Devlin's Descendant

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Devlin's Descendant Page 8

by Felicia Tatum

  “Hey, sorry, man, are you alright?” I asked, leaning my body to look around Juniper.

  Her rich brown eyes, with the creepy red rim, glared at me, begging me to make another move. She glanced at Liv, stepping aside only when Sadie came to her brother’s side.

  “You ok, Santos? I think he thought you were Sebastian,” she consoled, her hand rubbing small circles on his slightly shaky arm.

  “Yeah, it’s cool, man. I get it,” he said, though not totally convincing.

  I cautiously moved my foot forward, eyeing Sadie for approval. At her nod, I reached my hand out to shake Santos’s. “You…look exactly like him…I’ve been staying here, but we haven’t crossed paths yet. I guess it just startled me, brought back too many memories.” I hung my head, shame filling me. Since when did I react before thinking? I wasn’t a violent person, not before. The sinking feeling that The Crimson Calamitous left evil essence in my soul made my stomach churn. I dropped his hand, the contact suddenly too much, and headed toward the door. “I’m going to get some fresh air.”

  Closing the door not so softly behind me, I leaned against it, knob still clenched in my hand. The sun was setting, creating an illuminating orange-yellow glow across the sky. Any other day the scene would have calmed me, brought peace to my inner turmoil. Today wasn’t any other day, however. Sadie rejected me, again, and I’d almost beat up her brother…the not-so-evil twin. The wrong twin. I slid to the ground, hunching just outside the door, and buried my head in my hands.

  How had this become my life? Losing years to an evil sorcerer…when did sorcerers become real? When did any of this become real? Inhaling sharply, I sunk so my butt hit the cold concrete, letting it seep into my bones. Maybe it would kill the evil, the anger inside me. It really was no wonder Sadie rejected me. I was a complete mess, a train wreck of a person, and she was smart to stay away. She deserved better…the best. The mood of the party was probably ruined because of my outburst, yet another mishap in this life I lead.

  Drawing my legs up, I propped my elbows on my knees, resting my chin on my forearm and gazing at the sky. The colors swirled and swam together, weaving an intricate pattern that looked like it belonged on a canvas. The scene was mesmerizing, something I would love to share with Sadie, but couldn’t. I heard the music inside, but no voices. Was the music on before, when we entered? Try as I might, I couldn’t recall. Seeing Santos clouded my mind, causing all rationalization to go flying out the window. I sulked, determined to stay in this position until everyone went home or went to bed…well, I was until I heard the distinct breaking of glass and the scream of either Sadie or Olivia. Either way, it was time I went back inside.


  He had the nerve to show his face, in Grandma’s house, after everything he’d done to our family…to my girlfriend. Anger bubbled in my body, rippling through me like waves, igniting the power I held. I felt my body light in it, the power dancing on my skin, eager to connect with my brother’s body. Livvie screamed, her hands instantly lighting with her own power, while Sadie stalked around him, giving him a glare that would murder anyone else. Santos simply stared at his other half, the person he’d bonded with way back in the womb, like he was a complete and total stranger. I knew exactly how he felt, the betrayal almost too much to comprehend.

  “What are you doing here?” I spat at him, inching closer to Livvie, throwing my arm in front of her for some semblance of protection.

  “Why,” he cocked his head, a murderous grin on his face. He spun around, delighted to be on display, and pointed to Sadie. “I’m here for our little sister’s birthday. Seems my invitation got lost in the mail.” He stared at Livvie, a hungry gleam shadowing in his evil eyes. They were still brown, so I knew he wasn’t a vessel at this moment.

  A ruckus from the front room startled us all. Aiden came bounding in, looking the hero set on rescuing the princess. Disgusted, I realized he was set to rescue my sister. He looked from Santos to Sebastian, the anger and vengefulness that filled his face from earlier returned as he sped his way to Sebastian.

  Laughing, he flicked his wrist, sending Aiden crashing into the closest set of cabinets. Sebastian was my enemy, Aiden not, but I still enjoyed that…just a little bit. Sadie gasped, glaring at our betrayer of a brother before flicking her wrist in the same motion he did, sending him hurling into the back door. Livvie’s mouth fell open beside me, a small chuckle escaping her luscious mouth.

