Harem Nights Online

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Harem Nights Online Page 7

by Mark Summer

"You've never seen an Akina before"

  "Sure but never one so ugly"

  The tiger man thing face grows dark as he reaches for my throat but his arm is stopped by another larger man.

  "That's enough Neko"

  "I hate this guy"

  "He just got here let him breathe for a minute before attacking him"

  "He stole my mat"

  "He is just sitting on it, isn't that right newcomer"

  "Sure why not"

  "No fuck that guy he has to learn respect"

  "We are all in the same boat he will be gone tomorrow what difference does it make"

  Nico retreats back and sits down on the floor the other man sits down too next to me and his large body causes the place to shake, he puts out his hand

  "My name is Scrub"

  "Really is that your real name"

  "I don't remember my real name, I've been playing this game forever"

  "Wait for your are a player too"

  "Sure we all are"

  "I don't understand I thought this game was a single player"

  "You don't understand anything you found this game in a dumpster like the rest of us"

  "How do you know that"

  "Because that's how it happens, it happened to me as well"

  "I just wanted to have a little fun, that was all"

  "Me too, I hated my job and my kids"

  "That's really personal"

  "it's the truth, but this game has become my life now, I don't know what I'm like on the outside"

  "Wait what do you mean you haven't stopped playing"

  "I can't stop playing every time I die I end up in the desert and that bitch Krista starts the whole thing over again."

  "That sound impossible, what is happening to your body on the outside"

  "I don't know, but I do know it's still alive because I'm here"

  "This is crazy, so you saying I'm trapped inside the game"

  "Yes that's what I'm saying, Isn't it pretty obvious"

  I put my hand on my face my skin becomes cold and there is an uneasy feeling coming over me. This isn't a game anymore somehow I have been trapped inside a strange game I know nothing about.

  "What are we going to do"

  Scrub looks down and shakes his head

  "There is really no escape I fear we are going to live the rest of our lives in this place"

  "No fuck that there is always a way, I'm not going to sit around and take it in the ass by some fictional hell"

  "You remind me of myself"

  "Ya I don't believe you are real I don't believe any of you are real

  I get up and walk toward the door and pull at the handle but the door is locked

  Scrub stands and walks over to me putting his hand on my shoulder.

  "This place is not so bad"

  "How can you say that"

  "The game is pretty sweet the storyline is amazing"

  "How far have you gone"

  "Not far"

  "So what do you know, maybe you have to beat it to escape"

  "It isn't that simple"


  "Because there is a player that beat it, he is living in a cave somewhere, they say he only comes out at night and eats raw flesh and speaks in tongues"

  "So none of you finished the game"

  "I've gotten close once," said Niko laying down staring at the ceiling

  I walk over to him

  "Did you see anything"

  "I saw a portal"

  "Stop messing with the kid," said Scrub

  "A portal," I said "Tell me more"

  "Why should I tell you shit, you are just a noob and you are no use to me, in fact, you are nothing more than a distraction to me"

  "Come on I need to know"

  "Listen keep your head down and play by the rules and maybe you will see it too"

  Niko rises there is a strange look of joy on his cat face, also the others in the room look happy.

  "What's going on," I said to Scrub who also looks at me with a smile

  "Remember when I sold you that this game wasn't so bad

  I nod and then hear the door open and in walks the most beautiful females I have ever seen. My balls hit the floor and my mouth starts to water like a teenage boy.

  "Who are they"

  "They send the female slaves to please us the night before we are sold," said Niko now standing next to me

  "I have never seen so many beautiful women in one place"

  "They will do anything and I mean anything you want"

  "Wait are they players too"

  "Don't think about that just enjoy yourself-tonight because in the morning you will be sold"

  Chapter Three

  She looked lovely in her slave costume her body on full display her breast bounced as she sat next to me. Just like the others, she started to touch my knee and then come closer. But I pulled back, there was something about her that seemed a little real. I couldn't get into her advances

  "What is wrong don't you find me pleasing"

  "I do, but there is something on my mind"

  "Let me help you"

  She came even closer but I again pulled away and then looked away

  "I have to know if you are real"

  "Of course I'm really, stranger"

  "No, I don't mean that I have to know if you are a real player"

  There was something in her eyes that gave it away and she looked away when I noticed it.

  "Who are you," she said finally

  "My name is Ryan and I'm twenty-six years old in the real world anyway"

  "The real world what do you mean by this"

  I couldn't help but feel like she was fucking with me

  "You know the real world, earth"

  "Earth what is that"

  "Look don't fuck with me, are you real or not"

  "OK, you seem like someone I can trust, come closer I wish to tell you my story"

  I moved along the stone floor toward her and sat as close as I could, she smelled like flowers.

