The Vampire Legacy III; Familiar Souls

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The Vampire Legacy III; Familiar Souls Page 13

by Dawn Gray

  "Which was?"

  "His dreams. He said he saw me in his dreams and that's why he came home, to get away from them, but instead he found me here. He also said that in his dreams, I was something evil, that he was afraid of me, but when we were there, earlier, standing together, he said that he felt safe near me." I said and smiled then looked up at Bobbie. "That's how I feel. The nothingness was a way of feeling safe. If I couldn't feel good or bad, from him then I was safe."

  There was a knock at the door and Cristian popped his head in. I smiled at him; he smiled back, and then looked at Taryn, who in turn looked at me.

  "I'm just going to step out for a few minutes." Taryn smiled. "If you don't mind."

  "No, go ahead." I replied and watched as Taryn left the room. I looked over at Bobbie as the door shut. "You don't have to stick around."

  "Where would I go?" She asked.

  "Michael was asking about you." I smiled to her. "Asking how you were. Maybe the two of you should get to know each other."

  "Thanks, but no thanks, Ms. Matchmaker." Bobbie smiled. I smiled back, but couldn't shake the strange feelings that crept over my body. I turned and looked out the window.

  Chapter 10

  Bobbie looked at me, I could see her reflection in the window and I turned quickly to look at her.

  "What is it, Sage?" She asked, as I shivered visibly.

  "Can I tell you about a dream?" I smiled, or at least tried to fake one.


  "It was the night that I got Michael's letter. I went over to Justin's and fell asleep on his bed. It was such an odd dream, everyone I loved was being held prisoner and I was being pushed aside, to be kept safe. All hell broke loose and in the end, everyone died except me. I ran, tried to get away, but a vampire scooped me up and carried me away." I rubbed my eyes and looked at the bed. "I'm afraid that it might come true. That everyone will die, that this thing, whatever it is, that's coming for Michael, will kill everyone in its path."

  "Sage, it was just a dream, right?" Bobbie asked, taking my hand. "I mean, the voices weren't there, and they didn't tell you anything specific, did they?"

  "No, they weren't there." I replied. Bobbie smiled.

  "I think it was just the sudden realization that we were all going to be together in one place that made you feel that way. It probably scared you to know that everyone was coming together." Bobbie smiled at me and looked into my eyes. "Let's get some dinner, Julian said it would be ready soon, when we came up here."

  "All right." I said softly and the two of us stood up. We walked into the room downstairs and looked at all the people there. Justin walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked up into his eyes and smiled. "I've missed you."

  "I'm not going to go away, Sage." He whispered back.

  "We've just been our own separate ways, today, and I'd like to spend time alone with you." I whispered. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

  "I've got an idea." He whispered close to my ear. "I'll come visit you tonight after midnight and we can go out and watch the moon."

  "Sounds perfect." I replied and smiled. His lips touched mine and I felt the fire as he kissed me. Justin looked at me as he backed away and smiled. I could see the want in his eyes. "It's only a few hours away."

  "But, it feels like a lifetime." He replied and looked at the others in the room, then looked back at me. "We have several pairs of eyes on us."

  "So what?" I smiled. "Who?"

  "Cristian and Taryn." He whispered, smiling, probably because he thought he was angering them, but then it faded. "And, David."

  "Why is he looking?" I asked. Justin shrugged. "Don't worry about him, Justin. I'm sure he's harmless."

  "Quinn said that he was near you. He told me to keep you away from David." He said softly.

  "I've felt no danger from him." I replied. "I don't think he's a threat."

  "Please, be careful around him, Sage." Justin whispered. I looked at him quickly. "I trust your judgment; I know you know what you're doing."

  "Justin, it’s okay to be worried." I smiled.

  "I just don't want to lose you." He said, seriously. I touched his lips lightly with my fingertips.

  "You won’t." I smiled. I turned to look at the many people in the room. Everyone was talking amongst themselves, but I couldn't help but be caught in David's stare. He looked down when he noticed he had been caught then looked at Julian, who seemed to be rambling.

