by Donner-Reed party
suggested, in Stuart’s party
of French-Canadians, at New York City
of Northwest Indians
Canton (China)
Cape Mendocino
Carlos III (King of Spain)
Carson, Alexander
Carson, Christopher “Kit”
duel between Shunar and
in Frémont expeditions
Carson Sink
Carthage (Illinois)
Carver, Jonathan
Carver’s Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America in the Years 1766, 1767, and 1768
Cascade Mountains
Cass, Lewis
Castor canadensis. See beaver
Castor fiber
Catherine II (Empress of Russia)
Cathlamet Indians
Cathlasko Indians
Catlin, George
Cayuse Indians
measles epidemic among
“Cayuse War”
Chagres River
Champoeg (Oregon)
Chandler, Bill
Chandler, Jack
Charles II (King of England)
Chatham (armed tender)
Chatillon, Henry
Chehalem Indians
Chemakane (Washington)
Chesne, Henri de
Cheyenne Indians
Chiles, Joseph Ballinger
Chimney Rock (Oregon Trail)
Chinook Indians
Christian Advocate and Journal
Cimarron River
Clackama Indians
Clark, William
Indians seek Christian God from
See also Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery
Clarke, John
Clatsop Indians
Clay, Henry
Clayoquot Sound
Clearwater River
Clive, Robert
Clyman, James
Coeur d’Alêne Indians
Coles, John
Colorado River
Colter, John
Columbia Rediviva (ship)
Columbia River
bar at entrance of
Gray’s entry
Thorn’s disaster at
Wilkes’ loss of ship
Lewis and Clark on
naming of
Oregon Trail emigrants’ passage of
as suggested boundary between U.S. and Canada
Colville Indians
Comanche Indians
Comcomly, Chief
Comekela (Indian)
Concise Account of North America (Rogers)
Congregational missionaries
Congress, U.S.
Frémont’s Reports to
Oregon Question in
Oregon Trail and
Thurston’s anti-McLoughlin land bill in
Constitution, USS
Continental Divide
first wagons to cross
first white women to cross
Cook, James (“Captain Cook”)
death of
Coos Indians
Cortés, Hernán
Council Bluffs (Iowa)
Courier (ship)
Courthouse Rock (Oregon Trail)
covered wagons. See wagons
cows on the trail
Craig, William
Cree Indians
Creek Indians
Crooks, Ramsey
later life of
Crow Indians (Absaroka Indians)
Cunningham, William H.
Cushing, Caleb
Daily Missouri Republican
Dalles. See The Dalles rapids
“dark horse,” first
Dawson, Nicholas
Day, John
Dayton (Oregon)
Day with the Cow Column, A (Applegate)
Decatur, Stephen
Democratic convention of 1844
Derouin, François
Deslauriers (general factotum)
De Smet, Pierre-Jean
Detroit Free Press
Deuteronomy (book of the Bible)
Devil’s Gate (Oregon Trail)
De Voto, Bernard
Dickens, Charles
Dickerson, Mahlon
Dickson, Joseph
Discovery (Cook’s sloop)
Discovery (Vancouver’s ship)
disease. See also cholera
Dolly (schooner)
Donner, George
Donner, Jacob
Donner, Tamsen
Donner-Reed party
Dorion, Pierre and Marguerite
Douglas, Captain
Douglas, James
Drake, Sir Francis
Dryad (ship)
Duffin, Robert
Eastham, E. L.
Eddy, William
Edinburgh Review
Eells, Cushing
elephant, “to see the”
Elm Grove (near Independence)
emigrant, definition of
Emigrant Gap (Oregon Trail)
Emigrant’s Guide to Oregon and California (Hastings)
Encyclopedia of Frontier Biography (Thrapp)
English Chief
Escaloom, “Frank”
Farnham, Thomas Jefferson
Felice (brig)
Feltskog, E. N.
Ferrelo, Bartolome
Ficklin, Orlando Bell
“Fifty-Four Forty or Fight”
Figueroa, José
First Organic Laws (Oregon)
Fisk, Wilbur
Fitzhugh’s Mill (near Independence)
Fitzpatrick, Thomas (Broken Hand)
Five Crows, Chief
Flathead Indians
Flathead post of Hudson’s Bay Company
Fletcher, Francis
Florence (Nebraska)
Floyd, Charles
Floyd, John
Fontenelle, Lucien
Forsyth, John A.
