Games Empaths Play

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Games Empaths Play Page 7

by Cynnara Tregarth

  “I don’t want to read it, Noah. Not with what it did.”

  “Yes, you do, Astra,” he responded firmly, dropping to the floor when he was close to her. “Trust me, you need to know this information. So does Verona. Do you understand me?”

  Astra lifted her gaze to his, inhaling as she saw his intense look. There was something he wanted to say to her telepathically, but while there were others in the room and intense emotions lingering in the air, he wouldn’t risk it. There was no choice; she had to read the damned letter.

  “Yes. Give it to me. Just don’t leave.”

  “We won’t.” Noah handed her the letter and placed his hand on her thigh, warming her skin and her soul with the gentle, loving touch.

  With suddenly numb fingers, Astra unfolded the letter completely and felt a whiff of emotion, the acrid taste of bitterness. Licking her lips, she inhaled slowly, then exhaled, making sure she centered herself.

  Dear Astra Crysomark,

  You thought that by insulting me publicly, you removed me from the equation that runs Crysocorp, but I made it the success it was; no one else. It was I who harnessed your talent in receiving and your degree in electronics, which helped to push us to the forefront of empathic equipment both for and against empaths. But never think that I owe you or thank you. Because of you, you cost me both my life and my dignity.

  Just know this, daughter of Allista, you are not my child -- you aren’t mine. I never wanted you or what you represented, but you were part of the package in order to get what I deserved. Empaths like you should be destroyed at birth, as your anomalies make those who can never reach or breed to that capacity seem inept and nothing. You make it harder for us to do what needs to be done. Had it not been for Allista and Verona, I’d have killed you when you first showed your skills at age two. You and others like you are an abomination and should’ve been removed, but your mother and Sedonia said that you should be treated well and brought up with new rules.

  But I did have the last laugh. Having bought off a technician, I managed to skew your testing, and now no one knows what you’re truly capable of. And if you try for a test anywhere else, you’ll be considered a fraud or to be hiding from the government -- punishable by isolation and jail. That will serve you and your family right. The fact that I was never completely accepted by the rest of the Crysomarks will be paid in full when the corporation fails without me.

  I’m told I can either live in shame or die with dignity. I choose to die a death that causes you and the others the most trouble. That’s the least I deserve. Everything I’ve strived for has been taken away, and I will never forgive nor forget.

  With distaste and hate,

  Giles Polgarde-Crysomark

  Astra stared at the paper in shock before dropping it. Noah snatched it and handed it over to the police while Astra stood there, trying to comprehend the nuances of the letter. She recognized her father’s flair for coding as well as the presence of hidden meanings behind sentences. Rubbing her head, she stepped forward, only to collide with Noah.

  “Let’s go home, Astra,” he said softly.

  Having no words, she nodded, allowing both men to escort her. If she had been asked her thoughts on that moment in her father’s office, she’d have told anyone that her thoughts had stopped the moment the drawer was opened. The implications were staggering, something she wasn’t sure she’d be able to handle alone, or even with help. But what choice was there?

  Astra didn’t remember much of the ride home, just that the brothers attempted to engage her in conversation. She thought she responded, but her mind was working the puzzle of the letter. It seemed so straightforward, but she knew her father better than anyone else. There was something more to the letter, something that was evading her grasp. When she got the key, then she’d be able to unlock the other message that he’d encoded for her eyes only. His hate was still clinging to her skin, but knowing it was out in the open instead of hidden was a relief, not a burden. She’d never had any illusions regarding her father, but this banished any lingering thoughts of love.

  When they reached her home, Flit and Verona greeted them all at the door. Timeon took her to the living room and made her lie down while he and Noah accompanied Verona to the kitchen to get food and drinks. Flit beeped near her head, which she barely responded to. The computer was one of the few individuals she could count on to be there at her side, but right now, she wasn’t sure anything could be that devout. There was something ... “Flit, can you do a correlation for me?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “I’ll ignore that you said that, Flit. Please correlate the following for known codes used by my father.” She rattled off the entire note, word for word, and impressed the emotions with each word. “Please search his database, as well, for codes.”

