Waiting for Romeo

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Waiting for Romeo Page 13

by Diane Mannino

  He glances at me and I smile before he turns his attention back on the road ahead of us. “And how about these lines: ‘Your eyes, they shine so bright. I want to save that light. I can’t escape this now. Unless you show me how.’ I don’t think they sound like I’m warding you off…sounds quite the opposite to me.”

  “I should have had Stan drive us today.” He adds.

  “Why?” I wonder.

  “I want to make sure you understand my sincerity. It’s hard to get that across when I’m driving.” He chuckles. “My point is this…I like this song…yes, I have demons as do most people, but that’s all. I think you’re reading too much into it.”

  “Yes. I tend to do that.” I laugh.

  “I can only imagine what your analysis is on some of those other songs.” He cocks an eyebrow. “So, are you going to let me know what I’m in for today? I’m guessing we aren’t exploring Solvang’s Danish roots.”

  He’s referring to downtown Solvang, a charming Danish-styled village, filled with quaint bakeries and restaurants.

  I laugh. “No. Have you heard of Red Rock?”

  “We’re going hiking?” He asks.

  “Kind of…we have to hike a bit to get to where we are going. There’s this amazing spot where we’re going to cliff-jump.”

  He quickly glances at me. “Hm. Now I see why Bryn is so concerned.”

  “You’re going to take her side?” I ask.

  “Well, you are the most accident prone girl I have ever met in my entire life. You are aware of that?”

  I shrug. “I’ve had a few.”

  “A few? Pretty much anything you do results in an accident.”

  I huff an annoyed breath.

  He ignores me and continues. “Running at the track, surfing, swimming, running in the rain, just walking down a flight of stairs…I can recollect you either falling, fainting, and or bumping your head.”

  “There are logical explanations for all of those.” I pout.

  He gives me an amused look. “Logical?”

  “So you’re bailing on me?”

  “I didn’t say that. I’m just saying you don’t have a good track record.”

  “I have an excellent track record.” I say, smartly.

  “You know what I mean.” He pauses a second and then continues. “Does your dad know about this?”

  “What do you think?” I snap and then immediately feel guilty. “I’m sorry. Bryn has been on my case non-stop about this and now you’re giving me a hard time. It’s just something I’ve always wanted to do. But if you aren’t up for it…I understand.”

  “I told you I would do anything to get you back so believe me I’m not backing out of it. Why don’t I jump and you can watch me?”

  I laugh. “I appreciate your concern, but what’s the fun in that? Please stop worrying. I checked everything…the water conditions are perfect, it’s a beautiful day and we’re together. What more could you want?” I flutter my eyelashes at him.

  “Perhaps something a little less dangerous for you.” He smiles as he turns the car into the parking lot off Paradise Road alongside the Santa Ynez River.

  “Sometimes you have to fly into the face of danger. One of my favorite quotes is from Emerson: ‘A great part of courage is the courage having done the thing before.’”

  Logan switches off the engine and turns towards me. “Yes, but I doubt he was referring to cliff-jumping.”

  I shift so we are face to face. “I promise it’ll be fun. Besides, I think I recall you telling me how much you enjoy catching me when I fall…now I’ll just be falling from a cliff.”

  He leans close. His hand reaches and twists my hair, pulling me towards his lips. His mouth is demanding, his tongue pushes into my mouth, but in an instant he pulls back, leaving me wanting more.

  “I’ve already fallen in love with you. Isn’t that enough falling?” He whispers, but before I can reply he continues. “But you’ve got your mind made up and a promise is a promise.”

  “And then we can make up for lost time.” I breathe and watch his reaction, knowing this would please him.

  He smiles. “Well, why didn’t you say that in the first place?” He then kisses me briefly and climbs out of the car. Opening the passenger door for me, he takes my hand in his and pulls me gently into his arms.

  “You’ve quickly changed your tune…you seem quite eager now.” I smile up at him.

  “Eager to please, Miss King. Which way to the cliff?” His voice is gruff.

