The Order of Events: The Council of Eight

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The Order of Events: The Council of Eight Page 2

by Haines, C. J.

  Shirindul looked back upon her beloved home and place of duty, and looked ahead as she was steadfast in her heart that she would protect all those within the green walls behind her, for it was not only her duty, but her purpose and promise to do so.

  The cursed ones were growing closer. Their leader peered forward and saw something heading for his mass, and continued with his speedy approach as he craned curiously at the flying figure.

  Shirindul looked ahead and was perplexed for but a moment, as she saw a mass of flesh, twisted, and with a cursed look of illness, heading for her. The one heading them, in tattered rags, was with sharp claws bared forward as they made their approach.

  The Mother had stopped in mid-air, and floated to watch the incoming horde. Ready to take them on, she called out in a voice of strong clarity. “I don’t know what you are, or where you come from, but I will tell you something I do know. I am the Mother Shirindul. I have been given the duty to protect those of the Order, and to protect the souls of all of this existence.”

  The horde charged through the sky, unrelenting, as the cursed one thought to himself, and stopped his approach, as he let his followers charge ahead while he took thought. This figure that opposed him was the Mother? He knew they were a being of great power and might, but could she take them, even with his numbers? He thought about it for but a moment, and then was overtaken with his want for violence and pushed ahead, after all, the better the challenge, the more fun it would be for him.

  The Mother floated before the oncoming horde and took focus in air, and felt the power of the Aura link with her. Her eyes began to glow a bright and solid white as she began her defense against the cursed creatures.

  Batting them side to side on their meeting with her, Shirindul fought bravely, and beat the creatures left and right, dodging their sharp claws and grasps as she lunged and swept them aside with great speed, strength, and accuracy. The cursed one was amazed at the ferocity of her attacks, thinking it impressive as his followers were sent crashing through the spread of their own kind. One thing was surely confirmed to him at this moment, the creatures could be killed, which meant he too could share their fate.

  The bodies of broken and beat creatures fell to the ground below as the Mother hammered them out of the sky and spun around flailing all of her limbs to punch, kick, and slam all of the creatures in punishing areas, shattering their frames as she went on with her defense. The cursed one watched as he was entertained by the fray, but now it was his turn to make his approach, and being one with a soul and mind remaining in his body, he would stand a far better chance than the other mindless ones rushing into battle.

  Shirindul fought off the horde and saw the leading figure she had spotted before, crashing through the crowd of bodies, and heading right for her. Beating the creatures away, she kicked one through the crowd in an effort to hit the approaching cursed one, but the effort was dodged as he charged head on and met the Mother in combat.

  Slashing viciously with his claws, the cursed one made his first impression quite well as the Mother dodged each strike scathingly, noting that this one was surely the leader, for he was of greater skill than the others.

  The Mother was becoming overwhelmed, trying to fight off the cursed one, with all the creatures crowding to pierce her flesh with their savage claws. She had to do something before she was completely overtaken. The cursed one continued his assault and was finally successful, as the Mother was being crowded. She was unable to dodge, and he was able to cut her with a scrape from his sharp claws.

  Shock hit the Mother as the stinging pain came from the wound. The black substance had gotten into her skin. She did not know what it was, but whatever it was, it was not to her liking. As the cursed one writhed in pleasure at his success, he left himself open for a good blow from Shirindul’s knee, sending him up into an arch, and then down to the ground below, and soon followed by his twisted followers as they fell to the ground along with him, either crashing into or landing beside him, as he lay in a crumpled heap.

  Shirindul held her wound, as the blackness seeped from the flesh, and lowered herself to ground level, feeling herself weaken. Her eyes were dimming from brightness, her strength becoming faint as the blackness was an obvious toxin to her and of deadly purpose. Watching as the cursed one arose from the ground, the Mother looked around to survey the rising creatures as she was outnumbered greatly, and although she fought strongly and very well, she could not take them on forever.