  “Are you authorizing me --”

  “Yes, Flit. Use the backdoor codes to unlock my father’s files. I want the code to undo that letter.” She grunted as she lay back down on the couch.

  “Yes, Lady Astra. I’ll retrieve the necessary data, and when I’m finished, I’ll make a copy translation as well as give you the plasti form.”

  “Thanks, Flit. Make sure you take time out for a recharge and for some rest.”

  “As you wish, Lady Astra.”

  She watched the floating computer leave the living room as the men entered with two trays of food and drinks. “Feeding an army?”

  “Three empaths. What’s the flying ball up to?” Timeon teased as he set his tray on a nearby table and sat in the chair to her left.

  She chuckled. “Flit is doing some work for me.”

  “I see,” Noah noted. “Anything we should know about?”

  “Nope, not unless it pans out. Just some personal stuff.”

  “Sounds dull,” Timeon kidded as he handed her a sandwich. “How are you feeling?”

  She smiled as she took the sandwich. It was her favourite kind. “I’m okay. A bit weak, a bit overwhelmed, but okay otherwise. Things that I had always wondered on are now answered, though there are some more questions.”

  The guys said nothing, instead biting into their thick sandwiches. Together the three of them sat and enjoyed the filling food. It seemed that Verona had had some idea about just how draining going to the company would be for her and them. Astra took another bite of her sandwich and chewed on it contentedly. The connection between her and the brothers seemed so strong, so right, that she wasn’t sure how she had lived without these two men her entire life. But even that thought made her wonder. There was something in the emotions that her father had broadcasted, even muted, that hinted at something about her birth that wasn’t normal. But what? Did it really matter what he thought? Could it be true?

  A whisper of lips brushed her neck, and she shivered. Timeon smiled at her, his lips near her cheek now. “What are you thinking? You seem a bit concerned. You’re radiating some emotions, love.”

  “I’m not a broadcaster,” she responded, reaching for her drink. “How many times do I need to remind you of that?”

  “You promised us you’d come to our place and be tested. I think you need to see the truth for yourself, Astra. You can broadcast, and do so strongly,” Noah countered. “We can ask Verona to assist.”

  “We can do it here, if you wish,” Verona said from the doorway. The three of them looked up at her, not surprised by her timely entrance. “I’ve managed to rebuild our system at the main house, undoing the crap that Giles had done to it. You’ve been given false reports, Astra.”

  “He hinted as much,” she said, fear clutching her stomach. “From the note, I don’t think he ever let me have a normal test.”

  “You did as a child of two. After that, no. He fought your mother, saying he wanted his child to be somewhere they could watch over the testing. Because she loved him, she let him overrule her in that one area.”

  “Thank you, Verona. I do have a testing machine in my laboratory. I’m not sure if it’s been tampered with since
I retrieved it from one of our northern relatives and had it upgraded without Father’s knowledge.”

  “Most likely it’s not. But at least I can check it over. I’ll have Flit let me in. You three need to talk about things.” With that, the Trifecta leader left the room.

  Astra looked at Noah, then Timeon. “What is there to speak on?”

  The men shared a look, annoying Astra. Their tendency to speak mentally to each other while not to her made her angry. She hated being left out, even if it was a private conversation. She wanted to know what they were thinking.

  “Our feelings for you, Astra.” Timeon took her hand and kissed her inner wrist. “We’ve known about you for a couple of years, and we’ve lusted for you since we’ve known about you.”

  “You two ... lusted ... me? What?” Astra stared at them both. “I don’t understand.”

  Noah’s lips captured hers as his hands cupped her breasts. Once he pulled back, he whispered, “Feel your heart racing beneath my palms?” She nodded. “That’s how we’ve felt for you over the past couple of years. When Timeon inherited the title of head of House, we both knew that one day we’d have to find wives. What we discovered was that there was only one woman we wanted -- you.”

