getting too much enjoyment to charge you. Anyway, the reason we haven’t is probably because you were wrapped up by your squeeze, Michelle. Where is she anyway?”

  She has a migraine, right when I wanted to celebrate. I even called Lora and she was busy.”

  Trudy frowned. “That snip of a Barbie doll? You tapping that too?”


  “Well I just saw her traipsing through the casino, dressed like a street walker in July, not five minutes before I came in here.”

  “You did?”

  Trudy nodded.

  “Wait here, would you?”

  Smiling and batting her eyelashes, she p
icked up a pretzel and raised it to her mouth. “I’ll be here unless I get a call or a trick.”

  Dana rushed to the front desk. “Good evening Mr. Allen. What can I do for you?”

  “Can I get a master pass keycard?”

  “Sure.” He reached in a drawer and handed him a card. Here you are.” He pushed a signature pad in front of Dana. “I have to have your signature so we can keep track of it.”

  After signing the tablet, he raced to the elevator lobby, caught the first elevator that opened its doors and pushed thirty. He and Michelle each had suites on the thirtieth floor. He got off, headed straight to her suite and unlocked the door with the keycard and stealthily slipped in. He glanced around. No one was in sight. Hearing noises from the bedroom, he glided over and with his back against the wall listened. The sounds of two people enjoying sex were unmistakable. He peeked around the corner and saw what he expected. Michelle and Lora were in her bed naked and Michelle fucked Lora with a strap on cock.”

  * * * *

  Michelle’s healthy breasts jiggled up an down as she pumped Lora’s saucy snatch with her artificial prick, as if she were a man, and indeed she had become the male figure in their improbable lesbian affair. Never in a million years had she thought she’d fall in love with a woman—a girl really. A plucky, quirky vivacious girl that was full of life and made her feel twenty-one again.

  “That’s it, Shelly. Jesus, I think I feel another climax coming. Don’t stop. Fuck me harder, baby. Push that big black rubber dicky in my twat to the hilt.”

  As Michelle picked up the pace, she slid her hands along Lora’s lissome body to her breasts. She reveled in the feel of Lora’s talented fingers flicking her nipples in response to her fingers running pleasure circles around one nipple and pinching her other nipple just as she liked. Between moans, Lora breathed heavily, almost panting. She was getting close. Michelle could tell. “That’s it, I’m coming, push it in all the way. Oh fuck, I’m coming. Pinch my titties, both of them hard.” Exhibiting seizure-like convulsions, Lora grabbed, pinched, even bit, like the hellcat she was. Lora rose up and pulled her close for a passionate tongue filled kiss. Michelle felt pain—welcome, sensual, erotic, pain. Her ass burned as long nailed fingers dug in and she winced in pain as Lora bit her nipple.

  Finally, after the last orgasmic tremor had shivered through her body, Lora let go of Michelle and allowed herself to fall back on the bed. “That was amazing.”

  Michelle smiled, reclined beside her and wrapped an arm around her. They both snickered at the latex dick, which stuck straight into the air.

  Lora wrapped her fingers around it. “Never have to worry about this one going soft. Still, I’m going to miss Dana.”

  “Me too, but since I’ve fallen in love with you, he doesn’t seem so important anymore.”

  “You know, he’d say we could go to Macau as a threesome.”

  “I know and I thought about it. It might be okay, but I love it here. Especially since I found you.” Michelle tickled Lora, who started to squirm.

  “Stop it, please.”

  “Okay, but I’m committing myself to you. You’re not going to get flighty on me are you? You’re young and beautiful. There will be temptations.”

  “Silly girl. You’re only seven years older than me and gorgeous. I’ll bet you get hit on ten times a day.” Lora rolled toward Michelle and they kissed again. “Nothing is permanent, love comes and sometimes it fades, but I swear to you, right now I want no one but you.” She tittered. “And right now I want that dick off you and you on your knees with that sweet pussy hovering over my mouth.”

  * * * *

  Dana thought about confronting them, but he was more disappointed than angry, so he slipped out of Michelle’s suite as quietly as he’d entered it. Taking the long thirty story trip down the elevator, Dana was devastated. In one day, he’d lost the three women in his life to others.

  As he stepped into the lobby from the elevator, his mood brightened as he remembered he’d also gained almost three million dollars. In addition a two million dollar a year job awaited his acceptance in Macau, so how bad could it be.

