Pursuing The Madam 2

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Pursuing The Madam 2 Page 2

by Charmanie Saquea

  "Shit," Senior cussed. "Where are you?" he asked, driving off to go get his daughter.

  "I'm about five minutes away from the house."

  "Meet me there, don't go in there without me," Senior said before hanging up.

  He cussed under his breath the whole way there. His mind was racing, he knew just how corrupt Sammy's mind was but he let his wife talk him into giving him the benefit of the doubt. When he pulled up to the house, Kaison was pacing in front of his car. He reached under his seat and grabbed his gun making sure he had a full clip.

  He nodded his head for his son to follow him. They slowly walked up to the house and surprisingly, the door was unlocked. They quietly crept into the house where whimpers led them to the room Kaiah usually slept in. The door was slightly open and Senior could hear Sammy grunting while his daughter cried. He pushed the door open all the way, grabbed Sammy off his daughter and placed the gun to his head.

  "Kaison, get your sister...now! Take her to the hospital."

  Sammy looked like he wasn't even worried while Senior was having a déjà vu moment. This scene was all too familiar because the exact same thing happened to Dolly. He had come along and saved his wife and was now doing the same to his daughter. The sad thing about it was he was saving them from the same person. Senior looked down at the smirk on his brother-in-law’s face and wanted to shoot it off. Instead he slapped him in the face with the gun and continued to pistol whip him until he became tired.

  Here he was, five years later, regretting not putting a bullet in Sammy's head. He sat in the car thinking it was time to bring in some reinforcement. He pulled out his phone and called someone he hadn't talked to in years.

  "Someone must be in some serious shit if you're calling me," the caller answered on the second ring. "All I want to know is when do I need to come?"

  Senior smiled to himself, he knew if he could count on anyone it would be them. "Tomorrow," he answered.

  "Bet, I'll be there," they said before hanging up.

  Senior shook his head as he headed for the mansion. He took it upon himself to run Kaiah's business until she could come back and do it herself. After all, he was the one who taught her everything she knew.

  * * *

  Sammy sat outside his sister’s house contemplating if he should go in. He knew Senior wasn’t there, so now would be a perfect time to go in. He hadn’t seen or spoken to Dolly in almost six years. He got out of the car and walked across the street. He knocked on the door and waited for her to answer.

  Dolly opened the door without looking through the peephole and got the shock of her life. She stood there staring at her older brother whom she hadn’t seen in years, and she was far from being happy. It felt like her breath had been snatched from her and she was speechless.

  “Hey Dolly,” Sammy said as he brushed past her and invited himself in the house.

  “What are you doing here, Sammy?” Dolly asked nervously.

  “What, I can’t come see my only sister?” He smirked.

  “You’re supposed to be dead Samuel,” Dolly said, irritated.

  “Well obviously I’m not, Sarah,” he said mockingly.

  “You need to leave. Senior is on his way home and I would hate for him to really kill your ass this time,” Dolly said, trying to put some distance between him and herself. She couldn’t stand to be around the man who messed up her life as well as her daughter’s.

  “You think I give a fuck about your bitch ass husband that wouldn’t dare put a fucking bullet in me? His ass had plenty of times to do it but no one time did he do it.” Sammy smiled.

  “He may not have, but I will if you don’t get the fuck out my mama’s house.” No one noticed that Kaison had come in the house through the back door. He had a menacing look on his face while he had his gun pointed directly at him.

  Sammy shook his head and smiled. “Alright, Ms. Dolly. I’ll be seeing you around,” Sammy said before walking towards the door.

  “And you’ll have a hot bullet waiting on yo ass,” Kaison spat. “What the fuck, Ma?” he asked after Sammy left.

  “I didn’t know he was going to come here Kaison. I thought he was fucking dead.”

  Kaison could tell that his mother was shook up about the situation. He hated how this nigga came through fucking up everyone’s life, and he had a feeling that this wouldn’t be the last time he showed up. He regretted not putting a bullet in him but he didn’t want his mom to witness that.

