Waiting for Romeo

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Waiting for Romeo Page 6

by Diane Mannino

  “Shut up! It was all an accident…are you saying I planned this to get back at Logan?”

  “No! Of course not…that’s what makes it all the more perfect.”

  “Oh, sure. It was all so perfect while you were screwing…very loudly I might add…and I’m trying to sleep…and that’s a whole other story because I was in Tyler’s bed.”

  “Awkward, was it?” She smiles, slightly.

  “A bit.”

  “Sorry. So you did sleep with Tyler?” She says in a teasing, accusatory way. “I thought he was going to sleep on the couch?”

  “I felt bad. It is his bed.”

  “Uh-huh.” She smirks. “You know what this means?”

  I shake my head at her. “I’m a nice person?”

  She shakes her head back at me. “Is it possible that you are actually falling for Tyler?”

  “Oh, Bryn. You and your dreams of love triangles and what did you call it?”

  “Shades of Shakespeare.” She smiles, proudly.

  “Yes, well, it’s not happening. I like Tyler but I can’t just jump into bed with someone right after Logan.”

  “But you did.”

  “Gah! Last night was an exception…and it wasn’t like I just jumped in his bed. We couldn’t stay here and I felt bad about him having to sleep on the couch and…oh, why am I explaining all of this…you know the truth…you just enjoy watching me sweat.”

  “Okay, Okay.” She smiles. “But, seriously, what did happen when you ran into him? He must have been so pissed and now that I think about it, what in the world was he doing there? You think he knew you were there?”

  “Good point.” I frown.

  “I’ll go back to what I said earlier…the other words that come to mind: controlling, domineering, overbearing…” She trails off.

  “Anyway… yes, he was quite pissed. I can’t say I blame him. It did look bad. I explained the burglary and why we were staying there so he calmed down. But at first, he was pretty pissed.”

  “Well, it serves him right.”

  “Yes and that’s what he said. He said he probably deserved it…me being with Tyler.”

  “So, he gave you his blessings?” She says, surprised.

  “No, not at all. He was just saying it to make a point. He’s still hoping I’ll take him back. He told me he fucked up and he was sorry.”

  “And you believe him?”

  “I do.”

  “But you aren’t getting back together?” She says and I can tell she’s deep in thought as she twirls a strand of hair with her finger.

  I chug some water. “No. What are you plotting, now?”

  “What makes you think I’m plotting something?” She asks, defensively.

  “I’ve known you long enough to know when you twirl your hair like that…your devious mind is up to something.”

  “Well.” She says with mock annoyance. “I was only thinking that my restraining order idea is a good one.”

  “Ha! You don’t think I can resist the charms of Mr. Prescott?”

  She cocks an eyebrow. “The real question is: do you think you can resist his charms? Besides I already told you I just think your willpower is seriously tested when you are around him.” But before I can make my argument, she continues, “Oh, by the way, that package was dropped off by a delivery person for you. Can I say I told you so?”

  “About what?” I ask, confused.

  “He wants you back and he’ll do whatever it takes to get you back…two words: restraining order.”

  “You’re nuts.”

  “Am I? How are you supposed to get him out of your head and move on if he keeps hounding you and buying you gifts? He will continue this onslaught until he charms the pants off you…literally.”

  I pick up the package. “I can’t accept this, but I am curious.” I say as I tear off the brown paper and open the box.

  “I don’t even want to know what that rich bastard got you this time.”

  “It’s an iPad 6.” My mouth drops open.

  “Charm. Pants. Off. Ugh.”

  “Is this even in the stores?” I ask.

  “Of course not. Rich bastard.” She pauses and points to a small white envelope.

  “There’s a note. What’s Romeo say this time?”

  I tear it open and read it aloud.

  Please listen to the playlist I created for you.

  I know you will probably say you can’t accept this gift.

  You can give it to Bryn if you’d like. I won’t take it back – Logan

  Bryn laughs.

  “What’s so funny?” I ask.