  I breathed in deeply, and felt a hand on my shoulder, turned and looked up at Michael, who kissed me on the forehead.

  "Come on; let's get this group to the dinner table." He whispered and took my hand, then led me to the dining room.

  * * * * *

  Michael looked at the group that surrounded him. His small family of seven had now gained five more people, which seemed a lot, but some were still missing. Angel, Cleo, Jason, Issac and Cecilia, who had been warned about the posing threat, but none, felt the need to rush home to them.

  Julian also felt the five of them were safe, that it seemed that only ones totally connected with Michael were in any danger. Michael breathed in deeply, and looked at Sage, who seemed quite engrossed in pushing around the one meatball left on her plate. He smiled at her, although she didn't see him, and he noticed the look of concentration on her face, in her eyes.

  "What, if you don't mind me asking," he smiled. She looked up at him. "What kind of concentration does it take to move that meatball, from here," he pointed to where it sat to the other side of the plate, "to there?"

  "It's helping me not to think." She smiled lovingly at him.

  "May I inquire about what you don't want to think about?" He asked.

  "My parents." She whispered and looked down at her plate again. "I don't have very many memories of them and the ones I do have also included you."

  "I was over a lot." He smiled.


  "Because I felt the need to protect you, to be there if certain things developed." He whispered.

  "Like...fangs?" She laughed. Michael smiled and nodded.

  "Yes, like fangs." He replied.

  "Can I tell you about a dream?" She whispered as if it were some sort of secret that even she shouldn't be letting out. Michael nodded. "Not here, though. Somewhere else."

  "I know just the spot." He said, took her hand and excused himself from the table, taking sage with him.

  She walked around the small outside theater a couple of times before she found a spot on the brick floor in front of him.

  "I believe the man in my dreams is real." She whispered and watched his face. "Is that possible?"

  "Yes, with this family, I've learned that a great deal is possible." He said softly. "Is he dangerous, this man?"

  "He frightens me to death." She relied. "He told me that he was related to you and the other two that your maker was his, you were his brothers. He also said that he wouldn't have ever thought of the combination of the three vampires and a witch."

  "What did he look like?" Michael asked.

  "He was a bit tall, probably your height, and he had black hair, with a bit of wave to it. He seemed like an old vampire, older than you, but he also seemed like he was older in age, mortal years." She replied.

  Michael touched her cheek and looked into her eyes. He focused himself on her mind and caught a glimpse of the man in her dreams. Slowly, he sat back, his face voice of color, pale white, and he sighed.

  "I need to find Julian and the others, Sage. Listen to me, please." He whispered, not moving his hand from her warm skin. "If this man should appear to you, stay away from him, as far away as you can possibly go. Put up mental blocks but try to stay away from him."

  "Alright." She replied. Michael and Sage both stood and walked back to the house. He escorted her to the room where everyone was, then gathered the men and went into a separate room.

  Michael closed the door and looked around then he stopped and looked directly at Julian.

  "I know who's afte
r my family now." He whispered. David sat forward. "A man came to Sage in a dream, a man she couldn't possibly know anything about."

  "You've seen his face?" Michael nodded.

  "Who is he?" Quinn asked. Michael looked at him; his face straight, unmovable, and he spoke to Quinn, without any doubt in his mind.

  Michael wanted to whisper, to shout, to scream, but he spoke, in an even voice, as he stared into Quinn's green eyes. "It's Victor."

  * * * * *

  I wanted to fall into darkness, to be at total ease, but the light sound of music played in my head. It was a soothing sound. Something slow and dreamy. I sighed as I listened, then slowly I opened my eyes. I knew I was dreaming, for I could see the haze just around the edges of my vision. I laughed; I must have been silly to think that I could get away without dreaming in this house.