  “Let’s go, you’re not staying here,” Kaison said.

  * * *

  Senior was parked at Miami International waiting to see a familiar face. He knew shit was about to get real so he needed to bring in his reinforcement. He wanted someone to be with Kaiah at all times so she wouldn’t have any other run-ins with Sammy until he could get his hands on him.

  There was a tap on his back window and he turned to see the person he had been waiting for.

  “Yo ass always sneaking up on some damn body,” Senior smiled as he pulled his baby brother in his arms.

  “They don’t call me Sneaky for no reason,” Kasey said.

  “You ain’t lying,” he said as he helped put his brother bags in the car.

  They hopped in the car and Senior pulled off. Kasey had been living the Dominican Republic for the last ten years, handling business and building an empire over there that he inherited from his girlfriend’s daddy that thought he should run the business.

  Before Senior could even spark up a conversation, his phone rang. “Talk to me.”

  “Pops, I got Ma with me. Some shit just popped off and I don’t feel safe leaving her in the house by herself. You know Kay Kay get released from the hospital today so Imma just take her with me,” Kaison said.

  “What the hell happened?” Senior asked.

  “Man, I don’t know all the details but all I know is I walked in the house and Ma had this terrified look in her eyes and Sammy’s bitch ass was there.”

  “This shit is going too far. I’ll meet you at the hospital,” Senior said before hanging up.

  Kasey looked over at his older brother. “Does that phone call have something to do with why I’m here?”

  “Yea, Sammy’s bitch ass popped up on Kaiah the other day and she’s flipping out because she thought he was dead. Now Kaison said that he popped up at the house fucking with Dolly.” Senior sighed.

  “I told you years ago that you should have killed his bitch ass. Especially when he fucked with Kaiah.” Kasey shook his head. He may have been out of the country for some years but he always was up to date on what was going on with his family.

  “Please don’t remind me, Sneaky.”


  Kaiah had been home from the hospital for three days now and usually she would be in the house by herself but now her uncle was here with her. She was really enjoying his company because it had been years since she had seen him. He was actually the one who had taught her to speak Spanish.

  “Cómo te sientes?” Kasey asked. (How are you feeling?)

  Kaiah smiled. “Bueno, soy contento sólo de estar vivo.” (Good, I’m just happy to be alive.)

  “So, I’ve had some time to sit down with Deonte and he seems like a cool dude. I can tell he loves you,” Kasey said.

  “Yea,” Kaiah blushed. She was hoping that since she was out of the hospital that she and Deonte would spend some time together, but she was wrong. He was back on the streets doing him so she was left sitting in the house since she couldn’t do anything or go anywhere with a cast on her leg.

  There was a knock at the front door and Kasey went to open it.

  “Hey, Uncle Sneaky,” Kaily greeted her uncle.

  “What’s up girl?” he said, hugging her. “How did I get blessed to have such beautiful nieces?” he smiled.

  “The question is how did we get blessed with such a handsome uncle.” Kaily smiled.

  “Girl you better stop, my head already big enough,” Kasey laughed as he headed up the stairs.

p; “Girl, I have some shit to tell you.” Kaily shook her head as she sat next to Kaiah on the couch.

  “Spill it.”

  “Okay, so the day when you got into the accident and Tez get shot, I found out some crazy news that’s been on my mind heavy.”

  “What, you pregnant?” Kaiah asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Wait, what? Girl, hell no!”

  Kaiah laughed. “Then what is it?”

  Kaily took a deep breath before she started talking, “I found out the truth about who my mother and father are. Apparently, my mother was never a drug addict and Poppa is actually my Poppa, if you catch my drift.”

  “Whoa, hold up… So you mean to tell me that we, as in me, you and Kaison, are brother and sisters?” Kaiah asked, trying to get an understanding of the whole situation.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying, and believe me when I say I’m just as shocked as you. But that’s not it.”

  “Oh God, there’s more?” Kaiah asked.

  “From what I’ve been told, the nurse that took care of you is supposed to be my mother,” Kaily said with a far off look in her eyes.

