Brumbies in the Mist

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Brumbies in the Mist Page 12

by Paula Boer

  Buckskin: Also know as dun, a horse colour with black skin and yellow pigment in the hair, with a black mane and tail.

  Cavesson: a well-padded headcollar where the noseband is made of metal or other stiff material, used on horses during breeding or training. The nose-piece has three metal rings for attaching a lunge or lead rein on either side or on the nose.

  Chestnut: A horse colouring with a gold to dark reddish brown coat and a matching or slightly darker mane and tail.

  Cold blood: a heavy horse, or draught horse, such as a Clydesdale or Percheron.

  Colt: A young male horse.

  Crest: The ridge along the back of the horse’s neck from which the mane grows.

  Curry comb: A rubber or metal scraper for cleaning horse brushes or for removing mud and hair from a horse.

  Dam: A body of water formed by building a wall, usually in a gully or depression in the ground.

  Doggers: Slang term for a slaughterhouse that uses meat for pet food.

  Draft: To selectively separate out one or more animals.

  Drafting gate: a gate that swings to open into one of several exit points while blocking off the other outlets.

  Feral: A wild animal that is not native to the environment; an introduced species.

  Filly: A young female horse.

  Fire trail: A track made specifically to providing access for firefighting.

  Flaxen: A pale gold or cream colour, such as the mane and tail of palominos or pale chestnuts.

  Float: A trailer for transporting horses.

  Forehand: The front legs and shoulders of the horse.

  Frog: the triangular elastic pad of horn occupying the space between the bars in the under-surface of a horse’s hoof.

  Gag: a metal device with ratchets used by veterinarians or horse dentists to keep the horse’s mouth open.

  Gelding: A de-sexed male horse.

  Goose-neck: A style of horse float (also called a horse trailer or horse box) that has living quarters in the front for people to use. It is attached to the tray of a ute (pickup truck) with a trailer ball coupling.

  Green: a horse that has been broken-in but is still inexperienced.

  Greenies: A slang term for people with a passion for the environment.

  Grey: A dark-skinned horse with black and white hairs in its coat and mane and tail. With each successive change of coat the proportion of white hairs increases so that as the horse gets older its coat lightens until it is completely white.

  Ground-tied: Where the reins touch the ground, instructing the horse to stand still.

  Half-pass: A dressage movement where the horse’s body remains parallel to the side of the arena while moving away from it at an angle of 50 degrees.

  Hanoverian: A Warmblood of German origin that has been bred for strength so the horse can be used for agricultural work as well as driving and riding.

  Headcollar: A bitless headpiece for leading or tying up a horse. Also known as a halter (though different countries can attribute varying meanings to these two terms).

  Herd: A group of horses that has a definite social structure with a hierarchy.

  Hindquarters: The rear end of the horse above the hind legs.

  Hobbles: Leather straps that join a horse’s forelegs together to restrict movement.

  Hog: To cut off the mane close to the neck, usually done with electric clippers.

  Hot blood: a fast, light horse, such as a Thoroughbred or an Arabian.

  Hydro scheme: A large complex of artificial lakes created to power hydroelectric turbines to generate electricity.

  Jag: to tug in a sudden and uneven movement.

  Jig-jog: To trot very slowly, either on the spot or sideways, contrary to what the rider is asking.

  K: Australian abbreviation for a kilometre.

  Kelpie: A breed of Australian sheep dog.

  Leathers: Leather straps that attach the stirrup irons to the saddle.

  Leg aids: Instructions to the horse conveyed by pressure or position of the rider’s legs.

  Mare: A female horse of breeding age.

  Meadow hay: Dried herbage from natural pasture that includes a range of grasses and broad-leafed plants.

  Messmate: An Australian tree.

  Mickies, Micky Bull: a slang term for feral bulls that are ‘cleanskins’, that is, have not been branded or earmarked.

  Midges: Tiny insects that swarm and cause irritation to humans by biting or flying into eyes, ears and mouth.

  Mob: Any collection of horses that have come close together, e.g. when mustered or to run from a fire. It can also refer to a group of other animals, such as sheep or kangaroos.

