Waiting for Romeo

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Waiting for Romeo Page 10

by Diane Mannino

  “You’ll have to wait and see.” I brazenly say, fluttering my lashes.

  His lips turn up into a slight smile. “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were flirting with me, Miss King.”

  I smile. “Possibly.”

  “Hm. This night just seems to be getting better and better.” He whispers and then wraps his arm around my waist, guiding me through the crowded bar.

  Bryn looks relieved to see me when Logan and I make our way downstairs. Glancing towards the bar, I see Tyler, with a couple girls, hanging on his every word, for some reason a sense of relief sweeps over me.

  Bryn stands and stumbles, clearly she can’t handle tequila. “Where did you disappear to? I thought you got kidnapped by…” She nods her head in the direction of Logan.

  “I’ve been here…just the bathroom.” I say, trying to sound like nothing else happened.

  “The whole time?” She asks.

  “It was super crowded.” I shrug then pause a second. “Anyway, I’m ready to go now. Logan offered to walk me home.”

  She arches her brow. “I’m sure he did. Are you sure you’re not leaving anything out? You know you can’t withhold valuable information from your best friend?”

  I roll my eyes. “Oh right, did I mention we’re planning to go back to our place for some crazy sex. You okay with that?”

  “Okay, smarty pants. But Josh and I are heading out too. We can all walk together.”

  “You don’t have to leave just because I am. Look, he’s just going to walk me home. That’s it. He knows…I made myself clear.”

  “Need I remind you how good he is at persuading you?” She looks at me with her eyebrows raised. “But if you’re ready for that then….”

  “Good point.” I interrupt her sentence. “It’s still too soon.”

  But I say those last words and think to myself if he keeps catching me when I fall, he will be hard to resist and soon might be much sooner than I think.


  WHEN I ARRIVE TO CLASS on Monday, I can barely see straight I’m so exhausted from staying up most of the night doing my paper on “Hamlet” as well as prepping for the professor’s next lecture on “Macbeth,” an examination of Macbeth’s mental deterioration. Fortunately, my other teachers didn’t give me as much work the first week; otherwise I’d really be screwed. This will inevitably change.

  Once again I’m early, not even Chloe has arrived. But I remember what she told me about regularly missing classes and decide maybe she’s busy catching up on her lack of sleep from her weekend, which undoubtedly was filled with sleepless nights. While I wait, I pull out my paper as well as the large stack of lecture notes. My first thought is why would Professor Milton have me do the majority of what should surely be his work when he and Professor Meyer made it seem like I would only be asked to do light work? Then it dawns on me. Professor Meyer isn’t here so, he could ask me to do whatever he wants…knowing I would more than likely not put up a fuss.

  Now, here I sit in a class with more work than I can handle and nothing I can do about it. Add to that the daunting task of focusing when Logan is sitting beside me, and I know, without a doubt, this class will be a challenge: mentally and physically. If only I hadn’t jokingly suggested he switch majors, then at least the thought of taking a literature course may have never crossed his mind. Maybe.

  But if I’m being perfectly honest with myself, the distraction of Logan is not entirely without its benefits. Sitting back in my seat, waiting for the teacher and the rest of the class to arrive, I think about Saturday night. The thought of his tender kiss on my hand, his mouth grazing my ear, make me shiver. When he caught me in his arms as I stumbled down the stairs, I was immediately struck by how safe I felt in them. But how is it possible to feel so safe with someone when you aren’t even sure you can trust him? While we walked home, he held my hand. Both of us remained silent during the short walk from the bar to my place. Lost in our thoughts.

  Bryn teased me this morning when she found me not in my usual classroom attire, Lululemon leggings and that week’s sweatshirt or boxy t-shirt, but in something usually reserved for our nights’ out. Her relentless, but silly joking about me dressing to impress, now make me wonder if she’s right. I shrugged it off this morning. I certainly wasn’t changing how I dressed for class just because now he’s in one of mine or was I? Is it because I’m ready to take him back? And finally, but most importantly, is it possible love is better the second time around?

