The Lost Empire of Atlantis

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The Lost Empire of Atlantis Page 35

by Gavin Menzies

  water channels, 139

  El Argar people, 184, 186

  El Barranquete, 183

  elephant tusks, 75, 79, 86, 98, 136, 144, 155

  Elizabeth I, Queen, 163

  Emar, 312

  English Channel, 181, 193-5 entasis, 231

  Enuma Anu Enlil tablets, 133, 135

  ephemeris tables, 133-5, 270 Epic of Gilgamesh, 172, 199

  Equatorial Current, 290

  Er Lannic, 226

  Erme, river, 194

  Ethiopia, 116

  Etruria, 177

  Etruscans, 69

  Euphrates, river, 122-6, 128, 136

  Evans, Sir Arthur, 10-11, 45, 60, 81, 109-10, 138-9, 325

  Evora, 181-2, 186

  Fal, river, 199

  Famagusta, 62

  Faralimni, 62

  Faroes Gap, 246

  Fayum, 163

  Fermor, J., 264

  Fitzpatrick, Andrew, 251

  Flamsteed, John, 264

  Florida, 245, 263

  Florida Straits, 291-2

  foodstuffs and spices

  bread wheat, 65

  cardamom, 147-8, 153-4, 157

  cashews, 162

  cinnamon, 146, 154

  dates, 111, 138

  maize, 161-2, 288

  olive oil, 38-40, 43, 49, 54, 317

  pepper, 146-8, 153-4, 156-7

  pineapples, 162

  pomegranates, 79, 94, 153

  saffron, 23, 38, 43, 49

  France, 175, 198, 223-4, 247, 270

  Franklin, Benjamin, 246

  Frisia, 96-7

  Galanopoulos, A.G., 334-5, 344-5

  Galileo, 135

  Gama, Vasco da, 63

  Ganges, river 137, 157

  Gayatri Devi, Maharani, 151

  Gaza Strip, 130

  Georgia, 85, 176, 303, 307

  Gere, Cathy, 81

  Germany, 156, 207-11, 227, 253, 345

  Ghouta, 126

  Gilgamesh, 173

  Giza pyramids, 5, 12, 49, 219, 236, 288

  goddess worship, 12, 23, 65, 67, 110, 185

  Golden Hind, 30, 79

  Golden Section, 318-19, 322, 324

  Goltepe, 171, 174

  Gordon, Cyrus, 200, 260

  Gosek wooden circle, 209-11, 215, 217, 227

  Goskar, Thomas, 234

  Gournia, 62, 260

  Goya, Francisco, 188-9

  Graham, J. Walter, 260

  Grand Traverse Bay, 283

  grave barrows, 239-41, 299

  Graves, Robert, 95

  Great Lakes, 248-9, 270, 272, 279, 281, 284-6, 288, 290, 295, 303

  Great Orme mine, 201-6, 230, 278, 294, 311

  Greco-Turkish war, 81

  Greek gods and legendary figures

  Achilles, 73, 75-6

  Agamemnon, 11, 52-3, 73

  Argus, 78

  Ariadne, 320

  Atlas, 209, 225

  Cleito, 324, 340-1

  Cronos, 55

  Daedalus, 10

  Dionysus, 6

  Helen of Troy, 169

  Hephaestus, 59, 171