  Muster: To bring together a number of animals into a confined space.

  Nap: When a horse is naughty, such as constantly shying, propping, jumping or halting.

  Nibblies: An Australian slang term for snacks.

  Numnah: A pad (typically sheepskin) that goes between the saddle and the horse’s back to reduce pressure, cut into the shape of the saddle.

  Palomino: A breed and colour of horse with a golden coat and a flaxen mane and tail.

  Paramedic: A medical professional specialising in emergency care.

  Pigroot: When a horse lunges forward with a low head, as if to buck, then kicks up its hind legs.

  Poddy: A young animal, such as a calf or lamb, that has been hand-raised, usually due to being orphaned.

  Poll: The top of a horse’s head between the ears.

  Pommel: The bump at the front top of the saddle, in front of the rider.

  (to) Pony: to lead an unmounted horse when riding another.

  Prop: To stop suddenly with stiff front legs.

  Quarters: The hind end of the horse behind the flank including the rump and buttocks.

  Race (also called a run or alley): a narrow pair of fences with a space between them just wide enough for one animal to pass through without being able to turn around, thus forming the animals into a queue that only allows them to go forward.

  Ranger: A person engaged to work in a park to look after the environment including the plants and animals within it.

  Round yard: A circular fenced area for training horses, with a standard diameter of sixteen metres.

  RSPCA: Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

  Serve: To mate a stallion with a mare.

  Shoulder-in: A dressage movement where the horse is required to bend inwards in an even curve from head to dock, while moving sideways and at the same time forwards.

  Skewbald: A horse whose coat consists of large irregular and clearly defined patches of white and any other colour except black.

  Skip out: to remove horse droppings from a stable without lifting or changing the bedding.

  Snip: A white marking between or close to a horse’s nostrils.

  Snowmobile: A mechanical vehicle, similar to a motorbike, that travels on skis rather than wheels.

  Soften: When a horse relaxes its body, particularly its head and neck, when being ridden; to become responsive to the slightest aid.

  Stallion: An entire male horse of breeding age.

  Stockhorse: An Australian breed of horse for working cattle and sheep.

  Surcingle: A strap that prevents the cantle of the saddle from lifting up from the horse’s body. It is fastened looser than a girth.

  Thoroughbred: A breed of racehorse.

  Turn on the forehand: This is a movement where the horse’s hindquarters move in a circle while the forehand remains in the same place. One hind leg crosses in front of the other. A clear walk rhythm and sequence is maintained throughout. During the turn, the horse’s forehand does not move forwards, sideways or backwards.

  Turn on the hindquarters: This is a movement where the horse’s forehand moves in a circle
while the hindquarters remain in the same place. One front leg crosses in front of the other. A clear walk rhythm and sequence is maintained throughout. During the turn, the horse’s hindquarters do not move forwards, sideways or backwards.

  Travois: A primitive sledge consisting of a platform or netting supported by two long trailing poles, the forward ends of which are fastened to a dog or horse.

  Twizzled: to twist a wire, or wires, to secure a fence. Also refers to anything caught up between two wires that have been twisted together.

  Ute: An Australian utility (pick-up) truck with an open tray above the rear axle.

  Walk up (to ask a horse to): To ask the horse to quicken and/or lengthen its stride by engaging the hind quarters to provide more impulsion.

  Warmblood: a type of horse resulting from crossing a hot blood with a cold blood.

  Wether: A de-sexed male sheep grown for meat.

  Whicker: A soft horse call.

  Whinny: A loud, shrill horse call.

  White rainbow: A rainbow made from ice crystals rather than rain drops which is totally white.

  Withers: The highest part of a horse’s back at the base of the neck and between the shoulder blades.

  About the Author

  Paula Boer has been a horse-lover since she learnt to ride at age nine. She has competed in many equestrian disciplines and successfully mustered and broken in brumbies. Paula combines her love of horses and writing by being a regular contributor to horse magazines and anthologies of animal stories. Her best selling Brumbies series is just one of her many exciting tales.




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