  “You weren’t invited, Brother,” Sadie growled. She was feisty on a good day, but when she was angry…she was downright terrifying. And at only sixteen…I knew she was going to be a very powerful sorceress when she grew up. She nodded her head, sending a pan flying at his head. He saw it just in time, redirecting the path to Aiden. She counteracted, sending it back in his direction, but he once again redirected, sending it towards Livvie’s head this time.

  “Stop!” I bellowed, reaching up and gasping hold of the singeing hot pan. The power between the two had caused it to heat up, and I felt the blisters already forming. I slammed it on the counter, stalking over and crouching in front of Sebastian. My parents finally arrived, where they were, I had no idea, and both looked horrified at the scene. I turned back to Sebastian, disgusted at how happy he appeared by all of this. “You need to leave. You’re not getting her again.”

  “I don’t want her,” he growled, sounding like a mad animal. “He does. I just came for the vessel.”

  “You can’t have him either. We’re going to keep him safe, Sebastian. You need to remember who you are, where you came from. There’s no need for you to help him, to be this awful person. It’s not who you are in here,” I begged, reaching to his chest. Before I could comprehend what happened, I was flying through the air, landing dangerously close to Aiden.

  Now I was mad.

  “Sebastian Tabors! What do you think you’re doing?” My mother screamed out, marching in his direction.

  Livvie stepped in front of her, stopping her movement. “He’s not being very nice, Sabrina. You may not want to do that,” she cautioned.

  “He’s my son, Olivia,” she screeched, pushing her out of the way.

  The anger in me was growing. If one more person, family or not, touched Livvie, I was gonna lose it. Beside me, Aiden started stirring. A large, blue knot was forming on the side of his face, a few trickles of blood dried on his forehead. Sadie noticed, her body tensing as I watched her snake her eyes around for a glance.

  Livvie hit the nail on the head with that one.

  “Heal him,” I hissed, jumping to my feet. She nodded, crouching beside him, hesitantly touching his injuries. “Sebastian,” I screamed, stopping all the hysteria and drama forming around me. “You, me, outside.”


  The captor was here…crashing Sadie’s party. He’d hurt Aiden, attempted to hurt Scott, and got into it with Sadie. My stomach churned, the sickness rising in my throat. He wanted Aiden…the innocent vessel who was in the wrong place at the wrong time a few years ago. I glanced at Sadie barely touching his injuries, seeing the intense gaze he was giving her, and tried to not smile.

  Now wasn’t the time to play matchmaker.

  I rushed outside, stopping short as I saw Sebastian and Scott circling each other. They looked like animals, each ready to pounce, watching the other’s every move. I didn’t want this to happen. I worried Sebastian would play dirty, hurting Scott when he had a moment of weakness for his sibling. Kyle was noticeably absent, which didn’t fully surprise me, but it made me wonder what he was up to. Juniper still stared in shock as the events unfolded.

  “Come on, big bro. Mr. fifth generation sorcerer. Hit me with it,” Sebastian taunted and teased. He motioned for him to come closer, a smirk dashed on his face.

  Scott didn’t show any emotion, simply watched his movements. I prayed he stayed level-headed. Seeing Sebastian here like this was too much; it brought back so many bad memories. So much anger surrounded me. The thought of Scott being hurt caused the ache in my stoma
ch to spread. I’d only found him a few short months ago, and our time may be limited. The thought of Sebastian causing that to be shortened sparked a fury in me.

  The power rose out of me before I even realized what was happening. Angry balls of energy pelted down on Sebastian, sinking him to his knees. Scott peered up at me, the shock of my attack evident, and he looked a little prideful.

  “What the hell?” Sebastian growled, jumping to his feet after the shock wore off. “You messed with the wrong sorcerer, little girl.”

  “Funny, I was thinking the same thing,” I smarted back. Flicking my wrist and nodding simultaneously, the energy burst forth, enveloping him in waves. He was surrounded by a tornado of Olivia anger and I wasn’t about to let him out. After several long minutes, Scott signaled me to let him go. The waves flowed back to me, seeping back into my body. Sebastian wasn’t there.

