Waiting for Romeo

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Waiting for Romeo Page 34

by Diane Mannino

  Instead of confronting Seraphina, Logan, thankfully, although a bit unwillingly, avoids her at all cost. Despite her attempts to approach him by showing up at his condo and even knocking on his door, he refuses to speak to her. I know he prefers to tell her to go to hell then give her the silent treatment, but after begging him repeatedly he finally relents.

  Most of the campus is already emptied out as finals are slowly winding down. It’s surprising how your outlook completely changes on studying and exams when you’ve got other life-threatening worries on your mind. Definitely under different circumstances, it would be a welcome change. This is the first trimester where I don’t really give a damn about exams. I just want to get the week over with and get the hell out of dodge. Carpe diem comes to mind almost daily as I count the days down leading up to our day of departure which is now just one day away.

  Bryn’s Spring Break changed drastically when I put a kink in her girls-gone-wild plans and decided to head to New York with Logan. Her rowdy rager is now a couples’ retreat with Chloe, Josh and Tyler. The foursome are hitting the road this afternoon and heading up the coast to Sonoma.

  It’s Friday morning, Logan, Chloe, and I will be taking our last exam: Shakespeare. Bryn’s romantic getaway could start a lot sooner but she’s staying to watch one of my biggest track meets. I’ve been training for it for the last couple months and my dad is even driving up for the day to cheer me on.

  “Bryn, it’s really sweet you want to stay and cheer me on, but it’s totally not necessary.” I say as I grab a yogurt from the refrigerator.

  “I know it’s not necessary. I want to. Besides as much as I’m looking forward to getting away from here, I really don’t know what I’m going to do without you for an entire week.” She sighs. “You’re sure you and Logan don’t want to nix New York and join us.”

  “It sounds fun, but Logan’s family is expecting us…I don’t think they’d think too highly of me if we changed our plans, especially at this point. Plus, I think it would be kind of awkward with Tyler and everything.”

  “Tyler? What do you mean?” She scrunches her face at me and then continues. “You mean because he still has it bad for you?”

  My mouth drops open. “What? No. He’s with Chloe.”

  “Please. I know he’s into Chloe, but that doesn’t change his feelings for you. It’s obvious he’s still hung up on you.” Bryn pours herself another cup of coffee. “Then why do you think it would be awkward?”

  I shrug. “Tyler and Logan get along fine now, but I just think it would be weird…a couples’ getaway is a lot different from all of us hanging out at a party or a bar drinking…does that make sense?”

  “I think my reason makes more sense.” She laughs. “But I see what you’re saying. I still wish you were coming with us.”

  I throw my empty yogurt in the trash. “I’m going to miss you too, girlfriend.” I smile at her. “But there’s definitely one thing I’m not going to miss.”

  “I can probably guess…and I feel the same.” Bryn mutters.

  “The drama.” I lift my backpack and throw it over my shoulder.

  Bryn laughs. “Fuck. Yeah.”

  IT’S ALMOST THREE O’CLOCK when we finish our last exam. One by one the students place their exam packets on Professor Milton’s desk and head out the door. Hearing audible hoots and hollers as my fellow classmates filter into the hallway, I quickly finish my last essay question. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Logan, who is obviously waiting patiently for me doodling a design in the lower corner of his paper.

  “Pens down.” Professor Milton calls from the front of the room.

  Chloe lets out a very dramatic sigh. “Holy crap. I’m glad that’s over with.” She turns to me as we gather our backpacks and head to the front of the room. “How about a celebratory cocktail?” She says, looking at me then Logan who is at my side.

  I laugh. “Love to, Chloe, but I’ve got a race in about an hour.”

  “Oh, that’s right. I’ll come cheer you on and bring a couple celebratory cocktails for you for when you’re done…to celebrate end of exams and for winning your race.” She beams at me.

  I giggle at her enthusiasm. “Don’t jinx me.” I say and in the same moment my phone buzzes. I pull it out of my bag and read the recent text from my dad.

  “Shit.” I mutter more to myself.