  “Boy, he’s good. He’s trying to charm me now too. And, if you can’t accept his gift, I will gladly.”

  I roll my eyes at her.

  Pulling out the iPad from the box, I tap “music” on the touchscreen and then “playlists.” The first playlist is titled, simply, “Love.” Bryn looks over my shoulder and I can feel her let out a breath on my neck.

  “Seriously.” Bryn says as I turn to look at her. “Well, one thing is certain.” She continues.

  “And, that is?”

  “You are a fast runner but he is one hell of a chaser…you just keep on running, my friend or he will charm those pants off you.”

  “Ha. Ha. Very funny.”

  “I speak the truth. Let’s take a listen to the first song on lover boy’s playlist.”

  I move my fingers quickly along the touchscreen of the iPad and play the first song, “I Won’t Give Up” by Jason Mraz.

  When I look into your eyes

  It’s like watching the night sky

  Or a beautiful sunrise

  Well, there’s so much they hold

  And just like them old stars

  I see that you’ve come so far

  To be right where you are

  How old is your soul?

  Well, I won’t give up on us

  Even if the skies get rough

  I’m giving you all my love

  I’m still looking up

  And when you’re needing your space

  To do some navigating

  I’d be here patiently waiting

  To see what you find

  ‘Cause even the stars they burn

  Some even fall to the earth

  We’ve got a lot to learn

  God knows we’re worth it

  No, I won’t give up

  “See? Forget running…you need to sprint.” She laughs at her own joke and then changes the subject. “Now, get ready so we can go watch your other lover boy’s band.”

  I roll my eyes. “Shut up.”


  I STARE AT THE PLAYLIST, titled “Love,” feeling uncomfortable about his extravagant, but insanely thoughtful gift. His intense devotion and excessive pursuit to win me back make it hard to stay mad at him. I wonder if Bryn is right, maybe I won’t be able to resist his charms. Oh my God, I would hate to admit that to her. And, it hasn’t even been a month since that night…that horrid night. No, I need to be stronger. I can’t give in that easily.

  If I give in now, who is to say the same thing won’t happen a month from now or even sooner? If we are ever to get back together, this needs to be on my terms…not his. I need to have no doubt that he is willing to be completely committed.

  I congratulate myself for coming to this conclusion. Logan is a charmer. I knew this the minute I laid eyes on him. The fact that he also makes my insides melt every time I see him also adds to his desirability factor. Of course, his inner demons always make me wonder if it’s truly possible for him to change. I feel confident when I’m with him, but then when someone…someone, like Seraphina…is around…well, then I’m not so sure. Why? Will I always feel like this? He told me again and again they were just friends. But even with his convictions, I knew down deep in my heart that something was going to happen…I knew he would break my heart.

  It makes no sense that I’m starting to get swept off my feet by him again. Can I be so
foolish? Is it possible for a person to make such a big mistake, be accountable for it and then change? For some reason, I’m starting to think it’s possible. I just hope…actually pray…this possibility becomes a reality. If I do really matter to him surely he can’t break my heart twice. But I can’t come to the decision to take him back so hastily, I need to be certain I am right, without a shadow of a doubt.

  Besides where does this all leave Tyler? I certainly don’t want to play games and I do like him. But do I like him enough to see where it might go? I just don’t know and is it really fair to him when I still feel so strongly about Logan? I consider my questions and slowly come to the realization of what I must do.

  “Hello? Earth to Emilia.” Bryn laughs.


  “Go and get ready.” She nudges me in the shoulder. “Here’s a cocktail to help you get into the party mode.”

  I glance at the drink. “A margarita? I thought you weren’t having these anymore?”

  “I’m not, but you are. Tequila loosens you up, it makes me throw up.” She laughs. “That’s why I’m switching to Vodka.”

  “Vodka? Just don’t chug it, we all know you are quite the lightweight.” I tease and wink at her.

  Carrying my over-the-top gift, I head up the stairs and into my bedroom. Before I get in the shower, I pull out my phone and text Logan.

