Games Empaths Play

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Games Empaths Play Page 1

by Cynnara Tregarth

  Praise for the writing of Cynnara Tregarth

  Jack’s Back

  Jack’s Back is a wild ride that readers will not want to miss. The emotional pull is deep and visceral, and the book is well deserving of RRT’s Perfect 10.

  -- D.S. Shadows, Romance Reviews Today

  These characters just leap from the pages and into the reader’s heart... Ms. Tregarth writes an emotional tale with just the right mix of suspense that will keep the reader turning the pages and hanging onto the edge of her seat.

  -- Valerie, Love Romances

  Cynnara Tregarth has created an action packed story that reaches out and grabs you right from the very start. You are on the edge of your seat throughout the whole book. The people in this book are so true to life, they step right off the pages into your life.

  -- Janean Sparks, Romance Junkies

  Jack’s Back has definitely made me want to read more by Cynnara Tregarth and I can recommend this book to all erotic romance readers who enjoy having their spines tingled.

  -- Anya Khan, Just Erotic Romance Reviews

  Jack’s Back is a thrilling, edge-of-your-seat romance that is sure to delight fans. The action within the story is immediate and never drops off, as readers are held spellbound by the descriptive imagery and style of Ms. Tregarth’s writing.

  -- Amanda, Fallen Angel Reviews

  Jack’s Back is now available from Loose Id.


  Cynnara Tregarth


  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  * * * * *

  This book is rated:

  For substantial explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable (ménage, mild BDSM).

  Games Empaths Play

  Cynnara Tregarth

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Published by

  Loose Id LLC

  1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-29

  Carson City NV 89701-1215

  Copyright © August 2005 by Cynnara Tregarth

  Excerpt of Jack’s Back copyright February 2005 by Cynnara Tregarth

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing, photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.

  ISBN 1-59632-155-5

  Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

  Printed in the United States of America

  Editor: Ansley Velarde

  Cover Artist: Bonni Elizabeth Hall

  Chapter One

  Lady Astra of House Crysomark slowly walked among the clustered groups of government officials, business professionals, and other members of the aristocracy. Annoyed, tired, and basically bored, she decided to meditate by walking the labyrinth that House Fulton had provided tonight as part of the entertainment for this banquet. The hall within the house was beautifully decorated in various colored tapestries, flowers, and other plants that gave a true, luxurious atmosphere of serenity. Too bad she didn’t feel serene inside.

  She hadn’t wanted to come tonight, but her best friend, Pillar, had sent the invitation. Then her father had found out and, after two huge arguments, she gave in. Their personality conflict had heightened recently with the family business problems as well as their private problems. Her father seemed to have gotten worse with being lord of House Crysomark, forgetting that he was only the head of the House until certain requirements were fulfilled. I don’t want to be head of the House. Father enjoys it too much, to the detriment of the House of late, but what more can I do? Mother would agree with me, but in the end, who else can handle this family or even the issues surrounding our business?

  The night sky sparkled with stars and the pale light of the dual moons, Tareth and Verun. Kissing the curled fingers of her left hand, she placed them on her heart and then her forehead before lifting her hand in a sign of respect to the moons and the gods they represented. Various groupings, couples, and singles meandered through the gardens of House Fulton, the House’s power coming from the gardens and nurseries they owned.

  Walking the labyrinth, though not simple, was worth the effort of gaining control of her emotions. She felt like she was being pulled so many ways, pleasing everyone but herself. Granted, sometimes her work was wonderful, especially in helping right wrongs, but in other ways, she felt so alone. Being one of only a handful of class-ten empaths meant she was never completely alone, or alone with anyone of her own choosing. Too many restrictions ruled her life -- including her sex life.

  Taking a right turn, following the dimly lit path as it curved beneath a willow tree, she enjoyed the fragrances that filled the air, the scents of the night orchids, the jasmine, as well as the sounds of the insects scurrying to taste the sweet nectar of the night blooms. Astra smiled and let go of a bit of tension as she continued her walk through the spirals.

  Voices carrying over the next set of tall hedges piqued her interest. It seemed to be a minor argument or something. Opening her shields, she directed her empathic ability toward the sounds and was stunned to feel a wash of lust, desire, and something else clinging to the words. Following the voices, she turned the corner; the sight before her had her clenching and unclenching her hands as emotions flooded through her.

  She stood unmoving, her heart clamoring and the tingling sensation of desire pooling in her breasts and her pussy. What she was looking at was forbidden to those of her station, but it didn’t stop the desire. Nor did it stop her from watching the scene before her. Her eyes widened as she watched twin males, Devon and Garth of the House Polgarde, tease a lady from House Geldar as she lay naked, tied down to ground stakes, her genitals exposed to any and all who walked the back path in the labyrinth. Astra shivered at the thought of her being in such an open position.

