Harem Nights Online

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Harem Nights Online Page 10

by Mark Summer

  I gulped looking over at Xoanke. Was she going to do the same to me after her mating season?

  "Young prince, why is Lucy leading you to the Jungle"

  "I seek the dragon sword, it is the only blade that can defeat the bastard who killed my father and stole my throne"

  "I see, was this bastard, dark skin with eyes of red"

  "Yes his name is Leaper"

  "Leaper is the warlock how cursed me if this true then we are brothers in revenge"

  "Do you wish to join us noble Giant"

  "I do, and it appears you will need me if you are going to confront the Heinz"

  "Your strength will be a great advantage, what is your name, noble giant"

  "You may call me Tapatio"

  "Tapatio then let us be friends and find the dragon sword together and take down the evil leaper together"

  The giant stands and places his hand over his heart

  "I pledge my allegiance in this quest to your royal bloodline"

  "Thank you, Tapatio"

  Chapter Seven

  The night is where the mysterious of life come out to play. There is a feeling in the air, that could only be touched by those who know how to grab it. Nothing about the night is off limits but when we enter it nothing escapes it and nothing comes from it until morning comes.

  The sun was setting on the desert, we are a day away from the jungle and it looks like that is will be the last night in the desert. I do not know if I'm walking into death, I do not know if the people surrounding me are my true friends. I don't know much but must continue on, since my life is already given over to my desire.

  I have the desire for revenge it has consumed me, it it is stronger than hunger and thirst. It is stronger than lust and envy and it is stronger that the beauty of nature. I must carry on and forge a new path right, until Leapers heart stops beating in my hands. I will not be satisfied.

  We band together in the open desert, Tapatio is trying to stay away by singing a strange lullaby to himself.

  "Over the mountains of green

  Over grass and everything"

  I will return to you my darling

  With the flowers of Kendra in my hands

  and the scent of the sea in my bones

  please forgive my absence and the piles of sand

  that i will leave when i enter your land.

  Xoanke feeds Inca and I'm alone making a small fire. Lucy appears overhead

  "So it seems you solved your giant problem"

  "With no help from you"

  "How many times"

  "I know, you're a bird I get it, but I'm heading under your directions by faith alone forgive me if I'm a little cranky"

  "I understand you frustration I truly do, but you must understand that I can only lead, I can not help much more"

  I nod and stock the small fire with a stick

  "You are headed to the jungles of Moore"

  "I know this bird"

  "But do you know what to do once you arrive"

  "No I do not"

  "The Heinz are a fierce people and some say cannibals but they are afraid to attack during the day"

  "So we do not sleep" I said not really knowing what I was saying

  "You will have to sleep, so being the leader of this small outfit of vagabonds you must come with a plan"

  "What do you propose then bird"

  "You move in shifts, the jungle is large and the only way to the sword is moving directly east"

  "I do not have a compass"

  "The compass can be made in the morning in the ground"

  "Very well, but how do we stay away from the Heinz"

  "The Heinz hunt in packs of five, two scouts in the trees and three on the ground"

  "If you get the scouts first they will be unable to alert the ground"

  "How many packs hunt"

  "There is only one pack the rest stay in the village"

  "How big is the tribe"

  "They are around fifty members but each one is over six feet tall and as fast a tiger"

  "The giant mentioned that this their mating season is this true"

  "I'm not sure, but if it is, they will not kill you but capture you and bring you their village"

  "Then what"

  "You will be matted with all the feral amazons and then beheaded or chased off naked"

  "That is horrible"

  "It is their customs, its better to think of them as animals then a civilized race"

  "Can they be bargained with"

  Lucy looks over at Xoanke"

  "She could help you since they will not hurt a fellow amazon and if she defends you, you might have a chance"

  "She said she also wants to mate with me, I fear she will do the same to me as they would"

  "This is possible but she is a follower of a different faith and may not follow the same customs"

  I sigh

  "Is this the only way to the dragon sword"

  "This is the only way I know of"

  "Are you sure that it is where you said it is"

  "Yes I have had many visions of the sword at the shrine of Moore"

  "Where is the shrine"

  "The shrine is located east of the Jungle in a small temple, guarded by a wise hermit"

  "What is the Hermit's name"

  "I do not know forgive me"

  My attention is shifted to Xoanke who comes over and squats next to me. She smells clean and seems to have washed but I hadn't seen any evidence of this. Her beauty is overwhelming with the strange markings washed off her brown skin.