  I was in my bed, where I had fallen asleep, in only a light tank top, which in my dream had risen up to just below my breast, and a pair of cotton shorts. It was then that I felt it; a soft gentle touch that passed over my skin, bare and covered. It was sensual, very erotic, but gentle. I could feel it on my breast, between my thighs, and as it passed over my privates.

  I watched with sleepy, clouded eyes as a hand formed on my stomach, first as an imprint, then I watched it take shape. A hand, then an arm, transparent but there at the same time. I moved up the length of this ghostly hand and looked into what might have been a face, but had no facial features. I should have been frightened, after all, aren't ghosts supposed to be scary?

  I moved back down and looked at his hand, as it caressed my stomach, sending waves of sexual feelings up and down my body, and then I heard his voice, deep, knowledgeable, ancient, but so full of life.

  "Listen to me child." He whispered, though I couldn't find the lips on his face. I wanted to sink into that voice and stay there, then slowly, to make sure I heard it all, he continued, reciting a poem:

  "A prophecy has come to pass,

  when a child of magic will, at last,

  bear a child of no mortal man's blood,

  a powerful being created from hope and love.

  This child will be very special, indeed,

  a ray of light for all to see,

  and, when the time comes, it's next in line

  An added heir to the throne of the Kingdom of

  the Nine.”

  His hand slowly moved away from me, the small poem seemed stuck in my head as he disappeared. My eyes grew heavy and I smiled as they closed slowly, letting the darkness take over, but my dreamless sleep was quickly disturbed, when bright red eyes suddenly appeared in my vision. I screamed, aloud, and opened my eyes.

  My room filled with light as the door opened quickly and the light turned on. I looked over at Justin, as I sat up in bed, my eyes wide with fright. He closed the door and walked over to me, sitting down close to me on the bed.

  "Was it another dream?" He asked. I nodded, voiceless. "What was it?"

  "Just eyes." I said and reached out for him. Justin wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "Bright red eyes."

  "Shh." He said softly, trying to calm me down. "You're safe now." He whispered. I looked up at him and he smiled, then leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I closed my eyes and let that fire go through me. Justin giggled against my lips when I sighed and lay back on the bed, bringing him with me. I moved my hands from his sides and began to unbutton his shirt, which became almost impossible with my shaking hands.

  Justin sat back a bit, grabbed his shirt and ripped it open the rest of the way, sending buttons flying cross the room. I laughed when he did this, completely straight faced and couldn't help but laugh harder as I heard his shoes hit the floor, one by one, as he kissed my neck.

  Justin looked at my face, as my nervous giggle slowly, and then he put my hands on his shoulder and ran them down his chest, where he released them and kissed me again. I reached for the buckle on his jeans and quickly removed his belt. He helped me struggle to remove his black jeans, which were tossed on the floor with the rest of his discarded clothing.

  Justin moved the remaining blankets from me and moved his body so that we seemed to be one person on this large bed. I smiled up at him as he came close.

  "What's so funny?" He asked, touching my cheek with his cool lips. I shivered at their touch, and wrapped my arms around his soft, but well-built, body. I caressed his back, ran my fingers over his skin and laughed at the little noises he made. "Who knew you were such an animal, you're such a petite little thing."

  "Oh, well, don't grant me sainthood yet." I whispered and smiled at his eyes. "You haven't seen half the stuff I do."

  "I can't wait." He said softly and kissed me deeply with such fire, that it seemed to be the end of any verbal conversation for the rest of the night.

  I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the soft face of the man who I had fallen asleep next to. His face seemed very innocent, like the last two hundred years had just suddenly left him overnight. He moved slowly, then opened his eyes a bit, and looked at me. I watched a smile form on his lips and his hand touched my side.

  "Good morning." He whispered. I smiled back at him and winked.

  "How did you sleep?" I questioned. He laughed, quietly, and touched my cheek lightly.

  "After being with you most of the night, I slept like a log." He laughed. I slapped him on the bare leg and he jumped. "Where did you get so much energy from?"

  "Shut up!" I laughed and rolled out from under the covers, grabbing my bathrobe that was on the chair. Justin rolled over onto his stomach and watched me slip on the robe.