  Devon pushed his hard cock deep into the woman’s mouth. “Suck, Lady Innana. Perhaps you’ll work off your family debt to House Polgarde quicker than most.” His brother, Garth, grinned as he knelt in front of the woman’s spread legs and slipped two fingers deep inside her pussy, causing her to moan and buck her hips.

  Astra’s mouth went dry as she watched the twins work in tandem; one would push the woman one way, and then the other would follow. Unconsciously, Astra’s curved hips swayed in time to the rhythm they set. When Garth stopped, lifted Innana to an almost sitting position so he could slide under her, and placed the tip of his engorged cock at her vagina, Astra bit back a gasp as the emotions and sensations washed over her. Damn my empathic ability! As Garth rammed himself in to the hilt, the woman screamed in pleasure before Devon slid himself back into her mouth. Lady Innana sucked him eagerly as Garth methodically pounded into her. Within moments, both twins climaxed with simultaneous groans of pleasure. Even the Lady Innana seemed happy as her body twitched with sated desire. And Astra felt it all, each emotion, each thrust, each sensation linked to the act of sex. Her body was alive with need and rising lust.

  Astra swallowed hard as waves
of emotional and sexual tension, desire, and completion enveloped her. As she fought for control, her hands began to steal toward the dampness between her thighs. The emotions flowed around her, through her, and increased in delicious ecstasy with each inhalation as she watched them. On Peruth, high-level empaths were forbidden to feed off or experience the sensual emotions of others. If she had been seen, she could’ve been banished from the city of Lurien.

  Her breath came out in short pants, her body tingling for release. Astra knew that she couldn’t do a thing about it. Empaths were forbidden the pleasures that others indulged in, told it was for the good of the people. They could have sex, but not the emotions and the passion that went with it. Too many people, including scientists, thought that the empaths’ important skills would be nullified, though that research was hundreds of years old. Without those emotions, empaths couldn’t be swayed by temptation, thus avoiding the pitfalls that surrounded non-empaths. Iji’s balls! Technically, her even seeing and sensing such passion was illegal enough to get her sent to counseling by government-approved psychiatrists. The laws about empaths enjoying sexual release were specific. No emotions were to cloud an empath’s mind, as that might affect the empath’s ability to discern truth from fiction. But why do I feel that if I could just have that, I’d be so much happier?

  Voices further down the path brought her out of her reverie. Quickly, Astra composed herself, straightened her dark green gown, and scurried further along so it wouldn’t be obvious that she had watched and listened to something forbidden. Spotting a free bench, she sat down, the coldness of the stone seeping in through the gown’s material. Her father had insisted that if she was going to be working for the company, she had to learn to mingle and associate with others. However, she doubted that watching a sex debt being paid would count as appropriate mingling in her father’s eyes. Astra smiled, thinking about how her father would’ve reacted to seeing that. The forbidden thrill made this annoying party worthwhile.

  Thoughts of her father forced her to remember just how much unlike they were and that before her lay a path sure to destroy whatever had bound them together by blood. But what choice did she have, with him insisting his way was the only way? If only he realized that it was his behaviour that had sent her looking for the reasons for his belligerence when dealing with the family company. The results of her search -- including the discovery of an upcoming merger with another company -- had shocked her, but not as much as the fact that it changed everything for her now. Had they been closer, would it have been an issue? She wasn’t sure, but being estranged from the man who was her father didn’t help in their personal relationship, much less the business aspects. Now, because of her father’s behaviour and actions within the company, they were on the path of merging with another House business to remain successful.

  “Astra? Astra, are you around here somewhere?” a female voice called out in the darkness. Recognizing the voice, Astra smiled.

  “I’m sitting on the stone bench by the palmetto tree,” she answered back. “I’m not too much further ahead, Pillar.”

  Within a couple of minutes, Pillar, a stunning redheaded beauty, appeared before Astra, along with a gorgeous man on each arm. As they stepped forward into the moonlight, Astra’s heart thudded. They were like gods of ancient myth and legend. One had golden blond hair that had a slight wave to it. His eyes were dark brown, the colour of semisweet chocolate. His air of extreme confidence caused her eyebrow to rise in curiosity.

  The other had dark hair, the same dark, haunting eyes, but had a smile upon his lips. Though he was slightly narrower in the shoulders, there was some indefinable quality that tugged at her empathic defenses. Their facial structures showed them to be related -- perhaps brothers.

  “Astra, I’d like you to meet the brothers Helspawn, Noah and Timeon. Noah and Timeon, this is Astra of House Crysomark.” Pillar’s hand touched the blond. “Timeon is the co-chairman for his family’s company.”

  “Pleasure to meet you both in person, instead of through the family channels of information.” Astra smiled, setting her shields firmly in place. There was no way she wanted anyone to accidentally pick up on her feelings.

