Pursuing The Madam 2

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Pursuing The Madam 2 Page 9

by Charmanie Saquea

  Kaily was quiet for a minute. She remembered when she and Orlando would sit up all night and talk about everything, or when she just wanted to vent he would be the perfect listener. Times like these made her miss her relationship with him. She would be lying if she said that she had fully gotten over him, plus you never really get over your first true love.

  Everything between them may not have always been good, but they damn sure weren’t all bad. The only major problem they had ever had in their relationship was the one slip up that ended their relationship.

  "Orlando, do you ever think about where we would have been if we never would have broken up?" she asked out of the blue.

  "Hell yea, all the time. You would have been my wife a long time ago and we would be working on our second child by now, if not our third." He smiled.

  "Third? Slow ya roll Mack daddy," she laughed.

  "Nah but for real though Kaily, when you just up and moved away on me, that really killed me. I knew how shit may have seemed to you but it didn't go down the way you think it did and what hurt me even more was the fact that you were hurt and you actually believed that I could have been the father of that baby. My mind was so fucked up and then before I had to get out of town and lay low, Kaiah told me that you were stripping and that really fucked me up," he expressed.

  For Orlando, Kaily was the first female he ever gave his heart to. She was the one who made him turn in his hoe card at just the age of nineteen when they really started getting serious. There wasn't nothing he wouldn't have done for her and he would still do anything for her. He hated how they ended, but he also respected her decision and feelings.

  "I know the story, she got you drunk, put some crushed up ecstasy in your drink and tried to get you to fuck her, but I guess she couldn't get you hard long enough to climb on the dick," Kaily said. After the girl had her baby, Kaiah went and paid her a visit with some brass knuckles and beat the truth out of her. She called Kaily up and told her the story and Kaily felt like shit. That was the real reason she stayed away from Miami; because she believed a trick over her man.

  "Wait, so you knew she was lying?" Orlando asked, confused.

  "Not until I was already established out in Atlanta," she said, telling him how she found out.

  "You two are crazy," he laughed. "But I'm happy to know you actually found out the truth."

  "I'm sorry for not believing you," she said in a low tone.

  "No need to apologize, I understand why you did what you did. I probably wouldn't have believed my ass either. But at least now you're in a relationship where you can be happy."

  "I'm not all that happy though," she said.

  "Don't do that Kaily," he warned.

  "Do what?"

  "You should never tell your ex, or any nigga for that matter, about how unhappy you are in your relationship. Niggas will use that as a motive to get in where they fit in. I respect you and your relationship too much for that. I'm not gon lie and say that I don't still have feelings for you, because I do. You’re my fucking heart, my baby, but I fucked that up."

  Kaily just smiled. She always knew that Orlando wasn't like most dudes, he was a different breed. How many dudes do you know that wouldn't let you talk about the troubles you were having in your relationship just so he could use them to win you back? She knew that no matter what happened between the two of them, they would always have an unbreakable bond that neither of them would be able to explain.


  Kalise had called up Angel and told her that she wanted to speak with her. Angel was a little worried because she didn't sound too good over the phone so she rushed over to see what was wrong with her. When she got there, Kalise's mother was there.

  "Hi, Mrs. Mona, how are you?" Angel greeted her with a hug.

  "I'm good baby, how are you?"

  "I'm good." Angel smiled. She loved Mrs. Mona, Kalise and Keymani like they were her family. She and Kalise got along very well and there has never been any drama between the two. Angel could tell that Kalise was genuinely happy about her relationship with Kaison. The two had grown very close to each other.

  "Kalise is up in her room, she told me to send you right up when you got here," Mrs. Mona said.

  "Thank you," Angel said as she took the stairs up to Kalise's room. She knocked on the door to let Kalise know that she was there.

  "Come in," Kalise called out.

  Angel walked in to see Kalise sitting on her bed not looking too good. She looked weak and frail. Angel had just seen her a few weeks ago and she didn't look like that. She was starting to get a little worried.

  "Hey girl," Kalise smiled.