  Kaiah gasped at the news. “Stacy is your mom?”

  Kaily didn’t say anything, instead she just slowly nodded her head. She felt like everything about her life had been a lie. All her life, she was told that her mother was Senior’s sister and that she was addicted to drugs. She supposedly gave Kaily to Senior and Dolly to raise but now she felt betrayed because the people closest to her had been lying to her for twenty-four years. What’s next? she thought, but was brought out of thoughts by the sound of yelling from outside the house.

  “What the hell?” Kaiah asked as she grabbed her crutches and tried to get off the couch.

  “You need to be sitting down, let me see what this is,” Kaily said.

  But, of course, Kaiah was hardheaded and didn’t listen. When they reached the front door, they found Synai throwing her backpack down with five other females surrounding her. One of the five females stood a little closer to Synai with her hands on her hips like she was ready for a battle.

  “What’s up, boo?” Kaily asked Synai but she kept her eyes on the girls.

  “I’m good Butterfly, this will be quick I promise,” Synai said.

  “What’s the problem though? You know I don’t have a problem fighting some little girls. Jail time don’t scare me,” Kaiah said as she stood next to Kaily and Synai on her crutches.

  “Kay Kay, what can you do with one leg?” Synai asked.

  “Are we going to sit up here and debate about it or can I just beat that ass so I can go?” the girl asked.

  Kaily and Kaiah gave each other a look that only they could understand. “I will knock this lil bitch out with this crutch,” Kaiah said as she swung one of her crutches in the air.

  Before anyone could respond, Synai hit the girl with a two piece. It happened so fast that Kaily didn’t even have time to stop her; not that she wanted to anyway. She looked at the other girls, daring one of them to jump in because she was going to beat them like their mama should have.

  There was no doubt about it that Synai could hold her own. Deonte and Shauntez always shadowboxed her on the regular and they used to fight her just so she would know how to fight. They made sure their little sister wouldn’t be a punk. The girl ended up on the ground and Synai was dragging her down the sidewalk while punching her all at the same time.

  Everyone was so into the fight that they never noticed Deonte and Carlos pulling up.

  “What the fuck is this shit?” Deonte yelled as he jumped out his car. He saw Synai literally dog walking a girl down the street and had to pause for a minute. His sister was beast and he was proud, but at the same time he didn’t want her out in the streets fighting and they already had a talk about this.

  He ran over to the fight and grabbed his sister off the girl.

  “Chill baby,” he said, but Synai had zoned out. She started swinging on him and he had to shake her a little for her to come back to herself. “Synai stop!” he yelled. Synai jumped and looked around like she didn’t know what was going on.

  “Sorry,” she whispered.

  Carlos helped the girl up before sending her and her friends on their way. Kaily and Kaiah stood there in shock at the way that Synai handled the girl. They had seen their share of ass whoopings and handed out more than a handful themselves but Synai was always so sweet and quiet.

  “And y’all just gon let her fight?” Deonte asked. “What the hell you doing out here anyways? You supposed to be resting,” Deonte said as he hit Kaiah on her ass before going into the house.

  “Ouch, asshole.” She winced in pain. “What are you doing here anyways?”

  “I thought I lived here,” he joked.

  “Oh, I’m happy you remembered since you’re never here,” Kaiah mumbled, but he still heard her.

  “Synai, go chill out in your room, I’ll be there in a minute,” Deonte said as he scooped Kaiah up in his arms and carried her up to their room.

  “Put me down, Deonte.”

  He knew she was mad by her calling him Deonte. He laid her on the bed and just looked at her. She folded her arms and wouldn’t look in his direction.

  “What’s wrong now?” he asked.

  “You’re doing it again Tae,” she said.

  “Doing what?” he asked, confused.

  “Nothing,” she sighed. “Never mind, leave me alone. I’m about to take a nap.”

  Deonte kicked off his shoes and climbed in the bed with her, she scooted away from him and he pulled her back. He moved her hair away from her neck and bit her neck. “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t even know what you’re sorry for.” Kaiah rolled her eyes.