Fort Astoria (Oregon)
Beaver arrives at
building of
fortification of
Hunt as factor-in-chief at
loss of life at
news of Tonquin massacre received at
North West’s purchase of
overland expedition to
botanists included
missing men found
schooner launched by
smallpox epidemic threatened by
Stuart’s bringing of dispatches from
U.S. government fails to support Astor’s reopening of
War of 1812 and
See also Fort George
Fort Atkinson (Nebraska-Iowa border)
Fort Boisé (in Snake River country)
post traders at
Fort Bridger
Hastings Cutoff of Oregon Trail at
post traders at
Fort Chipewyan (Alberta)
Fort Clatsop (Oregon)
Fort Colville (British Columbia)
Fort George (Oregon; formerly Fort Astoria)
closing of
McLoughlin as chief factor of
Simpson’s 1824 visit to
Fort Hall (on Portneuf River)
California recommended to emigrants by
post traders at
Fort Laramie (Wyoming)
description of
1850 tally of travelers at
Parkman in
post traders at
Fort Laramie National Historic Site
Fort Leavenworth (Kansas)
Fort Mandan (North Dakota)
Fort Nez Percé (Fort Walla Walla, Washington)
Fort Okanogan. See Okanogan River
Fort Osage (on Missouri River)
Fort Raymond (Manuel’s Fort, Montana)
Fort Ross (California)
Fort Stikine (Alaska)
Fort Vancouver (Wash
British officers’ visits to
chaplain at. See Beaver, Herbert
description of
establishment of
Hudson’s Bay Company’s closing of
Kelley in
McLoughlin as chief factor at
missionary party at
Parker at
Wyeth in
Fort Walla Walla. See Fort Nez Percé
Foster, William
Fox, John
Louisiana Purchase from
Oregon coast exploration by
Franchére, Gabriel
Franklin, Benjamin
Franzwa, Gregory W., The Oregon Trail Revisited
Fraser River
free land
Frémont, Jessie Benton
Frémont, John C.
French and Indian War
French-Canadian trappers (voyageurs)
on overland expedition to Astoria
on sea trip to Astoria
French Prairie (Oregon)
frontiersmen. See mountain men; trappers
Fuca, Juan de
fur trade
Astor in
decline along Columbia of
by Hudson’s Bay Company
in jointly occupied Oregon
Lisa’s expeditions
in Mississippi valley
Rockies and
Spanish-English conflict over
Thorn’s attempt at
See also beaver; sea otter; trappers
Galaup, Jean de. See La Pérouse, Comte de
Gallatin, Albert
Gantt, John
Gardner, Johnson
George III (King of England)
George IV (King of England)
Gervais, Joseph
Gila River
Gilliland, Isaac
Golden Hind
Gold Rush
Gordon, Sir John
Grande Ronde River
Grand Island (Nebraska)
Graves, Elizabeth
Graves, Franklin
Gray, Robert
Gray, William H.
“Great American Desert”
Great Basin
Great Migration
Great Plains
Great Platte River Road, The (Mattes)
Great Reinforcement
Great Salt Desert
Great Salt Lake
Greeley, Horace
Green River
ferries across
Sublette Cutoff at
Gregg, Josiah
Gros Ventre Indians
Grover, Lafayette F.
Hafen, Leroy
Haida Indians
Hakluyt’s Voyages
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton (brig)
Hancock, Forrest
Harrison, William Henry
Hartford Times
Hastings, Lansford W.
Hawaii (Sandwich Islands)
Cook in
Hunt’s sojourn in
Thorn in
Heçeta, Bruno de
Heine, Heinrich
hemp for wagon covers
Henry, Andrew
Henry’s Fort (Idaho)
Henry the Navigator
Heroux (murderer)
Hill, Samuel
Hinman, C. G.
Hoback, John
Hood’s Canal
Horse Creek
Hudson, Henry
Hudson’s Bay Company
American missionaries in Oregon as suspect by
Astor and
California recommended to emigrants by
expeditions into U.S. by
Kelley and
main depot moved to Vancouver Island
North West Company merged with
Simpson of
Thurston’s attacks on McLoughlin and
Waiilatpu prisoners ransomed by
Willamette government recognized by
Willamette valley residents’ memorial against
Wyeth and
See also McLoughlin, John
Humboldt River
Hunt, Wilson Price
as Astoria factor-in-chief
final successful voyage of
later life and death of
as overland-expedition commander
ice business, Wyeth in
Ice Slough (Oregon Trail)
Illinois Monthly Magazine
Imperial Eagle (ship)
Independence (Missouri)
description of
time to reach Pacific from
Independence Rock (Oregon Trail)
Indian Creek (near Independence)
aged left behind by
alcohol in trade with
Christianizing of
end of way of life of
Gray’s fights with
of Great Plains
“marriages” of traders with
measles epidemic among
of Northwest
Palmer as Oregon superintendent of
scalping by
sign language of
slaves held by
Smith’s fights with
Stuart’s encounters with
wagon trains and
in Willamette’s First Organic Laws
See also specific tribes
“Indian Sweat”
Iphigenia (ship)
Iroquois Indians
Irving, Washington
Astor-subsidized book by
Isaac Todd (man-of-war)
Isaiachakalis (Indian)
Jackal (ship)
Jackson, Andrew
Nashville gunfight of
Jackson, David
Jail House Rock (Oregon Trail)
Japan, first U.S. ship in
Jefferson, Peter
Jefferson, Thomas
Ledyard and
See also Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery
Jesuit missions
Jewitt, John R.