  "You are a prince aren't you"

  I look at her in disbelief, she isn't real she is an NPC, so I just smiled and played along. Maybe this would go somewhere

  "Yes, do you recognize me"

  "When I was a girl I attended your graduation from the academy"

  "I see what would a slave girl be doing at my graduation"

  The girl looks away

  "I wasn't a slave then, I was a student just like you I had a family I was going to be a teacher, that all changed when your father died"

  "What do the people think happened to me"

  "You don't know, do you"

  I shake my head

  "They think you are dead, that you went off into the void because you couldn't handle his death"

  "They think I killed myself"

  "I knew you didn't, I knew you left because you needed time to think but you have returned and are here to save us"

  I smile and brush her long hair from her face

  "What is your name"

  "The guards call me monkey"

  "Why is that"

  "Because they say I fuck like one and when I moan I sound like one too"

  My dick becomes a little hard as I think about this beautiful slave riding me and her screaming like some dumb horny monkey

  "What is your real name"

  "Sophia, my name is Sophia the same as my mother"

  "Are you from the city"

  "Just outside of it my father owned a farm but it was taken away when your uncle seized power"

  "Where is your father now"

  "I don't know"

  "What about your mother"

  "She was sold last week, things are so bad young prince your people need you and I know you will save us"

  "I will do what I can Sophia"

  I pull her in and kiss her mouth she also touches my face

  our lips encircle one another like two fishes and I pull her closer as I fall to the floor.
On my back, she climbs on top of me and pulls her wrap that hangs over her sex away. And she takes my manhood and pulls it up and down

  "It gives me so much pleasure to take you, prince, I have been dreaming of this since I was a young girl"

  "Do what comes naturally"

  She smiles and pushes my dick against my her opening sliding it in

  I take her by the waist and fuck her. She then sits up and puts her hands on my chest. Her thick lips are pushed out and she starts to moan a little, as she goes up and down.

  "You are a good monkey"

  "Thank you, Prince"

  "Call me master, I like that"

  She giggles and then in a hot whisper

  "Very well master it gives me so much joy"

  I pull her down and kiss her thick lips

  "Master I want to taste you"

  "With what"

  "With my lips"

  "With your thick lips"

  "Yes master, I want to taste you with my thick lips around your royal cock"

  "Very well young slave"

  The slave jumps off my dick and grabs my penis right before it has a chance to hit my belly.

  She tugs at it a few times before putting her thick monkey lips around it.

  Her works like magic and I can't take it something cracks in me and I spring at her.

  Her shocked face makes the dead even more delicious as I push her down and then mount her.

  "Oh master, fuck me"

  I dig myself into her as I feel her legs around her heels digging into my lower back. Pushing me forward and into her moaning is almost deafening and the room becomes dark and the only thing I notice is her and her alone.

  We fuck and fuck until I feel her cunt clamp around me. The vibration makes me come inside her and she smiles up at me and I roll off and look up at the ceiling.

  She then rolls over and kisses me whispering

  "Master you fucked me better than any other master I ever had"

  "How did you learn to use your cunt in that way"

  "Lots of practice master," she says giggling at her joke

  We for a few moments and then I fall asleep

  But my rest is interrupted by the slave known as monkey

  "Master there is something I must give you before I go"

  "What is that," I say half asleep

  "please open your eyes there is something I must give you"

  I do as she says but I only see the outline of her shapely body. She then pulls out something sharp from her thick hair.

  She puts it in my hand and then kisses me deeply. "Use this blade to escape and avenge our people"

  "I will Sophia"

  She gets up and leaves me and I hold on to the blade till morning comes. When it arrives I almost crawl over to Scrub who is snoring like a madman.

  I touch him several times before he finally awakes.

  "What do you want"

  "The slave girl gave me a blade"

  "Oh yeah they all do that"

  "What do you mean"

  Scrub rolls over and pulls out a blade

  "So we are going to try to escape"

  "You can but all of us have been down that road and It just leads to disappointment"

  "What do you mean"

  "Hard to explain but let me tell you something if you decide to use the blade be sure to stick it in the guard's neck so he can't scream"

  I sit down, Scrub sighs and gets up from his mat and puts his hand on my shoulder.

  "Hey man it's easier to just get sold and not play the main quest"

  "Why because you couldn't handle it you think I won't"

  "Not just me but all of us couldn't and you won't either"

  "Why do you say that you don't know me"

  "Because you want an escape, you want something easy and the main quest is far from that, eventually after many tries and many deaths you will give up"

  "That's not true, I don't believe it"

  "You really remind me of me"

  "Stop saying that man"

  I get up in anger and walk back to my mat and wait there with my blade hand, I won't end up like these losers I won't end up like them I will beat the game and escape.

  Chapter Four

  The blood rushed onto my hand, the blade dug deep into his neck. It was warm and dark almost black. The others looked at me, not with shock but apathy. I held onto the guard and let him fall to the floor. I watched as he gasped his last breath and then turned to the others.