  “Whatever I did, I’m sorry.”

  “Just leave me alone, please?” she begged.

  “Nope, we’re going to take a nap together,” he said as he snuggled up close to her. “I love you.”

  “Shut up,” she mumbled.

  Deonte smirked, he knew she had an attitude but he knew just how to take care of it. He pushed her on her back and climbed on top of her.

  “Deonte moveee, I just told you I’m sleepy and do you not see this damn cast on my leg?” Kaiah rolled her eyes.

  “Shut the fuck up,” he said as he put his hand down the front of her sweats. “I got something that will put you to sleep and what the hell that cast got to do with anything?”

  “It…uhh,” she moaned as he inserted a finger inside of her and used his thumb to play with her clit. Deonte smiled as he watched her eyes roll in the back of her head before she closed them. It had been over a week since he had the chance to be inside her and he was beyond ready for her. He pulled his hand out and laid back down on the bed with his back towards her with a smile on her face.

  “What the fuck,” Kaiah yelled as she looked at him like he was crazy. “Deonte Martez Smith, you better stop fucking playing with me and finish what you started.”

  “Nah, I need to take a nap.” He yawned.

  Kaiah was about to say something but she knew the game he was trying to play. “Okay,” she said as she turned on her side. “Can you at least cut back on being in the streets for me until I get this damn cast off my leg? It would be nice to spend some time with my husband,” she said before closing her eyes.

  Deonte didn’t say anything but he heard everywhere she said. He knew it probably felt like he was neglecting her but that was far from the truth. If his wife wanted him to chill out for a minute, then that’s exactly what he was about to do.

  Two hours later, Deonte was up watching Kaiah sleep. He loved watching her sleep because she looked so beautiful and peaceful. He was beating himself up for being so stupid and almost losing her. Damn I love her. He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of her phone vibrating. He got up to see who it was because he knew she was a hard sleeper and wouldn’t hear it.

  It was a number that she didn’t have saved in her phone and he didn’t
think anything of it, so he went ahead and answered it. “Hello?”

  “Can I talk to Kaiah?” Shemar asked.

  “Who is this?” Deonte asked.

  “Shemar. Look just put Kaiah on the phone.”

  Deonte had to let out a chuckle. He had to give dude his props because he was bold as hell but he figured homeboy had to have a damn death wish or something. “I thought I told you to stay away from my wife, I’m not going to tell you no more.”

  Kaiah started to stir in her sleep, she woke up to find Deonte standing on her side of the bed with her phone glued to his ear. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “As a matter of fact, here,” he handed Kaiah the phone.

  “Hello?” Kaiah answered kind of wearily.

  “What’s up, Kaiah?” Shemar said.

  “Shemar?” she asked. She looked up at Deonte nervously. She just knew this was about to turn into an argument that she was not ready to have.

  “Kaiah, tell that nigga to stop calling your phone,” Deonte said.

  “Kaiah, you don’t have to do shit. You are a grown ass woman,” Shemar said.

  “You think I’m playing with you?” Deonte asked.

  “Look Shemar, can you please just be respectful of Deonte and not call my phone anymore?” Kaiah asked.

  Deonte took her phone from her and hung up before Shemar could say anything else. Kaiah just rolled her eyes as Deonte glared at her. She didn’t understand why Deonte was mad at her when he was the one who started this whole thing. If he would have just kept his dick in his pants, he wouldn’t have had to worry about another nigga calling her phone.

  Deonte walked out of the room and went to find his sister. She had been getting into too many fights lately and that didn’t sit well with him. He always told her to defend herself but now it seemed like she was defending herself a little too much. He knocked on her bedroom door before opening it.

  “What’s up lil bit? Talk to me,” he said as he sat on the foot of her bed.

  “About what?” Synai asked playing dumb.

  Deonte gave her a look that let her know she better stop playing.

  “Those girls rode my bus and followed me home to fight me over some imaginary beef they made up in their head. I have never done anything to those girls a day in my life D-Boy, I swear,” Synai said.


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