  Hera, 59

  Hercules, 4, 170

  Jason and the Argonauts, 7, 78-9, 86-7, 95

  Melisseus, 55

  Minos, 4, 9-11, 51-2, 81, 242, 311

  Minotaur, 10-11, 42

  Odysseus, 73, 131-2, 159, 267

  Poseidon, 322, 324, 337, 341

  Theseus, 42

  Zeus, 6, 10, 51, 55, 59

  Green, Adrian, 240

  Green Bay, 291

  Greenland, 246, 314-15

  Griffin, James B., 295, 297

  griffins, 109-10

  Guadalquivir, river, 179-80

  Guadeloupe, 7

  Guadiana, river, 181-2, 186

  Guidor Aredso, 181

  Gujarat, 162

  Gulf of Caidiz, 179

  Gulf of Cambay, 142

  Gulf of Finland, 95

  Gulf of Mexico, 260, 263, 282, 286, 288, 291

  Gulf of Mirabello, 51

  Gulf of Morbihan, 226

  Gulf of Riga, 95

  Gulf Stream, 245-6, 284, 291-3

  Gupta, ShaktiM., 161-2

  Gurness, 243

  Hacyilar, 68

  Hagia Triada, 62, 317-18, 325

  sarcophagus, 120-1

  Halicarnassus, 74

  Hammurabi, King, 122, 173

  Hatshepsut, Queen, 94, 108, 117, 138, 161

  Hatti, 312

  Hattusa, 66-7

  Hauptmann, Andreas, 101-2, 278, 296

  Hawkins, Gerald, 235-6, 238

  Hawley, Colonel William, 229

  Hazor, 41, 312

  headdresses, 69-70

  Hebrides, 186, 220, 226-7, 243-5, 247-8, 253, 263, 292, 345

  Henrickson, Eiler, 295

  Henry VII, King, 284

  Hepatu, 67

  Herodotus, 17, 59, 74, 139, 238, 344

  Himalayas, 141

  Himmler, Heinrich, 35

  Hipparchus, 266

  hippopotamus teeth, 75, 79, 83, 86, 98-9

  Hittites, 64, 66-7, 69, 86, 190, 312

  Hiuen Tsang, 146

  HMS Diamond, 8, 179-80

  HMS Narwhal, 18-19

  HMS Newfoundland,98

  HMS Orion,8

  HMS Rorqual, 246

  HMS Victory,80

  Holley, Mark, 282

  Homer, 6, 11, 51, 62-3, 75, 82, 86-7, 92, 131, 169, 267-8, 343-4

  horoscopes, 133

  Horse Latitudes, 260

  Horus Road, 109

  Hoyle, Sir Fred, 235-7, 266

  Hoysala stone temples, 161

  Hudson, Ian, 309

  Huelva, 180

  Humbaba, 173

  Hunt, Mark A., 181

  Huron Mountain, 279

  Hvar, 311

  Hyde, Kay, 151

  Hyksos, 44, 61, 106, 108-9

  Iberia, 175, 178-87, 195, 268, 270

  Ibn Battuta, 146

  Idaion cave, 55

  Iera Petra, 62

  Iktinos, 319, 324

  Illinois, river, 285

  Imhotep, 48

  incense, 94, 97

  India, 141-59

  bronze hoards, 136-7

  bull-leaping, 157

  geography and climate, 147

  and Phoenicians, 268

  pre-Columbian art, 161-2

  trade with Egypt, 137, 141-2, 155-7, 161

  trade with Minoans, 137-8, 144-5, 161

  see also Kerala