  ME: Hi…Thank you for the amazing gift.

  LOGAN: I’m glad you think it’s amazing.

  ME: I really can’t accept it.

  LOGAN: You can and you should…or you can give it to Bryn.

  ME: Bossy much?

  LOGAN: If it helps to get you back then sure. Listen to the playlist and read my emails. They say a lot about how I feel about you. By the way, I was going to stop by the store today, but your boss had other plans for me.

  ME: Teabagging? I can’t believe I just wrote that…even after learning your definition. Just couldn’t resist ;)

  LOGAN: There’s only one thing I can’t resist…you.

  ME: Thing?

  LOGAN: A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.

  ME: John Keats. As always, I’m impressed.

  LOGAN: See you tonight?

  ME: I told you. I have plans.

  LOGAN: Can’t blame a guy for trying ;)

  I grin like a fool when I read his last message. Resisting Logan is no small task. Of course, that’s what he’s so good at. Isn’t it what got me caught up in his spell from the start?

  IT SEEMS LIKE YESTERDAY when we were at Elsie’s, but then I remember it was just yesterday. Tonight I’m not hiding out in a dark corner; Logan knows I’m here to watch Tyler and his band…I have nothing to hide. Or do I?

  I know by the way Bryn’s eyes widen as she glances over my shoulder that trouble is upon me and maybe I would be better off ensconced in a dark corner. Sharp fingernails barely scrape my exposed shoulder, but it’s just enough to make me turn. An annoyingly audible gasp escapes my mouth while my stomach drops.


  I’m struck speechless. Seraphina has never uttered one word to me. Ever. And now that she just did, I definitely prefer the silent treatment.

  She stands in the middle of two, equally trampy-attired girls. They are all skintight jeans, similar tight, low-cut tops that leave nothing to the imagination. Immediately, I feel like I have just stepped into the movie, “Mean Girls.”

  Bryn grabs me by my arm. “Once a ‘ho, always a ‘ho.” Oh, excuse me, did I actually just say that out loud?” She spits with sarcasm.

  Seraphina rolls her eyes. “You should know.”

  “Bitch.” Bryn says as we walk away.

  “I just wanted to tell Emilia that I hope there are no hard feelings.” She says to her friends but loud enough for us to hear. I can hear them cackle as we walk away.

  “What the fuck was that about?” Bryn says to me as we move closer to the stage, where Tyler and his band are setting up.

  I shrug. “You are right…she is a bitch. It’s pathetic Logan was with her. I just don’t get what guys see in girls like that.”

  “I can…easy lay. She’s a total slut. Guys usually think with their dicks and when girls like her are throwing themselves at them well, they simply can’t resist them. I think if they actually even tried to resist them, they couldn’t.” She takes a big gulp of her new cocktail of choice: Red Bull and vodka. The Red Bull is already making her hyper. She’s talking so fast I can hardly keep up with her.

  She continues. “Did I ever tell you about this guy I dated in high school?”

  She has, several times, but she’s so caught up in telling her story she ignores me and goes on.

  “He was drop dead gorgeous. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes…could easily pass as Ryan Gosling’s younger brother. His body, well his body was so fucking perfect. He was so ripped…muscles on muscles. The kind you just want to taste. You know when you just want to lick them like they’re made out of ice cream?” She dramatically fans herself and smacks her lips.

  I feel my face redden and take a sip of my drink. Logan’s impressive physique quickly comes to mind and I definitely know what she’s talking about.

  “Sooo…we had been dating slash doing the nasty for over a year. Well, he hooked up with this total slut. Everyone knew she was a slut because she slept with pretty much any guy that looked her way. When we were sophomores she slept with almost every freshmen boy…total virgin stealer.

  The one weekend where I’m sick and can’t go out on a Saturday night and he sleeps with the fucking slut. Can you imagine? I’m home sick as a dog! Of course I didn’t find out right away. He came over the next morning with some chicken noodle soup…no doubt feeling a bit guilty. Well, I found out what happened later that day and you know what I did with that soup?”