  Her victory was even less likely as the cursed one had risen and arched over, his followers surrounding the Mother as she stood drooping and pressuring her shoulder wound.

  On the outermost wall stood Kheranda, he had been standing to watch the battle, not wanting to sit inside in safety while his friend took on a horde by herself. He watched as in the distance he saw the great mass on the ground, encircling a figure which he knew to be the Mother.

  Hope seemed lost, but there was a way to end it, here and now, Shirindul knew that this was true, even as she was surrounded by the twisted and their leader.

  Shirindul looked among the creatures and called out to them in a commanding tone.

  “Who commands you? Bring him forth!”

  The cursed one parted the crowd and stood before the Mother, looking her up and down with his golden eyes, glimmering as she watched him, Shirindul taking surprise to the next thing she saw happen, the cursed one ripping his flesh open so that he could speak.

  With black blood flowing from the open wound, the cursed one spoke as Shirindul listened to his words, the traveler picking at his mouth as he spoke, in order to keep it open for his words. “I lead these creatures. You fight bravely, Mother, I’ll give you that! I wish I could say the same for the city of Krelesh!”

  The Mother looked upon the cursed one with a taste of discontent, the cursed ones features ill and pale blue as she spoke to him. “They follow you without hesitation, these creatures? Where do they come from?”

  The cursed one arched his back, and looked back at the mass of creatures, and stood straight, gesturing with a sharp claw at the Mother as he stepped closer to her. “They are mindless. They follow my every word, every thought! They made me one of their own, filled me with their sweet darkness, and now I own them. Without me, they would be nothing!”

  The Mother Shirindul looked upon the face of the cursed one as he stared intently at her, a smile growing on her face as she grew glorious light once more in her eyes and spoke.

  “Let’s put it to the test!”

  Focusing the raw power of the Aura to her, the Mother Shirindul harnessed the gifted power, but her body was weak and it could not carry the power with the stability she would formerly have been able to, but this added an advantage, for it worked for the very purpose she wanted it to.

  Discarding the hand of the cursed one aside with a swift swipe of her hand, she grabbed him by his ragged clothing, and pulled him close as his mouth sealed closed to muffled words, a cry of help leaving the cursed one. His eyes locked with the Mother’s as he made his creatures to leap upon her in savage defense of him, for he truly feared what she was to do to him.

  The Mother closed her eyes and held him tight as the creatures leapt for her, and then…white light of great multitude shot from beneath the stack of creatures as they made their way down upon the Mother to deal death upon her. Little did they know, she was to do the very same to them.

  Kheranda stood on the wall, watching, and blocked his eyes with a clawed limb as light enveloped the mass of bodies as they were soon sent flying in an explosion of green embers, and flowing wildly about the scene as the cursed forms crashed on the ground. Some had attempted escape, but had only half succeeded, as they were out of range of the main explosion, but not the burning embers that were carried on the wind.

  The Mother Shirindul stood among the dead bodies, and was soon on her knees, watching as the cursed one left her grip and fell to the ground. Green embers baked into his ill flesh as he writhed about, and the
n went limp as he was burned to death from the explosion.

  Green embers flowed from the Mother as she was disintegrating. Her body was not strong enough to hold the power of the Aura, not strong enough for her to be stable in its use, and in doing so anyway, she destroyed her body, but also killed the cursed one and many of his followers.

  Kreranda watched as the light had cleared, and left the wall. He opened the front gate of the Order and ran for his friend’s side. He knew that this was it…her end.

  The creatures stirred about on the ground. They were not all dead.

  The Mother looked upon them as they struggled and shook off the embers of defeat, and then looked upon the sky. They were terrified. The blast of light was great. The explosion may not have damaged them, but it brought the fear of light upon them. Fleeing the scene of battle, the remaining creatures flew away into the distance, seeking desperate shelter from the light, leaving the burned body of their leader behind.

  The Mother Shirindul looked out and saw Kheranda making his way to her side. She collapsed onto the ground. The sloth held his friend in his claws and swiped her hair as she was fading away in embers, green and bright, as he held her and spoke. “Shirindul, my friend, you’ve saved the Order! You’ve saved us all!”