  Indian Ocean, 47, 100, 125, 136, 141, 152, 154, 269

  Iolkos, 79

  Iran, 307

  Ireland, 187, 220, 224, 226-7, 247, 268, 270, 292

  Isle of Lewis, 186, 243-6, 264, 292

  Isle Royale, 144, 273-8, 280, 285, 287, 291, 294, 298, 311

  Isopata ring, 320

  Istanbul, 64, 73

  Italy, 65, 174, 225

  ivory, 43, 49, 116, 144-5, 183, 185

  see also elephant tusks; hippopotamus teeth

  Jacob, 107

  Java, 156

  Jellikata ceremony, 157

  Jesuits, 276, 286

  jet, 186

  jewellery, Minoan, 51-2, 59

  Jews, 150-1

  Jing, Zhichun, 295

  Johanessen, Carl, 157, 160-2, 345

  Johnson, Anthony, 260

  Jordanus of Severic, 146

  Joseph of Arimathea, 198

  Julius Caesar, 192

  Jumna catchment, 137, 157

  Kahun, 43, 190

  Kallikrates, 319, 324

  Kalokairinos, Minos, 9-10

  Kamares ware, 25, 41-3, 54, 157

  Karachi, 142

  Karnak, 117

  Karnataka, 161


  Kastir, 177

  Kato Zakros, 13, 42

  Katsaba, 44

  Kea, 51

  Keall, Edward, 138

  Keftiu, 6, 14, 106, 108-9, 119

  Keos, 326

bsp; Kerala, 142, 145-9, 153-5

  bull-leaping, 157

  rock art, 160

  wooden circle, 158-9, 182, 211, 270

  Keweenaw Peninsula, 102, 273, 276, 278-9, 281-2, 285, 287, 291, 294, 298, 311

  Keys, David, 248

  Khosr, river, 130 ‘King Scorpion’, 138-9

  Knapp, Bernard, 52, 73, 106

  Knights of St John, 74


  amber disc, 177

  bull images, 11, 109, 189

  destruction of, 13, 15-16

  discovery of, 9-11, 81

  frescoes, 22, 123

  goddess worship, 23, 67, 110

  griffins, 109-10

  hippopotamus tooth, 99

  Hyksos artefacts, 108 labrys marks, 13, 139, 233

  labyrinth, 10-11, 13, 42

  palace complex, 12-13, 24 pithos, 138

  port facilities, 37, 62

  silver cups, 222

  storehouses, 39

  Kode, 312

  Koder, Samuel, 151

  Kokkini (Red Beach), 33-4, 343

  Kolonna, 326

  Kommos, 37, 44-6, 48, 62

  Konya plain, 67

  Kos, 148

  Kosseir, 138

  Kouretes, 55

  Kuwait, 307

  Kyrenia, 62

  Kythera, 177, 326

  Kythnos, 61, 170

  LaMancha, 182-3, 187, 311

  LaThirisia, 33

  Labrador Current, 292 labrys, 4, 13, 139, 232-3, 242

  Lac Vieux Desert, 290-1

  Lake Antioch, 112

  Lake Erie, 284

  Lake Huron, 285

  Lake Michigan, 281-2, 284-5, 291

  Lake Nipissing, 285

  Lake Ontario, 284

  Lake Superior, 102, 144, 169, 253-5, 263, 268-70, 272-8, 280-1, 285, 287-8, 290, 293-4, 296-9, 306, 311