  “What’s wrong?” Logan asks just as we are leaving our exams on the desk at the front of the lecture hall.

  “It’s my dad. He’s about twenty minutes from here, but he got a flat tire. He came all this way and now he’ll probably miss the race.” I say, looking up at Logan.

  “I’ll go get him.” Logan says.

  “Are you sure? You don’t mind?” I ask.

  “Of course not.” Logan says. “As long as Chloe doesn’t mind staying with you.” He says, looking towards Chloe.

  “I don’t mind.” Chloe chimes in.

  Professor Milton is just a couple feet away from us when he clears his throat, making us all look in his direction. “Miss King, may I speak to you, privately before you head out?”

  “Sure.” I mutter. I try to not sound annoyed, but I need to change and get to the track. I reassure myself that it’ll be a quick conversation. I’m sure he just wants to thank me for all the work…all his work…I’ve done this trimester.

  “If Chloe can hang out…I better go get your dad. Did he text you where he was?” Logan asks.

  I reread the text from my dad. “He’s on the 101…right near the exit.”

  “Okay.” Logan reaches one hand around my waist and then lowers his head and kisses me softly. “We’ll see you at the track, babe.”

  “Thanks, Logan.” I smile back at him. Tomorrow we will be on a flight to New York. I. Can. Not. Wait. It’s all I can think as I watch him head out of the classroom to get my dad.

  “I’ll meet you outside.” Chloe says. She looks at Professor Milton, whose back faces us, and then to me and lips: “Sucks to be you.”

  I’m pinning my lips to keep from laughing when he turns towards me and the door slams shut just as Chloe heads out of the room. I glance up at the large clock above the whiteboard, it reads: 3:05. I hope this is quick.

  “I know you’re in a hurry, but I just want to personally thank you for all your help this trimester.” He says “personally” and a chill runs down my spine.

  He stares at me and I realize it’s the first time he has ever actually looked me in the eyes. I’ve wondered on a number of occasions if it’s his awkwardness and his lack of social skills that make him stare at the ground when he’s addressing people. It’s interesting to me that someone who doesn’t seem to like to talk to people would choose to be a teacher, but maybe he’s just an introvert. I know I’ve had quite a few teachers who are definitely introverts and are still amazing teachers. Milton definitely doesn’t fall into this category. But maybe Shakespeare isn’t his thing.

  “You’re welcome.” I say, wondering if his eyes are really as green as they look or if he wears contacts.

  “Do you have plans over Spring Break?” He asks as he steps a little closer to me and I find it odd he decides to be more social with me on his last day. I’m definitely looking forward to Professor Meyer’s return.

  My eyes glance up at the clock again and I’m surprised it has only been another minute when it feels like more time has passed. “Um…actually I’m headed to New York tomorrow.” I smile at the thought.

  “Oh, Spring in New York. That’s lovely.” His lips twitch into a small, peculiar smile and I wonder if an unpleasant thought comes to his mind about New York. “Are you traveling with your boyfriend?”

  It’s really none of his business, but I chalk it up to him being a bit awkward as well as just trying to be nice about me helping him this trimester. Although I wish he’d just give me a Starbucks gift card and let me be on my way.

  “Yes.” I pause a second and glance at the clock again. “I’m sorry, Professor Milton, but I have
to get going…”

  “Of course.” He says, coldly. He clears his throat so loudly it startles me. His eyes look to the ground as he shuffles nervously, gathering the exams and stuffing them in his briefcase.

  I have no idea why but he seems offended. Blinking up at him, I hitch my backpack higher up on my shoulder and turn to leave.

  “Well, take care.” I mutter as I open the door. Glancing over my shoulder one last time before I head out, I shrug to myself at Professor Milton’s odd social graces and hope he isn’t so put off by my urgency to leave that he doesn’t give me my well-deserved A in the class.

  The hallway is completely deserted. I glance anxiously around for Chloe and decide she must be waiting for me outside the building. I’m walking down the hall still in a quandary over the bizarre behavior of Milton when my phone buzzes a text message. I pull it out of my back pocket and quickly reply to Logan’s text.