  "Hey Lise, what's wrong?" Angel asked as she sat next to her on the bed.

  "Hold on, I have something for you," Kalise said as she reached over the side of her bed and came up with some papers. She handed them to Angel.

  Angel looked over the papers and was confused. Adoption papers? she thought as she read over them. "Kalise what's this for? You want me to adopt Keymani?"

  "Angel, I have stage 4 breast cancer and I don't have too much longer to be here. I've had it for a while, and it's gotten worst. The only ones that know are Kaison and my mom. I know you love Keymani and she damn sure loves you, so I know she'll be good in your care as well as Kaison's. I trust you, so will you please make sure that baby will be okay?" Kalise asked.

  Angel was shocked. She never thought of herself as the motherly type, especially since she never got the love she desired from her own mother. Now Kalise wanted her to take in Keymani? That was a big step to take, but there was no way in hell she was going to turn her down. "Of course I will."

  "I see you already told her," they heard from the doorway. Kaison was standing there looking sad. He was having a hard time dealing with this but he was trying to keep it together, not only for himself, but for Kalise and his daughter also.

  "Yea, I can tell she was a little caught off guard." Kalise smiled weakly.

  "I'm going to give you two some privacy," Angel said as she got up. She kissed Kalise on the forehead before kissing Kaison then leaving the room.

  "How you feeling?" Kaison asked.

  "Please don't ask me because I really don't wanna tell you," Kalise sighed.

  "Don't trip baby girl, I already told you I'm right here with you every step of the way."

  "I know," she said as they interlocked hands.

  Kalise was at peace. She knew her baby would be okay and she was surrounded by love. She had her best friend here by her side to help make things easier and that was all that mattered to her right now.

  * * *

  Kaiah had to make a doctor’s appointment to check on her baby and to see how far along she was. She mad at herself because of her last drinking episode. She had to stop being selfish now and think about the life growing inside of her. She still hadn't told anyone about her being pregnant, not even Kaily. She was still a little scared from the last time she got pregnant, so she wanted to make sure everything was going good.

  "Well Mrs. Smith, it seems that you are about ten weeks." The doctor smiled.

  "So is everything fine? Is my baby okay?" Kaiah asked nervously.

  "Everything is fine, your baby is growing where it's supposed to this time so you have nothing to worry about on that end." The doctor pushed a few buttons on the sonogram machine and Kaiah heard a little noise. "That, Mrs. Smith, is the sound if your baby's heartbeat and that little sac is where your baby will be living until birth."

  Kaiah was fighting back tears, she couldn't believe that she was actually hearing her baby's heartbeat. She didn't get to experience this the first go round, so this was a very joyous moment for her. "Even though you can't really see anything, can I have a copy of the picture?" Kaiah asked.

  "Definitely," the doctor smiled.

  After Kaiah left the doctor, she was overjoyed. I'm going to be a mommy, she kept thinking to herself. She couldn't contain the smile that was on her face. She drove all the way to her parents’ hous
e to tell them the good news. When she pulled up, Dolly was watering the flowers in front of her house. Kaiah took the ultrasound out of her purse and hid it behind her back. "Hey Ma, guess what?" she said excitedly.

  "What? It must be good because you're in a good mood." Dolly laughed.

  "Close your eyes and put your hands out," Kaiah said. When she was a little girl before their relationship took a turn for the worse, she used to always do this whenever she had something for Dolly.

  Dolly dropped the water hose and played along with her daughter. Kaiah put the ultrasound in her hands. "Open your eyes."

  Dolly looked down at the ultrasound and read where it said baby then had an arrow pointing to a sac. "Oh my God, Kaiah you're pregnant?" Dolly asked excitedly.

  "Ten weeks or two months, however you wanna look at it." Kaiah smiled.

  Dolly took her daughter in her arms and hugged her tightly. She was tearing up because she never thought that she would have been able to experience this with her daughter. "I'm so happy for you and I know you won't fail your baby like I failed you," Dolly said.