  "Inca is tired and it will be awhile before she can ride again"

  "Tell her I'm sorry for pushing her"

  "no need She understands and she is a loyal servant of mine"

  Xoanke smiles

  "Do you know where we are headed tomorrow"

  Xoanke nods

  "you wish to go to the jungle"

  "Have you been there"

  "The Amazons who live in the jungle are my sisters"

  "So you are a Heinz"

  "No, not anymore I go my own way"

  "I fear that we are heading to a death trap"

  "The Heinz will not hurt you"

  "How can you be so sure"

  "I know because, they will not hurt a fellow sister's mate"

  Xoanke touches my face

  I try to accept her touch but the fear of death enters me

  "I do not want to die"

  "We all die"

  "I do not want to die by your hands or any amazons"

  Xoanke takes her hand away

  "Why would you die"

  "Because of what you do to the male mates"

  "What do Amazons do"

  "Don't make me say it"

  "Say it, young prince"

  "They say the amazons behead the male mates or kill them in various ways"

  Xoanke laughs

  "You humans are such cowards scared of anything different from you"

  "But is it true"

  "Some amazons do this but most do not, my sisters do not, the males are asked to leave once mating is over, the only ones who are harmed is those who refuse to leave"

  "Why would they refuse to leave"

  Xoanke smiles and comes closer to me

  "Because we are the best lovers in the world"

  She kisses me on the lips.

  Chapter Eight

  I awake in to the beautiful sunrise, Xoanke is still sleeping besides me. Her soft snores are cute, but something is bringing me out of her warm embrace. So I gentle take her hand and move off my chest and get up from the ground where we both lay. The area around us is a vast desert and I see the great Giant Tapatio sitting up watching the sun rise.

  I walk by him and sit with him, he turns to me and smiles

  "I'm so far from home" he said

  "Where is home"

  He points toward the mountains

  "I was born many miles that way"

  "Beyond those mountains
is the sea"

  Tapatio nods

  "I was born on a island, one of the last of my kind"

  "What happened to your family"

  "Dead, they all died from the earthquake, the Island sunk and we had to swim"

  "I'm sorry, that is horrible"

  I place my hand on his and he looks over at me and the other his shoulder at the sleeping Amazon

  "You two had fun"

  "I don't know if you could call it that"

  "What do you mean"

  "I was sacred to death she was going to kill me"

  Tapatio laughs

  "I was being stupid right"

  "No your right to be scared, sex with Amazons is scary as hell, luckily they do not go for my kind"

  I turn to see her still sleeping

  "She is pretty isn't she"

  "That is she is"

  I felt a strange feeling come over me, something was around us

  "Do you sense that"

  Tapatio looked stern he nodded

  "A evil force is here"

  "Where I can't see anything"

  "The clouds"

  "What about them"

  "Don't they seem different"

  The clouds that Tapatio was referring did seem strange they started to morph and turn darker.

  It reaches the ground and makes its way toward us, Tapatio stood at the same time as me

  "What is it?" said Tapatio

  "Whatever it is it's coming right us"

  The dark cloud descended on us in a swift fashion, completely covering the landscape around. IT was was if I was in pitch black room. No light entered but I did hear a voice.

  "So you have decided to come for me"

  "Leaper is that you"

  "You know I could crush you and that will be the end of it"

  "Why don't you then"

  "Because I think I need you"

  "I will never help you"

  "No you don't understand, If I kill you then I die"

  "You are the master of lies, Leaper"

  "This is my kingdom, it has always been mine"

  "What are you talking about"

  "Your father, thought he could control me"

  "You are nothing like him and you will never be, held the hearts of the people in his hand, while you only fill them with fear"

  "Fool my magic is supreme I give the people what they desire, look my confused foe"

  The darkness parted and I saw with clarity the beauty of the capital, people eating large meals. They were singing and dancing and chanting the name of Leaper.

  On the palace balcony the dark warlock makes his appearance and declares himself their servant.

  The vision shifts with me now in the palace chamber, a collar around my neck. On my father's throne sits Leaper.

  He smiles a wicked smile and pulls at the long leash that I'm attached to.

  I'm pulled forward and I lose my balance falling onto the ground.

  "You see young prince, you have always been my pet, just like your father"

  "You have forgotten something Warlock"


  "I too am a student of magic"

  Using the most of my training I imagine myself not collared but holding a giant sword. The metal leash is broken and I run yelling at the Warlock. He snaps his fingers. And the cloud of darkness is disrupts but as the light shines in on my new surroundings.

  I gulp in fear, I'm in the jungle of Moore.

  The day is still going strong, I call out for Xoanke, I cry out for Tapatio and I even cry out for that trickster Lucy.

  But no one comes to my aid.

  I get up from the soft jungle floor, the Jungle is the opposite of the desert. While one is barren and lifeless the Jungle is filled with all types of life. And then the thought of the Heinz enters my mind.

  Stay calm I just have to head east, just head east. The dragon sword is sure to be there.

  The paths zig zag the green landscape and I'm even more lost than I have ever been.

  What did he mean when he said he can not kill me.

  Surely he could have if he wanted to, or was his magic weakened somehow.

  Was the vision he showed me the truth, was my father's people truly happy with their new ruler.

  This had to be lies, I have to see the capital myself to truly know.

  But I must get to the sword before.