  Lakshmi Narasimha temple, 161

  Langdon Bay hoard, 193

  languages and scripts

  cuneiform, 172

  Cypro-Minoan, 291, 316

  Linear A, 15, 56, 64, 97, 260, 307, 314-17, 322, 337

  Linear B, 39, 56, 262, 316-17, 337

  Luvian, 64-5

  Sanskrit, 145-6

  Tamil, 145-6

  Ugaritic, 56

  L’Anse, 282, 287, 291

  lapis lazuli, 52, 124-5, 222

  Larnaca, 62

  Las Marismas, 180

  latitude, 132, 134, 187, 237, 262-5, 268-70, 290, 293

  Laurion, 170, 175

  Lawrence of Arabia, 128, 138

  Layard, Sir Henry Austen, 172

  Le Rouzic, Zacharie, 226

  Leben, 62

  Leiro hoard, 180

  Lesbos, 325

  Lewis, Andy, 201-2

  library of Assurbanipal, 130-1

  Limassol, 62

  Limpopo, river, 98-9

  Lindsay, Jeff, 303

  Lisbon, 185, 187

  Lisos, 62

  Llandudno, 202

  Lockyer, Sir Norman, 234

  London, 158

  longitude, 132, 134-5, 187, 261, 264-6, 268-70, 290

  Los Millares culture, 183-5

  Lothal, 142-5

  Louisiana, 287

  Louni, 62

  Lourenco Marques, 98

  Lusby, Stan, 267-8

  Luxor, 108, 163, 221

  Lycians, 70

  lyres, 99, 325

  Ma Huan, 146

  Macedonia, 65

  Macedonians, 261

  MacGillivray, Sandy, 47

  Machado, Maria de Lourdes, 98

  McMenamin, Mark A., 268-9

  Maddin, Robert, 101

  Madhya Pradesh, 162

  Madrid, 187-90

  Magellan, Ferdinand, 7

  magnifying glasses, 54 Mahabharata, 145

  Malabar coast, 146-7, 156

  Malaga, 62

  Maldives, 125, 136

  Malia, 13, 62, 81, 260

  Mallowan, Max, 128-9

  Malta, 220, 224-5, 270

  ‘mango showers’, 147

  Marathon, 19

  Margaret of Hesse, Princess, 151

  Mari, 112, 115, 122-5, 129, 136, 174

  Marignolli, John de, 146

  Marinatos, Spyridon, 19-21, 25, 34-5, 42, 177

  Marlborough Downs, 230

  Martin, Concepcion, 182-3 mastabas,48

  Matala, 44

  mathematics, 260-1, 317-19

  Medina, 189

  Megalo Vouno, 33

  Megasthenes, 145

  Megiddo, 98

  Melidoni, 55

  Melilla, 62

  Meller, Harald, 208

  Meltemi, 17, 32

  Memphis, 139

  Menes, King, 139

  Menomonie Indians, 273, 278

  Menon, A. Sreedhara, 145

  Mertz, Henriette, 344

  Mesara, 185, 240

  Mesita, 183

  Mesopotamia, 41, 122-3, 125, 131, 154-5, 172-4, 199, 337

  Messara, 41

  Mikros Prophet Elias, 33

  Miletus, 62

  Minoa, 177


  and El Argar people, 184, 186

  and invention of writing, 14-15

  and mathematics, 260-1, 317-19

  and Mycenaeans, 8, 52-3, 82, 103, 311

  and navigation, 262-71

  origins and genetic traces, 64-70, 304-8

  and peace and war, 80-1

  wealth, 55-6

  Minong mine, 274

  Mississippi, river, 263, 269, 284-8, 290-1


  Mochlos, 310

  Mohammed, prophet, 95

  monsoons, 141-2, 147

  monstera, 162

  Montalbano Elicona, 225

  Montu, 221-2

  moon-priestesses, 23

  Moorehead, Warren K., 282

  Moran, William, 104

  Morocco, 170

  Morra, 187

  Moses, 113

  Mosul, 172

  Motilla, 187

  Mount Ida, 55

  Mount Juktas, 10

  Mount Olympus, 65

  Mount Pelion, 78

  Mount Prophet Elias, 32

  Mount Vesuvius, 20

  Mudie, Colin, 87

  mummies, 119-20, 248-9

  Murex shells, 84, 99

  Muziris, 142, 145-8, 150-2, 154, 156

  Myanmar, 156

  Mycenae, 10-11, 20, 96-7, 242, 248, 297-8, 326, 343


  and bronze roads, 174

  and coming of Sea Peoples, 312

  andMinoans, 8, 52-3, 82, 103, 311

  and tholos tombs, 40

  and writing, 56

  Myrtos, 38, 62

  Mysore, 161

  Nabta Playa stone circle, 215-24, 232, 236, 263