  "Don't start Sarah Dolly Parks. This is a happy thing, so forget all about those negative thoughts that are in your head right now. You didn't fail me. Okay, yes you had your problems, but I forgave you and we have moved past that. I love you old lady," Kaiah laughed.

  "Old? I’m only nineteen years older than you, little girl," Dolly said.

  "So that makes me nineteen years younger than you." Kaiah smiled.

  Just like Dolly, Kaiah was happy that they were able to be mother and daughter again. She missed the times when she could come and talk to her mother about anything. This was one if the biggest moments in her life and she wanted her mother to be by her side as she went through it.


  Kaiah hated the fact that today was her niece’s birthday and she was in a bad mood. She had been avoiding Deonte for a couple of weeks now. She had been thinking about her life and her situation with her being pregnant. She had been seriously thinking about not being with Deonte any more, period. She loved him but she was falling out of love with him. She truly believed in her heart that he and Sherae had something going. She was trying to have a good time but it was kind of hard especially since her dad, Dolly, Angel and Kaily were the only ones that she even cared to associate with. She felt like everyone else was full of shit and not to be trusted, not even her own twin brother. She really didn’t have any words for him because he had hurt her the worst.

  She had an attitude and wanted everyone to know it. She was standing by the little pool watching her niece Keymani play when she looked out the corner of her eye and saw a figure coming her way. She looked up to see it was Sherae. She rolled her eyes in agitation thinking today would be the day when she would really hurt this girl.

  Sherae stood there and waiting for Kaiah to acknowledge her presence but she never did. “Kaiah, can I talk to you?” she asked.

  Deonte stood off in the distance watching from afar. There was no way in hell he was about to get in the middle of that. He was trying to figure out what the hell Sherae was doing. She had no reason to be going over there in the first place. He wasn’t fucking her and he wasn’t even on good terms with Kaiah, so he was wondering what all this was about.

  “I don’t care what you do Sherae, you can talk but I don’t promise to listen,” Kaiah said.

  “Look, I know we have our differences or whatever, but I’m not trying to beef with you. Carlos is my cousin and your sister’s man so we’re going to be around each other a lot. I think we could at least be cordial to each other just for that reason alone,” Sherae said.

  Kaiah laughed and shook her head. “Girl, I have no reason to be cordial to you. I’m not a fake bitch so therefore I’m not going to act like I like you or pretend to even care for you just a little bit. You shouldn’t even have shit to say to me, go find Deonte and back the fuck up out my face,” Kaiah said, waving her hand in the air to dismiss her. The nerve of this bitch.

  “I’m not the one you should be mad at, you should be mad at your husband,” Sherae spat.

  “Oh, now you remember that he’s my husband? You weren’t too worried about that shit when you was all in his face, were you? Now, like I said, get out my face, I think that would be the best thing for you to do,” Kaiah said, getting in Sherae’s face.

  Angel saw what was going on so she rushed over to Kaiah, knowing how she could get. “Chill Kay Kay, she’s not even worth it. She’s beneath you.”

  “Beneath her? You should be the last person talking about someone being beneath somebody. Aren’t you a hoe?” Sherae asked.

  Having enough of this shit, Deonte decided to go break it up. He went over there and grabbed Kaiah by her waist to pull her back because he knew she would be quick to beat the shit out of Sherae…again. Sherae was scary with a lot of mouth, so he wasn’t worried about her swinging.

  “Deonte you better let that bitch know, I'm not the one. I'll take that nothing ass bitch and turn her into something. As a matter of fact, add that bitch to my hoe roster so I can put her ass to work ASAP. She can still be your bitch, but my hoe. Since she wanna talk about somebody being a hoe,” Kaiah yelled. “At least she was a paid hoe, you just fuck for free. Deonte break that bitch off with a couple of dollars.”

  “Chill out,” that was all he could say because he was trying not to laugh.

  “Let that bitch know if she ever step to me again I will not hesitate to fuck her up again. I don’t care about who won’t like it,” Kaiah said as she pointed her finger in his face.

  “I hear you,” he said.

  “Nah, I know you hear me, but are you listening?”