  "Where are you going?" He asked softly.

  "I'm going to take a shower." I replied and walked over to the door. "Don't stay in bed long; I want you to go with me to the cemetery."

  "Why?" He asked, confused.

  "I want to introduce you to my parents." I smiled. He nodded as I left the room, closing the door behind me. I walked down the hall towards the bathroom. When I heard a door behind me open, I turned quickly, thinking it might be Justin, but I looked at David, instead. He looked me over, nodded then disappeared down the stairs. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

  * * * * *

  Justin stood by the doorway, looking out at the grass, then at the sky, where it seemed to connect with the ocean. He sipped on the drink in his hand and smiled to himself as he thought of Sage. He heard footsteps and turned to look at Cristian, who walked, slowly, into the room.

  "What are you doing here?" Cristian asked. Justin looked at him, gestured out the window and sighed.

  "What does it look like I'm doing?" He replied. Cristian looked down at his hand then back up at Justin. "Look, if you’re going to start being an ass, save your breath, I'm not in the mood to hear it today."

  "Why are you doing this?" Cristian questioned. Justin turned and looked at his blood brother then crossed his arms. "She's young, Justin. Let her find someone else, someone to grow old with, and not just watch her grow old."

  "I love her. Cris, why can't you understand that?" Justin said softly. "What about Taryn, she's young too, why don't you take your own advice about her."

  "I'm not a risk."

  "Neither am I." Justin replied, calmly. "Look, you and I need to get this straight. We're home because we're all in danger, not just her. I'm going to protect her, just like you and Michael but, I can't do that with you constantly badgering me." He watched Cristian cross his arms. "Would it help if I apologized about what I did in the past? What if I prayed to the Gods for forgiveness; would you leave me be then? Charles forgave me for what I had become, Cris, why can't you?"

  "Charles was a stupid man, Justin. He forgave everything you did because you were his son. He couldn't live without your acceptance of him; he couldn't bear the thought that you might leave him like he had done to you." Justin closed his eyes.

  "He had no choice but to leave us. They would have killed our family because of what he was." Justin said. "And, that has nothing to
do with this."

  "Did you ever tell Michael that Charles was your father?" Cristian asked, sternly. "Did you ever explain to him about your "ties" to Charles that he had done the same thing to you as Michael had done to Sage? Giving you blood to save your life?"

  "No!" Justin snapped then bowed his head, closing his eyes. "I never thought it was of any great importance for anyone to know my past."

  "Why do you think I'm trying to protect Sage from you?" Cristian asked. Justin looked up at him. He knew why Cristian wanted her to be away from him. "In the beginning it was because of your dark side, but that's not the case anymore."

  "So, what new crusade have you embarked on now?" Justin asked softly.

  "I don't want her to end up like you." He whispered. "You're blood was tainted by Charles, and then by Devon's. What if your blood mixes with Michael's, how will that girl react to that?"

  "Why would she even take blood from me?" Justin asked. "I'm not going to force it on her. Listen, Cristian, drop this now. Find it in your heart to believe me when I say that Sage is safe with me."

  "I'm sorry, Justin." Cristian said softly. "I can't ever truly believe that."

  "Then you and I are not brothers." Justin replied, speaking loudly. "From this moment on, our ties are severed." Justin walked towards the door, then stopped beside him, and looked him in the eyes. "If you decide to continue this little pursuit of yours, know this, I'm not afraid of you. I am, by far, stronger than you are and I'm not afraid to use what powers I have to defend what belongs to me."

  Justin walked out of the room and left Cristian to stand there, alone. He walked down the hallway and stopped when he heard the door close behind him. He turned slowly and looked at Michael, who glanced up at him. He had come out of a room, close to where Cristian and Justin had just been arguing loudly. Michael walked closer to him and Justin smiled, awkwardly.

  "So, what did you hear?" Justin asked. Michael crossed his arms, then bit his fingernail and looked up at him.


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