Waiting for Romeo

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Waiting for Romeo Page 3

by Diane Mannino

  “Laughing at my dancing prowess?” Tyler leans back, gazing down at me.

  “Oh, no. Sorry.” I smile, hoping my apology is enough.

  Feeling dizzy, I rest my head against Tyler’s solid chest. I hook my fingers behind his neck, trying to keep my balance. Sliding his hands from the small of my waist to around my back, he pulls me tight against him. We move in silence as we sway to the music and it’s the first time all night where I surprisingly feel at ease.

  At that moment, the music is abruptly interrupted. The entire room shouts the final countdown…6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…and yells, “Happy New Year,” kissing the nearest person. “Auld Lang Syne” plays when I gaze up at Tyler with my fingers still hooked behind his neck. His hands are wrapped around my waist.

  “I want to kiss you, is that okay?” He says, softly in my ear.

  I swallow and nod, feeling brave because of my alcohol consumption. Bryn does know what she’s doing I think to myself.

  “You know I’m not like that…that night at Tonic.” He gently caresses my cheek with his hand.

  “I know.”

  He leans down, pulling me tighter against his chest. When he kisses me, it isn’t like the last time. His lips are warm and soft. When his tongue slips into my mouth, it’s gentle and somewhat hesitant as if he’s waiting for me to put a stop to it. I return the kiss and his mouth presses harder against mine. His hand reaches under my sweater against the bottom of my back. His touch on my bare skin startles me, reminding me of Logan and I react by quickly pulling away from him.

  Eyes blazing, Tyler looks down at me. “You want me to stop?”

  I shrug. I don’t know what to say. Sorry, your touch made me think of Logan – talk about killing the moment. Then Bryn’s voice pops in my thoughts, “single and ready to mingle.” I try to stifle my laugh, but I fail, miserably.

  “Well, you’re laughing so I’m guessing you aren’t mad at me.” He smiles, slightly. “First, my dancing…and now my kissing are humorous or do you have some little secret joke? I’m hoping for the latter.”

  “No. No, it’s none of the above. I’ve just had too much to drink. I get the giggles. It’s not you. It’s not you at all. It’s me. I promise.” I spit out quickly, not wanting him to think it’s Logan-related.

  “And, you aren’t mad?”

  “Of course I’m not mad.” I swallow. “What makes you think that?” I stare up at him.

  “Because of the last time I tried to kiss you.” His expression is worried and his jaw is tense.

  “But I told you, it was okay.”


  “I’m definitely not mad.” I reach up and quickly kiss him on his lips, hoping to appease him.

  “Thank, God.” He sighs.

  “Happy New Year, Tyler.” I smile, sweetly at him.

  “Happy New Year.” He says as his fingers trace the edge of my face and down my neck. Reaching under my chin, he pulls my lips to his as he kisses me harder. His tongue slips in and out of my mouth, but thoughts of Logan surface every few seconds…Stop thinking about Logan.

  It annoys me even more when I’m reminded of Gertrude in “Hamlet.” Is Gertrude a cheater? It’s a common question when studying “Hamlet.” My question: What in the world is wrong with me for thinking about cheating in “Hamlet” at a time like this?


  ONCE AGAIN BRYN IS SHOUTING at me, but this time she’s not pissed. Her voice wakes me, forcing me to peel open my sleep-deprived eyes. “Holy shit, Emilia! I didn’t think you’d actually take my advice.”

  I roll over and squint up at her. Bryn is standing above me, wrapped in a towel, dripping wet from a shower. Glancing down at my body, I see I’m still in my previous night’s outfit. I feel a bit of relief sweep through me as I catch Bryn watching me closely.

  “Don’t worry. After you made out with Tyler on the dance floor for what seemed like forever, I pried you away from him and brought you up here myself.

  I feel my face redden and I throw my hands over my face.

  “Forever?” I frown.

  Bryn moves to her closet, grabbing a pair of Lululemon leggings and a sweatshirt. She tugs on her clothes when she continues. “I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.” She smiles.

  “Oh, no.” I whisper.

  “Oh, yes. Hey, don’t sweat it. He’s probably out buying you a ring right now.”