  The Mother smiled upon her friend and ruffled his soft and short fur as she spoke to him in a weak tone. “My friend, I did what had to be done, but I’m sure you already knew that!”

  Shirindul looked upon the green embers flowing from the sky, and at the dead bodies around her. It was a calm scene. For all the death that had taken place, it was actually quite beautiful with the green embers flowing down softly, like a soft snow.

  The sloth spoke as tears enveloped his eyes. “I think now is your time, my friend. I kind of hoped we would go at the same time, makes it easier on losing friends!”

  The Mother Shirindul smiled and spoke as a tear rolled down her cheek. “We will meet again, my friend. This is not your time to go, you still have a purpose. I can sense that you have many years to come!”

  The kindly sloth rested his head on Shirindul’s affectionately, like a brother would a sister, and spoke. “I know where I’ll find you, Shirindul!”

  The Mother felt her last breath leaving her and spoke as she drifted off. “You always could, Kheranda, you always could!”

  The kindly sloth, sorrowful and brotherly, held his friend in arms as her soul drifted off into the next. Her body was now as an empty shell, like those of the creatures that surrounded the tearful scene.

  The sloth took the Mother in arms and carried her off towards the Order, green embers flowing gracefully from her silent form in his hold. The front gate of the Order was open with its vast confines of stone to the solemn figure as he entered and left the door open, a breeze soft and bittersweet blowing in from the victory grounds as the hunched figure stumbled through the many walls and made presence at the center of the stone forge.

  Many eyes watched, peering through windows of the inner walls at the sight, leading to doors opening, and a gathering mass of bodies encircling the sloth as he knelt with the Mother in his grasp.

  All stood perplexed and silent at the sad sight. It was a sad one indeed as the sloth spoke through tears at the crowd around him. “She gave her life for our safety, for the safety of the whole world. Shirindul was the bravest woman I’ve ever known, like a sister to me. She confronted a mad storm of foes on her own, and came out as the victor, but with gain has come loss. We are now short, not just a friend, but a Mother.”

  The crowd lolled in depression as they listened, watching the lolling form of the Mother, bruised, dust pattered, and with glowing embers flowing from her body as she lay in the arms of her friend. The crowd parted, and a child, the age of only fourteen, made herself seen and removed the veil of Shirindul, and looked upon her quiet and solemn figure. The child’s hair was black and long, her eyes orange and bright as she looked down in sadness.

  The sloth looked upon the young girl and spoke as her gaze was fixed on the Mother.

  “Omegeira…Everyone, the Mother has left us, not only with our lives, and with peace…but with her very own successor, too!”

  The crowd looked about as the young Omegeira looked at the sloth curiously as he rose and spoke to all who were to listen. “The Mother has left us with Omegeira! As her link, her aid, I know that Omegeira is the one to succeed our great Shirindul. It was her very words and wishes that this comes to be! It is the Order of Fate.”

  The crowd voiced agreement, and nodded amongst themselves as Omegeira was silent, slightly shocked at the proposal. She was young, and had much to learn of life. There had never been one as young as her that was titled the Mother, and given such an impressive responsibility before. But as she felt she was not worthy, she loved the Mother Shirindul greatly. She had taken care of Omegeira, and had taught her ever since she had come to the Order, alone and broken. Through her feelings of self doubt, Omegeira could not back down from the proposal and spoke as she bowed and surveyed all around her, as they were all in agreement.

  “Kheranda, I…I accept this duty. I am young and not as wise as I wish to be. Holding a duty like this is such a great responsibility, it only belongs to one of great knowledge. But I love Shirindul and I will try to serve her as best I can.”

  As all bowed from a gesture of the great sloth, he set the Mother on the soft grass, and lifted up Omegeira’s head with a careful claw, and spoke. “You will serve her royally, Omegeira. As for your mind, you are wise, but with the duty of the Mother come many a thing, strength, responsibility, and knowledge.”

