Touched by the Boss (Tempted Series Book 2)

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Touched by the Boss (Tempted Series Book 2) Page 8

by Hazel Kelly

  Anyway, it was a pleasure to let her sleep this morning, and I enjoyed making the items available for her that she might need to get ready. I didn’t know how men without money seduced women. What would I have done if getting clothes for her hadn’t been as simple as a phone call? Or if I didn’t have a restaurant at my disposal that I knew was already making fresh croissants just a few hundred feet below me?

  I suppose it would’ve been nice if I’d made the coffee myself, but in the end I figured she would rather that it was drinkable.

  Like she was.

  I couldn’t stand not knowing if she was in yet or not so I decided to do a lap to and from the bathroom. Sure enough, she was at her desk when I walked by. She wasn’t wearing as much makeup as usual, but her skin didn’t need it. She looked fresh faced- almost virginal- compared to how decked out she looked the night before. When I said good morning casually as I passed, she turned so red it reminded me of her pussy the previous night, and I had to stay in the bathroom for a minute so I could calm down.

  When I walked by again, she was talking to Emily so I decided to have a little fun.

  I closed the door to my office, picked up the phone, and dialed her extension.

  “Ella Riley speaking.”

  “How did you sleep?”

  “Good thanks.”

  “I can’t stop thinking about last night,” I said, trying to guess what shade of red she would be with Emily standing in front of her.

  “I know exactly how to deal with them. It’s under control.”

  “You’re not a bad liar. I’ll have to remember that.”

  “I’ve already prepared a counter offer that I think they’ll take.”

  “You look good in that outfit.”

  “I agree that was very presumptuous.”

  I laughed. “We should celebrate my excellent taste- or should I say your excellent taste- by having dinner this weekend.”

  “Either way, I’ll make sure they stay well within the budget.”

  “Can I take that as a yes?”

  “I’ll let you know by the end of the day.”

  She hung up before I could say good bye. Maybe she wasn’t amused that I would make her squirm in front of Emily… or that I made her squirm so much the night before.

  A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door.

  “Come in.”

  Ella poked her head in, stepped in my office, and closed the door behind her.

  I stood up. “To what do I owe this visit?” I asked, walking around my desk and leaning against the front of it.

  She swallowed and walked up to me. “Thank you for covering for me this morning.”

  “You mean covering you literally?”

  “Well that, too, but whatever you told Emily about why I wasn’t here-”

  “It’s nothing.” I reached out to grab her arms and led her towards me. “Even if she knew it wouldn’t matter.”

  “It would matter to me. I care about this job, and I want my colleagues to take me seriously.”

  I wrapped my hands around her ass. “So you’re always saying.”

  “Don’t be like this during work. It’s hard enough for me to concentrate as it is.”

  “I know the feeling.” I pushed a wisp of hair out of her eyes. “I see you took off the jewels. Or do I need to frisk you?”

  She smiled. “There’s only one way you can be sure, isn’t there?”

  I turned and pushed her against the desk, pressing myself behind her and bringing my hand over her chest. “You know I wouldn’t hesitate to lock that door and have you right here.”

  She exhaled.

  “So don’t tempt me,” I whispered in her ear.

  “Oh god,” she said. “What have I done?”

  I spun her around and lifted her chin until her eyes met mine.

  “You’ve created a monster,” I said, kissing her with a ferocity that surprised me while my hands found the hook at the front of her pants.

  She pushed my chest back. “No.” She shook her head. “I can’t.”

  “Hold on. Isn’t it up to me how you spend your workday?”

  She wriggled out from under me.

  “No. I want to be professional about this.”

  “I was hoping we could act like horny teenagers.”

  “Not today.” She looked down at her feet. “When I said I can’t I meant-”


  “I’m sore.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just-”


  Her gaze went shifty and she lowered her voice so much it was almost inaudible. “I feel like I got fucked by a bulldozer.”

  My eyes went wide. I’d never heard her talk like that.


  “It’s okay,” I said. “As long as you’re okay.”

  “I think I will be.”

  I walked back around to my desk chair. “This conversation hasn’t helped.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “All you’ve done is come in here and make me think about your tight little pussy which is exactly what I’ve been struggling to not do all morning.”

  She shrugged.

  “I think it’s best that we both just try to carry on doing our work.”

  “Agreed.” She turned and headed for the door, but before she opened it, she turned back. “Will?”


  “I wouldn’t mind getting that dinner this weekend if you were serious.”

  “I was.” I smiled. “As long as I can have you for dessert.”

  Chapter 17: Ella

  The whole day was a complete blur. Somehow I managed to go through the motions and get my job done, but my sore pussy was a constant reminder of the very incident I was trying not to think about.

  I even considered asking Will if I could go to his place after work so I could soak in his tub. A nice soak would do me a world of good, but there was no way I could be alone with him so soon. Especially if he was already eager to jump me again.