  Still preoccupied in my thoughts, I’m unaware of the steady stream of students, now filing in. But when his lips once again graze my ear, my breath catches; awakening my senses and bringing me back to the classroom.

  “Hey there, beautiful.” He whispers, waking me from my reverie.

  My face reddens and I’m thankful he can’t read my mind.

  “Oh, hi.” I smile, but still feel distracted.

  “Penny for your thoughts.” He smiles, his eyes even more dazzling because of the cobalt blue sweater he wears.

  “Just homework, this class, not having enough time in the day to get everything done.” I only tell him my earlier thoughts.

  “I see.” He nods to the stacks of papers on my desk. “Milton might as well have you teach the class. Looks like you’re doing most of his work or all of it.”

  I shrug. “I’m happy to help out.”

  “I was thinking.” He leans his chin into the palm of his hand. “Did you come up with anything?”

  Leaning back in my seat, I squint my eyes at him. “You lost me. Anything? I’m not sure what you’re talking about. You want me to help you with this Shakespeare class?”

  “Hm. That’s a thought. I remember hoping to hire you as a tutor before, but you turned me down because I wasn’t in any of your classes. Now that I am, I really could use your help…probably every night, including weekends.” He smiles.

  I roll my eyes. “Tutor? If I remember correctly, you really wanted to hire me as a French maid.”

  He bites his lower lip, briefly. “True.”

  “So, when you asked if I had come up with anything. You were talking about your silly job proposals again? I have to say I will give you points for tenacity.” I shake my head and smile.

  “No. I wasn’t talking about that. You got me distracted…as usual…when you mentioned tutoring. Although I do admit that it’s a stellar plan. And if you’re up for it, I’m certainly willing to agree.”

  I laugh. “You’re confusing.”

  “Sorry. I was referring to “anything” from your text the other night. I said I’d do anything to get you back and you said you’d have to think about it. Does that sound familiar or did I just dream about it…which could very well be the case.”

  “Oh, right. I did think about it.” My lips pinch up into a slight smile.

  “And?” He blinks, warily, I think.

  “We can talk about it later.” I arch my brow.

  “You can’t do that.” He shakes his head, slightly.

  “I can’t do what?” Although I know exactly what he’s talking about, I’m just toying with him.

  “I think you know exactly what I’m talking about. Do you enjoy watching me squirm?”

  “All’s fair in love and war.” I smile, smartly.

  “I think I prefer the saying, ‘all’s well that ends well.’”

  I smile. “Shakespeare. You certainly don’t need a tutor and that’s one of my favorite plays and favorite expressions as well. I’m kidding you about the love and war. And, as far as coming up with ideas I have a few, I just haven’t narrowed it down to one. Is it me or is Dr. Milton really late?”

  “He’s late…thankfully…now I have more than just a few minutes to talk to you without being interrupted or you running from me.”

  “Please tell me you aren’t the cause of him being late.” I look at him suspiciously.

  He laughs. “No. But that’s another brilliant idea.”

  I glare at him.

; “I’m kidding.” He chuckles.

  At that moment, Chloe comes barreling into the classroom, holding one notebook and a pen. She first glances at the podium; then seeing the professor isn’t here yet, she lets out a very audible breath. Looking towards the rows of seats, her eyes meet mine. She grins and waves then quickly moves, her bob swinging, to the empty seat beside me, where she sat last week.

  She slides into the seat, glancing from Logan to me, she raises her eyebrows. “Hi, Emilia. How’s it going?” She smiles, her words casual, but with a hidden meaning: are you two back together or what?

  “Hi, Chloe. Late night?” I tease. Something about her puts me so at ease. It’s like we were friends in another life.

  She nods. “Hey, can’t give me too much grief. I’m here, aren’t I? Even beat Mr. Cranky Pants.” I laugh in agreement over her nickname for Dr. Milton.

  “What-ever. You’re such a slacker.” I giggle.

  She laughs. “And proud of it. By the way, I forgot my textbook again. Do you mind if we share?”

  I laugh. “Sure.”