  LOGAN: Hi…Just wanted to let you know I’m with your dad. We’ll see you soon.

  ME: Hi. Thank you :) I don’t know how I can ever repay you…

  LOGAN: I can think of quite a few ways ;)

  ME: I was hoping you might say that :) Tonight?

  LOGAN: Montecito tonight and then New York starting tomorrow.

  ME: Montecito…stars, fondue and…

  LOGAN: Definitely…

  ME: Is this the part where I ask you what you’re wearing?

  LOGAN: I like the way your mind works. See you soon. XX

  I’m typing a reply to Logan when it happens. Shit. From behind me, someone grabs me with force around my waist while the other arm reaches with a damp white rag towards my face. My backpack and phone fall to the ground. I struggle to push away from the person, but between the force of their weight from behind me and the awkward angle, I can’t keep the rag from covering my mouth and nose. The toxic smell is nauseating and I immediately realize its chloroform. If I don’t react fast I will pass out. I struggle and squirm, trying to claw at his hands and arms.

  “Fuck!” A male voice mutters from behind me as I dig my nails deep into his skin. While twisting to break away from the rag, I feel the locket necklace pulled tightly against my neck until it snaps.

  My struggle weakens because of the overwhelming vapors. I try not to breathe in the fumes but I can only hold my breath for so long…on top of that…I had already inhaled a substantial amount before realizing what was going on. I feel so disoriented then all too abruptly everything goes dark.

  IT’S DARK. I CAN’T SEE ANYTHING. I blink my eyes trying to figure out where I am. Am I still alive? Am I waking from a nightmare? My head and body ache. The memories flash in my pounding head: the toxic rag…the struggle…in the distance I hear footsteps. It sounds like they are beneath me. Could I be upstairs? Am I still at the university?

  I’m on the ground and my senses slowly return. I realize my wrists are tied securely with rope behind my back. The rope isn’t very secure and within minutes I loosen it, sliding it off my wrists. Looking around the room, I rub my sore wrists to figure out my escape. There’s one window that’s boarded up but now that my eyes are adjusting to the light I see two doors.

  Immediately, I stand and quietly move towards the door. I turn the doorknob. Locked.

  “Don’t.” I hear from the other side of the door and it catches me so off-guard I practically jump out of my skin. Shit. He has a gun.

  My senses have returned and now instead of being scared, I need to pull myself together and get the hell out of here. “Sebastian.” I call. “I can get you the money. You just need to let me out of here.”

  I figure if I keep talking to him maybe I can convince him. I try for sympathetic and hope I can convince him.

  “Sebastian. Are you okay? I was worried about you. I was waiting to hear from you but you never contacted me. Why don’t you let me out so I can get you the money?” I breathe.

  There’s no response and I hope I’m getting to him.

  “I thought of a good excuse to get Logan to give me the money. Do you want to hear it?” I swallow. “I was going to tell him I need it to start up a business after graduation. I’d like to publish my own magazine and asking him to help me fund it would be perfect. Don’t you think?” I say, trying to sound calm and keeping my nerves at bay.

  I continue. “Look Sebastian, when do you want the money? If you let me go to Logan now, I can probably get it to you by…” I trail off. I have no idea what time it is or even if it’s still the same day. I think of Logan…I know he’s waiting for me.

  Besides Logan, there’s my dad, Bryn, Chloe, and Coach and I wonder what the time is as I reach for my phone, instinctively, out of my back pocket to check the time. My phone isn’t there. Then I remember it falling to the floor along with my backpack. I’m sure they are all in a panic.

  “I can get it to you right away…a couple hours…whatever you want. You have me here so now we can talk…and you can tell me exactly where to meet you.”

  I lean against the door, trying to listen. It’s quiet and then I hear footsteps again. It sounds like they are heading back down the hall.