  I was pretty sure it wasn’t possible to break your vagina, but even so, it felt like I’d gotten too close for comfort. But that orgasm was worth it. It felt like I woke up dumber today as a result of it, but I still couldn’t believe how good he’d made me feel.

  I had no idea sex could be like that. I had no idea a man would ever be able to play my body that way, like it was an instrument that wanted to be plucked and strummed. And boy had he played me, and with his tongue, too.

  I didn’t think about Netflix a single time. In fact, I don’t think I had a single thought from the moment he started touching me. It was like his energy just wiped away my reason and replaced it with feelings of pleasure. To think I walked away from that after the Christmas Party!

  Jackie was right. I was lucky he didn’t dismiss me for the idiot that I was. Who knows how long I would’ve continued thinking I was just one of those women that didn’t have much of a libido, one of those women that just didn’t enjoy sex as much as men?

  I’d been freaking thinking about sex since the moment I woke up, and not just sex, but sex with Will. Will my boss. Will my crush. Will my- what else was he?

  I needed to relax. I couldn’t undo anything I’d done, and even though he was obviously keen to see me again, I didn’t want to get carried away.

  I was just a bit of young fun for him. He was an older man with lots of experience, and my company was purely an escape. The only reason he spoiled me the way he had- and maybe even the only reason he’d given me my job in the first place- was because he knew that ultimately he would get what he wanted.

  I needed to stop being so naïve. He knew exactly what he was doing. Seducing me was probably a joke to him. I had resisted him for a while, sure, but when I gave into him, I gave in with every inch of me, inside and out. But his life was fast paced and serious. Eventually, he would get bored and want someone else, someone prettier. Someone new. And I would go back to being someone who only worke
d for him. Hopefully still got to work for him anyway.

  But I hoped that day wouldn’t come soon because at the moment, I was so smitten I was practically doodling Ella Abbott in my mind. And I really wanted to get a grip. On more than just his cock.

  On the bright side, I didn’t feel nearly as guilty as I thought I would about the whole thing. I mean, why should I? He wanted it. I wanted it. It seemed like half the guests at the gala wanted it for how many times someone told me they thought we made a cute couple. Eventually I just stopped correcting people because it got too tedious.

  I filled up the kettle and turned it on. I needed to process what happened, and I needed a drink. What I didn’t need was alcohol.

  If Jackie was already living here I probably would’ve met her after work and gotten hammered, but for once I was glad she wasn’t. Pondering my relationships with men had never made a very good mixer with alcohol for me. On the contrary, drinking was how I rationalized so many stupid, meaningless relationships in the past, relationships that seemed even more meaningless now that I knew what sex had the potential to be.

  I had to stay sober and I had to stay calm. Screwing my boss was a sticky enough situation without adding too much mindless drinking to the mix… Though I had found that expensive whiskey quite enjoyable.

  I heard the key in the door as I was reaching for the teabags so I grabbed another cup. “Hi Mom.”


  “Tea?” I asked over my shoulder.

  “Please.” I heard her drop the overfilled canvas bag she always lugged around and pull out a kitchen chair. “Thank you for texting me this morning.”

  I cringed as I poured the hot water into the cups in front of me.


  I set the mugs down on the coasters she set out and sat down. “I’m sorry, Mom. By the time the party was over, it was too late to call.”

  “It’s never too la-”

  “late to call. I know. I’m sorry.”

  She picked up the string on her teabag and lifted and lowered it in her mug. “You can’t just go out for the night and not let me know you’re okay.”

  “I’ve been doing it for the last four years.”

  “You weren’t living with me in New York City then. I almost called the cops.”

  “You knew I was at a work thing.”

  “Which is exactly why I was expecting you home at some point.”

  I could only say I was sorry so many times, and I didn’t dare jinx myself and say it would never happen again.

  “Where did you sleep?”

  My mind was spinning with bull shit. “The party ended really late so Will let me stay in an empty room at the hotel so I could get some extra sleep before work.”

  She eyed me suspiciously. “Uh-huh.”

  I wanted to joke and say it was God’s will, but she didn’t seem like she was in the mood to be mocked.

  “That was nice of him.”

  “I know. He’s really thoughtful.”

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying working for him.”

  I didn’t appreciate her tone. “I am. I’m learning a lot.”

  “I have to say I’m not very impressed with the way he took advantage of your time last night.”

  That makes one of us.

  “Is he going to expect you to work all hours of the night a lot going forward?”

  “I don’t know, Mom, but it’s not a big deal. It was a networking opportunity. I needed the contacts.”

  “Is that a new top?”

  “I don’t think you’ve seen it before.”

  She lifted her mug and looked through the steam at me.

  “Well I’m exhausted.” I stood up and pushed my chair in. “I think I’m going to call it an early night.”

  She smiled at me. “Okay, honey.”

  From where I was standing, she looked pretty exhausted herself. And not in a good way like I was.

  “Do you have plans tomorrow?” she asked, scooting her chair in so I could walk by.