  “I was hoping to see you out this weekend, but from the looks of all this crap…” She nods in the direction of the stack of papers on my desk. “You probably spent most of it in the library. Please tell me we just had a paper to do on Hamlet.”

  “We did. This other stuff is for Milton. I’m helping him this session.”

  “Sucks to be you.” She looks at me with a combination of shock and pity.

  I laugh. “I think I might have to agree with you.”

  She glances quickly over at Logan and then focuses back on me. She pauses a second then leans forward. “Doesn’t entirely suck to be you. If you know what I mean.” She cocks an eyebrow. “Intro, por favor.”

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry.” I look towards Logan. “Logan, this is Chloe.” Then I glance back in her direction. “Chloe, Logan.”

  Chloe is like a giddy teenager. “Hi.” She squeaks. “Sooo nice to meet you. I’ve seen you around before and I’ve stayed at your hotels. I love them…especially the beds…they’re so soft and comfy…makes you just want to stay in them all day and have sex…and God, someone stop me.”

  Logan laughs. “You’re fine. I’m glad you like the beds so much.”

  I glance at Chloe and her face is as bright as a tomato. “Shit. I didn’t mean to ramble like that. I just meant to say the beds are nice…really nice. Okay, someone please shoot me. Now.”

  “Just to let you in on a little secret…” I point my thumb in Logan’s direction and whisper. “He’s one of the biggest perverts you’ll ever meet so don’t worry about offending him. Ever.”

  “Don’t think I didn’t hear that.” Logan teases. “You know you like my bawdy sense of humor…besides you’re the one selling all that sex wax.”

  Chloe’s mouth drops open and she looks at me. “Sex wax? Sounds kinky. My boyfriend and I are always off and on but maybe if I buy some of that from you we’d be…permanently on.”

  I shake my head and smile. “Sex wax has nothing to do with sex, Chloe. It’s for surfboards. I work at a surf shop in town.” I glare, playfully at Logan.

  “Ohhh.” She laughs. “Well, I really hope I didn’t offend you, Logan. I was just trying to say I’m a fan…a fan of your hotels.”

  “Ha! She’s a fan of you too. Don’t let her fool you. We met and within two minutes she was singing your praises and trying to get us back together.”

  “Chloe, did I tell you how much I like you? Really like you.” Logan smiles at Chloe, who visibly melts in her seat.

  “Well, I like you too…I sort of have a boyfriend.” She squeaks a triumphant squeal. “But I have a friend who I think is perfect for you.” They talk as if I’m not there.

  “I’m listening.” He continues to look at Chloe, ignoring my eye rolling.

  “Well, she’s gorgeous, smart and she sells sex wax, which despite what she tries to tell me about it, it sounds like she knows how to have a good time. I’ve only known her for a short time, but I think we’ll be friends forever and ever.”

  I cough. “Don’t hold your breath.”

  “Sounds like the girl of my dreams.” Logan smiles and finally glances at me.

  The loud chatter of the class is abruptly halted when Professor Milton, with his head down, finally bounds through the door, twenty minutes late.

  He clears his throat, loudly as he makes his way to the podium. Grabbing a piece of paper from his briefcase, he hands it to a student in the front row.

  “Please, write your name down and where you are sitting today. These will be your seating assignments for this session. Pull out your textbooks so we can get started. One more thing, I’ll take your essays at the end of class…just leave them on my desk. Now, who would like to share with the class their thoughts on Hamlet’s soliloquies? And whether or not, you found them to be essential to the action of the play?”

  THE REST OF THE WEEK goes like this: run, classes, homework, study, and repeat. The monotony is beginning to wear on me so Friday night, Bryn and I enjoy a rare and welcome girls’ night in. Neither of us, surprisingly, is in the mood to go out on this rainy, dreary evening. Besides the miserable weather, Josh is gone, home for the weekend because of an uncle’s funeral. This makes Bryn even more amenable to the idea of a quiet night at home.