  This isn’t something I ever thought I’d hear from Logan, let alone anyone. But the way he says it makes me almost want to skip the cliff jumping all together and get right to the making up for lost time.


  WE HIKE AMONG the moss covered oak trees, sloshing through creeks in some areas, his hand around my waist or gently brushing my back like I’m some fragile creature that might break into a million pieces. I’m touched by his endless warnings telling me: “Be careful” or “This is slippery” or “Take my hand so you don’t fall” instead of being annoyed because I know it’s because he cares. I smile at him when he says these things, but I don’t think he knows I have him pegged or maybe he does and it’s simply the truth.

  Besides Logan’s occasional concerned warnings, we walk in silence. The sun shines above us and filters through the trees, affecting the color of each ray of light like a kaleidoscope. When the light hits the water, it creates glistening flashes that remind me of sparklers, those popular fireworks every child has used at some point. The overall effect is breathtaking then I glance over at Logan and realize the beautiful scenery isn’t the only heart-stopping view.

  When we finally make it to the top of the fifty-foot cliff, I congratulate myself for not getting hurt. I didn’t fall, trip, or do anything else to cause any injury. We are at the top of the cliff, Logan’s arms tightly around my waist, looking down when I think maybe I should have waited to pat myself on the back.

  “You’re sure about this?” He asks, looking down at the turquoise waters below.

  “This one’s good or we could always jump from that one.” I point up towards a cliff that’s twice as high.

  “This one is good.” He agrees.

  “It’s good we’re doing this now since we just had all that rain. Sometimes the water level is low and that’s what makes it so dangerous.”

  “That’s what makes it dangerous?” He teases.

  “You want me to go first?”

  He pulls me so that we are facing each other. “Who would catch you, then? I’ll go first.” He smiles.

  When he yanks his shirt over his head, I do the same. We leave our small pile of clothes and my bag with my towel and cell behind a large rock. He takes my hand as we walk towards the edge of the cliff. Pulling me tight against him, he leans down slowly and his lips touch mine. His kiss deepens and when I reach my hand into his hair, drawing him closer, I hear his soft moan.

  With his hands still around my back, he leans back. “More of this soon.” He kisses me on my nose. “Thus with a kiss I die.” He smiles down at me, making sure I get his reference.

  I gaze up at him and shake my head. “Romeo’s final words. Don’t say that…you’ll jinx us!”

  He laughs. “Okay then, see you soon or I could say catch you later…I’ve got it…catch you soon.”

  “Just jump before I push you.” I tease. “Standing up here is nerve-racking enough without you quoting Romeo and Juliet before they die.”

  “Fair enough.” He leans down and kisses me on the forehead then takes his hands off my waist and moves closer to the edge. “See you in a minute and that’s when the fun will really start.”

  He smiles and then turns, flipping off the side of the cliff. Of course, he just can’t jump. I laugh, nervously. When he hits the water like a pencil, the splash is light. He makes it look so effortless. He resurfaces and looks up at me smiling.

  “Show-off.” I shout down at him.

  His laugh echo
es, bouncing off the surrounding rocks. “Your turn.”

  I nod and smile. Ignoring the butterflies surfacing in my stomach, I jump. It all happens so fast and no sooner then I jump, I’m hitting the water. The freezing water takes my breath away and makes me gasp under water. Opening my eyes, I’m surrounded by hundreds of tiny little bubbles as I push up to the surface. Suddenly I’m aware of Logan’s arms around me as I blink and catch my breath.

  He pulls me closer and because I’m happy for the warmth of his body in response I wrap my legs around his waist. His lips are warm and demanding. Both my hands are in his hair, as I moan into his mouth. He grabs me by my hips holding me tighter against his firm, muscular body. It’s hard for me to breathe. But I tighten my grip around him even more because I’m slipping off him and the water is so bone-chillingly cold.