  "Anyone wants to join me," I said not really confident myself anyone would take me on my offer.

  "Come on guys we can beat the game and get out of here"

  "Been there done that?" said Niko

  "I'll go," said Scrub as he rose from the ground


  "Why the hell not, if we fail we just come back anyway"

  "That's the spirit, but we are not going to fail"

  Scrub mumbles to himself as he walks over to the dead body and pulls out a set of keys.

  "There are many ways out of this house but the best is the fire escape"

  "Alright let us do that, see you around suckers"

  The others just stared at us as we left them alone

  We walked and didn't cover our selves or make ourselves not known since Scrub said that there wasn't another guard on this floor.

  I walked behind him as he leads the way

  We made it the staircase and took it to the last floor.

  "There is a window over there," said Scrub

  Scrub pointed to the end of the last floor hallway

  "Man this place is boring, I thought harems were supposed to be dirty and dangerous"

  "Your thinking of a brothel"

  "what's the difference"

  "I don't know"

  "Well it reminds me of a hospital and I hate hospitals"

  "Look you should be worried about your next move, we are outlaws now don't you know"

  "I know where I want to go"

  "Oh ya where is that"

  "I have to find Muriel"

  "Oh did Krista tell you that"

  "So what if she did"

  "Do you think you can really just her"

  "I don't know how I can not"

  "Because she is the reason we are trapped down here"

  "How do you figure that"

  "Look I'll tell you later"

  Scrub goes over the window and opens it and we climb out onto the roof, the city lays before us. I walk over to the ledge and take in the sights it is a truly beautiful place the high ivory towers. The buildings are all brightly collared which make it stand out against the salt white sand of the desert outside the city gates.

  It looks like a turn of the century European city on acid.

  "So you want to go to Muriel is that right"

  "Do you have a better Idea"

  "Look I just a weird feeling about Krista, I mean after playing the game over and over I get the feeling like she is a demon"

  "Oh that would be a cool twist"

  "I'm serious it seems like she is running the game somehow"

  "Well have you ever asked her why you are trapped here"

  "No every time I bring it up she changes the subject, she ignores my pleas for release."

  I turn and see Krista behind Scrub smiling at both of us and Scrub notices my eyes are wide with fear.

  "Krista what are you doing here"

  "I'm here to congratulate you on a daring escape"

  "Thank you I guess"

  "Now is there anything you need from me"

  I look over at Scrub and then back at Krista

  "Hey so am I trapped in the game"

  Krista smile gets bigger and she looks at me and then speaks

  "No silly you can leave when you complete the game"

  "Yes but I never agreed to that"

  "Yes you did"

  A terms and agreements notice appears floating between us and her waves her hand the form moves down to the part of
the agreement that reads.

  "The player agrees to stay in the game until said player completes the game Harem Nights"

  "This seems really illegal you can't just keep people inside the game against their will"

  Krista waves her hand over the floating scream and it disappears

  "I wouldn't be worried about that kind of things right now, the truth is you are bound to your contract, nothing is free"

  I look over at Scrub who then runs at Krista with anger, he grabs her and wrestles her to the ground

  "Scrub what the hell are you doing"

  "Get out of here"

  But I can't help but watch as Scrub takes Krista's head and smashes it against the floor of the roof

  "Stop man"

  I run over to them and pull Scrub off of Krista who then flies into the air but before she leaves she shots a lighting bolt at us causing the building crack and we go flying in opposite direction.

  The prince carried the Amazon queen out of the underground. They were in an open field. The little underground opening disappeared as the prince lays the queen on the grass. Her blue eyes open and she sees the handsome prince staring down at her.

  "I know who you are"

  "Who am I"

  "You are the rightful heir"

  The prince looks around, they are alone for now but something makes the little hairs on his neck stand.

  "Something is coming"

  The Queen tries to move but she is injured on her left thigh.

  "Don't move your highness, you need attention"

  "Amazon's real quick, I just need to rest"

  "Do you know where the underground lead us to"

  The queen on the ground looks around the open field, the morning fog comes down from up on high.

  "This is the void lands"

  "Why have we come here"

  "Kiss me, prince"

  The prince looks over the woman lying below him, her body was sweaty and dirty, her pussy was wet and her eyes shined like diamonds.

  "Tell me why we are here"

  The queen lifts her face to the prince and kisses him deeply, holding his handsome face in her hands. They pull away and the queen lays back down

  "The void Lands is the birthplace of your father"

  The Prince looks at the queen

  "What has that have to do with anything"

  "Your father is not a man but a dragon god"

  "A dragon god, this is madness you don't know my father"

  "I know him better than you think"

  "So where you his whore"

  The queen in anger slaps the young prince


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