  “Ha. Ha. You know this is your fault.” I say, shaking my finger at her. “You got me drunk so I’d be…what were your words? Oh, yes. Single and ready to mingle.”

  “Yes and you’re welcome.”

  “Are you listening to what you’re saying? I’m not thanking you for this…this is a disaster.”

  But I know this disaster is every bit my fault. Despite wanting to blame Bryn, it’s obviously my own mess I made. Sure, Bryn and her efforts for option two didn’t make my choice to hookup with Tyler any less appealing. Of course she was my biggest cheerleader. But the idea of a rebound, especially Tyler, sounded like trouble from the first time Bryn uttered those words. Now, the trouble is all too real and I’m kicking myself for my stupidity.

  “Stop worrying about it. You’re acting like you did something wrong. You’re single. Do I need to remind you Logan was the one who screwed up, not you?”

  “No. But it just feels wrong.” I shrug.

  “There’s nothing wrong with you checking out your prospects…and if you don’t mind me saying, Tyler is a very hot prospect. Maybe not as hot as Mr. Moneybags, but he’s quite fuckable.”

  My mouth drops open. “Okay, thanks for that rather enlightening analysis.”

  “I’m just saying… If I didn’t think Josh was so damn great in bed, I’d be after him myself. Look, I know this is all new for you. I get it. But you didn’t do anything wrong. You actually did the smartest thing you could do. Logan broke your heart and you need a distraction. Tyler is the perfect solution.”

  “You’re making it sound like I’m using him.” I roll over on my back and prop my head on the pillow.

  “You can call it what you want…doesn’t matter if you are using him. You think Tyler really minds? I think he’s just thrilled to be swapping spit with you. And, who knows…maybe you will actually fall for him. It’s a win-win situation.”

  “Um. How do you figure that?” I ask, confused.

  “You get to…do whatever you want with Tyler and seriously, who wouldn’t want to check out his rock star assets? And, at the same time it’ll help you get over Mr. Prescott. Of course, you may not be getting gifts from Tiffany’s and that’s a shame. But otherwise, it’s a win-win.”

  “Al-righty then.” I pause for a second, gathering my thoughts. “But I would rather you not say anything …I really don’t want Logan finding out about last night.”

  Bryn laughs and I can already guess what she will say.

  “Sure, I won’t. But I’m not so sure about the others from SBU that saw you last night.”

  I sigh.

  “It was that obvious?” I ask, not really wanting to hear her answer.

  “Does Taylor Swift sing about ex-boyfriends?” Bryn grins.

  Oh, shit.

  MY STOMACH IS IN KNOTS as we drive to my dad’s house in Venice Beach. Bryn has convinced me to head back with her to Santa Barbara a few days early. She says she wants alone time with Josh, although I know this is code for she’s feeling sex-starved. I’m not sure how I fit in this alone time. But she refuses to let me leave her side. She’s certain Logan will get to me…another morning ambush or whatever and she’s not taking any chances.

  I lost count of how many times Bryn uttered her sister’s united speech with her “through sick and sin” mantra. Rather than putting up a fight I could handle myself – I certainly didn’t need Bryn as my babysitter – I threw in the towel, claiming defeat. When Bryn sets her mind on something I know it’s not worth the fight.

  Heading back to Santa Barbara has my mind spinning out of control. I k
new when the time came I would be avoiding Logan as well as Sebastian and Seraphina. But now I’ve got to add Tyler to that list. Is it possible to avoid all of them? Because I’m not sure Bryn will let me hide, which is really what I’d like to do. I know going back to work at Spyder will certainly not allow me refuge.

  Bryn promises nothing but the best for the rest of our senior year – five months – and I’m certain they will be the longest five months of my life. I stare out the window, wondering if Bryn will let me bail on her options as well as her sisterhood and the partying pants plans.

  “Okay, chica, you have been far too quiet. What are you thinking about? Well, actually I know what you are thinking about…scratch that. Listen, you need to stop seeing this as such a bad thing. Look at the positive.” She smiles at me and then turns her attention back to the 405 Freeway.