  Noah’s hand captured hers. He turned it so he could kiss her inner wrist. Warm lips caressed her skin, causing her pulse to race. “’Tis our pleasure to meet you, Lady Astra. I’ve heard of your family and your unique skills.”

  “Have you, now?” Curiosity piqued, Astra sent a mental question to the dark-haired Noah. Can you hear me?

  Yes, Lady Astra. Can you feel me? A soft wave of amusement and curiosity gently caressed her mind, creating a picture of him stroking her cheek.

  Indeed. You’re an empath as well, I see. ’Tis my pleasure to meet a fellow worker within the worlds we work.

  I’m a broadcaster and not just a receiver, Lady Astra.

  So I’ve noticed. Your sensation creation is quite remarkable.

  Ah, but so is yours.

  Astra’s eyebrow lifted. I don’t broadcast. I’m null on that account.

  Since when?

  Since ... I don’t know. For as long as I can remember.

  You need to be retested, Astra. I can feel your hands caressing my cheek and chest while your body is pressing against my cock, which is raging for your attention.

  Oh, my gods. Breaking the mental link, she smiled at Noah. “Nice to meet you.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, Lady Astra.” Winking at her, he stepped back.

  “Forgive my brother’s arrogance,” Timeon said with an exasperated sigh. “He has a tendency to push when there are gorgeous women around. Accept my apologies, Lady Astra. Timeon’s voice was clearly that of a tolerant older brother, even in her mind.

  Done, and thank you. She inclined her head. “I see it’s more of good brother and bad brother?”

  “More like we’re both bad, but Timeon is the better behaved of the two of us,” Noah answered, taking Astra’s arm. “Walk with us.”

  Strolling further along the path, they spoke of the weather and some of the most recent findings regarding the latest psychic talents that had presented themselves on Peruth. They avoided talk of business, as all were quite aware of the merger in the works between both companies, Crysocorp and Helsguard.

  Inside, Astra shivered. There was something about the brothers that called to her. Something that urged the rebellious streak in her to take a chance. But not until after the companies were merged. There was no way she could afford to be snowballed, not with her family’s financial future in jeopardy.

  Once this negotiation is over, I can find some kind of release for this tension inside me. It can’t be normal to want sex this bad. Hell, I’m so cranky, I’m ready to buy black-market porn for empaths. Her gaze flitted first to Timeon, then lingered on Noah. These were definitely men whom she could easily enjoy watching pleasure another woman, or even her. They’d be hard, thick, and more than willing to indulge her in her deepest fantasies. Wouldn’t they?

  What do you think of Lady Astra? Noah asked his brother as they walked with Pillar and Astra among the labyrinth.

  She’s got that spark. I think she’s more like us than she realizes, Noah. I’d like her for our family.

  You mean, for a short time? Or the long haul?

  What do you think? Timeon grinned as they continued down around the curves of labyrinth.

  I think she would make a wonderful first wife for us both. And it’d have to be permanent. Once I taste her, I don’t think I can walk away.

  She’d think us bloody-minded to be considering marriage like this. Especially a permanent group marriage. We don’t even know if she’d like such a thing.

  Noah smirked. He knew. He had picked up those images of what she’d seen just prior to their arrival. I don’t think that will be a problem. She just needs time. I’m more worried she might want to postpone our happiness until the merger between the two businesses is completed.

  She wouldn’t -- Timeon paused, looking at Noah
, catching his smile.

  Yes, she would. She’s the type, and I think her dad is just a wee bit overprotective in regards to his daughter. Noah chuckled mentally, allowing his brother just a wee glimpse of what he’d experienced with Astra.

  What do you recommend?

  Wait ’til we’re alone; then I’ll go over my ideas with you. First, let’s see how open she is to things.

  Fine, but it had best be good. She’s suspicious of us enough. With all we’ve found out about her, she’d be a good match for us both.

  Noah smiled and patted Astra’s hand as they all headed toward the house. I know. There’s something damned special about her, Timeon, and I want her. Bad.

  With caution, both brothers smiled at Lady Astra and her friend as they entered the house. They both knew that one misstep could cost them anything and everything, including the woman they had fantasized about for the past year. They couldn’t lose, not when it meant losing part of their hearts or their lives.

  Chapter Two

  Ten days later

  Astra stood listening to her father and uncles in front of the Mediation Centre. Part of her tuned them out as they rambled on about alleged slights done them personally during the negotiations. The past few days of negotiation hadn’t gone well without the truthsayer empaths, especially Astra. Now they were worried that they had lost some initiatives by not having her in there from the beginning. Personally, she didn’t want to be involved in this anymore than necessary, but her father and favourite uncle insisted on her participation at this stage. Quickly, she typed a small memo on her wrist unit to remind Flit of some upcoming business she needed to take care of. Then she heard her father commenting on her lack of participation and interest.


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