  Omegeira watched as the sloth knelt next to the body and took her hand, and then that of the Mother, and pressed them together. “The duty is passed to you, Omegeira. With this duty you shall serve all life and be ever truthful and steadfast in your cause. Take it in, now!”

  Omegeira felt overwhelmed as the power of the Mother entered her body through their bond and fed her a power like no other. Her black hair turned white, and her orange eyes turned a bright and beautiful green as the purpose and duty of the Mother filled her body and soul.

  All watched as the transfer of responsibility was completed, Omegeira loosening her grip of Shirindul’s hand and setting it with care upon the former Mother’s stomach. All were bowed, as was the sloth, as he spoke out to all. “All praise our new Mother, Omegeira!”

  All yelled out these words, as Omegeira watched them, and then lolled them into silence with a spread of her hands and words from her mouth. “Thank you, everyone, I shall serve you all to my end, no matter what the cost…just as Shirindul did for us.”

  All rose as the sloth did. He held Shirindul in his arms and spoke to the one of great purpose before him. “What is your word, Mother Omegeira?”

  All listened as Omegeira looked upon all and put a sturdy hand on the shoulder of the great sloth. “Let us bury the Mother. In her most beloved of places, we shall gather and make remembrance of her being!”

  The crowd hailed the decision, and followed as Kheranda and the Mother led them from the grounds, up some wall steps, and up to a chamber entrance. The sloth smiled upon the new Mother as she spoke, walking firmly at his side. “Kheranda, I have a wish for you to fulfill. As the scribe of our Order, I would very much wish that you write a tome of the heroics of our Shirindul, so that all will be knowledgeable of her acts. I know there would be none better to ask than you.”

  The sloth smiled and looked upon the peaceful form of Shirindul in his arms as they had reached the great entrance that was their destination, Kheranda speaking as the Mother stood before the door, awaiting those who followed to reach their height. “I had that very much in mind, Mother. I shall do just that!”

  The Mother smiled upon the sloth, and took a firm hold of a handle, made of iron, clad to the door, and opened it wide, letting all poor in as the Mother and sloth stood at each side of the chamber arch until all had entered. The Mother and sloth were at each other’s sides and entered the
chamber, closing the door behind them. Omegeira looked upon the room with lanterns lit and light illuminating as a great hall sped from the open chamber and down some stairs to a great green stone catacomb of shelves, garnered with books.

  It was a beautiful sight, as it was filled with the waiting mass of the Order, the sloth carrying the form of Shirindul down as he entered and looked upon the multitude of watchful eyes, as the Mother Omegeira spoke. All listened as she spun around, surveying the beauty of green stone and glowing lanterns of blue crystal hanging from the ceiling, filled with glowing fireflies to bring beauty and serenity to the scene. “The library, this was her most beloved place. I remember when she brought me down here, and read to me, many things of ages past, and histories forged in acts.”

  The sloth was at the Mother’s side as she surveyed the beauty, speaking to her as he looked ahead of the crowd, and deeper into the catacombs below the Order. “She loved being down here, it’s only fitting that her body rest here.”

  The Mother Omegeira patted the sloth on his shoulder, and looked down into the deep catacombs that which his eyes were grazing. “It is, let us go now and lay her body to rest!”

  All followed the two as they led the way, deeper into the underground catacombs, leaving the multitude of shelves behind as they plunged deep into the underworld of the Order. The second era of life, the era of Shirindul had ended. The era of Omegeira was now upon the world, and though she was starting young, as her predecessor, she would serve her duty with a dedication great as that of her aged and beloved Shirindul.

  -Chapter 1-


  The sun shown gracefully upon the face of the world, the great towering city of Mura Sota, stone structured and mighty, stood firm as the ash ridden skies dropped their dusty presentation to the ground below. The Red Wolf had been slain, and the world saved from a burning death. All by a heroine of great standards, a heroine named Samana.


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