  “Um. I don’t see the positive…” But before I can finish my sentence, Bryn interrupts me.

  “See…there you go again.” She snaps.

  “Don’t get so huffy. I just don’t want people to get the wrong idea.”

  “What in the world are you talking about?” Bryn shakes her head and honks at the person in front of her who fails to signal before changing lanes.

  “You don’t think everyone will think I was cheating on Logan?” My silly thoughts of Gertrude from Hamlet resurface in my head.

  “No! Why the hell would people think that? Everyone knows he cheated on you. Everyone knows he’s Mr. Bad Boy. Everyone knows he’s hot as hell, but trouble…trouble with a capital T!”

  “Really? Everyone knows he cheated?”

  “Oh, Emilia.” She shakes her head, smiling. “You have come so far since the beginning of the school year I forget sometimes that this is all new to you. Of course, people all know this…we’re talking about Logan. The school revolves around him and his sexcapades.”

  “Ugh. I didn’t realize…” I start to say and then my thoughts shift. “I really don’t want people to think I’m like that.”

  “Like what?” Bryn gives me a bewildered look. Then it hits her. “You think people will think you’re slutty?”

  I nod.

  “Of course not.” She says sympathetically. “Besides if they do, screw’em.”

  I sigh.

  “But they won’t.” She says. I’m not sure if she’s just saying this to get me to stop worrying.

  At that moment, my phone buzzes, loudly. I pull it out of my purse and the front screen is filled with texts.

  “That’s your phone I kept hearing all morning?” Bryn looks at me and catches the panicked expression on my face. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Logan.”

  “Ha! He’s finally figured out we are living in the 21st century! I’m sure he knows you aren’t opening his emails or listening to his messages, but you have to see his texts.” She bursts out laughing.

  “You think he already knows about last night?” I say, panicked.

  “God, I hope so.”

  My mouth falls open. “Shut up, Bryn!”

  “I kid. I kid. Well, sort of. It would serve him right. There’s nothing wrong with a little tit for tat…I always say.”

  “Uh-uh.” I shake my head, vehemently, from side to side. “I’m not playing games. I told you…this is a disaster.”

  “Well, you need to stop looking at it that way. Look at the beauty of all this.”

  “Really?” I arch my brow at her.

  “Yes. The beauty of the situation…it has shades of Shakespeare written all over it.” She smiles, smartly.

  I laugh out loud. “Shades of Shakespeare? Now, I’ve heard everything. Bryn Cartwright is enlightening me on her knowledge of literature and it’s Shakespeare, nonetheless.”

  “Hey, now. I’m not totally literature challenged. Plus, you are my best friend and roommate so some of your love of the classics mumbo jumbo is bound to rub off. Am I right or am I right?”

  I’m still laughing. “Sure.”

  “Shall I enlighten you some more?” She maneuvers the car off the freeway while looking at me.

  “Okay, okay…just keep your eyes on the road.”

  “You are in the middle of a classic love triangle. You have the hot, filthy rich ex who is desperate to win you back and you have the rock, surfer stud vying for your affections. ‘Romeo and Juliet’ had one, yes?”

  “I don’t recall a rock surfer stud or a hot, filthy rich ex in ‘Romeo and Juliet.’ Maybe you read a different version?”

  “Very funny. You know very well I’m talking about the love triangle. It had one, right?”

  “Yes, smarty pants.”

  “See…shades of Shakespeare…doesn’t get any hotter than that, my friend. And, I will admit it. I am a tad jealous. God, what I wouldn’t do for my own hot love triangle, but I digress.”

  I giggle. “Sounds like a Shakespearean tragedy in the making to me.”

  “You are such a downer these days…tragedy, schmagedy. Look at the beauty of it and more importantly, look at the two beautiful guys I’m talking about. Sheesh! It gets me all hot and bothered just thinking about it.”

  “Wow. You do need some alone time with Josh.” I laugh.

  “Now, you know what I’m talking about.”

  “Well, you think this situation is so ideal what do you think I should do about all these texts from my hot, filthy rich ex?” I wave my iPhone in the air. “Text him back or ignore him forever?”

