The Order of Events: The Council of Eight

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The Order of Events: The Council of Eight Page 9

by Haines, C. J.

  The owl took the side of the Mother closely and spoke as he looked into the distance with her. “Do not worry, Mother, she will not fail!”

  The Mother looked through her veil upon the owls serene features and spoke. “I hope so, not for my sake, but for hers!”

  The days passed in travel, steady and strong as Samana and Kurlank made their way through sandy winds and ever changing ground. Samana had her hood over her head to block the sand from scraping her face and spoke out over the intensity of the rip, to her armored companion.

  “I remember when I was last here, it seemed so long ago. My father, sister and I were coming through here on horseback, it was rough. I thought we wouldn’t make it!”

  The metal one boomed out through the intense sand as it riddled his armored form with a rapping echo. “I’m sure you’ll make it, now. Going on foot this far, you’re proving yourself ever the heroine, young Samana!”

  Samana smiled beneath her hood and pressed on through the thick weather with her companion, as they made their way ever closer to their goal.

  The City of Oomer was riddled heavily with sand, whipping hard against the stone ruins in clumps as all of the council stood in wait, inside the huge structure forming the center of the once great mass of a city, as the moon above was rigid with purpose. Sinfus sat aside Gelga as they listened to the whirling sand outside. The congregation of Keraij gripped the walls, pillars, and ceilings of the structure around the council as they all sat.

  Gelga leaned tiredly on Sinfus as he held her close. The others were resting or sitting silently, awake as the leader spoke to his love as he looked upon Keraij which he manipulated without gesture, but with thought. “Once this storm settles, we’ll be out of here, Gelga, now that I can control these creatures with nothing more than a thought. I’m sure safety is afforded to us, now!”

  Gelga had her arms wrapped around Sinfus, and nestled close as she tightened her grip on his form and spoke. “I’m glad. I don’t know how much longer I could bear to look upon the ruins of our beautiful Oomer.”

  Sinfus held her and thought of the Elushu and the destruction wreaked upon Oomer, and the treachery he felt dealt by the hand of his best friend Kaimana, a friend, dear and close, that he so wished to stand together with in battle, but would never had been able to, for his friend had abandoned his aid.

  Karkor watched through his single eye at the sight of the stricken leader and folded his massive arms as the twins were at his side, hearing his thoughts. “Look at Sinfus, what betrayal. I kind of wish he wouldn’t hold it all inside himself. I’d rather he shared his thoughts. That way we could understand!”

  The twins nodded in agreement as Fenra produced his tall form at their backs and spoke his mind. “He does a wise thing to keep the pain to himself. If we all share everything, who knows what chaos could erupt! It is better this way, my friends!”

  Hearing his thoughts of wisdom, the three sitting figures nodded and agreed with him.

  In the corner, Mastaba sat watching and cutting his face as usual, the repetitive slice and pain bringing joy to his sadistic mind as he flayed his face over and over again, in bloody, painful fashion.

  The Keraij were still and silent, as the sands outside were wild and fierce, as the night allowed the day term and the sands to calm.

  Sinfus stood at the head of his council, his love at his side, as the Keraij took the back of the council in great mass as he spread his thoughts amongst them. “The day is here, and the wind is calm. Let us go forward with our purpose upon us. Let us journey to the Order of the Aura!”

  Sinfus’ Council of Eight left the ground, Gelga holding onto Sinfus as he led as head of the mass, his cloak whipping madly in the wind, the Keraij following in quick pursuit as all followed the great one to the destination set before them…the Order of the Aura.

  As the sands were calming, Samana and Kurlank made their way through the sand lands without fail, the ground shifting under their tread as they progressed ever forward with each step. Samana removed her hood and surveyed the ground ahead as she spied something in the distance. Speaking, she gave a report. “There it is. I see it! We’ve near made it, Kurlank!”

  The metal one boomed out his echoing tone as he patted Samana on the shoulder.

  “Let’s make it then. Push forward with all you’ve got!”