  I do know, but Bryn loves this story so I let her continue.

  “I took that soup and spilled the whole container all over his beloved Mustang. And, it wasn’t just a little cup; it was in the largest Tupperware container imaginable. Just to add to the overall effect I threw on pounds and pounds of wet noodles. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get wet noodles off your car!”

  “Paybacks a bitch when your girlfriend is Bryn.” I laugh.

  “Exactly. Of course he felt so bad, we got back together and then the stupid dick did it again…and with the same slut.”

  “The moral of the story is: don’t mess with Bryn.” I joke as I take a sip of my margarita. I’m thankful for her story even if I have heard it about a half a dozen times because it has gotten my mind off Seraphina.

  “Yes, that too. But the real point is that’s how guys are wired.”

  “With the exception of Josh?” I say when I catch his eye as he approaches Bryn from behind.

  “Oh. Please. He’s not immune either!”

  Josh wraps his arms around her waist and nuzzles her ear. “I’m not immune to what, babe? You?”

  “Hm hmm.” She stretches her drink-free hand around his neck and moans. Thank God, I don’t need to share Tyler’s bed again tonight because I know these two are headed for a repeat performance.

  “CAN I BUY YOU A DRINK?” a guy wearing a USB sweatshirt yells over Tyler and his band’s loud music. I nod because I don’t see the harm in a free drink but Bryn quickly interrupts.

  “No. She’s good…she’s got a boyfriend.”

  “I’m just offering her a drink. I’m not asking her to marry me.” He says defensively and I throw Bryn an irritated glance as he moves away.

  “Emilia, don’t ever accept a drink from a stranger. Don’t you know that?”

  “Um. Sure. I figured it was okay if he bought me one. I know you have to be careful with punch or whatever.”

  “No. You don’t know him. He could easily slip something in your drink.”

  I swallow. “Okay. You are officially freaking me out.”

  “Just keeping it real. You need to know these things. Besides
, you’re my bestie and I gotta look out for you. Now, let me get you another drink.”

  A hand slides across my lower back and as he leans close to my ear he asks, “What can I get you ladies?” His lip just grazes my ear and I struggle not to pass out right then and there.

  When I turn to face him, he keeps his hand on me, sliding it from my back to the small of my waist.

  “Margaritas?” He crooks an eyebrow.

  “Well,” I start to say because Bryn has sworn off tequila, but she quickly interrupts me.

  “You again? Holy crap! Every time I turn around, there you are.” She’s annoyed, but surprisingly she’s not using her choice four-letter expletives: the norm when she’s in Logan’s presence.

  “Nice to see you, too, Bryn.” He leans down and kisses the top of my head. “Hi, baby.”

  “Hold up! What do you think you’re doing? Is it just my imagination or is he acting like he’s done nothing wrong?” She waves her perfectly manicured finger in his face.

  “I’m just saying hi. You find that so wrong?”

  “You’re all kissy-kissy and baby-baby. Are you the only one on this campus that’s not aware that you two are broken up?”

  “Just a technicality.” He smiles, slightly at me as he continues to caress my back.

  “Logan, she’s right. What are you up to?” I can see Bryn’s surprise and pride in my response out of the corner of my eye. She’s giving me the ‘you, go girl’ look like we are on an episode of Dr. Phil.

  “You know what I’m up to. I’m trying to get you back.” His eyes pierce mine as he speaks in a matter of fact tone. When his hand moves from around my waist to my back it pulls my sweater up a bit so that his hand now touches my skin. His touch on my bare skin immediately ignites my body temperature.

  Bryn interrupts our heated gaze. “Um. Excuse me, you two, but I refuse to sit here and let this happen.”

  She gets in my face. “Emilia, he’s messing with your head.” Then turns her attention towards him. “Logan, leave her alone.”

  “Bryn, it’s fine. He knows we’re not getting back together.”


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