Johnson, Richard M.
Jones, Benjamin
later life of
Jones, John Paul
Jones, Roger
Journal of an Exploring Tour Beyond the Rocky Mountains (Parker)
Journal of Captain Cook’s Last Voyage to the Pacific, A (Ledyard)
Journal of Travels Over the Rocky Mountains (Palmer)
Juan de Fuca Strait
Canadian-U.S. boundary in
Kalawatset Indians
Kalispell Indians
Kamehameha (King of Hawaii)
Kamiah (Idaho)
Kanesville (Iowa)
Kansas City (Missouri). See Westport Landing
Kansas Indians
Kansas River (Kaw River)
Kaw Indians
Kearny, Stephen Watts
Kelley, Hall J.
background of
Oregon trip of
Kendrick, John
Keseberg, Lewis
Keyes, Sarah
Kiamasumpkin (Indian)
Kiowa Indians
Klamath Lake
Klamath River
Klokamas (Indian)
Knickerbocker Magazine
Lady Washington (sloop)
Lafayette, Marquis de
Laframboise, Michel
Lake Athabasca
Lake Tahoe
Lamanse (Indian interpreter)
Lane, Joseph
La Pérouse, Comte de (Jean de Galaup)
Lapwai Mission (Idaho)
LaRamee, Jacques
Lark (ship)
Larkin, Rachel Hobson Holmes
Larkin, Thomas O.
Lausanne (ship)
Lavender, David
Leavenworth, Henry
LeClairc, François
Ledyard, John
Lee, Anne Maria Pitman
Lee, Daniel
Lee, Jason
annexation petition presented to
Congress by
Lewis, James
Lewis, Joe (French-Canadian drifter)
Lewis, Meriwether. See also Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery
Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery
Colter in
interpreter of
overland expedition and route of
on Pacific Coast
winter quarters of
Liberty (Missouri)
Liguest, Pierre de Laclède
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Mary Todd
Lincoln, Robert
Linn, Lewis
Linnaean Society of Liverpool
Lisa, Manuel
Little Sandy Creek
Long, Stephen Harriman
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
López, Marcus
Loriot (brig)
Los Angeles (California)
Louisiana Purchase
in Adams-Onís Treaty
Louis IX (King of France)
Louis XVI (King of France)
Lovejoy, A. L.
Lutra enhydris marina. See sea otter
Lydia (brig)
Lyman, Horace S.
McClellan, Robert
later life of
McDonald, John
McDougall, Duncan
Astor’s later opinion of
as Astor’s proxy
Chinook wife of
in command of Astoria
as North West partner
on voyage to Astoria
McDuffie, George
“Macedonian Cry”
McKay, Alexander
McKay, Thomas
Mackenzie, Donald
at Astoria
on overland expedition
Mackenzie, Sir Alexander
Mackenzie River
McKinley, Archibald
McLeod, Alexander
McLoughlin, Eloisa
McLoughlin, John
American spy utilized by
Beaver the chaplain and
as district attorney at Oregon City
as Fort George’s chief factor
as Fort Vancouver’s chief factor
Willamette government recognized
hospitality of
last days and death of
Oregon cattle and
Oregon City life of
Simpson and
Thurston’s attacks on
Whitman warned about Cayuse by
wife of
McLoughlin, John, Jr., murder of
McLoughlin, Marguérite Wadin McKay
McTavish, Donald
McTavish, John George
Madison, James
Mad River
Magellan, Ferdinand
Mandan Indians
Manifest Destiny
Manuel’s Fort (Fort Raymond, Montana)
Marcy, Randolph Barnes
Marsh, John
Marsh, William
Martin, John
Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens)
Mattes, Merrill J.
May Dacre (ship)
Meares, John
bleeding in
cholera treatment in
on Oregon Trail
Medicine Lodge Creek
Meek, Helen
Meek, Joseph Lafayette
on mission to Polk
and murder of Whitmans
as U.S. Marshal
Melville, Herman
Mencken, Henry L.
Mengarini, Gregory
Kelley in
war with
Pacific Destiny and Bear Flag Rising Page 46