  Both charged ahead through the sand speedily, heading for the mass of ruined stones and sand. Having reached their destination at a tie, the two stood amongst the destroyed city as Samana brushed her hand over the fallen form of what was once a great archway, speaking as she slumped next to the stone. “I heard about this, but I never saw it before…my sister and I used to come here as children, our father brought us all the time. He was great friends with the leader of these people, Sinfus. If father only knew what happened, he gave so much and still, this happened!”

  The metal one stood at Samana’s side and looked upon the stone structures, torn, bent and misplaced amongst the sand strewn mass, speaking as he surveyed. “It’s a shame. He seems to have been a very devoted warrior!”

  Samana stood up from the stone and smiled as she remembered her father. “He was a devoted father, too. Since we were without a mother, he was all we had, but he was great, and I couldn’t have asked for more!”

  The metal one surveyed the wreckage as sand was blown softly from stone by a passing wind. He sensed something was near. Samana expected a reply as she looked upon the metal one, but upon doing so, she noticed he was scanning the area for a reason. “What’s going on, Kurlank? Is it the Keraij?!”

  The metal one stood silent as Samana drew her long sword, well-crafted and sharp, from her sheath, and stood ready, looking upon the sandy ruin as she questioned her companion. “Do you see anything, Kurlank?”

  Both stood peeking over a piece of fallen stone and watched as the sand blew silently, and then something emerged, but it was not a Keraij…it was another being from the past.

  The metal one stepped back from the fallen stone and drew his double blades as he and Samana took stance together, side by side, as they took sight upon a beast that was massive and intimidating.

  Both stood in wait as the beast had caught sight of them and charged ahead, heavy paws pounding across sand as it sped towards the two and leapt over the fallen stone before them to land in a cloud of sand to obscure its image.

  Samana held her blade forward at the ready, dropping a free hand to her side to grab her other shorter blade, her eyes watching as the sandy cloud began to dissipate, revealing the form of the beast. It was a great mass of black fur, stretched out on four sturdy limbs, claws sharp and long on each paw tip, digging into the ground for support. Six bones penetrating in long, sharp shafts from the beast’s back stood high and villainous, as steel was well-fixed upon the beast, garnering protection upon its hide, as the steel had a look, bloodied and worn by the aged sands upon it.

  The beast’s head craned low, black-tipped, sharp, short ears and a snout peeking beyond the armored muzzle, as slits in the armored mask revealed blood red eyes staring upon the two warriors as fangs leaked down through the muzzle, sharp and long. The beast was set firmly into the ground, in preparation to pounce upon the two, and released a vicious growl as Samana and Kurlank held their weapons drawn to take the beast on, Samana speaking as she stared into the deadly eyes of the dark and armored beast. “It’s a Nefer!”

  -Chapter 2-


  The day was present upon the bluish stone of Oomer, the light dancing on the wall rims as the sun began to lower gracefully and silently to the horizon, beyond the vast sands and mountains. Upon the walls, a young girl strode across, silent and beautiful. Her hair was brown, as were her eyes, her skin pale and soft as her hair draped about her shoulders, in curly fashion.

  As the girl continued her walk, she was being watched by eyes, white iris shown on their form as they followed the young girl about. The figure soon produced themselves before the girl, as she looked upon them in
a worried manner. The figure was tall and slender, his features rather jagged and sharp, but handsome. His clothing was blue, as most was at the City of Oomer, and the hood about his cloak, well-fashioned, with a blade, curved and sharp attached to it. The girl looked the boy up and down, attractively, as he leaned in and spoke in a worried manner, his hand taking place on a battlement for support, as he did. “Are you ready to leave tonight, Nalm? Are you all packed and set?”

  The girl named Nalm leaned on the battlement as the boy wrapped one arm about her and questioned her worried features. “What’s wrong?”

  Nalm fixed her brown eyes with the ever white ones of the boy and spoke as she put a caring hand to his face. “Nothing, we just can’t leave tonight. I need more time, Mastaba.”