  He’d disappeared again.


  “Don’t move,” I repeated, pressing my fingers to his knotted face. His beautiful face was broken by the hands of my older brother. I seethed with anger.

  “It. Hurts.” He growled for the twentieth time.

  I gazed into his intense blue eyes, the swirls of blue and a hint of green forever imprinted in my mind. He smelled like mint…from gum or toothpaste. The thought of either in his mouth gave me visions of his lips on mine, pulling me to his body, holding me close and sparking the fire we’d created earlier in the day.

  The intensity of my emotions affected my power, causing the slight healing I was doing to jolt out, a sudden burst connecting with his bruise.

  “Ow!” he screamed, clutching his forehead. He bent slightly, like it was too hard to sit the way he was.

  “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, Aiden,” I squeaked, covering my mouth with my hands. “I didn’t mean to. I just got…distracted,” I said. It wasn’t a total lie. He didn’t need to know the distraction was him.

  “You’re trying to kill me…again,” he groaned, falling back flat on the floor.

  I leaned over him, my hair creating a shield around our faces. “Are you ok?”

  He stared at me, his gaze slowly lowering to my lips. “Yeah…I’m alright. Is it healed or did you make it worse?” he asked huskily.

  My eyes darted to the spot, seeing pink flesh instead of blue or black, and then back to his eyes. “It’s healed,” I whispered.

  He slowly reached up, tracing his thumb from my ear to my chin, leaving a deliciously fiery trail. “You’re acting like you’re worried about me, Sade.”

  There was that nickname again. Every time he used it, the butterflies returned, making me feel sick and giddy at the same time. “I’m worried about anyone my brother tries to kill.”

  He chuckled, giving my chin a slight squeeze. “Then why are you still hovering over me? You cleared me, healer. Or do you do this with everyone?” he feinted shock, gripping his chest.

  I shot up, my hair flying all around me. “I was just making sure the whole bruise was gone,” I muttered, reaching a hand out to assist him up.

  “Sure you were,” he grinned his lop-sided half grin, making me a puddle at his feet…yet again. “Let’s see what’s going on out there,” he nodded towards the door, worry instantly creasing his face.

  We rushed to the door, our hands brushing against each other, electricity sparking and flying around us from it. Glancing out the window, I see Sebastian in a funnel of sorts, Olivia looking pissed, and Scott watching her with adoration.

  “That’s awesome!” exclaimed Aiden, fist pumping the air.

  “She’s getting better,” I agreed. I wasn’t jealous he thought she was an awesome sorceress. He was human, he didn’t know about these things. I picked at my nails, ignoring his staring out the window.

  “Where did he go?” he growled.

  I jerked my head up, my eyes surveying the back yard, but he was right. Sebastian was gone. “He’s disappeared while covered with her energy.”

  He groaned, flinging the door open and hurrying outside. I followed closely, but not too closely, behind and listened in as Scott and Olivia spoke.

  “What happened, Scott?” she exclaimed, waving her arms around in the air. She wasn’t happy.

  “He left,” he spat. He paced in front of us, hands locked behind his head, a grim expression on his face.

  “Well, duh,” she said, folding her arms and huffing in his direction. “There’s something you’re not telling me.”

  Uh oh. I knew as well as he did. If Sebastian disappeared while cloaked in her energy, he would have it with him, able to track her at any time…or give it to The Crimson Calamitous to track her. She obviously didn’t know this little tidbit.

  I stepped to her side, snaking my arm around her waist and pulling her to me for a side hug. “Olivia, it’s ok, you didn’t know he would do that.”

  “Do what?” she stressed, eyeing me closely.

  “He has a part of your energy with him…he can track you easier now.”

  Scott’s hands balled into fists, Aiden’s mouth fell open in shock. I rubbed her arm as a way to comfort her. She sniffed, fighting back the tears.

  “I’m sorry, Scott,” she said meekly.