  “I got you,” he said as he pulled her into the house for her to calm down. “I’m about to have Angel and Kaily come in here. Don’t let them hype you up no more.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Kaiah rolled her eyes.

  Deonte smiled as he walked back out into the backyard. He didn’t have to get Kaily and Angel because they were already walking towards the house. He walked over to Sherae and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he asked through gritted teeth.

  “All I did was try to talk to her and she started flipping out once her little sidekick came over." Sherae rolled her eyes. She was pissed that Deonte was coming at her crazy when all she was trying to do was be cordial with the uppity bitch.

  "Stay the fuck away from her Sherae, and I'm not fucking playing with you."

  "Alright damn!" She snatched away from him.

  Kaison walked over to Deonte and patted him on the back. "I go reup from Cortez in two days, you coming back to work or nah?" Kaison asked.

  Deonte had stepped back for a minute after Kaiah got into the car accident to stay home and take care of her. Since they haven't been on the best terms lately, he had been thinking about getting back in the game. The streets had been calling and he was about to answer.

  "Yea man, I'm coming back," Deonte said. He was feeling like 'fuck it,' he ain't have shit else to do.

  Kaiah was pacing back and forth, she was so pissed off. She hated that Sherae thought it was okay to fuck with her when she was trying to spare her ass. She already beat her ass once and the only reason she didn’t again was because she was pregnant. She grabbed her purse and headed for the front door, ignoring whatever Kaily and Angel were saying to her.

  “Kaiah, where are you going? Keymani has to cut her cake,” Kaily called out, but it fell upon deaf ears.

  * * *

  Kaiah pulled up to the mansion with a lot on her mind, she was so frustrated. She had too much going on right now that it was damn near driving her crazy. She threw her brand new Lexus in park and jumped out.

  When she opened the front door, she heard loud music coming from the Bose system connected to the kitchen. She followed the music and what she saw pissed her off even more than she already was. Casha and Asha were having a damn food fight in her all white kitchen. There was food every
where and the more she stood there, the more steam came from her ears. They were so busy being stupid that they didn’t even notice her standing there. She stormed over to the Bose and turned the music off.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she yelled. The two stopped dead in their tracks. They had rarely heard Kaiah cuss or yell, so they were taken by surprise. “How old are you two? What type of shit is this?”

  The rest of the girls heard yelling and ran down the stairs to the kitchen to see what the hell was going on. “Asha you know way belter than to do this childish shit.”

  “We were just trying to have some fun Kaiah, lighten up,” Casha said.

  “Hol up,” Kaiah put her hand up. “Was I talking to you? I could have sworn I said Asha, not Casha. Besides, I don’t give a fuck what you were trying to do. If you wanted to have fun, it’s a fucking pool out back, a basketball court, a tennis court and even a damn volleyball court. This shit here is childish as fuck,” Kaiah yelled.

  “Cálmate, Kaiah,” Natalia said. (Calm down.)

  “Ahora no, Nati.” (Not right now)

  “Just because you’re having problems in your marriage doesn’t mean you have to take the shit out on us. Like I said, we just wanted to have some fun since all we do is sit in the house unless we’re going to bust a fucking nut,” Casha said with an attitude.

  Kaiah stepped in her face because she knew she just heard her wrong. She reached her arm out for Natalia to take her purse and she did. “What the fuck you just say bitch?”

  Casha tried to step back but that just made Kaiah step up and get right back in her face. “Nothing,” Casha said. She looked in Kaiah’s eyes and saw something different about her and it made her bow down.

  “Nah, please don’t get quiet now. You just had a lot to say ten seconds ago. Now, what did you say?” asked Kaiah, she had her fists balled up at her side, waiting to strike.

  “I said—“ Casha tried to speak but didn’t get too far before Kaiah’s fist was flying in her mouth. Instantly, Casha tasted blood. Natalia ran over and grabbed Kaiah to prevent her from swinging again. She had seen Kaiah go off on a couple of people before but she had never seen her actually get physical with someone.


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