  Mastaba looked extremely concerned as he pulled Nalm in close to him and kept his gaze shared with her and spoke. “Why? Must we wait another night? I’d rather not risk him hurting you once more. If he does it again, I’ll kill him this time! I swear it!”

  Nalm left the grip of Mastaba as he released her, the slender figure taking place at the battlements with both hands resting upon the stone edge as he leaned out and held his head low in thought. The beautiful girl took to his side in care and wrapped her arms about his ribs as she spoke with her head at the side of his. “We can wait another night. I don’t have everything packed and…I want to say goodbye to my friends.”

  Mastaba looked to his side and spoke as his eyes were upon Nalm. “It’s not goodbye, Nalm. We’ll see them again. I promise.”

  Nalm held Mastaba tighter and nestled her head against his shoulder as they both watched the sun take rest beyond the mountains, far away, through the sand lands. Nalm spoke as she closed her eyes restfully. “What do you think it’s like, beyond Oomer?”

  Mastaba looked into the far distance and spoke as he and Nalm had never been beyond Oomer, and had only known life within its walls. “Better. I’m sure of it.”

  As the night had come upon Oomer, the moon hung high above and silent. The Council of One-Hundred had gathered in the high dome and was in preparation to begin their evening council.

  Bledlus sat in his chamber upon the pier, and took meditation in silence, his serene figure sitting with his hood over his head, the red crystal hanging by chain, dangling upon his forehead as he sat with eyes closed and his mind wide. The impending danger was on his mind as he held worry over the affect the Council’s decision could have on his son, but also on the Dawn Bringers as they were ever loyal to him and his people, for they would protect them at any cost.

  As Bledlus sat, his eyes soon came to opening. His attention brought to the chamber door behind him as it had opened and soon sat shut. The form of Sinfus stood at the door and took approach of his father, Bledlus standing and turning upon Sinfus as he removed his hood and spoke upon his son. “Have you taken your blood?”

  Sinfus nodded and spoke as he looked upon his father with golden eyes. “Yes, father. It never feels right though, taking the Council’s blood for my own.”

  Bledlus rested a hand on his son’s shoulder and took to his knee as he spoke upon him, his eyes fixed on the boy. “It must be as it is, my son. They are willing to give, so you must be willing to receive, remember that. I too must feed from their blood, as I am willing to receive their gift of devotion.”

  Sinfus held his head low and spoke in return upon his father. “I know. I will remember, father.”

  Bledlus patted the shoulder of his son caringly and spoke as he rose. “I know you will. Now I must take council with our devoted donors.”

  Bledlus took to leave the chamber and found Sinfus following him, the leader stopping his tread and turning upon his son in speech. “This council I must take without you, Sinfus. This is a grave matter and I wish you to not be there, tonight. For me, please stay here or spend time with your friends. But please do not come to the council dome, tonight.”

  Sinfus held his head low and spoke as he wished he could be at council, but knew he must listen to his father. “I wish to go. But I will listen as you say, father.”

  Bledlus rested his hand upon Sinfus’ shoulder caringly and smiled, speaking as he looked upon his disappointed son. “Do not be darkened, my son. There will be more councils and remember, I do this for your sake.”

  As Bledlus soon left the chamber, Sinfus was alone and silent. Bledlus walked across the stone pier with his thoughts held close, he did this only for his son, as he feared what the result of the Councils gathering could be, as it may take him away from his son.

  -Chapter 9-


  Sand blew across the ruins of Oomer, wildly, as the wind picked up a steady pace. Kurlank and Samana backed away in tread as she had drawn her second blade from side to hear the metal one speak in question. “You’ve seen one of these before, Samana?!”

  Samana nodded her head as she kept good attention to the beast as she answered.

  “Yes, I have. Two of them hunted my father before in battle, before he took my sister and me to the Order! They serve the leader of the Elushu, Druskele. I’d like to know how it got here. I thought it would have perished in the sands with the rest of them!”

  The metal one echoed out a question of his own, as the beast seemed ready to pounce, the light from above glimmering madly upon its armored hide. “Better question, you said there were two? What’s the possibility of another lying in wait?!”