  Nabu-rimanni, 261

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 49, 59, 140

  Native Americans, 249, 303-4

  navigation, 14, 28, 56, 132-5, 211, 215-16, 262-71

  Nea Kameni, 18, 341-2

  Nebra Sky Disk, 207-11, 227

  Nefertiti, Queen, 76, 103

  Nell, Cedric, 309

  Nelson, Admiral Lord, 80

  Nergal, 104

  Nerik, 67

  Nero, Emperor, 54

  New York, 113

  Newberry, 291

  Newfoundland, 284, 292

  Newton, Sir Isaac, 224, 229

  nicotine, 119-20

  Nikala, 62

  Nikitin, Athanasius, 146

  Nineveh, 130, 133

  Nippur, 131

  Nissim, Rabbi, 151

  North Sea, 97-8

  Norway, 317

  Nova Scotia, 292

  Nubia, 108, 216, 219

  Nubian guards, 50

  O’Connor, David, 113

  Odessus, 62

  Odoric of Pordenone, 146

  Ojibwa Indians, 305-7

  Olbia, 62

  Olsen, Edward J., 295-6

  Oman, 61, 101, 307

  Ontonagon, river, 279, 287, 291

  Orkney Islands, 220, 243, 247-8, 250, 253, 264, 270, 292, 303, 345

  Orontes, river, 112

  ostrich eggs, 75, 79, 83, 99, 185

  Otterhead Island, 287, 291

  Palae Kameni, 18, 341

  Palaikastro, 42, 47

  Palestine, 315

  Palghat, 148

  Palmer, Leonard, 64

  Panagopoulou, Eleni, 91

  Paphos, 62

  Papyrus BM 10056, 113

  parallel development, 298

  Parker, Anne Z., 161

  Parker Pearson, Mike, 248

  Parrot, Andre, 123

  Parthenon, 5, 319, 322

  Patittupattu, 146

  Pattanam, 148-50, 152, 156-7

  Paziuk, Michelle, 276, 278-9

  Pearl, river, 288

  pearls, 145, 153-4

  Pears, Peter, 151

  Pelias, King, 79 pelike,39

  Pennines, 205

  Pepi I, King, 139

  Pequaming, 279, 282, 287, 291

  perfumes, 75, 94, 336

  Periyar, river, 145, 148, 150, 152, 154-5, 157, 160

  Perranarworthal, 199

  Perry, W.J., 238

  Persian Gulf (Arabian Gulf), 100, 131, 315, 317

  Persians, 62, 174, 261, 322, 325

  Peru-nefer, 108-9, 113

  Peutingerian Table, 145

  pewter, 315

  Peyia, 62


  Nubian guards, 50

  palace complex, 12-13, 24

  and Plato’s account, 337

  port facilities, 37, 44

  seals, 53

  Phaestos Disc, 15, 56-7, 69, 84, 314, 316-17, 320-1

  Phalasarum, 62

  Phoenicians, 157, 194, 199, 268

  Pillars of Hercules, 164, 169-70, 176, 262-4, 293, 323, 345

  pins, bronze, 175

  Piramesse, 109

  pithoi, 22, 138, 144, 184

  Pitsidia, 44

  Pizzigano, Zuane, 7

  Plakias, 90-2


  account of Atlantis, 36, 47-8, 55, 164, 169, 310, 322-4, 333-46

  and Crete, 55, 323, 335-7, 339

  and deforestation, 173-4

  Pliny the Elder, 195-6

  Poche, Adolphe, 128

  Pompeii, 20, 35, 309

  Pope, Mario, 317

  Portland Bill, 194

  Portugal, 178-9, 182, 185-6, 198, 220, 225-6, 292

  posthole finds, 158

  pottery, Minoan, 25, 41-2, 51, 97, 123, 157, 177, 186, 345

  Poverty Point, 284, 288-91

  Prange, Michael, 101

  Preseli Hills, 230

  Preveli, 62, 90

  Psiloritis mountains, 40, 55

  Ptolemy, 145, 156, 181, 266

  Puerto Rico, 7

  Pulak, Cemal, 103

  Punt, 116-18, 136, 138, 140 Puranas, 145

  Purulli festival, 67

  pyramids, 5, 12, 48-9, 174, 204, 219, 250, 288

  Pythagorean geometry, 260-1, 319

  Pytheas the Greek, 62, 193-4

  Qatna, 112, 125

  Qift, 117

  quadrants, 132

  quartz tools, 90-1

  Quilon, 146-7

  Rajasthan, 162

  Rajendran, M., 149

  Raleigh, Sir Walter, 163

  Rameses II, Pharaoh, 163

  Rameses III, Pharaoh, 313


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