  AS I walk the path I notice below me a rope trap it's too late it grabs me and I'm lifted into the air.

  I have been trapped by the amazons, they will surely kill me.

  As I waited I thought of my father, and I prayed that he would forgive me for not avenges him.

  The amazons showed themselves in force.

  Chapter Nine

  I was placed in a wooden cage, naked. The village if you could call it that was around me. The Amazons lived in small grass huts, I could see them now, maybe ten or fifteen. They were all young but dirty and naked except a small loin cloth. They were eating some fruits and talking in a strange language of clicks and hoots. They seemed more like monkeys than people, but they seemed to be oblivious to my presence.

  I'm going to die is all I could think about.

  "Hey what's your name" said a voice in the cage next to me

  I turn to see another man staring at me with concerned eyes

  "It's OK, my name is Henry I'm from the 22nd Legion"

  "The 22nd you say"

  "Yes, I got separated from my troop, has anyone ever told you that you like the crown prince"

  "That's because that is me"

  "No shit, your joking"

  "No, but it doesn't matter"

  "Why doesn't matter"

  "Because we are surely going to die"

  "I'm not, I'm going to do some fucking"

  "Your a idiot"

  "Hey there is no need for name calling"

  "It's the truth, they only need your seed then they will kill you"

  "Who told you"

  "Trust me I know"

  A beautiful amazon with long blonde hair walks up to our cages and pulls us our out with a leash.

  She then brings us to what I can only guess is the leader, she sits inside a larger hut. Her legs are open revealing her womanhood and on either side are two younger amazons. They are licking and kissing her deeply. Her gaze turns to us when we get in.

  We are forced to kneel in front of her

  She rises from her throne and walks over to us, she is holding a wooden staff on it is many scalps.

  She takes Henry and pulls his head backwards

  "You are foolish men, why have you come to my land"

  "I got lost, I didn't mean to"

  She then pushes him down with her strength she turns to me and with her staff

  "And you what is your excuse"

  "I don't know how I got here, I was tricked by a warlock"

  "A warlock, do you know magic"

  "I do not"

  "You lie, you are a healer of some kind are you not"

  "I do not know how to heal"

  The Amazon snorts and tells the other amazon something and she runs out of the hut only to return shortly with a band of young amazons.

  "These men are from another tribe they are now slaves of ours"

  The young women sit on the ground by the amazon queen she then opens their legs and orders Henry to crawl to the girl.

  "You will mount her"

  Henry has a strange look of pleasure, flash on his face. He crawls to the girl who leans back and Henry starts to kiss her but is hit by the queen's staff

  "No kissing slave"

  Henry becomes erect and mounts the girl, she starts to moan and Henry finishes inside her.

  The queen satisfied and then Henry is taken out

  "Is that it, I can do more, I can do you"

  The queen looks at me

  "Come I want you to see someone"

  I follow the Queen out the hut and to the opposite side of the Village, I enter another sm
aller hut and inside a girl is laying on a leaf bed. She looks green and is breathing hard.

  I turn to the queen

  "This is girl is sick, I told you I'm not a healer"

  "You find a way, or I eat your balls"

  I gulp thinking back to my school days and what I know about medicine

  I look over the girl, I touch her forehead and feel it is very hot.

  The flu maybe I thought

  "I will need a few things"


  "I will need ginger and honey"

  The amazons bring em the things I need and I go to work trying to cure the sick girl. After hours of making the brew and then having her drink it.

  The girl skin becomes healthy again and I'm allowed to live.

  The queen calls me into her hut and offers me a girl for the night.

  She is a honey haired beauty with luscious lips and fat bottom. She is wearing a beaded loincloth. She says she is the daughter the queen.

  She tells me that she has never had a man.

  I try my best to please her and go slow but lust over takes me and I lose myself.

  Chapter Ten

  The game shut off and Liz brought me a glass of wine. The party is still happening why don't you come say hi to your brother.

  I pull off the head gear and grab the glass of the wine. "Thanks Liz"

  "How was the game" said Jeff holding his beer as he turned to me

  "It's good, kinda I guess"

  "Where did you end up"

  "I ended up in the Jungles of Moore"

  "Oh going after the sword"

  I nod I really don't know what to say to Jeff, he has it all and I have so little but I'm glad he is happy.

  "I really like your place"

  "Thanks for coming, it means a lot to me"

  "Oh I forgot I go you something"

  I pull out a amazon Tamer gift card

  "Oh that's really thought full"

  "Thanks, I thought if you are not busy you can play with me"

  "You got it bud, I would love to"

  Fairy Land

  Chapter Zero

  Before the beginning there was nothing, and before the nothing, there was another beginning but that is another story. The land that came to be called Fairyland was birthed from the mind of a god. The god’s name was Aeon, Aeon was lazy and lonely who floated about the great nothing, eyes half closed and when It got tired of floating for eternity it dreamed a place to rest.


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