  “I’m curious. What do his texts say?”

  I look at my phone and read the texts.

  Please call. I miss you. We need to talk. Please call. We really need to talk. If you wish to continue ignoring me, I hope you will at least read my emails. Could you let me know you are okay? How about some coffee? Can I drive you back to Santa Barbara? That’s it.”

  “That’s it? Well, I give him credit for his tenacity. It’s obvious he’s not going down without a fight so we know one thing is certain.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I’m not letting you out of my sight. When we get back to Santa Barbara I’m sure he will put on a full-court press. There’s no doubt.” She says seriously like she’s the General of the Army preparing for battle.

  “Okay. You’re kind of freaking me out.” I say as we pull into my dad’s driveway.

  “Trust me I know what I’m talking about. This is the deal…Logan is used to getting what he wants…he wants you and he won’t give up until everything comes up roses for him.”

  Bryn immediately stops in her tracks and we are both struck speechless when I open the front door. I finally pick my jaw up off the floor and take a deep breath. Every surface in my dad’s house is covered with roses…beautiful red roses. A small white envelope sticks out of one of the countless arrangements.

  Pulling it out, I read the card aloud, “My love is like a red, red rose – Logan.”

  “Kudos to him…that’s beautiful…this is beautiful.” She waves her hands in the air at the obscene amount of roses. “But don’t let him fool you. He’s still a dick.”

  “He didn’t write it…it’s from a poem by Robert Burns. But you are definitely right about one thing.”


  “He won’t give up until everything is coming up roses.” We burst into laughter.

  When we finally come up for air. Bryn says, “And so it begins.”

  WE DRIVE IN SILENCE except for when we sing at the top of our lungs. When we are about halfway to Santa Barbara, Bryn and I continue our earlier, interrupted conversation.

  “You know, you never did answer me.” I turn the volume down on the blaring stereo.

  “Um. What was the question?” Bryn slides her sunglasses down her nose and looks at me, speculatively.

  “To text or not to text?”

  “Ahh…not to.” She nods her head, definitively.

  Neither of us speaks for several minutes until Bryn suddenly pokes me in the arm.

  “Whatcha thinking?” She looks at me curiously.
  “Um.” I chew on my lower lip. “I think I should at least thank him.”

  “Thank him? Sure, thank him for the roses and thank him for breaking your heart.” She is clearly irritated.

  “Well, when you put it that way. But honestly it’s really bugging me. I just feel like I need to acknowledge it and say thanks. That’s all.”

  “Suit yourself. I can only give you my advice. I can’t make you follow it. Unfortunately.”

  Pulling out my phone, I reread Logan’s earlier texts. When I type up a message I immediately get a reply.

  ME: Thank you for the beautiful roses.

  LOGAN: You’re very welcome. Can I see you tonight?

  ME: No.

  LOGAN: Mumford & Sons are playing at the Wiltern Theatre tonight.

  ME: I’m driving back to S.B. with Bryn. We’re about a half an hour from campus.

  Bryn clears her throat, loudly. “I thought you were just texting thanks for the flowers. The end.”

  “I did, but then he replied.”

  She gives me a pained look.

  “Oh, take a chill pill.” I say, shoving my phone back in my purse.

  She looks at me with a dubious expression.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Are you telling me everything?”

  “Oh, yeah, did I mention he’s taking me out tonight?” I smile, slightly at her.

  Her eyes are behind her sunglasses, but I’m certain she’s rolling them at me. “You’re becoming quite the joker. But I’m not laughing. You need to get him out of your head and thankfully you now have Tyler to help you with that.”

  “I’m guessing you’ve arranged a double date?”

  “Bingo!” She smiles.

  OUR SANTA BARBARA HOME away from home is a welcome sight when we finally pull into the driveway. After just three weeks, I’m pleasantly surprised to feel happy to be back. The beautiful white roses that Bryn and I planted at the beginning of the school year are no longer in bloom. They are withered with brown patches from the overabundance of sunlight scorching them and the lack of watering. The grass doesn’t look much better with yellow dried-up spots, resembling hay on a farm, covering it.


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