  “I don’t want to ever lose you again, baby.” He breathes in my ear. Sliding one hand around my waist, the other hand grasps my hip, pulling me closer to him. “My demons are in the past. I won’t let them or anyone for that matter get in the way of us. Do you understand?”

  I nod and shiver. “Yes. By the way, nice catch.”

  “Always happy to be of service. Now, let me get you out of here before you freeze to death.”

  He carries me through the water until we reach the rocks on the side. Climbing out, we make our way back to our belongings and he quickly wraps a towel around me. He places the other towel on one of the few flat rock surfaces in the sun. I quickly text Bryn, letting her know I’m still alive so she can stop worrying and then we both lie on the towel.

  We’re on our sides, facing each other, just a couple inches apart. His fingers trail along my arm down my side. His touch is so light when he skims my waist and hip, sending delicious shivers down my spine. Leaning forward he touches his lips to my bare shoulder and I sigh as I lay my head down, gazing up at him.

  “Are you warm enough?” He continues lightly touching my body in a slow back and forth motion with his fingers.

  “Yes.” I breathe.

  “So, was it everything you’ve dreamed of?”

  I giggle. “It was pretty awesome. And you?”

  “Well, there are other things I dream about.” He smiles, wickedly at me.

  “Always with your perverted thoughts. No offense.” I smile.

  He chuckles. “None taken. But it was pretty cool…of course the best part was catching you.”

  “Of course.”

  “Can I ask you something?” He gazes down at me.

  “Since when do you ask permission to ask me something?” I look up at him suspiciously.

  “Since you told me you didn’t want a bossy boyfriend.”

  I smile. “Okay. Shoot.”

  “When I caught you in the rain last weekend, I scared you. I mean really scared you. You looked like you wanted to kill me or at least do some very, serious damage. So, I was wondering if you reacted that way because of what happened to you?”

  I blink at him, thinking for a minute before I answer. “I suppose…maybe a little. I have to think about that. I’m jumpy and I scare easily. I’m out by myself and someone grabs me, I think my reaction was normal.” I shrug.

  “I suppose.”

  “I can tell you this…you know how I have trouble sleeping?” I ask.

  “Not when you’re with me.” He says softly.

  “True. Well, you know how I have trouble sleeping when I’m not with you?”


  “I have flashbacks…I don’t really know I’m having them. I see different images…it happens so fast I don’t really know what I see. I’ve told you I’m supposed to take medication that would help with that…help me sleep better, but I don’t like the way it makes me feel.”

  “You should just move in with me then? Problem solved.”

  “We just got back together a minute ago. I’m not moving in with you.” I laugh.

  “I have another question.”

  “You are quite inquisitive today, and I thought you were just interested in making up for lost time.”

  “Hm. Believe me. I am. But I also want to know you better. Weren’t you the one who said we needed to get to know each other better?” He asks.

  “Yes and you said something like we do in more ways than one.”

  “I think you’re more interested in making up for lost time. Am I right?” He asks softly.

  “Maybe.” I breathe.

  “Just one other question that has been on my mind and I really need to know the answer so we can move forward.”

  I swallow. “Okay.”

  “That night in the hallway, Bryn yelled that you were raped when you told me you were sexually abused. Why didn’t you tell me the truth?” He says, quietly.

  I blink at him. “I don’t like talking about it.”

  “I know, baby. But I need to understand.”

  “It happened just once…so long ago.” I whisper. “I may not have told you everything, but I told you more than I’ve ever told anyone…my dad and Bryn are the only people here that know about what happened. We moved away…started a new life to get away from all of that. Besides, we hadn’t known each other for that long. I didn’t want to unload all my baggage on you and have you running for the hills.”

  “I can understand that. But you lost your mom and I know you looked after your dad. Who looked after you?”

  “My dad did…as much as he could.” I shrug.

  “I want to look after you.” He caresses my cheek.

  I smile at him. “I’ve learned to look after myself. I decided a long time ago, not to be a quitter…some days are harder than others, but you only have one life, right?