  Without thinking, he headed back to the Diamond Head Lounge. Though her empty glass still adorned the bar, Trudy didn’t. She must have gotten a call from the bell captain or picked someone up. He took a seat and ordered a drink from Fred. He felt her hand on his shoulder as she took her seat before she spoke, “I was hoping you’d come back and keep me company.”

  He looked at her and smiled as Fred set his Cutty on the rocks down. “You didn’t leave?” Signing the slip, he said, “Another for Trudy.”

  Fred nodded and retrieved her empty glass.

  “Only to the lady’s room.”

  “Good. I was hoping you’d still be here.”

  “Yeah, it seems to be a slow night.” Fred brought her daiquiri and she took a sip through the straw.

  “Would you mind if I asked a personal question?”

  “Probably, but we’re friends, so go ahead.”

  “How did you—“

  She finished for him, “become a prostitute? Right?”

  He nodded. “Something like that. You seem so articulate and educated.”

  “Being a working girl, got me through college. It was supposed to be temporary, but when I got my degree from University of Nevada, there were no jobs to be had, so I went back to school at Cal and got a masters in business. Again there weren’t any jobs and the money doing what I do is damned good, so I’m sorta stuck.” She elbowed his arm. “You know with it being slow, this is a perfect time for me. Are you still looking to celebrate?”

  Dana flashed a devilish smile. “I am. Is it true what they say about black women?”

  “I dunno, what have you heard?”

  “That once you’ve had sex with a black woman, you’re spoiled for sex with anyone else.”

  She tittered. “Never having sex with a black woman, I wouldn’t know about that, but I have had plenty of sex with white, black and brown men and you will be the most gorgeous man ever to implant their cock in me.”

  Dana laughed, stood and offered Trudy his arm. She took it and they headed toward the lounge entrance.

  As they waited at the elevator bank, Dana leaned down and nuzzled his lips against her neck just below her ear. “You know I plan to celebrate for a week. Are you game?”

  She snickered. “Ah so you’re after a long term commitment.”

  Dana wrinkled his nose as he thought about that? “Maybe I am. Have you ever thought about visiting the Orient?”

  The End

  Other books by Dee Dawning, you may like.

  Chapter One - Dumped

  “Good afternoon, Hollywood Cosmetic Treatment Center, The Stars Best Secret.”

  “Hi Bernine. This is Lila. Is my hubby there?”

  “Hello, Mrs. Patterson. He’s not here. He left for lunch about noon, like he always does.”

  “Really? That’s odd. I’m here waiting for him at the country club. We were supposed to meet here for lunch forty-five minutes ago, but he called me a half hour ago and…”

  Whoa! You better watch what you say to the receptionist.

  “Oh well, I’m sure he’ll be along shortly. Thank’s Bernine.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  If he left an hour ago, why’d he call and tell me he’d be a half hour late, because his appointments ran over. Hmm. Something fishy is going on here.


  The handsome, young waiter came over with a smile. “Yes ma’am. Are you ready to order?”

  “Not yet. Would you take this wine? I think I’d like something stronger. Bring me a naked lady.”

  He smiled and saluted. “Yes ma’am. One naked lady coming up for the pretty lady.”

  I smiled as he walked away. Nice ass, too.



  I didn’t know whether to be worried or mad when Lamar failed to show. After waiting an hour and a half at the country c
lub, I gave up and headed home in my Cadillac Escalade. When I got home, my day went from lousy to ghastly. Lamar was standing outside with our friend and lawyer Daniel, directing movers as they loaded furniture, boxes and clothes—my clothes—into a moving van.

  He’d kept me waiting for almost two hours while he did God knows what and I was pissed! I revved the engine and drove the car, up over the curb across the sidewalk onto the lawn, screeching to a halt a couple yards from my husband and Daniel.

  I should’a ran the ‘son of a bitch’ over, but I didn’t know that yet. Daniel saw me coming out of the side of his eye and leapt a couple feet vertically and horizontally, however, Lamar, apparently unperturbed, ignored me and acted as if I wasn’t there. I jumped out of the car, slammed the door and stormed up to Lamar, screeching, “What the fuck is going on?”

  “Hi Lila,” Daniel said.

  My husband turned to Daniel and growled, “Do it!”

  An, aw-shucks, embarrassed look formed on Daniel’s face as he turned to face me. He reached inside his coat pocket and pulled out some papers. “Lila, you and Lamar are both friends of mine, but as Lamar’s attorney, I have to do this.”


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