  We settle in for the night, the fireplace ablaze, with a pile of chick flick films, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, Legally Blonde, and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants to name a few, and a bottle of Pinot. Sitting on the small area rug, our backs propped up against the sofa, we eat out of boxes of Chinese take-out with chopsticks in hand.

  “I so needed a night like this.” Bryn says between bites of Chow Mein and Orange Chicken.

  I nod in agreement, my mouth full.

  Bryn takes a sip of wine and stretches her Lululemon-clad legs out. “It’s good were doing this. You know? We’ll be graduating soon and we won’t have these quiet, stay-at-home nights unless…” She trails off.

  “Unless? I imitate her and slide my legs out, so they are stretched out under the coffee table.

  “Well, I’ve been thinking.” She takes another sip of wine.

  “Uh-oh.” I look at her with a creased brow.

  “Aw, come on. You really think my brilliant ideas are bad?” She asks, pouting.

  “Uh…pretty much…they are a bit sketchy as of late…restraining orders, operation Tyler…” I trail off before she interrupts me.

  “Let me just say the single and ready to mingle idea did work. It got your mind off Logan…briefly…very briefly. Right?”

  “Maybe for a minute.” I bite my lower lip, trying to remember whether or not it did.

  “And, honestly, the restraining order is also a killer idea. It’s not my fault you chickened out. If you had gotten one, you probably wouldn’t be in your current dilemma.”

  “What dilemma?” I act like I don’t know what she’s referring to.

  “The Logan dilemma…of course…whether or not you should get back together with him now or later. Note I said whether or not you should, instead of whether or not you want to. But that being said I do think you should take your time. Okay, we’ll discuss that later…what was I saying?” She pauses a beat. “Oh, right. I have damn good ideas and this one takes the cake.” She smiles.

  “Okay. Let’s hear it.” I roll on my side and rest my arm on the couch.

  “You remember how I told you my mom was trying to help me land this gig in Los Angeles’ fashion district?” She asks as her voice squeaks with excitement.

  “As a buyer’s assistant, right?”

  “Exactly. Well, it’s now definitely going to happen.”

  I interrupt her. “Oh my gosh, Bryn! That’s so exciting…congratulations.” I give her a hug.

  “Wait, that’s not even the best part.” She can barely contain herself. “My mom and dad are buying a luxury condo on Spring Street. You know what that means, right? We can still be roommates once we graduate!”
She beams.

  “That sounds fantastic Bryn, but…” I start to say but she stops me from finishing.

  “I know you don’t have a job lined up yet but you will and then we can keep living together…isn’t that awesome? So, you’ll say yes?”

  “Of course, as long as I get a job in L.A.”

  She leans forward and gives me a quick hug. “Don’t worry. You will.”

  “What about Josh?” I ask.

  “He’s hoping to move nearby.” She says and then quickly changes the subject. “So, what’s the latest with you and Logan?”

  “Not so fast, missy. Nearby? How nearby?” I grab my glass of wine and take another sip.

  “Okay. So, he might be a roommate too…depends on how the rest of the year goes and his job situation. But I promise you the place is huge…there’s plenty of room so we can all have our own space.”

  “It isn’t the space I’m worried about…it’s the walls…are they thick?” I tease.

  She laughs. “I’m sure they are thicker than the walls in this old house and his place. It’s a newer building so the walls are probably a bit more soundproof.” She takes a bite of a spring roll. “Now, will you tell me?”

  “Tell you?” She pulls the throw blanket off the sofa and wraps it around her. “It’s freezing.”

  “I know…this house has thin walls and no insulation.” She moves towards the fire and tosses another log on it, causing the flames to rise. “Better?” She asks and plops down on the sofa.

  I nod as I crawl up on the couch, facing her.

  Bryn continues. “I’m talking about Logan. What’s going on? You two were awfully quiet when we walked home with you last weekend.”

  “Well…I’m definitely a believer in second chances.” I say, nervously chewing on my lower lip.

  “Tell me something I don’t already know. Hey, hang on a minute. Did you two already get back together? You know I’m seriously going to be pissed at you if you did and you didn’t tell me as soon as it happened.” She pouts and pokes me in the arm.


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