  “You didn’t know,” he said, pulling her from me and embracing her.

  I looked away, giving them their moment, only to come in the direct line of sight of Mr. Blue Eyes. He watched me, a small smile on his face. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, making me think he did that like I picked at my fingernails. His stance was relaxed, but his brows showed the worry. Each line on his face was etched with concern, except the smile. His lips showed delight, happiness. He flirted with me with a single smile. My heart beat faster as I realized I made him happy. The only ounce of happiness on his face was for me.


  “We have to go to the council now,” Scott boomed, jerking me from my thoughts.

  “What, now, now?” I questioned, mouth open wide like I was trying to catch flies or something.

  “Tomorrow,” he spat, rolling his eyes in my direction.

  “Boys, no need to fight,” Anna called from behind us. She gracefully floated down the stairs, stopping in the middle of our duos--Sadie and I on one side, Olivia and Scott on the other. “I agree with Scott, you all need to prepare for your journey,” she looked around, making eye contact with each of us. “This will be difficult for you, I realize this. You’re all so young, so inexperienced, but I can’t do this for you. This journey belongs to the four of you and the four of you alone. Your destinies were written before you were born and you all belong together. This can’t happen without each of you, a key piece to the puzzle. I don’t know what will happen when you get there, who you’ll see, or what you’ll discover, but you must be strong for one another.”

  She stepped in front of me, reaching out and grasping my hand. “Aiden…I realize you’re the odd one out, the non-sorcerer. Abana showed Olivia that you were an important part of this, you and Scott helping her find the answers she needs. They will protect you, I know this. You need to trust in them, but trust your instincts, too. Your keen sense of instantly protecting those around you will be useful,” she instructed.

  My heart soared. The insecurities I held from being merely human were suppressed, but as usual, Anna saw right through me. She was someone I’d only known a few months, but she’d taken me under her wing, mothered and loved me when I desperately needed it. I missed my family more than anything, my heart longed to get back in contact with them, but I knew I must wait. Taking all of this drama and laying it on their doorstep wouldn’t be beneficial to anyone except the evil people we were dealing with.

  I nodded as she gently squeezed my hand. The confidence she held for me was contagious, my chest expanding as the words sunk in. Sadie stood watching me, an unreadable expression on her beautiful, angelic face. Anna stepped away, grasping Sadie’s hand in her own.

  “Sadie…my little Sadie,” she praised, smoothing her hair behind her ear, and gently car
essing her arms. A small ping in my chest sparked from jealousy…I wanted to touch Sadie, caress her that way, but she always ran from me.

  Shaking my head, I focused on what she was saying to the beautiful girl who constantly took residence in my mind.

  “You are so bright, so strong, so mature for your age. I know this journey will be easy for you, you’re such a natural at everything I’ve taught you. I know your parents are as proud as I am. You will need to prepare to be tried, emotionally and physically. Olivia will need your support, your guidance, your friendship during this time. The two young men accompanying you will fuss and fight, and it’s up to you to calm them. Set them straight. Olivia must concentrate on the task at hand, finding the answers she desires and her parents. You will be a wonderful companion for them all. Believe in yourself, Sadie. You are so much more than you can ever imagine,” she whispered the last words, but I still overheard.

  Sadie’s eyes were moist with tears as she nodded, reaching and pulling her grandmother in for a tight hug. I stuffed my hands deep in my pockets, feeling like an intruder. They mumbled and sniffled, embracing for several minutes. Finally breaking, Anna smiled at me, then nodded to her granddaughter before giving me a wink. My stomach fell to my feet at her insinuation. I lamely stayed frozen, unsure of how to respond. Anna kissed Sadie gently on the forehead, turning and facing Olivia.


  Grandma was building us up, singing our praises in preparation of our journey. I prayed this didn’t mean we were doomed, but she was so solemn, so unlike herself…it worried me greatly. The gloom rose around us, enclosing us as she moved from person to person, instructing them for the days ahead. Aiden and Sadie were first, Livvie next, saving me for last. My mind still reeled from Sebastian’s appearance. How my brother became evil was something I couldn’t quite wrap my head around.


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