  “Sebastian. Don’t go.” I call out and fight the urge to throw up. “Please. Let’s talk. You know, I’ve been thinking about your offer. At first I wasn’t really sure about going with you, but after the last couple weeks…things with Logan have gotten really bad. You were right about him and Seraphina.”

  Tears well up into my eyes. The fear and the stress of the last month are draining every last ounce of energy out of me. Blinking into the darkness, I lean against the wall and start to cry. I just want to get away from here. Hell, I’m living a Shakespearean tragedy, I think, if my evil antagonist just didn’t have a gun.

  At the start of the trimester, Bryn joked about my life…shades of Shakespeare. She was referring to my short-lived love triangle and the romantic elements, but little did she know my life would end like a Shakespeare tragedy. Maybe I can change the outcome. I have to at least, try.

  “Please, Sebastian.” I choke. “You have to let me go with you.” I say the words and they just flow out of my mouth like I’ve completely stepped out of my body. “You were right, Logan is getting sick of me. I know now that he needs to be with someone like…like Seraphina.”

  “I agree with you. I think we’d make a good team…just tell me what you want me to do. Do you want more money? Maybe we should get more just so we don’t have to worry about it in the future…what do you think?” I ramble and wonder why he’s not responding. I wonder, too, if he’s holding the gun.

  If he opens the door to talk, I will have my chance to run. I’m sure he thinks my wrists are still tied together. I turned the doorknob before but I could have turned it with my hands tied behind my back. It’ll be a bit more difficult to escape if he’s pointing a gun at me. Shit.

  “Sebastian, please talk to me. I know you want his money and I promise I can get it for you. Then the two of us can leave. It’s just a matter of time when he’ll dump me…just like he dumped you. He doesn’t deserve either of us. You said that and it’s true.”

  I put my ear against the door and I can hear his shoes shuffling on the hardwood floor.

  I decide to play my last card. My voice is quiet and raspy from crying. “I know you think I didn’t like you for a long time. But that was just an act. I’ve always had a thing for you. There’s something about you…I’ve always found you irresistible.” I wish I could see his expression to see if he’s buying my bullshit. He’s quiet and listening so I must be getting to him.

  I swallow. “We’re all alone now. We could make up for loss time.” I fight back the wave of nausea rising in my stomach. “I know you want to and then we can go and get our money. I was thinking we should go to Mexico. What do you think? I think we need to get out of the country so Logan can never track us down. We need to get far, faraway from him and then it would just be you and me…forever. Doesn’t that sound good?”

  Silence. I hear nothing for a few minutes as I
press my ear against the door, waiting…waiting. Then I hear the footsteps moving away, back down the hall, and away from the door.

  “No!” I call. “Sebastian. Please. Sebastian.” I keep calling out until the footsteps stop. “Why don’t you open the door so we can talk?” I say, shakily. I hear the floor creak, as he moves back to the door, and then the turn of a key.

  I step back, bracing myself for my attack and escape.


  “WHY DON’T YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?” He shoves the door open and I’m ready to spring at him except I’m suddenly struck frozen.

  My eyes meet his and even in the dark his almost black eyes burn into mine. How did I not notice it before? I could never forget those eyes. Oh my God. No!

  He slowly steps towards me and I put my hands out to block him.

  “It doesn’t have to be this way.” He whispers, wickedly as he reaches out to grab my wrists. I dodge him and shift closer to the door.

  I quickly make my break to get out of the room, but the blow comes at me so fast and hard. I slam to the ground. My head hits the hardwood with a nauseating and heavy thud. He moves slowly towards me and now it’s my turn to catch him off-guard when I kick him with my leg, hard and swift.

  He trips to the ground and I try to get up on my feet but he grabs my ankle pulling me back to the ground. “Not so fast.” He hisses.

  I scramble away from him, kicking my legs frantically at him.

  “What the hell do you want from me?” I scream at him.

  I know if I can get away from him there’s no way he’ll be able to catch me. Abruptly, he slides me closer to him by yanking on both my ankles. We are both on the floor as he pulls me towards him and I shove my hands against his shoulders, preparing for my attack.


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