  “Why me?”

  Timeon chuckled. “Why not you? You’re the first daughter of a House that leads the way in handling empaths, as well as in the business in which our company also participates. You seem to have the same moral background we do, and you are a strong empath, both receiving and broadcasting, even if you were unaware that you could broadcast. You fascinated us from the first, Astra. No other woman has measured up to you, and trust us, we tried to fall for others before realizing it was only you.”

  She felt her mouth drop open, realizing that she’d had no idea that anyone saw her as desirable. Before them, she had just figured she was untouchable, as no man had ever asked to date her. She’d only had the assigned drones, who wouldn’t incite emotion or anything else within her to obscure her empathic ability. But here were men who wanted her, desired her, and it seemed they wanted more than just sex with her.

  “I don’t know what to say. I’ve thought a lot about you both since that night in the garden, but I hadn’t realized that you knew me before that.”

  “We begged Pillar to introduce us to you. We wanted your attention before the damn merger. The past few events you were supposed to attend, you didn’t,” Timeon pointed out.

  She sipped her drink before answering. The idea that they had gone out of their way to attract her attention left her feeling flattered. “I didn’t attend because most times those functions drive me nuts.”

  “Understandable. We feel the same way.” Noah took her cup from her, then turned her so she faced him. His hands cupped her cheeks, and his forehead touched hers. “But we wanted to know you before this. We wanted to make contact so you’d not think we wanted you because of the merger. You don’t think that do you?”

  “No! Oh, my gods above, no! I know you’re keeping business separate from private. I never would’ve thought you guilty of anything like that,” she answered, surprise lacing her voice.

  “Good. Let’s go to bed, dearling,” Noah whispered as his mouth brushed hers. “I want to love you alone tonight. Timeon can watch us, but right now, I want to make you mine alone, just as I know Timeon will do another time.”

  “Yes, I want you, too.”

  “Good. Timeon will follow along shortly.”

  He led her out of the living room and up the stairs. Without any mental hints, he guided her directly to her bedroom, shutting the door almost completely. With a smile, Noah pulled her close and kissed her, this time not sparing her any of his emotions. She felt his passion for her, his desire, his love as it surrounded her, touched her, enveloped her with a heat that she easily returned.

  Sliding her hands over his shoulders, she allowed herself the luxury of stroking his silky black hair. “You feel wonderful,” she whispered.

  “I think you feel much better, but I’m biased,” he softly teased as he nipped her bottom lip, suckling it gently. “I want to take you, Astra. Make you mine.”

  “I ... I am yours, Noah.”

  “No, my love. I want you to submit to me.”

  “Submit?” She pulled back, her fingers tugging gently on his hair. “What do you mean?”

  Noah stroked the side of her cheek with the back of his hand. “Do you trust me not to harm you, Astra?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “Then submit to me. Be my love slave. Let me control you here, at this moment in time.”

  “Control me?” Her eyes widened in understanding. “You want me to be like the pt’ahavshas?”

  “Yes. Be mine to command. Not always, only once in a while.”

  “Will I be able to ask this of you in return?” The thought of having him as her love slave, forcing him to pleasure her or denying him pleasure, thrilled her. The idea of him under her command made her pussy clench in desire.

  “Yes, but not tonight, my love. Tonight, I wish you to be my pt’ahavsha.”

  “I ... I accept,” she whispered against his lips, allowing herself this last act of control. “I am your slave tonight, Master.”

  “Good. Now. Go stand at the foot of your bed and remove that garment.” His voice was a bit hard, but not scary.

  Moving to do as he commanded, Astra glanced back and noticed him smiling at her. Something inside her realized that he wanted this to be as pleasurable for her as it was for him. Tonight would be their first physical experience, and he wanted to make sure that it was special. Taking off her dress, she leaned against the post of her bed, knowing it made her look slightly disrespectful of his commands. She wondered how far she could push him before he became rough. The idea of him overpowering her had her on the edge of an orgasm already. Her inner thighs were already damp from the thought.