  “Actually, I do. I’m going to look at some apartments.”

  “Oh. I didn’t know you were planning on doing that so soon.”

  Neither did I. Until just now.

  But I wasn’t interested in being in a position where I owed anyone else an explanation for where I was at night. After all, if I got another chance to sleep over at Will’s, I was going to take it. I would be crazy to turn him down.

  In fact, at the moment, I couldn’t imagine ever saying no to him again.

  Chapter 18: Will

  I went for a run after work to blow off some steam, but it was useless. I still saw her everywhere. The curves of doorways over buildings reminded me of her hips, the barren tree branches made me think of her delicate fingers against my chest. Even the kids having a snowball fight in Central Park were taunting me with their mound-like projectiles as if they knew I was having a hard time trying not to think about her tits.

  God they were perfect. They were just big enough to hold while I sucked her nipples and they moved while I fucked her. Like a real woman’s tits should. And the way she reacted to my touch…

  It was obvious that she wasn’t used to being handled so expertly or maybe even handled at all. She said she was inexperienced, but I assumed she’d had an orgasm before, that she’d had a few decent fucks in her life. But the way she just laid there after she came, motionless, spent. I’d never seen anything like it.

  Maybe that was why she was so serious all the time? Maybe she’d just been waiting too long for a good fuck. It was a tragedy to think about her body falling into the wrong hands, hands that didn’t know how to make her wet like that. She was like a goddamn fountain the way she kept coming. And the taste of her… She was subtly fragrant but sugary. I’d never had anything so sweet.

  Not that I ate a lot of pussy. I could count on two hands the number of pussies I’d licked clean like that. It wasn’t the taste I craved. It was the feeling of giving a woman pleasure that I hungered for. It was the look on their faces when they realized how hard they could fall for you when you were being so gentle.

  Of course, any girl could lay there while I fucked her, roll over when I told her to, and open her mouth when I said when. But not every girl could make me feel like Ella made me feel. Like a goddamn prince.

  Cause she was a real princess. It was obvious that she didn’t think so- that she thought I was exaggerating- but she had class. The way she moved was graceful. The way she spoke was warm. And the way she kissed. God those pouty lips were something else. Her bottom lip especially was so fat I just wanted to bite it right off and suck on it all day.

  She lit me up inside and it felt good to feel like that for a change.

  If anything, that was the only downside of having the kind of money- the kind of lifestyle – that I was accustomed to. My senses had become dulled to the simple pleasures because of what I could afford. Nothing was thrilling anymore.

  I was a phone call away from dinner in any booked up five star restaurant in the city. I could fly anywhere I wanted at the drop of a hat. I could snap my fingers and have New York’s finest escorts ready to suck my dick and tongue my asshole any Saturday night I wanted until my heart couldn’t take it.

  Basically, my ability to assess simple pleasures was all off because I could have anything I could think to want.

  But Ella had reminded me that there was more to life than snapping your fingers and getting served.

  She had reminded me of how rewarding it could be to charm a classy girl the good old fashioned way. With wit. With conversation. With flowers and a few fine meals. Any schmuck with money can impress a cheap whore.

  But only a gentleman could earn the right to bang a woman like Ella Riley. A smart woman, a funny woman, and to be honest, a woman that was arguably out of my league.

  Okay, scratch that. No woman was out of my league. There was no league above mine.

  But that was the thing. I didn’t care about that stuff when it came to
her. I didn’t care if people approved. I didn’t care if people talked. I didn’t even care what people thought.

  I only cared what Ella was thinking. As I jogged through the park, as I licked her pink lips, and when she woke up in my bed with a sore pussy.

  She was the only person I was really worried about impressing. Because she was fun to impress. She made shit fun.

  And it had been too long since I had any real fun. Yesterday, I was numb to women, numb to money, numb to conversation.

  Now anything was possible.

  It was thrilling to finally have a project I was excited about. Not that she was a project, but she sort of was. At the very least she was hard work. But after last night, her inexperience was finally tangible, and that vulnerability made her peak my interest even more. Which I didn’t even think was possible.

  My imagination was entirely consumed with ideas for how I could pleasure her in and out of her clothes going forward. I was so eager to show her more new things and make her feel more new things. And I think she wanted that, too.


  Earlier today in my office I got the sense that she was open to spending more time with me, but she had no idea how far I was going to take things. I was going to bring her to the edge and push her over it as many times as I could. And I was going to show her how to do the same with me.

  I just had to keep reminding myself how much she wanted to be taken seriously. After all, I wasn’t a fool. I had tons of friends that made a mess at work because they couldn’t manage their relationships, their urges, and their dicks.

  But I didn’t want to make the same mistake. For Ella’s sake or my own. Because she was too special, and she’d somehow managed to light up every area of my life since I met her. So I was going to do everything in my power to show her respect when it was important to do so and keep the filth behind closed doors.

  Because with a girl like Ella, I could get carried away if I wasn’t careful.


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