  Samana surveyed her surroundings as the question was noted, keeping one eye on the beast as she looked around the ruins and spoke. “I don’t know. They usually go in a pair. There’s only two of them to my knowledge…here it comes!”

  In a buffet of dust, the paws pressed and shot the beast from the ground in a mighty lunge as it sent itself diving for the two companions. Both dodged to the side in opposite directions of the beast as it landed, sharp claws planting into the dusty ground as it missed its target and rent outward a loud growl of annoyance.

  Samana and Kurlank stood in wait as the next move came. The beast lunged for Samana with dual claws swiping, the young heroine dodging each blow speedily and narrowly as Kurlank leapt onto the beasts back and slammed his sword flatly on its armored skull, to a resounding clang!

  While the beast was dazed, Samana swung her sword to catch it on the jaw, but the beast hailed backwards, slamming its head into Kurlank to send him into a pile of sand, and then lashed out with its claws to smack Samana’s swords from her grip and into the sandy ruin.

  Samana ducked as two more blows came, and tried to grasp her swords, but was not allowed as the beast made good pursuit of her with its lashings. Giving her no choice but to run for cover, as the beast chased her madly.

  Kurlank got up from the ground, and sheathed his dual blades and watched as he saw Samana running in the distance from the beast. Finding her blades resting on the ground, Kurlank took them in his armored grip and took chase upon the beast and its prey.

  Samana was running swiftly as possible, as sand collapsed beneath her feet, her body passing stone column after stone column as she made her way away from the speedy pursuit of the steel clad beast. The sound of the draping chains against the steel hide, clanging in their drift, brought to her ear as she kept up her speedy pace.

  The beast pounded through the stone ruin as Kurlank was taking great strides to catch up, but was no match for the speed of the four-legged beast.

  The eyes of the Nefer were locked with the form of Samana as she ran ahead, the beast flicking its tongue out to the promise of fresh blood filling its mouth Samana looked back and saw that the beast was nearing her back as she had only but moments until she was put in a position of near death, if not an absolute one.

  Samana saw a fallen archway ahead, and looked back as the beast beat a great pace after her. Running ahead, she ran for the fallen stone planning to use the stone for cover and to gain some kind of defense against the dangerous beast. As the beast drew near, Samana drew closer to the fallen stone ahead. The beast saw the opportunit
y was rich with promise as the pillars cleared and there was now open ground and room to pounce.

  Samana ran ahead, looking back to see Kurlank far in the distance behind the beast as it charged and left the ground, its eyes fixed firmly on her. Turning her view ahead, Samana kept her fast pace, and then dropped to the ground in a rolling motion as the beast flew for her, claws spread out as it prepared to stick Samana through, but with one minor calculation not taken in its pursuit.

  As the beast had leapt, Samana had rolled her body to the foot of the fallen stone archway causing the beast to think that leaping was a good idea…it was wrong.

  Flying through the air, it miscalculated indeed as its armored body overshot, and slammed into the fallen stone, sending it rolling and crashing over the heap and producing a cloud of sand, outward in a mighty burst as it settled on the other side.

  Samana got up from the dusty ground, and dusted herself off and backed away as she heard the beast stirring its broken form on the other side.

  Kurlank came rushing to her aid, and handed her blades over as he drew his, both the warriors standing in wait as the metal one spoke his impression of the young heroine.

  “That was a good move there, Samana. You’ve got a good head, that’s for sure!”

  Samana smiled as she sheathed one blade at side, and held the longer ahead, in grip of both hands. “It was a lucky moment, Kurlank, just lucky!”

  As the metal one was about to speak in disagreement to her statement, the beast rose atop the fallen stone and looked down upon the two, growling deeply as it stood, its armor cracked and bent from the force of the collision, and blood seeping from ribs as they had been broken, skin torn as they poked outwards.

  Samana held her sword confidently as Kurlank spoke of the beast’s condition.

  “He doesn’t stand a chance now, he’s finished!”


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