  “What are you doing, Astra-chara? I told you to stand, not recline,” Noah said, taking four short steps to face her. The look on his face was one that to anyone else would’ve been frightening. It just turned her on further.

  “I don’t take orders lightly, Noah-kas. You may be my Master, but you’ve not mastered me.”

  “But I shall, chara, my slave. Now, stand up straight so I can inspect you thoroughly.” His eyes hardened as she stood taller. “You may not touch me unless I command it, and you will obey my every order. Do you understand?”

  Her chin tilted as she spoke. “I hear you, sir. However, I’m not just any pt’ahavsha. I don’t bend to the whim of just any man, only those who deserve it.”

  A chuckle startled them both. Timeon gestured for them to continue as he entered the room. “Sorry, I see I came at the right time.” He circled past his brother and to the other side of Astra. He moved swiftly, claiming a hard, punishing kiss, then moved away toward the recliner chair that sat in the corner of the room. “I’m going to enjoy your submission, Astra. Truly I am.”

  She glanced defiantly at both men. I know they’re not serious about me being their love slave, but they obviously take themselves seriously when they enter this sex-play mode. Can I handle this? As she watched, Timeon sat back in her black velvet recliner and undid his pants, his semi-erect cock visible. Licking her lips, she turned back toward Noah.

  “I understand that you wish me to capitulate, Noah-kas. I will not make it easy for you.”

  His hands captured hers, raising her arms above her head. “Oh, I don’t expect you to make it easy, chara. Not at all, that’s what makes your conquest, your surrender, even sweeter. Kiss me, Astra.”

  Quickly, she leaned forward and, without touching him anywhere else, kissed him chastely. She wanted more, but now was not the time to give in to that. The goal was to see if he could really make her want to submit to his will. It was a challenge, one that made her wetter, hotter, and needier than she’d ever thought possible.

  “There you go, my lord,” she smirked. “A kiss, just as you asked.”

“So hard to get,” he whispered into her hair, his hand stroking up one arm. “But so easily conquered.” His laugh caught her attention as she felt his touch tugging not just her skin, but her emotions.

  Looking up, she noticed that he had wrapped a silken cord around her wrist. He pulled downward and tied it low, around her waist. Before she could react, he grabbed her other wrist and did the same to it. Then he pushed on her shoulders, forcing her to her knees.

  “You will learn to submit to me, Astra-chara. Only in giving up control can you feel safe with me. Knowing and trusting in me fully,” he whispered. “Submit to me, Astra. Submit, and let me take care of you as I know you’ll care for me.”

  Oh, how she wanted to give in. Gods above and below, she craved to just let him have his way with her, but there was something inside her that said that by holding back, she’d experience more when she surrendered fully to him. Something that would quiet that noisy part in her soul that cried out for submission. The part she never acknowledged or gave voice to except with her illicit reading material, banned to all empaths.

  “No. I won’t willingly submit, Noah. You’ll earn it, or you won’t.” She looked up into his face; amazed at the play of emotions he let her see. Swallowing, she continued. “Though submission would be easy, it would be easily denied. Earn it, and you shall have it always.”

  “Always? This you swear?” His voice dropped to a husky whisper.

  “Yes. I swear this, always and forever.” And she meant it truly with her soul. If he earned it, she would willingly submit to him when he asked, but only in the bedroom.

  “Then I shall earn your submission. But by doing so, you will earn my domination for those times when you resist me.” Noah pulled off his shirt, tossing it to the side while toeing off his boots. Within moments, his pants and underwear joined the pile of discarded clothing.

  His cock stood tall, showcased by the thatch of midnight curls. She wanted to touch him, but her hands were still tied. She drank in the sight of his naked form and knew that the empathic image she possessed of him was no lie. Desire pooled low in her belly as she warred with the urge to lean forward and flick the purplish tip with her tongue. She knew it drove him crazy, but she couldn’t give in. Not yet.


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