  “You know you never cease to amaze me, Emilia.”

  “Are you done with your questioning so we can get on to more important matters?” I hold his gaze, smiling, slowly.

  “You know how your flirting turns me on.” He grabs my hips and pulls me to him. “Actually, everything you do turns me on.” His hands are in my hair as his mouth claims mine. He rolls me above him as my hands grasp onto his hard biceps to steady myself. His tongue moves with soft, sensuous strokes around mine. I kiss him harder, coaxing his tongue to delve deeper into the back of my mouth.

  We roll again and now he’s on top of me. His lips move along my jaw and down my neck. Tilting my neck back, I give him room to explore, his lips and tongue tasting my neck in his entirety. When he moves towards my ear and softly nibbles the fleshy part of my earlobe, my head swims, leaving me breathless.

  Quickly, his mouth is back on mine and just when I think I might faint from the intensity he softens his hold. His lips brush mine, slowly, tenderly as we roll together on our sides. One of my legs wraps around his as his hand drifts along my bare hips and my thigh, then repeats the motion. His lips move, slowly on mine, until he’s barely brushing them. My eyes are closed when he gently kisses one and then the other. Opening them, his intense blue eyes are staring back at mine.

  My lips curl up into a slight smile.

  “It’s getting late.” He says, softly.

  “We need to go?” I gaze at him.

  “Now, that we’re officially back on. Do you have plans tonight or was this all some sort of a ruse to get me to just jump off a cliff with you?”

  I laugh. “What did you have in mind?”


  “Italian? I suggest.

  “Whatever you want. I’m starved.” He stands, pulling me up with him.

  “I’m starved too, but not just for food.” I smile up at him.

  “Flirting again? What shall we do about that?”

  “I couldn’t resist.” I laugh.

  He gazes down at me. “We better go before I get lost in you all over again and it gets dark. Besides I don’t want you getting too comfortable and falling asleep out here.”

  “But that only happens when you’re talking about your business major.” I joke.

  “True. I’d rather not take any chances.
Now, that I’ve done your anything to get you back, we have all the time in the world to continue with our making up for lost time.”

  MY STOMACH GROWLS in loud protest just as we sit down in the same spot, Bryn and I ate last weekend. On our way home from Red Rock, I texted Bryn and found out she and Josh were going to dinner and a movie so we decided to bring our take-out here instead of his place, mostly because I wanted to change out of my bathing suit. We sit side by side, our backs leaning against the couch, devouring Fettuccine Bolognese, Pizza Margherita, and a mixed green salad from Trattoria Mollie. We sip a light, crisp bottle of Pinot as we eat in silence while Graffiti 6 “This Man” plays softly in the background. Our legs our stretched out in front of us; we are both barefoot.

  Logan is the first to break the silence. “Do you remember when we first had takeout from Mollie’s?” He says before taking another bite of pasta.

  I laugh. “When you showed up unannounced at my door. If I remember correctly, you were challenging me on my running abilities. You said something, cocky as usual.” I pause and glance at his amused look.

  “You misinterpret my cockiness for confidence.”

  “Oh?” I raise a brow, in question.

  “If my memory serves me right, you said I wouldn’t catch you because you are such a fast runner. Right?”

  “Hm.” I nod in agreement while sipping my wine.

  “I just said you were underestimating me and I would, without a doubt, catch you. I don’t think I was being overly cocky. I was just trying to make a point. I didn’t want you to run from me. I didn’t want you to then, and I don’t want you to now.” He emphasizes the last word.

  “So, what about this song? You think I’m trying to…what were your words?” He gazes at me, smiling.

  I open my mouth to defend my earlier song analysis, but before I can speak, he continues.

  “Oh yes, I’m trying to ward you off. Right?” He rests his fork on the plate and then turns so he’s facing me. His eyes sparkle with humor in them…humor at my expense.

  “I don’t think that about all your song choices.” I take a bite of pizza, trying to act indifferent to his mocking words.


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